Nothing generates unemployment like liberal policy

The numbers speak for themselves. Nothing creates failure like left-wing policy...

we could be solving simple poverty on an at-will basis in our at-will employment States.

Capital Must Circulate.
The usual American economic history cycle is that Republicans get into office and a recession/depression begins, Republicans try to solve the economic disaster by chanting "balance the budget".
Democrats are then elected to get America back on track and once the recession/depression cycle grows dim we elect Republicans once more.
And so it goes.
The 6 million Americans who work part-time but want full-time jobs today are at the highest level in about 30 years or so.
When Obama took office there were 8,046,000 working PT who want FT, and there were 5,840,000 when he left, a DECLINE of over 2 million.

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data
Part-Time for Economic Reasons, All Industries

Seriously, if the unemployment was NOT producing a large number of increasing part-time work, a loss in full time job numbers that were replaced with part time ... then why would CNN report a large concern over part time employment? Why would their own reposrters admit to families working two or more part time jobs over a full time career with benefits and career salaries? Why would USA Today report part time as the new norm. Combine that with the 63% average job participation rate during the past 8 years which was LOWER than reported in 2008. I honestly wonder how bright you liberals are, if you honestly think Obama did SO WELL on the economy that it wasn't a concern on the last presidential election? There is no doubt you liberals are in a clear case of denial and need to wake up to the REAL world.

Here is the general consensus of what the media, including left wing groups like CNN have said about the economy and part time work.

Of nearly 1 million U.S. jobs created this year, 80% — four of every five — were part time and most had meager or no benefits.

Involuntary part-time workers — those who are seeking full-time work or holding multiple jobs — remain between 19% and 20% of the nation's workforce, up from 17% in 2007.

One Third of Part-Time Workers Struggling to Find Full-Time Work, CareerBuilder Study Finds - CareerBuilder

The 6 million Americans who work part-time but want full-time jobs today are at the highest level in about 30 years or so.

America's part-time problem may be permanent

2.1 million Americans working multiple part-time jobs, matching the all-time high set in 2014

U.S. problem: I work three part-time jobs

The number of multiple job holders hit an eight-year high in September

America's part-time problem may be permanent

A troubling breakdown in the new Bureau of Labor Statistics report that he described as the red flashing light - the number of multiple job holders has risen to a record 8.5 million. In October, a survey revealed that 103,000 full time jobs were lost, and 90.000 part time jobs were added

America Becoming A Part-Time Worker Society
The 6 million Americans who work part-time but want full-time jobs today are at the highest level in about 30 years or so.
When Obama took office there were 8,046,000 working PT who want FT, and there were 5,840,000 when he left, a DECLINE of over 2 million.

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data
Part-Time for Economic Reasons, All Industries

Seriously, if the unemployment was NOT producing a large number of increasing part-time work, a loss in full time job numbers that were replaced with part time ... then why would CNN report a large concern over part time employment? Why would their own reposrters admit to families working two or more part time jobs over a full time career with benefits and career salaries? Why would USA Today report part time as the new norm. Combine that with the 63% average job participation rate during the past 8 years which was LOWER than reported in 2008. I honestly wonder how bright you liberals are, if you honestly think Obama did SO WELL on the economy that it wasn't a concern on the last presidential election? There is no doubt you liberals are in a clear case of denial and need to wake up to the REAL world.

Here is the general consensus of what the media, including left wing groups like CNN have said about the economy and part time work.

Of nearly 1 million U.S. jobs created this year, 80% — four of every five — were part time and most had meager or no benefits.

Involuntary part-time workers — those who are seeking full-time work or holding multiple jobs — remain between 19% and 20% of the nation's workforce, up from 17% in 2007.

One Third of Part-Time Workers Struggling to Find Full-Time Work, CareerBuilder Study Finds - CareerBuilder

The 6 million Americans who work part-time but want full-time jobs today are at the highest level in about 30 years or so.

America's part-time problem may be permanent

2.1 million Americans working multiple part-time jobs, matching the all-time high set in 2014

U.S. problem: I work three part-time jobs

The number of multiple job holders hit an eight-year high in September

America's part-time problem may be permanent

A troubling breakdown in the new Bureau of Labor Statistics report that he described as the red flashing light - the number of multiple job holders has risen to a record 8.5 million. In October, a survey revealed that 103,000 full time jobs were lost, and 90.000 part time jobs were added

America Becoming A Part-Time Worker Society
As all can see, even when presented with the real facts, the Right are so thoroughly brainwashed that they continue to deny reality.
I already debunked the PT workers who want FT lie with the actual data, now I will debunk "the number of multiple job holders has risen to a record 8.5 million" lie with the actual data. As you can see, the only time multiple job holders was more than 8 million was under the failed Bush economy in August 2008.

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data
Multiple Jobholders
The 6 million Americans who work part-time but want full-time jobs today are at the highest level in about 30 years or so.
When Obama took office there were 8,046,000 working PT who want FT, and there were 5,840,000 when he left, a DECLINE of over 2 million.

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data
Part-Time for Economic Reasons, All Industries

Seriously, if the unemployment was NOT producing a large number of increasing part-time work, a loss in full time job numbers that were replaced with part time ... then why would CNN report a large concern over part time employment? Why would their own reposrters admit to families working two or more part time jobs over a full time career with benefits and career salaries? Why would USA Today report part time as the new norm. Combine that with the 63% average job participation rate during the past 8 years which was LOWER than reported in 2008. I honestly wonder how bright you liberals are, if you honestly think Obama did SO WELL on the economy that it wasn't a concern on the last presidential election? There is no doubt you liberals are in a clear case of denial and need to wake up to the REAL world.

Here is the general consensus of what the media, including left wing groups like CNN have said about the economy and part time work.

Of nearly 1 million U.S. jobs created this year, 80% — four of every five — were part time and most had meager or no benefits.

Involuntary part-time workers — those who are seeking full-time work or holding multiple jobs — remain between 19% and 20% of the nation's workforce, up from 17% in 2007.

One Third of Part-Time Workers Struggling to Find Full-Time Work, CareerBuilder Study Finds - CareerBuilder

The 6 million Americans who work part-time but want full-time jobs today are at the highest level in about 30 years or so.

America's part-time problem may be permanent

2.1 million Americans working multiple part-time jobs, matching the all-time high set in 2014

U.S. problem: I work three part-time jobs

The number of multiple job holders hit an eight-year high in September

America's part-time problem may be permanent

A troubling breakdown in the new Bureau of Labor Statistics report that he described as the red flashing light - the number of multiple job holders has risen to a record 8.5 million. In October, a survey revealed that 103,000 full time jobs were lost, and 90.000 part time jobs were added

America Becoming A Part-Time Worker Society
why not increase the minimum wage to fifteen dollars an hour, to decrease any incentive for part time help?
I just laughed so hard I just


The POLICES OF FDR, Clinton and Obama did far more to improve unemployment then anyone of you serf creators ever could.

Liars all.
I just laughed so hard I just wtf? The POLICES OF FDR, Clinton and Obama did far more to improve unemployment then anyone of you serf creators ever could. Liars all.
You want to talk about "lying" Matthew? Are you sure? Here is left-wing UCLA admitting that FDR's policies were devastating after doing an exhaustive study. I have academic studies proving you just lied.

FDR's policies prolonged Depression by 7 years, UCLA economists calculate

Misguided government policies prolonged Great Depression

Almost Classical: FDR's policies prolonged Depression by 7 years, UCLA economists calculate / UCLA Newsroom
I just laughed so hard I just wtf? The POLICES OF FDR, Clinton and Obama did far more to improve unemployment then anyone of you serf creators ever could. Liars all.
I just proved you lied about FDR. Now I'm going to prove you're lying about Barack Obama as well. The numbers do not lie Matthew - even though you do.

The 6 million Americans who work part-time but want full-time jobs today are at the highest level in about 30 years or so.
When Obama took office there were 8,046,000 working PT who want FT, and there were 5,840,000 when he left, a DECLINE of over 2 million.

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data
Part-Time for Economic Reasons, All Industries

Seriously, if the unemployment was NOT producing a large number of increasing part-time work, a loss in full time job numbers that were replaced with part time ... then why would CNN report a large concern over part time employment? Why would their own reposrters admit to families working two or more part time jobs over a full time career with benefits and career salaries? Why would USA Today report part time as the new norm. Combine that with the 63% average job participation rate during the past 8 years which was LOWER than reported in 2008. I honestly wonder how bright you liberals are, if you honestly think Obama did SO WELL on the economy that it wasn't a concern on the last presidential election? There is no doubt you liberals are in a clear case of denial and need to wake up to the REAL world.

Here is the general consensus of what the media, including left wing groups like CNN have said about the economy and part time work.

Of nearly 1 million U.S. jobs created this year, 80% — four of every five — were part time and most had meager or no benefits.

Involuntary part-time workers — those who are seeking full-time work or holding multiple jobs — remain between 19% and 20% of the nation's workforce, up from 17% in 2007.

One Third of Part-Time Workers Struggling to Find Full-Time Work, CareerBuilder Study Finds - CareerBuilder

The 6 million Americans who work part-time but want full-time jobs today are at the highest level in about 30 years or so.

America's part-time problem may be permanent

2.1 million Americans working multiple part-time jobs, matching the all-time high set in 2014

U.S. problem: I work three part-time jobs

The number of multiple job holders hit an eight-year high in September

America's part-time problem may be permanent

A troubling breakdown in the new Bureau of Labor Statistics report that he described as the red flashing light - the number of multiple job holders has risen to a record 8.5 million. In October, a survey revealed that 103,000 full time jobs were lost, and 90.000 part time jobs were added

America Becoming A Part-Time Worker Society
As all can see, even when presented with the real facts, the Right are so thoroughly brainwashed that they continue to deny reality.
I already debunked the PT workers who want FT lie with the actual data, now I will debunk "the number of multiple job holders has risen to a record 8.5 million" lie with the actual data. As you can see, the only time multiple job holders was more than 8 million was under the failed Bush economy in August 2008.

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data
Multiple Jobholders

Can you believe we have a liberal referring to the presented factual reporting of CNN as fake news? Take note, you might not see it very often.

And the trouble with full time employment keeps coming up through other media sources.

"While the U.S. unemployment rate is 4.7 percent, down from 9.6 percent in 2010, the number doesn't include those who have given up on searching for work or those who are underemployed"

Millennials Having Trouble Finding Full-Time Work!

Full-time jobs plunged by over half a million, or 523,000. What’s increased is part-time jobs. They soared by about 800,000 to over 28 million. Just think of all those Americans working part time, no doubt glad to have the work, but they also have lower pay, diminished benefits, and a lack of job security

The Untold Unemployment Story: A Loss Of 162,000 Full-Time Jobs In June
Last edited:
The 6 million Americans who work part-time but want full-time jobs today are at the highest level in about 30 years or so.
When Obama took office there were 8,046,000 working PT who want FT, and there were 5,840,000 when he left, a DECLINE of over 2 million.

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data
Part-Time for Economic Reasons, All Industries

Seriously, if the unemployment was NOT producing a large number of increasing part-time work, a loss in full time job numbers that were replaced with part time ... then why would CNN report a large concern over part time employment? Why would their own reposrters admit to families working two or more part time jobs over a full time career with benefits and career salaries? Why would USA Today report part time as the new norm. Combine that with the 63% average job participation rate during the past 8 years which was LOWER than reported in 2008. I honestly wonder how bright you liberals are, if you honestly think Obama did SO WELL on the economy that it wasn't a concern on the last presidential election? There is no doubt you liberals are in a clear case of denial and need to wake up to the REAL world.

Here is the general consensus of what the media, including left wing groups like CNN have said about the economy and part time work.

Of nearly 1 million U.S. jobs created this year, 80% — four of every five — were part time and most had meager or no benefits.

Involuntary part-time workers — those who are seeking full-time work or holding multiple jobs — remain between 19% and 20% of the nation's workforce, up from 17% in 2007.

One Third of Part-Time Workers Struggling to Find Full-Time Work, CareerBuilder Study Finds - CareerBuilder

The 6 million Americans who work part-time but want full-time jobs today are at the highest level in about 30 years or so.

America's part-time problem may be permanent

2.1 million Americans working multiple part-time jobs, matching the all-time high set in 2014

U.S. problem: I work three part-time jobs

The number of multiple job holders hit an eight-year high in September

America's part-time problem may be permanent

A troubling breakdown in the new Bureau of Labor Statistics report that he described as the red flashing light - the number of multiple job holders has risen to a record 8.5 million. In October, a survey revealed that 103,000 full time jobs were lost, and 90.000 part time jobs were added

America Becoming A Part-Time Worker Society
As all can see, even when presented with the real facts, the Right are so thoroughly brainwashed that they continue to deny reality.
I already debunked the PT workers who want FT lie with the actual data, now I will debunk "the number of multiple job holders has risen to a record 8.5 million" lie with the actual data. As you can see, the only time multiple job holders was more than 8 million was under the failed Bush economy in August 2008.

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data
Multiple Jobholders

Can you believe we have a liberal referring to the presented factual reporting of CNN as fake news? Take note, you might not see it very often.

And the trouble with full time employment keeps coming up through other media sources.

"While the U.S. unemployment rate is 4.7 percent, down from 9.6 percent in 2010, the number doesn't include those who have given up on searching for work or those who are underemployed"

Millennials Having Trouble Finding Full-Time Work!

Full-time jobs plunged by over half a million, or 523,000. What’s increased is part-time jobs. They soared by about 800,000 to over 28 million. Just think of all those Americans working part time, no doubt glad to have the work, but they also have lower pay, diminished benefits, and a lack of job security

The Untold Unemployment Story: A Loss Of 162,000 Full-Time Jobs In June
Again, when faced with real data, the brainwashed Right turn to OPINION pieces.
Nothing generates unemployment like left-wing policy:

Nestle latest to leave California due to burdensome tax rate

The Blaze?????
Yeah - The Blaze. The most trustworthy, professional, old-school journalism in the business today.

What is your point Dragon? Do you want to attempt to to deny that Nestle is in fact leaving California?
so what. California is still the largest economy in the Union, with or without, Nestle.
Seriously, if the unemployment was NOT producing a large number of increasing part-time work, a loss in full time job numbers that were replaced with part time ... then why would CNN report a large concern over part time employment?
Here's the main problem: part time jobs are extremely volatile while full time jobs are not. Here are the seasonally adjusted and not seasonally adjusted number of people who usually work full time (all data are from BLS, put into graphs by the St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank tool "FRED")

Notice how the regular seasonal changes are smoothed out while some ups and downs are still there. Now compare to usually work part time:

See how it bounces up and down a lot more, even with seasonal adjustment? So what's happening is that there are months where most of the changes in jobs are due to part time, and that gets reported on. But when the situation is reversed, and part time drops while full time increases, that's expected and nobody does a story.
I think the following chart shows the real picture best...I've set "usually work full time" and "usually work part time" at an arbitrary 100 for December 2007, the start of the recession, and we're looking at the change in each relative to that month.

So we see that by the end of the Recession (the shaded part), the number of part-timers went up by over 10%, while full timers had dropped almost 10%. (and of course, 10% of full timers is a much larger number than 10% of full timers).

But then part-timers held steady at about, what, 12% higher? Full timers are now 4% higher than pre-recession.
So yes, the dynamic has changed, but not that much (12% increase of part time is smaller than 4% of full time)

Why would their own reposrters admit to families working two or more part time jobs over a full time career with benefits and career salaries? Why would USA Today report part time as the new norm. Combine that with the 63% average job participation rate during the past 8 years which was LOWER than reported in 2008. I honestly wonder how bright you liberals are, if you honestly think Obama did SO WELL on the economy that it wasn't a concern on the last presidential election? There is no doubt you liberals are in a clear case of denial and need to wake up to the REAL world.

Of nearly 1 million U.S. jobs created this year, 80% — four of every five — were part time and most had meager or no benefits.
What are the dates for that?

Involuntary part-time workers — those who are seeking full-time work or holding multiple jobs — remain between 19% and 20% of the nation's workforce, up from 17% in 2007.

One Third of Part-Time Workers Struggling to Find Full-Time Work, CareerBuilder Study Finds - CareerBuilder
That was 2014...things have changed a lot.

Honestly, a lot of it is cherry picking dates or talking about what just happened at that particular month and then not reporting any reversals.

I'm not saying the situation is the best ever or completely rosy, but it's not as dire as some make it out to be.
I just laughed so hard I just wtf? The POLICES OF FDR, Clinton and Obama did far more to improve unemployment then anyone of you serf creators ever could. Liars all.
You want to talk about "lying" Matthew? Are you sure? Here is left-wing UCLA admitting that FDR's policies were devastating after doing an exhaustive study. I have academic studies proving you just lied.

FDR's policies prolonged Depression by 7 years, UCLA economists calculate

Misguided government policies prolonged Great Depression

Almost Classical: FDR's policies prolonged Depression by 7 years, UCLA economists calculate / UCLA Newsroom
Yes, if only FDR had continued Hoover's Republican cure of a depression all would have been over in quick time. By the way what was the Republican cure for a depression besides balance the budget? In short, few had a cure for depressions, no books had been written and that's why FDR said he would experiment, try different things.
In any case we can now look back seventy years and see all kinds of mistakes, but at the time FDR was a lifesaver and the nation knew it. Elected four times and rated Number one by historians. Hard to beat that, and today what program does the country use for recessions/depressions?.
Elected four times and rated Number one by historians.
He's never been "rated #1" by historians outside of maybe a few radicals with an agenda. Most ratings have Abraham Lincoln #1.

In any case - the fact that he even ran four times tells you what a power-hungry piece of shit he was. George Washington stepped down voluntarily after two terms despite the entire nation begging him to continue. He said (and I'm paraphrasing a bit here) "I did not fight to replace one king with another". Out of a deep respect for both that true sentiment and George Washington himself, every president voluntarily stepped down after their second term until the power-hungry piece of shit FDR.
By the way what was the Republican cure for a depression besides balance the budget?
Free Markets. Markets free from unconstitutional government interference. It works flawlessly every time.

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