Nothing generates unemployment like liberal policy

The left perfectly summarized...

Hilarious that right wingers talk about jobs when they want to take away healthcare from tens of millions of Americans which will cost an unknown tens of thousands of jobs. was Obamacare that took away healthcare from tens of millions of Americans.

View attachment 135461
Link or it is just right wing propaganda and rhetoric.
I seriously cannot believe you need a link to something that has been covered by every news outlet over the past 7 years.
  • In October 2013, many people insured through the individual market began receiving letters from their insurance carriers notifying them that their current plans would be canceled at the end of the policy term. The plans were canceled because they did not meet new minimum coverage requirements set by the law.
  • On October 29, 2013, NBC News reported that 50% to 75% of the 14 million Americans with individual healthcare plans would receive a cancellation notice in the next year.
  • NBC News reported that between 50 percent and 75 percent of the 14 million who buy individual health insurance would likely receive a cancellation notice over 2014 because their plans did not meet the requirements of the ACA.
  • CBS News reported that more than two million Americans were told they could not renew their insurance policies for 2014.
  • According to NBC News, the Obama administration knew in July 2010 that more than 40 percent to 67 percent of people in the individual market would likely not be able to keep their existing policies.
  • Health policy consultant Robert Laszewski estimated 80 percent of individual insurance buyers would have to find new policies.
  • On November 7, 2013, President Obama issued an apology to those who lost their health insurance due to Obamacare regulations.

Health insurance policy cancellations since Obamacare - Ballotpedia
What's better? One person working for 15 dollars an hour or 3 people working for 5 dollars an hour?
Three people working for $15 per hour is exponentially better. You get 3x's the productivity for the same price. So the business can operate more efficiently. And for society, you employ three people instead of one.
That usually only applies to labor intensive work, which is being automated, anyway.
CNN just announced need that a study by the University of Washington showed that the lowest income workers earned $125 less per month after Seattle implemented their $15 per hour minimum wage. While the workers earned on average 3% more, their hours were cut on average by 9% - resulting in a net loss to their income.

The study concluded that this is basic economics - that when something costs more (such as labor), people simply learn to do with less of it.

Thanks to the Dumbocrats - the poorest among us are now further behind. If only the left understood basic economics. I guess that's why they are called Dumbocrats.
Not having to work harder for less, is an improvement.
But that's exactly what they are doing. They are now coming home with $125 less per month in their paychecks. Thanks to the Dumbocrats, the lowest earners among us are now even further behind.

Even in the face of indisputable facts, you're unable to accept that the ideology you embrace is a failed ideology. Typical left-wing nut-job.

What's better? One person working for 15 dollars an hour or 3 people working for 5 dollars an hour?
Ask the two people not working.
The two people not working should be able to apply for unemployment compensation so they can still circulate money and let capitalism do the work of positive multiplication.
That just means they suck in Illinois.
What about Detroit? Where they caused an entire city to file bankruptcy? What about the U.S.S.R.? Where they caused an entire nation to collapse.
Just lousy management. The former Soviets could not compete with us without an Industrial Automation race, first.
Hilarious that right wingers talk about jobs when they want to take away healthcare from tens of millions of Americans which will cost an unknown tens of thousands of jobs. was Obamacare that took away healthcare from tens of millions of Americans.

View attachment 135461
Link or it is just right wing propaganda and rhetoric.
I seriously cannot believe you need a link to something that has been covered by every new single outlet over the past 7 years...
The 5 million-plus Americans who’ve seen their health plans canceled thanks to ObamaCare will be joined by millions more this year — because the Affordable Care Act makes their employer-provided policies illegal, as well.
Republicans do everything they can to fuck this country and this healthcare bill is a perfect example of that.
And...uh...why exactly are the Republicans interested in "fucking this country"? It's the left that has a history of being anti-American. The right loves this country.
Love on the rich and hate on the poor under our form of Capitalism, is not, "love for this country".
Republicans do everything they can to fuck this country and this healthcare bill is a perfect example of that.
And...uh...why exactly are the Republicans interested in "fucking this country"? It's the left that has a history of being anti-American. The right loves this country.
Love on the rich and hate on the poor under our form of Capitalism, is not, "love for this country".
I don't "love" rich people nor do I "hate" poor people. What I love is liberty and what I hate are parasites.
Have they legalized pot to balance their budget in a more, euphoric manner?
Typical left-wing "idea". When their policies (which perpetuate deviance, decadence, debauchery and decline) create catastrophic failure - just add more of it. Nothing will help a nation rise and prosper like being stoned out of their mind.

You know why the left pushes this stuff? They need an ignorant populace who is too high to think clearly. Otherwise they would reject everything about the left-wing ideology.
That usually only applies to labor intensive work, which is being automated, anyway.
Yep. And why is it being automated? Because failed left-wing policy has priced labor out of the market. It's now more cost effective to develop pricey high-tech automation.
Ask the two people not working.
The two people not working should be able to apply for unemployment compensation so they can still circulate money and let capitalism do the work of positive multiplication.
That's not capitalism. That's socialism. Stop trying to mask your support of failed socialism as "capitalism". Capitalism does not pay people not to work.

And if you pay those two people not to work, that company will go out of business and the third person will become unemployed as well. That's what left-wing policy does. It ends with everyone out of work and nobody producing.
Republicans do everything they can to fuck this country and this healthcare bill is a perfect example of that.
And...uh...why exactly are the Republicans interested in "fucking this country"? It's the left that has a history of being anti-American. The right loves this country.
Love on the rich and hate on the poor under our form of Capitalism, is not, "love for this country".
I don't "love" rich people nor do I "hate" poor people. What I love is liberty and what I hate are parasites.
Where Is The Outrage Over Corporate Welfare?
Have they legalized pot to balance their budget in a more, euphoric manner?
Typical left-wing "idea". When their policies (which perpetuate deviance, decadence, debauchery and decline) create catastrophic failure - just add more of it. Nothing will help a nation rise and prosper like being stoned out of their mind.

You know why the left pushes this stuff? They need an ignorant populace who is too high to think clearly. Otherwise they would reject everything about the left-wing ideology.
Just right wing, cognitive dissonance?
I don't "love" rich people nor do I "hate" poor people. What I love is liberty and what I hate are parasites.
Ask the two people not working.
The two people not working should be able to apply for unemployment compensation so they can still circulate money and let capitalism do the work of positive multiplication.
That's not capitalism. That's socialism. Stop trying to mask your support of failed socialism as "capitalism". Capitalism does not pay people not to work.

And if you pay those two people not to work, that company will go out of business and the third person will become unemployed as well. That's what left-wing policy does. It ends with everyone out of work and nobody producing.
Nope; it is using socialism to bailout capitalism for all of its worth. Only the right wing, eschews full employment of resources in the name of their fantastical subscription to free markets.
Ask the two people not working.
The two people not working should be able to apply for unemployment compensation so they can still circulate money and let capitalism do the work of positive multiplication.
That's not capitalism. That's socialism. Stop trying to mask your support of failed socialism as "capitalism". Capitalism does not pay people not to work.

And if you pay those two people not to work, that company will go out of business and the third person will become unemployed as well. That's what left-wing policy does. It ends with everyone out of work and nobody producing.
Nope; it is using socialism to bailout capitalism for all of its worth. Only the right wing, eschews full employment of resources in the name of their fantastical subscription to free markets.
/----/ Would you like some dressing with that word salad?

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