Nothing generates unemployment like liberal policy

trying to balance the budget didn't help either. and, command economics should be used to command economize, any economy, into prosperity.
That's been done little buddy. Many times. It has a 100% failure rate world wide. It has never succeeded. Ever. So why don't you play with your toys and let the adults talk now, ok?
California has Nothing to fear if Nestle leaves; Ghirardelli, is still here.
California can't afford to keep hemorrhaging companies considering they are hundreds of billions in debt and continue to cover expenses for illegals because of the left-wing desire for power.
Propaganda and rhetoric is all you have. It is why, I don't take the right wing seriously about economics:

For each year since 1976, California's pace of new business creation has been faster than the U.S. rate, and often faster than Texas'.--
trying to balance the budget didn't help either. and, command economics should be used to command economize, any economy, into prosperity.
That's been done little buddy. Many times. It has a 100% failure rate world wide. It has never succeeded. Ever. So why don't you play with your toys and let the adults talk now, ok?
You don't know what you are talking about. Command economics went, last millennium, where capitalism has yet to realize any profit or motive for a lunar, "excursion". State Capitalism, a form of Socialism, took us to the Moon and back.
You don't know what you are talking about. Command economics went, last millennium, where capitalism has yet to realize any profit or motive for a lunar, "excursion". State Capitalism, a form of Socialism, took us to the Moon and back.
Snowflake - that wasn't "command economics". That was simply an unconstitutional department of the government (NASA) piggy-backing off of the free market. NASA didn't develop flight (the Wright brothers did in the free market, snowflake) and NASA didn't develop the geometry, algebra, trigonometry, or calculus used in the calculations necessary. NASA also didn't harvest the fuels necessary.

When we reached the moon - the federal government was not controlling and centrally planning every aspect of the economy. We were largely a free market with a certain amount of restrictions and regulations.

Are there any other desperate, stupid, false narratives you would like to attempt next?
They apparently like Nestle products but I doubt most Americans have any idea how nasty their business practices have been.
So educate us. It's easy to make wild accusations as an anonymous source behind a keyboard on a message board. Let's see some documentation backing up your claim.

:link: :link: :link: :link: :link:

5 reasons to hate Nestle
Every Parent Should Know The Scandalous History Of Infant Formula
Why Nestlé is Evil: It goes beyond infant formula….
You don't know what you are talking about. Command economics went, last millennium, where capitalism has yet to realize any profit or motive for a lunar, "excursion". State Capitalism, a form of Socialism, took us to the Moon and back.
Snowflake - that wasn't "command economics". That was simply an unconstitutional department of the government (NASA) piggy-backing off of the free market. NASA didn't develop flight (the Wright brothers did in the free market, snowflake) and NASA didn't develop the geometry, algebra, trigonometry, or calculus used in the calculations necessary. NASA also didn't harvest the fuels necessary.

When we reached the moon - the federal government was not controlling and centrally planning every aspect of the economy. We were largely a free market with a certain amount of restrictions and regulations.

Are there any other desperate, stupid, false narratives you would like to attempt next?
it was command economics, simply for the sake of politics.
Liberals could work for 100 years and never come close to creating a Great Depression as the Republicans did, and worse, after creating their Great Depression did not understand what they had done or how to fix it. Their only action was to loan money to businesses to buy products that glutted their shelves already.
Liberals could work for 100 years and never come close to creating a Great Depression as the Republicans did, and worse, after creating their Great Depression did not understand what they had done or how to fix it. Their only action was to loan money to businesses to buy products that glutted their shelves already.
Liberals did create the Great Depression. FDR oversaw all of it.
And this is why Clintons and Obama's economies were the past economies of the past 60 years. Since FDR!

Damn,,,,Traitor non-patriot you're a joke.
Liberals could work for 100 years and never come close to creating a Great Depression as the Republicans did, and worse, after creating their Great Depression did not understand what they had done or how to fix it. Their only action was to loan money to businesses to buy products that glutted their shelves already.

Deregulations caused both....Funny how they are fighting to gut any regulations and laws to stop another depression...Down right criminal.
trying to balance the budget didn't help either. and, command economics should be used to command economize, any economy, into prosperity.
That's been done little buddy. Many times. It has a 100% failure rate world wide. It has never succeeded. Ever. So why don't you play with your toys and let the adults talk now, ok?
You don't know what you are talking about. Command economics went, last millennium, where capitalism has yet to realize any profit or motive for a lunar, "excursion". State Capitalism, a form of Socialism, took us to the Moon and back.

Social democracy is the standard for developed modern nations from Europe through South Korea....Pure capitalist nations are so african as they're ran by a small class of rich ruling over the vast poor.
And this is why Clintons and Obama's economies were the past economies of the past 60 years. Since FDR!

Damn,,,,Traitor non-patriot you're a joke.
No exactly sure what you're attempting to say here but it is late and that is normally when you start drinking.

In any case - I can tell you that Barack Obama oversaw one of the worst economies in U.S. history. In 8 years, he couldn't generate even a single year of 3% or more GDP growth. The first and only president ever to not achieve even a single year of that type of growth.

And all slick Willy Clinton did was ride the economic tidal wave created by Ronald Reagan. Eventually the idiotic left-wing policies that Clinton implemented lead to the housing collapse.
Pure capitalist nations are so african as they're ran by a small class of rich ruling over the vast poor.
The nations you are referring to (such as the Sudan) are not capitalist at all. They are pure left-wing nations. A dictator oppressing the people. You know, the exact thing you advocate for here on USMB.
Social democracy is the standard for developed modern nations from Europe through South Korea.
Leave it to the left to attempt to lower the bar. That's all they ever do. Lower the level of healthcare. Lower the standard of living. Lower the level of liberty.

Snowflake...Europe is the ultimate shit-hole. Greece completely collapsed. The government shut down the banks and people are only allowed to withdrawal $60 per week to live off of. There was mass rioting and violence. It's sad that is the type of nation you want to live in because you envy anyone who is more successful than you?

Spain is on the verge of following Greece. England is in so much trouble they voted to exit the EU and are attempting to decentralize their government-run healthcare. Germany is over run by mulsim immigrants from Syria who are raping German women by the hundreds per day.
Liberals could work for 100 years and never come close to creating a Great Depression as the Republicans did, and worse, after creating their Great Depression did not understand what they had done or how to fix it. Their only action was to loan money to businesses to buy products that glutted their shelves already.
Liberals did create the Great Depression. FDR oversaw all of it.
No, they didn't. Hooverville accomplish the most capitalism can accomplish, with laissez-fair.

Why not use laissez-fair, with our war on terror.
trying to balance the budget didn't help either. and, command economics should be used to command economize, any economy, into prosperity.
That's been done little buddy. Many times. It has a 100% failure rate world wide. It has never succeeded. Ever. So why don't you play with your toys and let the adults talk now, ok?
You don't know what you are talking about. Command economics went, last millennium, where capitalism has yet to realize any profit or motive for a lunar, "excursion". State Capitalism, a form of Socialism, took us to the Moon and back.

Social democracy is the standard for developed modern nations from Europe through South Korea....Pure capitalist nations are so african as they're ran by a small class of rich ruling over the vast poor.
The right wing is full of fallacy, like usual. Mogadishu had no taxes and very few regulations, for over a decade; how many fortune five hundred firms, relocated there.
Why not use laissez-fair, with our war on terror.
Because the United States federal government is responsible for National Security. They are not, however, responsible for the free market.

Why do you need this explained to you every single day?
Warfare requires, command economics.
Repeating lie does not make it true - despite what the communists have trained you to believe. We've engaged in wars throughout our history and never engaged in your precious and idiotic "command economy". Warfare only requires a properly funded and well prepared military. Both of which are exponentially more easily achieved with a true free market which generates the innovation and wealth (which results in higher tax revenues for the government).

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