Nothing generates unemployment like liberal policy

Another far left drone with their debunked far left religious dogma makes another failed post!

The BLM says he is a liar

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

SHHH!!! Do not post facts, it will make this drones head explode!


Fools should Google before spewing BS
Of course it would help if you morons knew what facts to google!!!!! :asshole:

Oh these irony impaired far left drones and their comments!

OH! The stupidity of Right-wing know-it-alls.
Both LIES! :asshole:

B ush passed to Obama 80 million" drop outs" plus another 12 million unemployed. :asshole:

Another far left drone with their debunked far left religious dogma makes another failed post!

The BLM says he is a liar

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data
Stupid idiots don't even know what Stats to use.

There is nothing in your link to indicate 92 million of anything.

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

12 million unemployed when Bush left office.

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

80.5 million not in labor force when Bush left office.

If 30 million lost their jobs and 92 million "dropped out" under Obamaas the pathological liars say, then there would be 214 million people over age 16 not working now when they are added to Bush's numbers. The ENTIRE civilian labor force over the age 16 is 158.9 million so according to these moronic fools there are 55 million more people over the age of 16 not working than ALL the people over the age of 16 years old combined. :cuckoo:

More far left religious dogma...


Spin it how you want Obama is a failure!

Worse than Bush! And you voted worse than Bush Twice!
Again an ignorant boob who doesn't know the difference between a number and a %.

The lie you are trying to defend is 30 MILLION workers lost their jobs and 92 MILLION workers dropped out of the workforce since Obama took office. That would yield a workforce participation rate of -25% (NEGATIVE twenty-five percent), not a +62.7% rate. :asshole:

And once again the far left show why it is the most dangerous religion on the planet!

They will deny actual factual information for their religious dogma!

SHHH!!! Do not post facts, it will make this drones head explode!


Fools should Google before spewing BS
Of course it would help if you morons knew what facts to google!!!!! :asshole:

Oh these irony impaired far left drones and their comments!

OH! The stupidity of Right-wing know-it-alls.

Anyone not far left is smarter than you, so that makes the bulk of the population as being smarter than you!

Fact is Obama is worse than Bush!
My 16 yr old is working

My 85 year old mother is not.....I blame Obama
Same with my 86 yo MIL...
If it wasn't for Obamas policies, both the old ladies would be working
Riiggghttttt any more lies.........Obamas zero interest rate has bankrupted many interest means retirement money gone presto.......

My 85 year old mother has her money in stocks. She did very well under Obama

day trading millionare. high risk I suppose.
Another far left drone with their debunked far left religious dogma makes another failed post!

The BLM says he is a liar

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data
Stupid idiots don't even know what Stats to use.

There is nothing in your link to indicate 92 million of anything.

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

12 million unemployed when Bush left office.

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

80.5 million not in labor force when Bush left office.

If 30 million lost their jobs and 92 million "dropped out" under Obamaas the pathological liars say, then there would be 214 million people over age 16 not working now when they are added to Bush's numbers. The ENTIRE civilian labor force over the age 16 is 158.9 million so according to these moronic fools there are 55 million more people over the age of 16 not working than ALL the people over the age of 16 years old combined. :cuckoo:

More far left religious dogma...


Spin it how you want Obama is a failure!

Worse than Bush! And you voted worse than Bush Twice!
Again an ignorant boob who doesn't know the difference between a number and a %.

The lie you are trying to defend is 30 MILLION workers lost their jobs and 92 MILLION workers dropped out of the workforce since Obama took office. That would yield a workforce participation rate of -25% (NEGATIVE twenty-five percent), not a +62.7% rate. :asshole:

And once again the far left show why it is the most dangerous religion on the planet!

They will deny actual factual information for their religious dogma!
You have NO factual information to back up your LIE that 30 million workers lost their jobs and 90 million workers dropped out of the workforce since Obama became president. That would be a reduction of 120 million workers. You just pretend to be too stupid to know you are LYING so you can continue to LIE.

You posted numbers and tried to back them with a percentage and I posted the numbers you falsely claim make up the percentage. They don't come even close to matching, proving you a LIAR!
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SHHH!!! Do not post facts, it will make this drones head explode!


Fools should Google before spewing BS
Of course it would help if you morons knew what facts to google!!!!! :asshole:

Oh these irony impaired far left drones and their comments!

OH! The stupidity of Right-wing know-it-alls.

Anyone not far left is smarter than you, so that makes the bulk of the population as being smarter than you!

Fact is Obama is worse than Bush!
And yet you are too stupid to see just how stupid you really are!
BTW Trump is only candidate I know who has declared he's not going to mess with SS

I hope he lies, the program should be dismantled before it explodes on our faces like all retirement bombs eventually will. As a businessman this should be his first deed.

Remains to be seen, with Trump you never know.
I hope he lies, the program should be dismantled before it explodes on our faces like all retirement bombs eventually will. As a businessman this should be his first deed.

Remains to be seen, with Trump you never know.

I don't know how you stop it or dismantle it? You have many who worked 50 years paid into it promised a return? Many already on it?

you have other groups 20-30 years into it. What they do? Not get paid back ever?
I hope he lies, the program should be dismantled before it explodes on our faces like all retirement bombs eventually will. As a businessman this should be his first deed.

Remains to be seen, with Trump you never know.

I don't know how you stop it or dismantle it? You have many who worked 50 years paid into it promised a return? Many already on it?

you have other groups 20-30 years into it. What they do? Not get paid back ever?

Here is how:

Tell the retirees to take a hike, they saved nothing in reality. They were too dumb to trust the government. They should have known by now that socialism doesn't work. Also, they were dumb enough to vote this shit in.

Set up welfare program for those without assets, guaranteeing minimum living.

That's how you do it. The other alternative is wait as taxes rise, rise and rise. This plan would beat the alternative which is enslaving your kids.
Everywhere liberals get these insane minimum wages shoved through, we see insane unemployment. Businesses move or shut down. Nothing but poverty is left in the wake of liberal policy. What a damn shame...

Minimum wage hikes put pressure on businesses to 're-engineer labor force,' a restaurateur says - LA Times
Some restaurants face pressure to trim menus and staffs under California's wage hike
This is known as a statistics of small numbers fallacy – and the thread premise fails as a consequence.
Thank you for proving my point in the first post CCJ. Even in the face of undeniable data, you'll still try like hell to deny facts.

Businesses are closing their doors, moving, or laying off workers anywhere the minimum wage is being jacked-up to insane levels but here you sit still insisting that the sun isn't hot, water isn't wet, and the world isn't round.

You would rather see people suffer in the worst misery and poverty than admit that your ideology is a failed ideology. You would rather see America fail and people suffer than have to abandon your ideology. And that is selfish as hell, arrogant as can be, and a damn shame.
over 40 million on foodstamps for a record period of time and 93 million not working...heck of a job Brownie
You can thank corporate America for a job well done...and the trickle theory some idiot named Reagan put the nation on...
And yet Reagan took over the second worst economy in U.S. history (thanks to liberals like Jimmy Carter) and created one of the most successful economies in world history. In fact, he created an economic tidal wave that the U.S. rode for about 20 years until Clinton's 1997 Community Reinvestment Act eventually crashed the economy with the housing bubble. Then Obama stepped in and added as much to the national debt (over $9 trillion) in 7 years as all presidents in U.S. history combined added ($10 trillion) in 230 years. But hey...don't let those pesky little facts slow you down Moon!
I guess some people have forgotten 8 short years ago :rolleyes:
You mean when the debt was $9 trillion less and 93 million Americans hadn't given up and dropped out of the workforce? Yeah...I think a lot of liberals choose to forget inconvenient facts...
There is no denying the facts (though some will sadly still try)...

Walmart Closes LA Store Over $15 Minimum Wage - Breitbart

You deranged NaziCons would rather taxpayers continue to subsidize Walmart employees than see them paid a living wage.
Lakhota - how much are those employees earning now that they have NO job to go to? Isn't $6 per hour better than $0 per hour? Or would you rather lie than admit the obvious?

Well, according to your logic - let's just pay everyone $1.00 per hour and we can have full employment.
over 40 million on foodstamps for a record period of time and 93 million not working...heck of a job Brownie
You can thank corporate America for a job well done...and the trickle theory some idiot named Reagan put the nation on...
And yet Reagan took over the second worst economy in U.S. history (thanks to liberals like Jimmy Carter) and created one of the most successful economies in world history. In fact, he created an economic tidal wave that the U.S. rode for about 20 years until Clinton's 1997 Community Reinvestment Act eventually crashed the economy with the housing bubble. Then Obama stepped in and added as much to the national debt (over $9 trillion) in 7 years as all presidents in U.S. history combined added ($10 trillion) in 230 years. But hey...don't let those pesky little facts slow you down Moon!

You mean, drove the economy further underground, before he started playing nice with Tip O'Neill.

There is no denying the facts (though some will sadly still try)...

Walmart Closes LA Store Over $15 Minimum Wage - Breitbart

You deranged NaziCons would rather taxpayers continue to subsidize Walmart employees than see them paid a living wage.
Lakhota - how much are those employees earning now that they have NO job to go to? Isn't $6 per hour better than $0 per hour? Or would you rather lie than admit the obvious?

Well, according to your logic - let's just pay everyone $1.00 per hour and we can have full employment.
Well according to yours....let's pay everyone $100,000 per year and we can have no employment. Which plan sounds better to you? You can't collect that beautiful six-figure minimum wage if there is no job to be hired for.
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