Nothing Burger

Cohen was not convicted you hack, try to get your facts straight before you start a thread and look stupid.
Right. He agreed to 3-5 years in prison just for shits and giggles.

He agreed to 3-5 years to avoid prison for up to 65 years and said whatever he had to say in order to get the deal.
That is what criminals do

True. That's why, until there is real proof, it's pointless to think Cohen will bring down Trump. Prosecutors will not build a case around that guy.
Of course they won’t. Cohen is just a shot across the bow
Next target is Kushner and Lil Donnie and their dealings with Russia
Its more conspiracy than collusion.

The investigation continues.

Yes it does and I for one will be glad when this circle jerk is over. What a lot of bullshit.

I’ll be glad when Trump is out of office….

Yes.... in 2024 it will be good to have President Pence in office.

That's when being faithful to your wife will become an impeachable offense.
Trump wouldn’t know

Pence, however, does, and when he's elected, all of a sudden being faithful will become icky to the haters. If you think they're bad when Trump gives them ammunition, wait until they have to make up stuff.
And still nothing to do with Trump. And even if he did pay off the hookers? It isn't a campaign violation. Mark Levin went through this on his radio show.

Any conservative Trump supporter knew from day one that the democrats are going to impeach Trump as soon as they get control of the House, there is no doubt or maybe, about this. Trump isn't connected to the Manafort conviction or the Cohen plea deal, and the only collusion with Russians was by hilary, the DNC and the Obama administration...... but they are still going to impeach Trump.

So, if you want the democrats to lose, you have to vote to keep the House in Republican hands, like them or not, and I don't, the only way to push back against these socialist monsters is to keep them out of power with the vote.

Yup. They have already said they were going to try and impeach Trump. For what no one but those imbeciles know.

As you said. Trump had nothing to do with Manafort or Cohen and what they did.

Sure has nothing to do with the Russians and the 2016 elections which is what Mueller investigation is supposed to be about. Haven't heard word one about an collusion between Trump and the Russians and we won't since it didn't happen.

Don't hear any of the lefty idiots on this board talking about Hitlery, Steele, the DNC and Fusion and that dossier they paid for. That's not against the law but it sure shows how low they will go.

Still waiting for the lefty idiots to scream about how honest Hitlery and the DNC are.

Its more conspiracy than collusion.

The investigation continues.

Yes it does and I for one will be glad when this circle jerk is over. What a lot of bullshit.

I’ll be glad when Trump is out of office….

Yes.... in 2024 it will be good to have President Pence in office.

Ford did not do too well after Nixon
If Trump is forced to resign in 2020, Pence will take over and have to take the fall for Republicans in the 2020 election
And still nothing to do with Trump. And even if he did pay off the hookers? It isn't a campaign violation. Mark Levin went through this on his radio show.

Any conservative Trump supporter knew from day one that the democrats are going to impeach Trump as soon as they get control of the House, there is no doubt or maybe, about this. Trump isn't connected to the Manafort conviction or the Cohen plea deal, and the only collusion with Russians was by hilary, the DNC and the Obama administration...... but they are still going to impeach Trump.

So, if you want the democrats to lose, you have to vote to keep the House in Republican hands, like them or not, and I don't, the only way to push back against these socialist monsters is to keep them out of power with the vote.

Yup. They have already said they were going to try and impeach Trump. For what no one but those imbeciles know.

As you said. Trump had nothing to do with Manafort or Cohen and what they did.

Sure has nothing to do with the Russians and the 2016 elections which is what Mueller investigation is supposed to be about. Haven't heard word one about an collusion between Trump and the Russians and we won't since it didn't happen.

Don't hear any of the lefty idiots on this board talking about Hitlery, Steele, the DNC and Fusion and that dossier they paid for. That's not against the law but it sure shows how low they will go.

Still waiting for the lefty idiots to scream about how honest Hitlery and the DNC are.

Its more conspiracy than collusion.

The investigation continues.

Yes it does and I for one will be glad when this circle jerk is over. What a lot of bullshit.

I’ll be glad when Trump is out of office….

Sorry for you luck but he'll be re-elected in 2020.

Cohen was not convicted you hack, try to get your facts straight before you start a thread and look stupid.
Right. He agreed to 3-5 years in prison just for shits and giggles.

He agreed to 3-5 years to avoid prison for up to 65 years and said whatever he had to say in order to get the deal.

Did you know that there are these things called documents and either video or audio recording?

Do you understand that if cohen lied to the judge yesterday all the crimes he was facing immediately return along with a perjury charge?

Do you understand that Mueller won't use anyone in his investigation who is lying and it can be proven lies? Because if they're lying the whole case gets thrown out of court.

Do you understand that Mueller won't indict anyone without proof through documents and recordings?

Those documents and recordings prove the crimes. Otherwise cohen wouldn't have pleaded guilty to those crimes.
Yup. They have already said they were going to try and impeach Trump. For what no one but those imbeciles know.

As you said. Trump had nothing to do with Manafort or Cohen and what they did.

Sure has nothing to do with the Russians and the 2016 elections which is what Mueller investigation is supposed to be about. Haven't heard word one about an collusion between Trump and the Russians and we won't since it didn't happen.

Don't hear any of the lefty idiots on this board talking about Hitlery, Steele, the DNC and Fusion and that dossier they paid for. That's not against the law but it sure shows how low they will go.

Still waiting for the lefty idiots to scream about how honest Hitlery and the DNC are.

Its more conspiracy than collusion.

The investigation continues.

Yes it does and I for one will be glad when this circle jerk is over. What a lot of bullshit.

I’ll be glad when Trump is out of office….

Yes.... in 2024 it will be good to have President Pence in office.

Ford did not do too well after Nixon
If Trump is forced to resign in 2020, Pence will take over and have to take the fall for Republicans in the 2020 election
you're hilarious. Trump will be re-elected in 2020 easily.
Since Trump took office, Republicans have chanted in unison....

Nothing Burger, No Collusion, Witch Hunt, Waste of time, Fake News

As Mueller is just starting to reveal what he is finding ......Flynn, Cohen, Manafort have already been convicted

We are seeing Money Laundering, tax fraud, election fraud, obstruction of justice

All without Mueller revealing all the cards he holds
/----/ All which has nothing to do with Trump collusion. And why is the special prosecutor looking at 12 year old tax returns? Where is the IRS on this?

Because the IRS normally can only go back 7 years from the date of filing the return to audit an individual income tax return.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Since Trump took office, Republicans have chanted in unison....

Nothing Burger, No Collusion, Witch Hunt, Waste of time, Fake News

As Mueller is just starting to reveal what he is finding ......Flynn, Cohen, Manafort have already been convicted

We are seeing Money Laundering, tax fraud, election fraud, obstruction of justice

All without Mueller revealing all the cards he holds
/----/ All which has nothing to do with Trump collusion. And why is the special prosecutor looking at 12 year old tax returns? Where is the IRS on this?

Because the IRS normally can only go back 7 years from the date of filing the return to audit an individual income tax return.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
/----/ How Far Back Can IRS Claim Tax Evasion Or Fraud? Timing Is Everything Finally, you often hear people say that the statute of limitations never runs on fraud. For civil tax fraud, that's true. The IRS can come after you any time. But it's still rare for the IRS to go back too far. Problems of proof are too great, and the IRS bears a high burden of proof in fraud cases, even civil fraud.
Its more conspiracy than collusion.

The investigation continues.

Yes it does and I for one will be glad when this circle jerk is over. What a lot of bullshit.

I’ll be glad when Trump is out of office….

Yes.... in 2024 it will be good to have President Pence in office.

Ford did not do too well after Nixon
If Trump is forced to resign in 2020, Pence will take over and have to take the fall for Republicans in the 2020 election
you're hilarious. Trump will be re-elected in 2020 easily.
From prison?
Yes it does and I for one will be glad when this circle jerk is over. What a lot of bullshit.

I’ll be glad when Trump is out of office….

Yes.... in 2024 it will be good to have President Pence in office.

Ford did not do too well after Nixon
If Trump is forced to resign in 2020, Pence will take over and have to take the fall for Republicans in the 2020 election
you're hilarious. Trump will be re-elected in 2020 easily.
From prison?
I actually laughed out loud at this one.
He won't be in prison, but Hilary might be.
and he'll be President, and Hillary won't be.
Cohen was not convicted you hack, try to get your facts straight before you start a thread and look stupid.
Right. He agreed to 3-5 years in prison just for shits and giggles.

He was not convicted FACT. He pled to something that isn't even a crime FACT. Here this is for you :eusa_boohoo:
I'm no lawyer, but why is he going to prison for 3-5 years if he didn't commit a crime? FACT.

Because they had enough dirt on him to force him to plead down to something else that's not even a crime. Its not a crime, the former head of the FEC says so, as do several legal experts. Flynn took a plea deal because the Feds were bankrupting him with legal costs.
You don’t go to prison for something that is not a crime

Legal experts say you are wrong, so does the former head of the FEC.
Since Trump took office, Republicans have chanted in unison....

Nothing Burger, No Collusion, Witch Hunt, Waste of time, Fake News

As Mueller is just starting to reveal what he is finding ......Flynn, Cohen, Manafort have already been convicted

We are seeing Money Laundering, tax fraud, election fraud, obstruction of justice

All without Mueller revealing all the cards he holds
All that shit happened under OBlamer, also. The leftist media whores conveniently didn't report the shit.
Cohen was not convicted you hack, try to get your facts straight before you start a thread and look stupid.
Right. He agreed to 3-5 years in prison just for shits and giggles.

He was not convicted FACT. He pled to something that isn't even a crime FACT. Here this is for you :eusa_boohoo:
I'm no lawyer, but why is he going to prison for 3-5 years if he didn't commit a crime? FACT.

Because they had enough dirt on him to force him to plead down to something else that's not even a crime. Its not a crime, the former head of the FEC says so, as do several legal experts. Flynn took a plea deal because the Feds were bankrupting him with legal costs.
You don’t go to prison for something that is not a crime

so you now think everyone in prison should be there.......that's an interesting development...
Cohen was not convicted you hack, try to get your facts straight before you start a thread and look stupid.

With Michael Cohen’s Guilty Plea, President Trump Has Been Implicated in a Criminal Conspiracy

Trump is now, formally, implicated in a criminal conspiracy to mislead the American public in order to influence an election. Were he not President, Donald Trump himself would almost certainly be facing charges. This news came in what must be considered the most damaging single hour of a deeply troubled Presidency.

Cohen, the President’s longtime adviser, fixer, and, until recently, personal attorney, told a judge that Trump explicitly instructed him to break campaign-finance laws by paying two women not to publicly disclose the affairs they had with Trump.

The question can no longer be whether the President and those closest to him broke the law. That is settled. Three of the people closest to Trump as he ran for and won the Presidency have now pleaded guilty or have been convicted of significant federal crimes: Michael Cohen, Paul Manafort, and Michael Flynn. The question now becomes far narrower and, for Trump, more troubling: What is the political impact of a President’s criminal liability being established in a federal court? How will Congress respond? And if Congress does not act, how will voters respond in the midterm elections?

With Michael Cohen’s Guilty Plea, President Trump Has Been Implicated in a Criminal Conspiracy
Cohen was not convicted you hack, try to get your facts straight before you start a thread and look stupid.

With Michael Cohen’s Guilty Plea, President Trump Has Been Implicated in a Criminal Conspiracy

Trump is now, formally, implicated in a criminal conspiracy to mislead the American public in order to influence an election. Were he not President, Donald Trump himself would almost certainly be facing charges. This news came in what must be considered the most damaging single hour of a deeply troubled Presidency.

Cohen, the President’s longtime adviser, fixer, and, until recently, personal attorney, told a judge that Trump explicitly instructed him to break campaign-finance laws by paying two women not to publicly disclose the affairs they had with Trump.

The question can no longer be whether the President and those closest to him broke the law. That is settled. Three of the people closest to Trump as he ran for and won the Presidency have now pleaded guilty or have been convicted of significant federal crimes: Michael Cohen, Paul Manafort, and Michael Flynn. The question now becomes far narrower and, for Trump, more troubling: What is the political impact of a President’s criminal liability being established in a federal court? How will Congress respond? And if Congress does not act, how will voters respond in the midterm elections?

With Michael Cohen’s Guilty Plea, President Trump Has Been Implicated in a Criminal Conspiracy

President Trump has NOT been implicated in a criminal conspiracy, stop parroting drivel from idiots at CNN. :icon_rolleyes:
Cohen was not convicted you hack, try to get your facts straight before you start a thread and look stupid.
Right. He agreed to 3-5 years in prison just for shits and giggles.

He was not convicted FACT. He pled to something that isn't even a crime FACT. Here this is for you :eusa_boohoo:

He was not convicted FACT. He pled to something that isn't even a crime FACT. Here this is for you :eusa_boohoo:

Wow! There is truly no limit to how retarded you are willing to be for Trump. Fascinating.
I’ll be glad when Trump is out of office….

Yes.... in 2024 it will be good to have President Pence in office.

Ford did not do too well after Nixon
If Trump is forced to resign in 2020, Pence will take over and have to take the fall for Republicans in the 2020 election
you're hilarious. Trump will be re-elected in 2020 easily.
From prison?
I actually laughed out loud at this one.
He won't be in prison, but Hilary might be.
and he'll be President, and Hillary won't be.
Hillary had 25 years of unwarranted Republican investigation. Resulted in not even an indictment

Trump is not going to do as well. This one is serious. He has never dealt with anyone as tenacious as Mueller
Not only is trump going down, so is his crime family
Cohen was not convicted you hack, try to get your facts straight before you start a thread and look stupid.
Right. He agreed to 3-5 years in prison just for shits and giggles.

He was not convicted FACT. He pled to something that isn't even a crime FACT. Here this is for you :eusa_boohoo:

He was not convicted FACT. He pled to something that isn't even a crime FACT. Here this is for you :eusa_boohoo:

Wow! There is truly no limit to how retarded you are willing to be for Trump. Fascinating.

^^^ thus confirming my suspicion, your law degree was mail order, or you are a Canadian.

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