Nothing generates unemployment like liberal policy

Republicans do everything they can to fuck this country and this healthcare bill is a perfect example of that.
And...uh...why exactly are the Republicans interested in "fucking this country"? It's the left that has a history of being anti-American. The right loves this country.
Everywhere liberals get these insane minimum wages shoved through, we see insane unemployment. Businesses move or shut down. Nothing but poverty is left in the wake of liberal policy. What a damn shame...

Minimum wage hikes put pressure on businesses to 're-engineer labor force,' a restaurateur says - LA Times
Some restaurants face pressure to trim menus and staffs under California's wage hike
Then why did we have 8 years of growth under Bill Clinton which allowed him to leave office with a budget surplus?
Because Newt Gingrich and the Republicans were in charge of Congress (which controls the purse strings, the tax policies, etc.).
Y'all Own tax cuts for the rich and social benefits cuts for the poor, right wingers.
And...uh...why exactly are the Republicans interested in "fucking this country"? It's the left that has a history of being anti-American. The right loves this country.
Republicans are fucking this country, because they are told to fuck this country. They don't represent Amercans, they represent corporate America. They're constantly submitting legislation that screws us and helps them.
Nothing ends in failure like idiotic left-wing policy...
Recently, Seattle’s Waterfront Park decided it would be a good idea to buy a set of three wind turbines for around $107,000. The three wind turbines (who are all white, if you were wondering) will generate $1.39 worth of electricity a day, or a spectacular $42 a month. Now, that may not seem like a lot, but that’s because that’s the low estimate. At peak generation, the turbines will create about . . . wait for it . . . over 5 bucks a day! Or $168 a month in electricity! At that rate, it will only take about 53 years for the wind turbines to pay for themselves! Well, assuming no maintenance costs. Or staffing. Or anything else.
Proving yet again that progressives are completely ignorant of basic business and basic economics. They have absolutely no concept of ROI or TCO, etc. But wait. The insanity doesn't stop there. It gets better. As usual, the ignorant progressive "representative" has no idea what they are voting on...
City Councilwoman Sissi Bruch summed up the wind turbines’ energy production perfectly — along with the reason government is horrible at everything: “I did not realize they would produce so little energy. I wouldn’t have voted for it knowing it was that little.”
#GreenFail: Taxpayers Foot $107K Bill for Wind Turbines That Don’t Work
Just left wing policy, "beating all short run expectations".

State’s unemployment rate falls to a historic low
That is what happens when you don't count people who have given up hope and dropped out of the labor market in your unemployment numbers.
Why would you include them? The unemployment rate is meant to measure how much available labor is not being used. If some is not trying to get a job he's not available to hire.
But, ok, let's add them in. That's the U-4 measure of underutilization and is currently at 4.7%. Do you consider that failure?
Just a couple of short decades ago - Venezuela was one of the most prosperous nations in the world. But then the people took to the left-wing ideology: emotion over logic, greed and selfishness, and envy for those more successful.

The result? Complete and total collapse. The predictable result of left-wing policy.

Desperate For Cash, Venezuela Gives Putin Control of Oil Assets | The Stream
Just lousy management. Why is the US, not over there teaching how to use capitalism for all of its worth?
Just a couple of short decades ago - Venezuela was one of the most prosperous nations in the world. But then the people took to the left-wing ideology: emotion over logic, greed and selfishness, and envy for those more successful.

The result? Complete and total collapse. The predictable result of left-wing policy.

Desperate For Cash, Venezuela Gives Putin Control of Oil Assets | The Stream
Just lousy management. Why is the US, not over there teaching how to use capitalism for all of its worth?
Socialism doesn't work because somebody has to be in charge. We have no living saints who are willing to be in charge without the benefits of being in charge. Those in charge live much better than the masses. Capitalism gives a fighting chance to those not in charge.
Just left wing policy, "beating all short run expectations".

State’s unemployment rate falls to a historic low
That is what happens when you don't count people who have given up hope and dropped out of the labor market in your unemployment numbers.

Nobody celebrates failure like the left.
With low unemployment numbers? Why would more people stop looking for work with a higher wage?
If I could survive with AC and MMORPG's on my Internet without a job I would. I work to get what I want.
Just a couple of short decades ago - Venezuela was one of the most prosperous nations in the world. But then the people took to the left-wing ideology: emotion over logic, greed and selfishness, and envy for those more successful.

The result? Complete and total collapse. The predictable result of left-wing policy.

Desperate For Cash, Venezuela Gives Putin Control of Oil Assets | The Stream
Just lousy management. Why is the US, not over there teaching how to use capitalism for all of its worth?
Socialism doesn't work because somebody has to be in charge. We have no living saints who are willing to be in charge without the benefits of being in charge. Those in charge live much better than the masses. Capitalism gives a fighting chance to those not in charge.
We have a pretty big government. Hooverville did not do much and was Only worth, one term. I think, FDR got it right. Otherwise, why would anyone on the right wing want more than one term, like Hoover.
Just left wing policy, "beating all short run expectations".

State’s unemployment rate falls to a historic low
That is what happens when you don't count people who have given up hope and dropped out of the labor market in your unemployment numbers.

Nobody celebrates failure like the left.
With low unemployment numbers? Why would more people stop looking for work with a higher wage?
If I could survive with AC and MMORPG's on my Internet without a job I would. I work to get what I want.
Good for you. Some people want to do, other things.
Just more bureaucracy. Equal protection of the law is all the People need, not being made, "wards of the State".

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