Nothing Burger

So is Mueller going to run off and prosecute based on Cohens claims of Trump collusion?

Itā€™s doubtful. Mueller will follow the playbook used on Nixon. Lay off the President while you indict his coconspirators one by one. Turn his minions and collect damaging testimony and documents against the President.

Concentrate on criminal charges against Kushner and Lil Donnie

Sometime in 2019 or 2020 you spring your trap. Criminal chargres against his son and son in law

Then you lay out your long list of charges against Trump. Obstruction of Justice, Malfeasance, Money Laundering, election tampering ......possibly collusion with Russia

Then you offer the deal Nixon got. Resign and we will drop charges against you, your son and son in law
OMG you are so full of's hilarious you think that's true.
So is Mueller going to run off and prosecute based on Cohens claims of Trump collusion?

Itā€™s doubtful. Mueller will follow the playbook used on Nixon. Lay off the President while you indict his coconspirators one by one. Turn his minions and collect damaging testimony and documents against the President.

Concentrate on criminal charges against Kushner and Lil Donnie

Sometime in 2019 or 2020 you spring your trap. Criminal chargres against his son and son in law

Then you lay out your long list of charges against Trump. Obstruction of Justice, Malfeasance, Money Laundering, election tampering ......possibly collusion with Russia

Then you offer the deal Nixon got. Resign and we will drop charges against you, your son and son in law
/ā€”-/ Nixon didnā€™t have Trumpā€™s lawyers and billions to fight the charges. Besides Watergate actually happened. Collusion not so much.
Since Trump took office, Republicans have chanted in unison....

Nothing Burger, No Collusion, Witch Hunt, Waste of time, Fake News

As Mueller is just starting to reveal what he is finding ......Flynn, Cohen, Manafort have already been convicted

We are seeing Money Laundering, tax fraud, election fraud, obstruction of justice

All without Mueller revealing all the cards he holds

Mueller showed all his cards to CNN
Since Trump took office, Republicans have chanted in unison....

Nothing Burger, No Collusion, Witch Hunt, Waste of time, Fake News

As Mueller is just starting to reveal what he is finding ......Flynn, Cohen, Manafort have already been convicted

We are seeing Money Laundering, tax fraud, election fraud, obstruction of justice

All without Mueller revealing all the cards he holds

And still nothing to do with Trump. And even if he did pay off the hookers? It isn't a campaign violation. Mark Levin went through this on his radio show.

Any conservative Trump supporter knew from day one that the democrats are going to impeach Trump as soon as they get control of the House, there is no doubt or maybe, about this. Trump isn't connected to the Manafort conviction or the Cohen plea deal, and the only collusion with Russians was by hilary, the DNC and the Obama administration...... but they are still going to impeach Trump.

So, if you want the democrats to lose, you have to vote to keep the House in Republican hands, like them or not, and I don't, the only way to push back against these socialist monsters is to keep them out of power with the vote.

Yup. They have already said they were going to try and impeach Trump. For what no one but those imbeciles know.

As you said. Trump had nothing to do with Manafort or Cohen and what they did.

Sure has nothing to do with the Russians and the 2016 elections which is what Mueller investigation is supposed to be about. Haven't heard word one about an collusion between Trump and the Russians and we won't since it didn't happen.

Don't hear any of the lefty idiots on this board talking about Hitlery, Steele, the DNC and Fusion and that dossier they paid for. That's not against the law but it sure shows how low they will go.

Still waiting for the lefty idiots to scream about how honest Hitlery and the DNC are.

Its more conspiracy than collusion.

The investigation continues.

Yes it does and I for one will be glad when this circle jerk is over. What a lot of bullshit.

Iā€™ll be glad when Trump is out of officeā€¦.
Since Trump took office, Republicans have chanted in unison....

Nothing Burger, No Collusion, Witch Hunt, Waste of time, Fake News

As Mueller is just starting to reveal what he is finding ......Flynn, Cohen, Manafort have already been convicted

We are seeing Money Laundering, tax fraud, election fraud, obstruction of justice

All without Mueller revealing all the cards he holds

And still nothing to do with Trump. And even if he did pay off the hookers? It isn't a campaign violation. Mark Levin went through this on his radio show.

Any conservative Trump supporter knew from day one that the democrats are going to impeach Trump as soon as they get control of the House, there is no doubt or maybe, about this. Trump isn't connected to the Manafort conviction or the Cohen plea deal, and the only collusion with Russians was by hilary, the DNC and the Obama administration...... but they are still going to impeach Trump.

So, if you want the democrats to lose, you have to vote to keep the House in Republican hands, like them or not, and I don't, the only way to push back against these socialist monsters is to keep them out of power with the vote.

Yup. They have already said they were going to try and impeach Trump. For what no one but those imbeciles know.

As you said. Trump had nothing to do with Manafort or Cohen and what they did.

Sure has nothing to do with the Russians and the 2016 elections which is what Mueller investigation is supposed to be about. Haven't heard word one about an collusion between Trump and the Russians and we won't since it didn't happen.

Don't hear any of the lefty idiots on this board talking about Hitlery, Steele, the DNC and Fusion and that dossier they paid for. That's not against the law but it sure shows how low they will go.

Still waiting for the lefty idiots to scream about how honest Hitlery and the DNC are.

Its more conspiracy than collusion.

The investigation continues.

Yes it does and I for one will be glad when this circle jerk is over. What a lot of bullshit.

Iā€™ll be glad when Trump is out of officeā€¦.

Yes.... in 2024 it will be good to have President Pence in office.
Cohen was not convicted you hack, try to get your facts straight before you start a thread and look stupid.
Right. He agreed to 3-5 years in prison just for shits and giggles.

He agreed to 3-5 years to avoid prison for up to 65 years and said whatever he had to say in order to get the deal.
That is what criminals do

True. That's why, until there is real proof, it's pointless to think Cohen will bring down Trump. Prosecutors will not build a case around that guy.
Mueller keeps going after things that have nothing to do with someone working with the Russians. He is hoping that he can get Trump on a perjury trap. Funny is how he keeps bypassing or ignoring things done by the other half of the election.
Mueller WOULD investigate the "other half" of the election IF there was any indication that campaign was being assisted by the Russians. The evidence (of which there is plenty) is that Russia was interfering and that their interference was aimed at helping Trump's campaign. Simple.
uh creating a document with British spies using Russian agents for info isn't collaborating with Russia?
The only thing you have on Trump is a meeting where they discussed adoption........
You have to try to keep up with the lies...I know itā€™s hard

Trump has already admitted it was not about adoption
We know they went for dirt....but what WAS DISCUSSED was adoption.....nothing illegal on either count.
you are allowed to dig up dirt on your opponent and you are allowed to discuss adoption.

Who told you what was discussed?
You guys remember that Timothy Geithner committed Tax Fraud, but was made Secretary of Treasury by Obama with full knowledge that he did it???
But it's ok right? Afterall he apologized and said he regretted his Tax "Mistakes".... so it's all good.


He was convicted of tax fraud?

View attachment 212279

So you lied when you said he committed tax fraud.

Whyā€™d you lie?
Cohen was not convicted you hack, try to get your facts straight before you start a thread and look stupid.
Right. He agreed to 3-5 years in prison just for shits and giggles.

He agreed to 3-5 years to avoid prison for up to 65 years and said whatever he had to say in order to get the deal.
That is what criminals do

True. That's why, until there is real proof, it's pointless to think Cohen will bring down Trump. Prosecutors will not build a case around that guy.

They don't want an actual legal case, they are hoping for a fig leaf as an excuse to impeach Trump......that is all this is about.
Since Trump took office, Republicans have chanted in unison....

Nothing Burger, No Collusion, Witch Hunt, Waste of time, Fake News

As Mueller is just starting to reveal what he is finding ......Flynn, Cohen, Manafort have already been convicted

We are seeing Money Laundering, tax fraud, election fraud, obstruction of justice

All without Mueller revealing all the cards he holds

And still nothing to do with Trump. And even if he did pay off the hookers? It isn't a campaign violation. Mark Levin went through this on his radio show.

Any conservative Trump supporter knew from day one that the democrats are going to impeach Trump as soon as they get control of the House, there is no doubt or maybe, about this. Trump isn't connected to the Manafort conviction or the Cohen plea deal, and the only collusion with Russians was by hilary, the DNC and the Obama administration...... but they are still going to impeach Trump.

So, if you want the democrats to lose, you have to vote to keep the House in Republican hands, like them or not, and I don't, the only way to push back against these socialist monsters is to keep them out of power with the vote.

Yup. They have already said they were going to try and impeach Trump. For what no one but those imbeciles know.

As you said. Trump had nothing to do with Manafort or Cohen and what they did.

Sure has nothing to do with the Russians and the 2016 elections which is what Mueller investigation is supposed to be about. Haven't heard word one about an collusion between Trump and the Russians and we won't since it didn't happen.

Don't hear any of the lefty idiots on this board talking about Hitlery, Steele, the DNC and Fusion and that dossier they paid for. That's not against the law but it sure shows how low they will go.

Still waiting for the lefty idiots to scream about how honest Hitlery and the DNC are.

Its more conspiracy than collusion.

The investigation continues.

Yes it does and I for one will be glad when this circle jerk is over. What a lot of bullshit.

Iā€™ll be glad when Trump is out of officeā€¦.

Sorry for you luck but he'll be re-elected in 2020.
Mueller keeps going after things that have nothing to do with someone working with the Russians. He is hoping that he can get Trump on a perjury trap. Funny is how he keeps bypassing or ignoring things done by the other half of the election.
Mueller WOULD investigate the "other half" of the election IF there was any indication that campaign was being assisted by the Russians. The evidence (of which there is plenty) is that Russia was interfering and that their interference was aimed at helping Trump's campaign. Simple.
uh creating a document with British spies using Russian agents for info isn't collaborating with Russia?
The only thing you have on Trump is a meeting where they discussed adoption........
You have to try to keep up with the lies...I know itā€™s hard

Trump has already admitted it was not about adoption

The lady apparently lied and said it was about one thing, but it turned out to be about another thing.
And still nothing to do with Trump. And even if he did pay off the hookers? It isn't a campaign violation. Mark Levin went through this on his radio show.

Any conservative Trump supporter knew from day one that the democrats are going to impeach Trump as soon as they get control of the House, there is no doubt or maybe, about this. Trump isn't connected to the Manafort conviction or the Cohen plea deal, and the only collusion with Russians was by hilary, the DNC and the Obama administration...... but they are still going to impeach Trump.

So, if you want the democrats to lose, you have to vote to keep the House in Republican hands, like them or not, and I don't, the only way to push back against these socialist monsters is to keep them out of power with the vote.

Yup. They have already said they were going to try and impeach Trump. For what no one but those imbeciles know.

As you said. Trump had nothing to do with Manafort or Cohen and what they did.

Sure has nothing to do with the Russians and the 2016 elections which is what Mueller investigation is supposed to be about. Haven't heard word one about an collusion between Trump and the Russians and we won't since it didn't happen.

Don't hear any of the lefty idiots on this board talking about Hitlery, Steele, the DNC and Fusion and that dossier they paid for. That's not against the law but it sure shows how low they will go.

Still waiting for the lefty idiots to scream about how honest Hitlery and the DNC are.

Its more conspiracy than collusion.

The investigation continues.

Yes it does and I for one will be glad when this circle jerk is over. What a lot of bullshit.

Iā€™ll be glad when Trump is out of officeā€¦.

Sorry for you luck but he'll be re-elected in 2020.

Time will tell.
Yeah but where is the collusion? You almost gotta laugh at the technical charges Cohen pleaded to. Wait until a special council starts investigating the biggest political money laundering scheme in history, the Clinton Foundation. Will Sessions have the balls to prosecute the Clintons? We will see
Yup. They have already said they were going to try and impeach Trump. For what no one but those imbeciles know.

As you said. Trump had nothing to do with Manafort or Cohen and what they did.

Sure has nothing to do with the Russians and the 2016 elections which is what Mueller investigation is supposed to be about. Haven't heard word one about an collusion between Trump and the Russians and we won't since it didn't happen.

Don't hear any of the lefty idiots on this board talking about Hitlery, Steele, the DNC and Fusion and that dossier they paid for. That's not against the law but it sure shows how low they will go.

Still waiting for the lefty idiots to scream about how honest Hitlery and the DNC are.

Its more conspiracy than collusion.

The investigation continues.

Yes it does and I for one will be glad when this circle jerk is over. What a lot of bullshit.

Iā€™ll be glad when Trump is out of officeā€¦.

Sorry for you luck but he'll be re-elected in 2020.

Time will tell.

Yes, it will.
And still nothing to do with Trump. And even if he did pay off the hookers? It isn't a campaign violation. Mark Levin went through this on his radio show.

Any conservative Trump supporter knew from day one that the democrats are going to impeach Trump as soon as they get control of the House, there is no doubt or maybe, about this. Trump isn't connected to the Manafort conviction or the Cohen plea deal, and the only collusion with Russians was by hilary, the DNC and the Obama administration...... but they are still going to impeach Trump.

So, if you want the democrats to lose, you have to vote to keep the House in Republican hands, like them or not, and I don't, the only way to push back against these socialist monsters is to keep them out of power with the vote.

Yup. They have already said they were going to try and impeach Trump. For what no one but those imbeciles know.

As you said. Trump had nothing to do with Manafort or Cohen and what they did.

Sure has nothing to do with the Russians and the 2016 elections which is what Mueller investigation is supposed to be about. Haven't heard word one about an collusion between Trump and the Russians and we won't since it didn't happen.

Don't hear any of the lefty idiots on this board talking about Hitlery, Steele, the DNC and Fusion and that dossier they paid for. That's not against the law but it sure shows how low they will go.

Still waiting for the lefty idiots to scream about how honest Hitlery and the DNC are.

Its more conspiracy than collusion.

The investigation continues.

Yes it does and I for one will be glad when this circle jerk is over. What a lot of bullshit.

Iā€™ll be glad when Trump is out of officeā€¦.

Yes.... in 2024 it will be good to have President Pence in office.

That's when being faithful to your wife will become an impeachable offense.
So is Mueller going to run off and prosecute based on Cohens claims of Trump collusion?

Itā€™s doubtful. Mueller will follow the playbook used on Nixon. Lay off the President while you indict his coconspirators one by one. Turn his minions and collect damaging testimony and documents against the President.

Concentrate on criminal charges against Kushner and Lil Donnie

Sometime in 2019 or 2020 you spring your trap. Criminal chargres against his son and son in law

Then you lay out your long list of charges against Trump. Obstruction of Justice, Malfeasance, Money Laundering, election tampering ......possibly collusion with Russia

Then you offer the deal Nixon got. Resign and we will drop charges against you, your son and son in law
OMG you are so full of's hilarious you think that's true.
You think so?

You really think this is all Mueller has? Mueller is building a case and it just touched Trump. More to come
Yup. They have already said they were going to try and impeach Trump. For what no one but those imbeciles know.

As you said. Trump had nothing to do with Manafort or Cohen and what they did.

Sure has nothing to do with the Russians and the 2016 elections which is what Mueller investigation is supposed to be about. Haven't heard word one about an collusion between Trump and the Russians and we won't since it didn't happen.

Don't hear any of the lefty idiots on this board talking about Hitlery, Steele, the DNC and Fusion and that dossier they paid for. That's not against the law but it sure shows how low they will go.

Still waiting for the lefty idiots to scream about how honest Hitlery and the DNC are.

Its more conspiracy than collusion.

The investigation continues.

Yes it does and I for one will be glad when this circle jerk is over. What a lot of bullshit.

Iā€™ll be glad when Trump is out of officeā€¦.

Yes.... in 2024 it will be good to have President Pence in office.

That's when being faithful to your wife will become an impeachable offense.
Trump wouldnā€™t know
Cohen was not convicted you hack, try to get your facts straight before you start a thread and look stupid.
Right. He agreed to 3-5 years in prison just for shits and giggles.

He agreed to 3-5 years to avoid prison for up to 65 years and said whatever he had to say in order to get the deal.
That is what criminals do

True. That's why, until there is real proof, it's pointless to think Cohen will bring down Trump. Prosecutors will not build a case around that guy.

They don't want an actual legal case, they are hoping for a fig leaf as an excuse to impeach Trump......that is all this is about.
Looks like the fig harvest will be pretty big

You really think yesterday was no big deal and that is all Mueller has to offer?

You guys remind me of Republicans during Watergate. No big deal, nothing Burger, Nixon was not involved

Once Nixonā€™s henchmen were prosecuted all came tumbling down
So is Mueller going to run off and prosecute based on Cohens claims of Trump collusion?

Itā€™s doubtful. Mueller will follow the playbook used on Nixon. Lay off the President while you indict his coconspirators one by one. Turn his minions and collect damaging testimony and documents against the President.

Concentrate on criminal charges against Kushner and Lil Donnie

Sometime in 2019 or 2020 you spring your trap. Criminal chargres against his son and son in law

Then you lay out your long list of charges against Trump. Obstruction of Justice, Malfeasance, Money Laundering, election tampering ......possibly collusion with Russia

Then you offer the deal Nixon got. Resign and we will drop charges against you, your son and son in law
OMG you are so full of's hilarious you think that's true.
You think so?

You really think this is all Mueller has? Mueller is building a case and it just touched Trump. More to come

LMAO You can always hope.
Yeah but where is the collusion? You almost gotta laugh at the technical charges Cohen pleaded to. Wait until a special council starts investigating the biggest political money laundering scheme in history, the Clinton Foundation. Will Sessions have the balls to prosecute the Clintons? We will see

Another Whitewater?

You'd better hope Bill is still horny or ya got nothin'!

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