Nothing Burger

Tip of the iceberg

More to come

Any day now, any day now.

So far as I can tell, nothing has come out that puts Trump in any jeopardy. It might happen tomorrow, but it hasn't happened today.

It's a disgrace whet they are doing. The Manafort charges date back a decade, the opted to to not go after him until Trump was elected; then they resurrected them and went after him.
Millions of dollars

And still no Russian collusion.
Meeting with Russians in Trump Tower to get dirt on Hillary is text book collusion, you dope.
Right. He agreed to 3-5 years in prison just for shits and giggles.

He agreed so the feds couldn't go after his estate.

Cohen doesn’t have an “estate”. He’s not dead yet.

Cohen plead to avoid extended jail time after the guy he’s lied for, defended, and aided and abetted for over 10 years, threw him to the wolves.

Whatever it is the feds threatened confiscation of assets (happy now)?

This is all of course supposition because no one has any real details of the plea agreement anyway yet.

Yes, the feds can seize assets purchased with the proceeds of crime. Cohen had been doing Dumb Donald’s criminal work for 10 years.

Trump has already thrown Junior under the bus. I have more respect for Flynn who plead out to keep his idiot son from going to jail.

Trump is once again giving interviews and implicating himself in crimes and continuing his obstruction of justice out in the open.

Commenting on things is not obstruction.

It is when you’re the President of the United States and what you’re “commenting” about firing the AG, calling a legitimate investigation which has produced 6 convictions so far, and counting, a “witch hunt” and you’re dangling pardons to prevent defendants from “flipping” on you.
He agreed so the feds couldn't go after his estate.

Cohen doesn’t have an “estate”. He’s not dead yet.

Cohen plead to avoid extended jail time after the guy he’s lied for, defended, and aided and abetted for over 10 years, threw him to the wolves.

Whatever it is the feds threatened confiscation of assets (happy now)?

This is all of course supposition because no one has any real details of the plea agreement anyway yet.

Yes, the feds can seize assets purchased with the proceeds of crime. Cohen had been doing Dumb Donald’s criminal work for 10 years.

Trump has already thrown Junior under the bus. I have more respect for Flynn who plead out to keep his idiot son from going to jail.

Trump is once again giving interviews and implicating himself in crimes and continuing his obstruction of justice out in the open.

Commenting on things is not obstruction.

It is when you’re the President of the United States and what you’re “commenting” about firing the AG, calling a legitimate investigation which has produced 6 convictions so far, and counting, a “witch hunt” and you’re dangling pardons to prevent defendants from “flipping” on you.

No, it isn't.

The AG is a member of his cabinet, and serves at his pleasure.

Witch hunts can produce convictions, still makes it a witch hunt.

And until he actually pardons one of these guys, only then we can ask the question of constitutionality.
Tip of the iceberg

More to come

Any day now, any day now.

So far as I can tell, nothing has come out that puts Trump in any jeopardy. It might happen tomorrow, but it hasn't happened today.

It's a disgrace whet they are doing. The Manafort charges date back a decade, the opted to to not go after him until Trump was elected; then they resurrected them and went after him.
Millions of dollars

And still no Russian collusion.
That is so six months ago

Now we are looking at collusion, obstruction of justice, malfeasance, Money Laundering, campaign fraud
Any day now, any day now.

So far as I can tell, nothing has come out that puts Trump in any jeopardy. It might happen tomorrow, but it hasn't happened today.

It's a disgrace whet they are doing. The Manafort charges date back a decade, the opted to to not go after him until Trump was elected; then they resurrected them and went after him.
Millions of dollars

And still no Russian collusion.
Meeting with Russians in Trump Tower to get dirt on Hillary is text book collusion, you dope.
The key is did he offer anything in return
Any day now, any day now.

So far as I can tell, nothing has come out that puts Trump in any jeopardy. It might happen tomorrow, but it hasn't happened today.

It's a disgrace whet they are doing. The Manafort charges date back a decade, the opted to to not go after him until Trump was elected; then they resurrected them and went after him.
Millions of dollars

And still no Russian collusion.
That is so six months ago

Now we are looking at collusion, obstruction of justice, malfeasance, Money Laundering, campaign fraud

Jesus.... you people need to get a grip.
So far as I can tell, nothing has come out that puts Trump in any jeopardy. It might happen tomorrow, but it hasn't happened today.

It's a disgrace whet they are doing. The Manafort charges date back a decade, the opted to to not go after him until Trump was elected; then they resurrected them and went after him.
Millions of dollars

And still no Russian collusion.
That is so six months ago

Now we are looking at collusion, obstruction of justice, malfeasance, Money Laundering, campaign fraud

Jesus.... you people need to get a grip.

LMAO They are all as excited as can be. They finally think they got Trump.

Wonder what happens when they find out its a big nothing burger??
So far as I can tell, nothing has come out that puts Trump in any jeopardy. It might happen tomorrow, but it hasn't happened today.

It's a disgrace whet they are doing. The Manafort charges date back a decade, the opted to to not go after him until Trump was elected; then they resurrected them and went after him.
Millions of dollars

And still no Russian collusion.
That is so six months ago

Now we are looking at collusion, obstruction of justice, malfeasance, Money Laundering, campaign fraud

Jesus.... you people need to get a grip.
You haven’t been paying attention
It's a disgrace whet they are doing. The Manafort charges date back a decade, the opted to to not go after him until Trump was elected; then they resurrected them and went after him.
Millions of dollars

And still no Russian collusion.
That is so six months ago

Now we are looking at collusion, obstruction of justice, malfeasance, Money Laundering, campaign fraud

Jesus.... you people need to get a grip.

LMAO They are all as excited as can be. They finally think they got Trump.

Wonder what happens when they find out its a big nothing burger??

Trump is in deep shit

Think Nixon
It's a disgrace whet they are doing. The Manafort charges date back a decade, the opted to to not go after him until Trump was elected; then they resurrected them and went after him.
Millions of dollars

And still no Russian collusion.
That is so six months ago

Now we are looking at collusion, obstruction of justice, malfeasance, Money Laundering, campaign fraud

Jesus.... you people need to get a grip.
You haven’t been paying attention

I have, hence my post.
Yep, and so far, nothing is surfacing to confirm your belief that "Manafort has a story to tell."

That doesn’t mean it’s not happening. Mueller leaks nothing.

Given that Manafort was just convicted of 8 felony charges and would have been convicted of all 18 if not for one dumb juror who stubbornly refused to change her vote, but could not explain why she rejected the overwhelming evidence of his guilt.

The second trial will be in DC, where Trump got only 4% of the votes. It’s going to be really difficult to pack a Jury with Trump voters at this trial. Not to mention that it failed abysmally at this last trial. The evidence was THAT overwhelming.

More proof: Mueller handed the Cohen trial off to the prosecutors in the Southern District of New York. He’s handed off the Bustina prosecution off to other prosecutors as well as all of the other ongoing trials. The ONLY prosecution Mueller has retained is Manafort.

That speaks volumes.
Tip of the iceberg

More to come

Any day now, any day now.

So far as I can tell, nothing has come out that puts Trump in any jeopardy. It might happen tomorrow, but it hasn't happened today.

It's a disgrace whet they are doing. The Manafort charges date back a decade, the opted to to not go after him until Trump was elected; then they resurrected them and went after him.

He has much more recent charges. He was convicted, in a court of law, by a jury of his peers. They unanimously convinced him on 8 of 18 counts and had only one holdout on the other 10. Just stop with the “it’s so unfair” malarkey.
That doesn’t mean it’s not happening. Mueller leaks nothing.

Given that Manafort was just convicted of 8 felony charges and would have been convicted of all 18 if not for one dumb juror who stubbornly refused to change her vote, but could not explain why she rejected the overwhelming evidence of his guilt.

The second trial will be in DC, where Trump got only 4% of the votes. It’s going to be really difficult to pack a Jury with Trump voters at this trial. Not to mention that it failed abysmally at this last trial. The evidence was THAT overwhelming.

More proof: Mueller handed the Cohen trial off to the prosecutors in the Southern District of New York. He’s handed off the Bustina prosecution off to other prosecutors as well as all of the other ongoing trials. The ONLY prosecution Mueller has retained is Manafort.

That speaks volumes.
Tip of the iceberg

More to come

Any day now, any day now.

So far as I can tell, nothing has come out that puts Trump in any jeopardy. It might happen tomorrow, but it hasn't happened today.

It's a disgrace whet they are doing. The Manafort charges date back a decade, the opted to to not go after him until Trump was elected; then they resurrected them and went after him.

He has much more recent charges. He was convicted, in a court of law, by a jury of his peers. They unanimously convinced him on 8 of 18 counts and had only one holdout on the other 10. Just stop with the “it’s so unfair” malarkey.

I said no such thing. You totally missed my point.
Millions of dollars

And still no Russian collusion.
That is so six months ago

Now we are looking at collusion, obstruction of justice, malfeasance, Money Laundering, campaign fraud

Jesus.... you people need to get a grip.

LMAO They are all as excited as can be. They finally think they got Trump.

Wonder what happens when they find out its a big nothing burger??

Trump is in deep shit

Think Nixon

OMG you are comparing Trump to Nixon??

You really are a lefty idiot.
Cohen doesn’t have an “estate”. He’s not dead yet.

Cohen plead to avoid extended jail time after the guy he’s lied for, defended, and aided and abetted for over 10 years, threw him to the wolves.

Whatever it is the feds threatened confiscation of assets (happy now)?

This is all of course supposition because no one has any real details of the plea agreement anyway yet.

Yes, the feds can seize assets purchased with the proceeds of crime. Cohen had been doing Dumb Donald’s criminal work for 10 years.

Trump has already thrown Junior under the bus. I have more respect for Flynn who plead out to keep his idiot son from going to jail.

Trump is once again giving interviews and implicating himself in crimes and continuing his obstruction of justice out in the open.

Commenting on things is not obstruction.

It is when you’re the President of the United States and what you’re “commenting” about firing the AG, calling a legitimate investigation which has produced 6 convictions so far, and counting, a “witch hunt” and you’re dangling pardons to prevent defendants from “flipping” on you.

No, it isn't.

The AG is a member of his cabinet, and serves at his pleasure.

Witch hunts can produce convictions, still makes it a witch hunt.

And until he actually pardons one of these guys, only then we can ask the question of constitutionality.

Dangling Parsons is obstruction of justice. That’s what it said in the articles of impeachment against Richard Nixon, even though Nixon didn’t actually pardon anything. It’s telling people to keep their mouths shut and they’ll never spend a day in jail.
Cohen was not convicted you hack, try to get your facts straight before you start a thread and look stupid.
Right. He agreed to 3-5 years in prison just for shits and giggles.

He was not convicted FACT. He pled to something that isn't even a crime FACT. Here this is for you :eusa_boohoo:
If it isn't a crime why is he going to prison?

Because he pled guilty to a charge. A Harvard Law Professor says it's not a crime. Too bad he had such a shitty lawyer, he might be free today if he did.

Many innocent people have pled guilty because the prosecution threatened to hang them by their nutsack if they went to trial.

Plea deals do not mean a crime was committed. It means a charge was rendered and a plea brought forth.
Whatever it is the feds threatened confiscation of assets (happy now)?

This is all of course supposition because no one has any real details of the plea agreement anyway yet.

Yes, the feds can seize assets purchased with the proceeds of crime. Cohen had been doing Dumb Donald’s criminal work for 10 years.

Trump has already thrown Junior under the bus. I have more respect for Flynn who plead out to keep his idiot son from going to jail.

Trump is once again giving interviews and implicating himself in crimes and continuing his obstruction of justice out in the open.

Commenting on things is not obstruction.

It is when you’re the President of the United States and what you’re “commenting” about firing the AG, calling a legitimate investigation which has produced 6 convictions so far, and counting, a “witch hunt” and you’re dangling pardons to prevent defendants from “flipping” on you.

No, it isn't.

The AG is a member of his cabinet, and serves at his pleasure.

Witch hunts can produce convictions, still makes it a witch hunt.

And until he actually pardons one of these guys, only then we can ask the question of constitutionality.

Dangling Parsons is obstruction of justice. That’s what it said in the articles of impeachment against Richard Nixon. It’s telling people to keep their mouths shut and they’ll never spend a day in jail.

It has never been considered before or litigated.

Since the articles were never ratified the law is nowhere near settled.
Cohen doesn’t have an “estate”. He’s not dead yet.

Cohen plead to avoid extended jail time after the guy he’s lied for, defended, and aided and abetted for over 10 years, threw him to the wolves.

Whatever it is the feds threatened confiscation of assets (happy now)?

This is all of course supposition because no one has any real details of the plea agreement anyway yet.

Yes, the feds can seize assets purchased with the proceeds of crime. Cohen had been doing Dumb Donald’s criminal work for 10 years.

Trump has already thrown Junior under the bus. I have more respect for Flynn who plead out to keep his idiot son from going to jail.

Trump is once again giving interviews and implicating himself in crimes and continuing his obstruction of justice out in the open.

Commenting on things is not obstruction.

It is when you’re the President of the United States and what you’re “commenting” about firing the AG, calling a legitimate investigation which has produced 6 convictions so far, and counting, a “witch hunt” and you’re dangling pardons to prevent defendants from “flipping” on you.

No, it isn't.

The AG is a member of his cabinet, and serves at his pleasure.

Witch hunts can produce convictions, still makes it a witch hunt.

And until he actually pardons one of these guys, only then we can ask the question of constitutionality.

And again you’re wrong. It depends on why he fired him. Like the firing of Comey, if fires Sessions to end the Mueller Investigation, it’s obstruction of justice.
Whatever it is the feds threatened confiscation of assets (happy now)?

This is all of course supposition because no one has any real details of the plea agreement anyway yet.

Yes, the feds can seize assets purchased with the proceeds of crime. Cohen had been doing Dumb Donald’s criminal work for 10 years.

Trump has already thrown Junior under the bus. I have more respect for Flynn who plead out to keep his idiot son from going to jail.

Trump is once again giving interviews and implicating himself in crimes and continuing his obstruction of justice out in the open.

Commenting on things is not obstruction.

It is when you’re the President of the United States and what you’re “commenting” about firing the AG, calling a legitimate investigation which has produced 6 convictions so far, and counting, a “witch hunt” and you’re dangling pardons to prevent defendants from “flipping” on you.

No, it isn't.

The AG is a member of his cabinet, and serves at his pleasure.

Witch hunts can produce convictions, still makes it a witch hunt.

And until he actually pardons one of these guys, only then we can ask the question of constitutionality.

And again you’re wrong. It depends on why he fired him. Like the firing of Comey, if fires Sessions to end the Mueller Investigation, it’s obstruction of justice.

And you base that on what legal principle?
Cohen was not convicted you hack, try to get your facts straight before you start a thread and look stupid.
Afraid he is convicted and awaiting sentencing

A guilty plea is a conviction

He plead guilty to campaign violations which are handled under civil law, not criminal law. The Hussein campaign was caught breaking the same laws and they were fined, nobody went to jail even though it envolves much more money than what Cohen.

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