Nothing Burger

Cohen was not convicted you hack, try to get your facts straight before you start a thread and look stupid.
Right. He agreed to 3-5 years in prison just for shits and giggles.

He was not convicted FACT. He pled to something that isn't even a crime FACT. Here this is for you :eusa_boohoo:
I judge will accept a plea to something that is not a crime FACT
Read this and see if you learn something.
Cohen's plea deal is prosecutor's attempt to set up Trump
Obama 2008 campaign fined $375,000

President Barack Obama’s 2008 campaign was fined $375,000 by the Federal Election Commission for campaign reporting violations — one of the largest fees ever levied against a presidential campaign, POLITICO has learned
Wow! There is truly no limit to how retarded you are willing to be for Trump. Fascinating.

^^^ thus confirming my suspicion, your law degree was mail order, or you are a Canadian.

How can someone plead guilty to a non- crime, dope?

hush payments are not illegal
Well the two counts he's trying to get Trump on, the campaign are they campaign contributions?
Trump reimbursed him and didn't use campaign

These dumb ass liberals jumped to conclusions, ignorantly. Several legal experts including the former head of the FEC have now chimed in pointing out Trump's payoffs to the bimbo's was perfectly legal, these happen all the time, and this did not violate federal election law or any law.

Give them enough rope and they hang themselves.....Chuck Todd calling for impeachment? These people are mentally falling apart

Trump has had them unhinged for nearly 2 years, naturally the left are having a meltdown.
^^^ thus confirming my suspicion, your law degree was mail order, or you are a Canadian.

How can someone plead guilty to a non- crime, dope?

hush payments are not illegal
Well the two counts he's trying to get Trump on, the campaign are they campaign contributions?
Trump reimbursed him and didn't use campaign

These dumb ass liberals jumped to conclusions, ignorantly. Several legal experts including the former head of the FEC have now chimed in pointing out Trump's payoffs to the bimbo's was perfectly legal, these happen all the time, and this did not violate federal election law or any law.

Give them enough rope and they hang themselves.....Chuck Todd calling for impeachment? These people are mentally falling apart

Trump has had them unhinged for nearly 2 years, naturally the left are having a meltdown.
it's hilarious......they are persistent...but clockwork.
Mueller WOULD investigate the "other half" of the election IF there was any indication that campaign was being assisted by the Russians. The evidence (of which there is plenty) is that Russia was interfering and that their interference was aimed at helping Trump's campaign. Simple.
uh creating a document with British spies using Russian agents for info isn't collaborating with Russia?
The only thing you have on Trump is a meeting where they discussed adoption........
You have to try to keep up with the lies...I know it’s hard

Trump has already admitted it was not about adoption
We know they went for dirt....but what WAS DISCUSSED was adoption.....nothing illegal on either count.
you are allowed to dig up dirt on your opponent and you are allowed to discuss adoption.
But you are not allowed to accept help for your campaign from the Russian government. From the emails leading up to that meeting, this was not "news" to Trump, Jr. either. That is NOT allowed.

Al gore got donations from the Chinese.....I didn't hear you guys complain.

But where did he get help from the Russian government?
I guess that is the million dollar question. By scheduling the meeting, he was there with his hands wide open, waiting for the "goods." From the Russian government. The fact that she SUPPOSEDLY talked to them about adoption (pulling Russian sanctions) instead of good dirt on Hillary doesn't at all excuse the fact that the Trump campaign, at its highest levels including the campaign manager, were good with accepting assistance from the Russian government for their campaign. That is actually worth something and I believe it will be part of Mueller's ammunition.
uh creating a document with British spies using Russian agents for info isn't collaborating with Russia?
The only thing you have on Trump is a meeting where they discussed adoption........
You have to try to keep up with the lies...I know it’s hard

Trump has already admitted it was not about adoption
We know they went for dirt....but what WAS DISCUSSED was adoption.....nothing illegal on either count.
you are allowed to dig up dirt on your opponent and you are allowed to discuss adoption.
But you are not allowed to accept help for your campaign from the Russian government. From the emails leading up to that meeting, this was not "news" to Trump, Jr. either. That is NOT allowed.

Al gore got donations from the Chinese.....I didn't hear you guys complain.

But where did he get help from the Russian government?
I guess that is the million dollar question. By scheduling the meeting, he was there with his hands wide open, waiting for the "goods." From the Russian government. The fact that she SUPPOSEDLY talked to them about adoption (pulling Russian sanctions) instead of good dirt on Hillary doesn't at all excuse the fact that the Trump campaign, at its highest levels including the campaign manager, were good with accepting assistance from the Russian government for their campaign. That is actually worth something and I believe it will be part of Mueller's ammunition.
The problem is first this is all they have.
Second adoption was discussed
third they were trying to get dirt
fourth they didn't work for the Russian government

And the coup de grace on this whole thing is Trump has increased sanctions not reduced them, so if it was the Russians (it wasn't) what did they get out of the deal?
Cohen was not convicted you hack, try to get your facts straight before you start a thread and look stupid.
Right. He agreed to 3-5 years in prison just for shits and giggles.

He was not convicted FACT. He pled to something that isn't even a crime FACT. Here this is for you :eusa_boohoo:
I'm no lawyer, but why is he going to prison for 3-5 years if he didn't commit a crime? FACT.

Because the Federal Government has Raw Power, and one of its hench-thugs threatened him with 65 years in prison. Mueller abused his power - and the looks are celebrating.
Read it and weep libs
But former commissioner at the Federal Election Commission, Hans von Spakovsky, said that Cohen’s decision to plead guilty does not necessarily mean Trump violated the law.

This is not a violation because this was not a campaign-related offense,” Spakovsky told Fox News on Wednesday. “Yes, Cohen pleaded guilty to it, yeah Cohen paid it, but then Cohen was reimbursed by Trump.”

The plea deal states that the payments were in fact meant to influence the election, though that could be argued by Trump's lawyers if it ever came to that. Spakovsky said Trump had a history of making these kinds of payments before he was a candidate.

Further, Spakovsky said "a candidate can spend as much of their own money as they want to—even if it was a campaign-related expense.”
Cohen was not convicted you hack, try to get your facts straight before you start a thread and look stupid.
Right. He agreed to 3-5 years in prison just for shits and giggles.

He was not convicted FACT. He pled to something that isn't even a crime FACT. Here this is for you :eusa_boohoo:
I'm no lawyer, but why is he going to prison for 3-5 years if he didn't commit a crime? FACT.

Because the Federal Government has Raw Power, and one of its hench-thugs threatened him with 65 years in prison. Mueller abused his power - and the looks are celebrating.

The left's hopes are once again dashed, within a week or two they will be hating on Mueller.
Cohen was not convicted you hack, try to get your facts straight before you start a thread and look stupid.
Right. He agreed to 3-5 years in prison just for shits and giggles.

He was not convicted FACT. He pled to something that isn't even a crime FACT. Here this is for you :eusa_boohoo:
I'm no lawyer, but why is he going to prison for 3-5 years if he didn't commit a crime? FACT.

Because the Federal Government has Raw Power, and one of its hench-thugs threatened him with 65 years in prison. Mueller abused his power - and the looks are celebrating.

The left's hopes are once again dashed, within a week or two they will be hating on Mueller.

Indeed. If he really wanted to investigate Russian Collusion, the targets would be hiLIARy and the Obama admin.
Cohen was not convicted you hack, try to get your facts straight before you start a thread and look stupid.

With Michael Cohen’s Guilty Plea, President Trump Has Been Implicated in a Criminal Conspiracy

Trump is now, formally, implicated in a criminal conspiracy to mislead the American public in order to influence an election. Were he not President, Donald Trump himself would almost certainly be facing charges. This news came in what must be considered the most damaging single hour of a deeply troubled Presidency.

Cohen, the President’s longtime adviser, fixer, and, until recently, personal attorney, told a judge that Trump explicitly instructed him to break campaign-finance laws by paying two women not to publicly disclose the affairs they had with Trump.

The question can no longer be whether the President and those closest to him broke the law. That is settled. Three of the people closest to Trump as he ran for and won the Presidency have now pleaded guilty or have been convicted of significant federal crimes: Michael Cohen, Paul Manafort, and Michael Flynn. The question now becomes far narrower and, for Trump, more troubling: What is the political impact of a President’s criminal liability being established in a federal court? How will Congress respond? And if Congress does not act, how will voters respond in the midterm elections?

With Michael Cohen’s Guilty Plea, President Trump Has Been Implicated in a Criminal Conspiracy

President Trump has NOT been implicated in a criminal conspiracy, stop parroting drivel from idiots at CNN. :icon_rolleyes:

He was implicated yesterday

As part of his plea deal, Cohen stipulated that he broke the law to influence the 2016 election and that he did so under the direction of Trump
Is that like the filthy ass Democrats saying that Crooked Hillary didn't commit any crimes even thought Comey said she did?
Why are you pointing backward? How can you strut after the convictions of yesterday? Trump has been implicated as a conspirator in a crime. Darker days are coming.

Donald Trump is a scumbag, yet you are not moved to oppose him in the least.

Because it is good to expose the hypocrisy of you stupid Moon Bats.

You didn't give a shit about the crimes of Crooked Hillary, did you? Like idiots you still voted for her, didn't you? What the hell were you morons thinking?

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