Nothing generates unemployment like liberal policy

Nothing creates poverty & misery - and subsequently causes people to flee - like idiotic, failed, left-wing policy...
“People are leaving blue states. Blue states are losing their political clout because people are leaving blue states,” Moore said, adding: This is every day … roughly a thousand people every day leave blue states and move to red states, so that’s a big migration over a decade. … That’s like 4 million people over a decade … leaving New York and Connecticut and Illinois and Michigan and even California … and other states. People are voting with their feet against liberalism.
GOP State Dominance at 95-Year High
If one reads some American history they will discover the usual procedure after a Republican recession/depression is too elect some Democrats to correct the problem.
Shedding restaurants means capitalists need to get better at being capitalists and not just try to make it on cheap labor.

We've now useful evidence that the various minimum wage rises in and around San Francisco have been leading to the closure of restaurants. That, in turn, would rather suggest that the rising minimum wage cuts the number of jobs in restaurants. Not that this is what the Fight for $15 and similar crowd want to hear but we really are gathering a lot of evidence which shows that a higher minimum wage leads to job losses.--

SF ties for second lowest unemployment rate in Bay Area
If one reads some American history they will discover the usual procedure after a Republican recession/depression is too elect some Democrats to correct the problem.
If one reads history, they will discover that recessions/depressions occur under Dumbocrats. Great Depression (FDR). Great Recession (Jimmy Carter). Great Suppression (Barack Insane Obama).
Everywhere liberals get these insane minimum wages shoved through, we see insane unemployment. Businesses move or shut down. Nothing but poverty is left in the wake of liberal policy. What a damn shame...

Minimum wage hikes put pressure on businesses to 're-engineer labor force,' a restaurateur says - LA Times
Some restaurants face pressure to trim menus and staffs under California's wage hike

It is true far left policies are designed to get people on the government system of control.

Under far left rule of Obama the rich got richer and the government handouts got bigger.
Everywhere liberals get these insane minimum wages shoved through, we see insane unemployment. Businesses move or shut down. Nothing but poverty is left in the wake of liberal policy. What a damn shame...

Minimum wage hikes put pressure on businesses to 're-engineer labor force,' a restaurateur says - LA Times
Some restaurants face pressure to trim menus and staffs under California's wage hike

Whats the point of working if it is slave labor that doesn't pay the bills? Living off of starvation wages? Yes minimum wage laws increase unemployment, but at least the jobs people have can pay the bills. I say increase the minimum wage to $15/hr. Those who can find work will have a better job and those who can't will just be compensated by the government. To cushion the effect minimum wage laws have on unemployment all the government needs to do is to increase how much money they give to unemployment, food stamps, low budget apartments, etc. The government needs to say hey if businesses aren't willing to pay these people a living wage or hire them then businesses and the rich will still pay for them through their taxes weather they like it or not.

We need socialism, capitalism isn't working. Everyone deserves to live a survivable wage in this country. The USA is one of the richest country in the world yet we treat the poor and lower classes like dirt. The rich can call higher taxes and government handouts theft, you know what fine let them be greedy with their money and not Christians. This is what needs to happen in this country either by peaceful means or by demonstrations and force. More riots, more protests, or even more extreme measures like a civil war to take that money from the wealthy and give it to those who are starving and poor.

I say to ensure a $15/hr minimum wage does get passed liberals need to increase demonstrations, riots, and protests by at least 10 fold. If a minimum wage law doesn't get passed by peaceful means liberals need to act more like US Steel Workers and make it miserable for businesses to operate with all the protests. I like US Steel Workers they have the right mindset, "your giving this to us whether you like it or not or there will be hell to pay." Liberals need to act that way. None of these passive peaceful measures, they don't work. Be like US Steel Workers and make life absolutely miserable for businesses to operate till a minimum wage law gets passed. Liberals need to say we ain't taking this anymore and fight till a minimum wage law gets passed !
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Whats the point of working if it is slave labor that doesn't pay the bills? Living off of starvation wages?
Anything pays the bills if you live within your means. Even $2.00 per hour. Plus, there is no law that says you can't work a second job to double your income.
Yes minimum wage laws increase unemployment, but at least the jobs people have can pay the bills.
And the people who lost their jobs can't pay any bills. Also, areas with high minimum wages have seen workers lose annual income as their hours are cut to offset that increase. So even the one's who remain employed are no better off.
I say increase the minimum wage to $15/hr.
I say you need to stop being an immature idealist and start studying history. Everything you support has been done and it has failed every time. A 100% failure rate world wide. It will collapse the United States and end with everyone in poverty and misery (something the left wants because then we are all "equal" in poverty and misery).
Those who can find work will have a better job and those who can't will just be compensated by the government. To cushion the effect minimum wage laws have on unemployment all the government needs to do is to increase how much money they give to unemployment, food stamps, low budget apartments, etc.
How? We are $20 trillion in debt. Unfortunately all of you uneducated, uninformed progressives believe that the government is some magical entity who can provide for everyone. It is not. They have no money. The produce no good or service. They exist solely by stealing from their citizens.
Everywhere liberals get these insane minimum wages shoved through, we see insane unemployment. Businesses move or shut down. Nothing but poverty is left in the wake of liberal policy. What a damn shame...

Minimum wage hikes put pressure on businesses to 're-engineer labor force,' a restaurateur says - LA Times
Some restaurants face pressure to trim menus and staffs under California's wage hike

It is true far left policies are designed to get people on the government system of control.

Under far left rule of Obama the rich got richer and the government handouts got bigger.
The right wing wants the rich to get richer and the poor to get poorer; so they can blame the Individual.
Everywhere liberals get these insane minimum wages shoved through, we see insane unemployment. Businesses move or shut down. Nothing but poverty is left in the wake of liberal policy. What a damn shame...

Minimum wage hikes put pressure on businesses to 're-engineer labor force,' a restaurateur says - LA Times
Some restaurants face pressure to trim menus and staffs under California's wage hike

Whats the point of working if it is slave labor that doesn't pay the bills? Living off of starvation wages? Yes minimum wage laws increase unemployment, but at least the jobs people have can pay the bills. I say increase the minimum wage to $15/hr. Those who can find work will have a better job and those who can't will just be compensated by the government. To cushion the effect minimum wage laws have on unemployment all the government needs to do is to increase how much money they give to unemployment, food stamps, low budget apartments, etc. The government needs to say hey if businesses aren't willing to pay these people a living wage or hire them then businesses and the rich will still pay for them through their taxes weather they like it or not.

We need socialism, capitalism isn't working. Everyone deserves to live a survivable wage in this country. The USA is one of the richest country in the world yet we treat the poor and lower classes like dirt. The rich can call higher taxes and government handouts theft, you know what fine let them be greedy with their money and not Christians. This is what needs to happen in this country either by peaceful means or by demonstrations and force. More riots, more protests, or even more extreme measures like a civil war to take that money from the wealthy and give it to those who are starving and poor.

I say to ensure a $15/hr minimum wage does get passed liberals need to increase demonstrations, riots, and protests by at least 10 fold. If a minimum wage law doesn't get passed by peaceful means liberals need to act more like US Steel Workers and make it miserable for businesses to operate with all the protests. I like US Steel Workers they have the right mindset, "your giving this to us whether you like it or not or there will be hell to pay." Liberals need to act that way. None of these passive peaceful measures, they don't work. Be like US Steel Workers and make life absolutely miserable for businesses to operate till a minimum wage law gets passed. Liberals need to say we ain't taking this anymore and fight till a minimum wage law gets passed !
I make $10 an hour and it isn't slave wages. $15.00 is asking for too much.
Everywhere liberals get these insane minimum wages shoved through, we see insane unemployment. Businesses move or shut down. Nothing but poverty is left in the wake of liberal policy. What a damn shame...

Minimum wage hikes put pressure on businesses to 're-engineer labor force,' a restaurateur says - LA Times
Some restaurants face pressure to trim menus and staffs under California's wage hike

Whats the point of working if it is slave labor that doesn't pay the bills? Living off of starvation wages? Yes minimum wage laws increase unemployment, but at least the jobs people have can pay the bills. I say increase the minimum wage to $15/hr. Those who can find work will have a better job and those who can't will just be compensated by the government. To cushion the effect minimum wage laws have on unemployment all the government needs to do is to increase how much money they give to unemployment, food stamps, low budget apartments, etc. The government needs to say hey if businesses aren't willing to pay these people a living wage or hire them then businesses and the rich will still pay for them through their taxes weather they like it or not.

We need socialism, capitalism isn't working. Everyone deserves to live a survivable wage in this country. The USA is one of the richest country in the world yet we treat the poor and lower classes like dirt. The rich can call higher taxes and government handouts theft, you know what fine let them be greedy with their money and not Christians. This is what needs to happen in this country either by peaceful means or by demonstrations and force. More riots, more protests, or even more extreme measures like a civil war to take that money from the wealthy and give it to those who are starving and poor.

I say to ensure a $15/hr minimum wage does get passed liberals need to increase demonstrations, riots, and protests by at least 10 fold. If a minimum wage law doesn't get passed by peaceful means liberals need to act more like US Steel Workers and make it miserable for businesses to operate with all the protests. I like US Steel Workers they have the right mindset, "your giving this to us whether you like it or not or there will be hell to pay." Liberals need to act that way. None of these passive peaceful measures, they don't work. Be like US Steel Workers and make life absolutely miserable for businesses to operate till a minimum wage law gets passed. Liberals need to say we ain't taking this anymore and fight till a minimum wage law gets passed !
cops need to use live ammo to suppress riots.
Everywhere liberals get these insane minimum wages shoved through, we see insane unemployment. Businesses move or shut down. Nothing but poverty is left in the wake of liberal policy. What a damn shame...

Minimum wage hikes put pressure on businesses to 're-engineer labor force,' a restaurateur says - LA Times
Some restaurants face pressure to trim menus and staffs under California's wage hike

Whats the point of working if it is slave labor that doesn't pay the bills? Living off of starvation wages? Yes minimum wage laws increase unemployment, but at least the jobs people have can pay the bills. I say increase the minimum wage to $15/hr. Those who can find work will have a better job and those who can't will just be compensated by the government. To cushion the effect minimum wage laws have on unemployment all the government needs to do is to increase how much money they give to unemployment, food stamps, low budget apartments, etc. The government needs to say hey if businesses aren't willing to pay these people a living wage or hire them then businesses and the rich will still pay for them through their taxes weather they like it or not.

We need socialism, capitalism isn't working. Everyone deserves to live a survivable wage in this country. The USA is one of the richest country in the world yet we treat the poor and lower classes like dirt. The rich can call higher taxes and government handouts theft, you know what fine let them be greedy with their money and not Christians. This is what needs to happen in this country either by peaceful means or by demonstrations and force. More riots, more protests, or even more extreme measures like a civil war to take that money from the wealthy and give it to those who are starving and poor.

I say to ensure a $15/hr minimum wage does get passed liberals need to increase demonstrations, riots, and protests by at least 10 fold. If a minimum wage law doesn't get passed by peaceful means liberals need to act more like US Steel Workers and make it miserable for businesses to operate with all the protests. I like US Steel Workers they have the right mindset, "your giving this to us whether you like it or not or there will be hell to pay." Liberals need to act that way. None of these passive peaceful measures, they don't work. Be like US Steel Workers and make life absolutely miserable for businesses to operate till a minimum wage law gets passed. Liberals need to say we ain't taking this anymore and fight till a minimum wage law gets passed !
I make $10 an hour and it isn't slave wages. $15.00 is asking for too much.
Not if you don't want to register for foodstamps if you have Arms, and want to "continue your education".
Everywhere liberals get these insane minimum wages shoved through, we see insane unemployment. Businesses move or shut down. Nothing but poverty is left in the wake of liberal policy. What a damn shame...

Minimum wage hikes put pressure on businesses to 're-engineer labor force,' a restaurateur says - LA Times
Some restaurants face pressure to trim menus and staffs under California's wage hike

Whats the point of working if it is slave labor that doesn't pay the bills? Living off of starvation wages? Yes minimum wage laws increase unemployment, but at least the jobs people have can pay the bills. I say increase the minimum wage to $15/hr. Those who can find work will have a better job and those who can't will just be compensated by the government. To cushion the effect minimum wage laws have on unemployment all the government needs to do is to increase how much money they give to unemployment, food stamps, low budget apartments, etc. The government needs to say hey if businesses aren't willing to pay these people a living wage or hire them then businesses and the rich will still pay for them through their taxes weather they like it or not.

We need socialism, capitalism isn't working. Everyone deserves to live a survivable wage in this country. The USA is one of the richest country in the world yet we treat the poor and lower classes like dirt. The rich can call higher taxes and government handouts theft, you know what fine let them be greedy with their money and not Christians. This is what needs to happen in this country either by peaceful means or by demonstrations and force. More riots, more protests, or even more extreme measures like a civil war to take that money from the wealthy and give it to those who are starving and poor.

I say to ensure a $15/hr minimum wage does get passed liberals need to increase demonstrations, riots, and protests by at least 10 fold. If a minimum wage law doesn't get passed by peaceful means liberals need to act more like US Steel Workers and make it miserable for businesses to operate with all the protests. I like US Steel Workers they have the right mindset, "your giving this to us whether you like it or not or there will be hell to pay." Liberals need to act that way. None of these passive peaceful measures, they don't work. Be like US Steel Workers and make life absolutely miserable for businesses to operate till a minimum wage law gets passed. Liberals need to say we ain't taking this anymore and fight till a minimum wage law gets passed !
I make $10 an hour and it isn't slave wages. $15.00 is asking for too much.
Not if you don't want to register for foodstamps if you have Arms, and want to "continue your education".
Family of 5. My mother is retired. My sister is disabled but isn't collecting disability yet so doesn't count as income. One of my nephews is too stupid to hold down a job so he doesn't count. My other nephew and myself make $10 an hour and together we pay all the bills for our 5 member household. No food stamps. Rent is 975 a month, we don't even have the benefit of owning our own home.
How? We are $20 trillion in debt. Unfortunately all of you uneducated, uninformed progressives believe that the government is some magical entity who can provide for everyone. It is not. They have no money. The produce no good or service. They exist solely by stealing from their citizens.
More progressives have college degrees statistically. I have a master's degree in education and a teaching license but couldn't find a decent paying job so got a CDL and drive a truck Instead. Most teachers i know in chicago area are highly educated and progressive
If one reads some American history they will discover the usual procedure after a Republican recession/depression is too elect some Democrats to correct the problem.
If one reads history, they will discover that recessions/depressions occur under Dumbocrats. Great Depression (FDR). Great Recession (Jimmy Carter). Great Suppression (Barack Insane Obama).
Are you that ignorant of our history or are you hoping others are? Did historians name Herbert Hoover or FDR as America's greatest president for coping with the Great Depression?
If one reads some American history they will discover the usual procedure after a Republican recession/depression is too elect some Democrats to correct the problem.
If one reads history, they will discover that recessions/depressions occur under Dumbocrats. Great Depression (FDR). Great Recession (Jimmy Carter). Great Suppression (Barack Insane Obama).
Are you that ignorant of our history or are you hoping others are? Did historians name Herbert Hoover or FDR as America's greatest president for coping with the Great Depression?
Historians are paid propagandists for the government. FDR turned a short recession into a long depression.
How? We are $20 trillion in debt. Unfortunately all of you uneducated, uninformed progressives believe that the government is some magical entity who can provide for everyone. It is not. They have no money. The produce no good or service. They exist solely by stealing from their citizens.
More progressives have college degrees statistically. I have a master's degree in education and a teaching license but couldn't find a decent paying job so got a CDL and drive a truck Instead. Most teachers i know in chicago area are highly educated and progressive
Education majors are the dumbest people in college.
Everywhere liberals get these insane minimum wages shoved through, we see insane unemployment. Businesses move or shut down. Nothing but poverty is left in the wake of liberal policy. What a damn shame...

Minimum wage hikes put pressure on businesses to 're-engineer labor force,' a restaurateur says - LA Times
Some restaurants face pressure to trim menus and staffs under California's wage hike

Whats the point of working if it is slave labor that doesn't pay the bills? Living off of starvation wages? Yes minimum wage laws increase unemployment, but at least the jobs people have can pay the bills. I say increase the minimum wage to $15/hr. Those who can find work will have a better job and those who can't will just be compensated by the government. To cushion the effect minimum wage laws have on unemployment all the government needs to do is to increase how much money they give to unemployment, food stamps, low budget apartments, etc. The government needs to say hey if businesses aren't willing to pay these people a living wage or hire them then businesses and the rich will still pay for them through their taxes weather they like it or not.

We need socialism, capitalism isn't working. Everyone deserves to live a survivable wage in this country. The USA is one of the richest country in the world yet we treat the poor and lower classes like dirt. The rich can call higher taxes and government handouts theft, you know what fine let them be greedy with their money and not Christians. This is what needs to happen in this country either by peaceful means or by demonstrations and force. More riots, more protests, or even more extreme measures like a civil war to take that money from the wealthy and give it to those who are starving and poor.

I say to ensure a $15/hr minimum wage does get passed liberals need to increase demonstrations, riots, and protests by at least 10 fold. If a minimum wage law doesn't get passed by peaceful means liberals need to act more like US Steel Workers and make it miserable for businesses to operate with all the protests. I like US Steel Workers they have the right mindset, "your giving this to us whether you like it or not or there will be hell to pay." Liberals need to act that way. None of these passive peaceful measures, they don't work. Be like US Steel Workers and make life absolutely miserable for businesses to operate till a minimum wage law gets passed. Liberals need to say we ain't taking this anymore and fight till a minimum wage law gets passed !
I make $10 an hour and it isn't slave wages. $15.00 is asking for too much.
Not if you don't want to register for foodstamps if you have Arms, and want to "continue your education".
Family of 5. My mother is retired. My sister is disabled but isn't collecting disability yet so doesn't count as income. One of my nephews is too stupid to hold down a job so he doesn't count. My other nephew and myself make $10 an hour and together we pay all the bills for our 5 member household. No food stamps. Rent is 975 a month, we don't even have the benefit of owning our own home.
Not everyone is, "where you are now". Some people need to, "change gears or ramp up" to "get there".
How? We are $20 trillion in debt. Unfortunately all of you uneducated, uninformed progressives believe that the government is some magical entity who can provide for everyone. It is not. They have no money. The produce no good or service. They exist solely by stealing from their citizens.
More progressives have college degrees statistically. I have a master's degree in education and a teaching license but couldn't find a decent paying job so got a CDL and drive a truck Instead. Most teachers i know in chicago area are highly educated and progressive
Bet you can't wait until you can "put your truck on auto-pilot".
If one reads some American history they will discover the usual procedure after a Republican recession/depression is too elect some Democrats to correct the problem.
If one reads history, they will discover that recessions/depressions occur under Dumbocrats. Great Depression (FDR). Great Recession (Jimmy Carter). Great Suppression (Barack Insane Obama).
Are you that ignorant of our history or are you hoping others are? Did historians name Herbert Hoover or FDR as America's greatest president for coping with the Great Depression?
right wingers are as "lazy" as the right wing laissez-fair policies they advocate.
If one reads some American history they will discover the usual procedure after a Republican recession/depression is too elect some Democrats to correct the problem.
If one reads history, they will discover that recessions/depressions occur under Dumbocrats. Great Depression (FDR). Great Recession (Jimmy Carter). Great Suppression (Barack Insane Obama).
Are you that ignorant of our history or are you hoping others are? Did historians name Herbert Hoover or FDR as America's greatest president for coping with the Great Depression?
Historians are paid propagandists for the government. FDR turned a short recession into a long depression.
We got our First World economy out of it. Hoover had nothing but the laziness of Hoovervilles and laissez-fair public policies.

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