'Nothing Illegal In Trump-Zelensky Call': NSC Official Tells Impeachment Inquiry

Of course you believe what you are being feed 100%. LOL

Actually if you read the statement, Tim Morrison offered his opinion that he didn't think anything in the call was illegal.

And then ordered the contents of the discussion to be squirreled away and kept secret from the American voters.

He may not have thought it was illegal- but he certainly thought that it was something that would damage President Trump politically.

Meanwhile others did think it was illegal.

Doesn't mean that either side is necessarily correct- but there are certainly those who say it appeared to be illegal and endangering the safety of the U.S. and others who didn't.

Great reason for the investigation.

So even if Trump did what you thought he did, what would have been illegal about it? Quid pro quo's are not illegal; presidents have been doing it for a long time now. If something looks very suspicious, such as a VP's son; a known drug addict, removed from the military, getting a job in a country he never dealt with before, in a company he had zero experience in, getting paid 50K a month, the President has every right to have somebody look into it. Because no company in the world would hire somebody for that kind of bread that has no idea WTF he was doing.

And you can't say that the President was doing it because Biden is running for President. Because there are 17 candidates left, and that means if there is suspicious activity among any of those candidates, they re all off limits because they 'might" be running against Trump in the general election.
everyone told Chris Columbus to not sail out to sea because he would sail off the world?
Nobody told him that.

You homeschooled conservitards crack me up.

I'm sorry if my abstractions went too far over your head. Just as with Trump's dog meme that the media took seriously, I must continuously remind myself that I'm talking to tards. The ancient Greeks had estimated that the Earth was round. The real question in the 15th century was what was out there, how far could you go, could you get back, and what would you find? I think they actually believed they would sail into Asia.

THE POINT that escaped you my sizzle-brained friend is that one man (the few) proved the many wrong.
You went and looked it up, didn't you.

Yeah, you really walked into THAT one, didn't you? If you at all followed my posts closely outside of politics, you would have already known I almost became an astronomer and still teach it to this day, being one of the passions of my life. I could write a book about the history of archeoastronomy, the early astronomers from the Greeks, Ionians, the ancient Mexican civilizations. Their measurement of shadows at various places, their estimates of the curvature of the Earth, various other observations and extrapolations. Columbus was probably at least 1000 years past the last point where there were any doubts about the shape of the Earth, what they couldn't be sure of was the size, though one person came amazingly close.

But tell you what, any time you want to discuss astronomy, stellar physics, cosmology, stellar cartography and ancient mythology or evolution of mankind's perceptions and awareness of the Cosmos with me, go for it.
You can be anything you want on the internet.

Only if like you, you are never willing to back up your words with action. To anyone who really knows, there are always ways of telling if someone is conversant or simply googling stuff on their phone! There are many things you just cannot "look up" in 5 seconds. But then, I kinda figured you for nothing more than one more jive shit-talker. You cowards always fold when called out.
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Nobody told him that.

You homeschooled conservitards crack me up.

I'm sorry if my abstractions went too far over your head. Just as with Trump's dog meme that the media took seriously, I must continuously remind myself that I'm talking to tards. The ancient Greeks had estimated that the Earth was round. The real question in the 15th century was what was out there, how far could you go, could you get back, and what would you find? I think they actually believed they would sail into Asia.

THE POINT that escaped you my sizzle-brained friend is that one man (the few) proved the many wrong.
You went and looked it up, didn't you.

Yeah, you really walked into THAT one, didn't you? If you at all followed my posts closely outside of politics, you would have already known I almost became an astronomer and still teach it to this day, being one of the passions of my life. I could write a book about the history of archeoastronomy, the early astronomers from the Greeks, Ionians, the ancient Mexican civilizations. Their measurement of shadows at various places, their estimates of the curvature of the Earth, various other observations and extrapolations. Columbus was probably at least 1000 years past the last point where there were any doubts about the shape of the Earth, what they couldn't be sure of was the size, though one person came amazingly close.

But tell you what, any time you want to discuss astronomy, stellar physics, cosmology, stellar cartography and ancient mythology or evolution of mankind's perceptions and awareness of the Cosmos with me, go for it.
You can be anything you want on the internet.

Only if like you, you are never willing to back up your words with action. To anyone who really knows, there are always ways of telling if someone is conversant or simply googling stuff on their phone! There are many things you just cannot "look up" in 5 seconds. But then, I kinda figured you for nothing more than one more jive shit-talker. You cowards always fold when called out.
You mean like how you didn't know Columbus knew the world was round?

And then you googled it, discovered I was right, and tried to cover for it by claiming to be some kinda expert?

Dude, you're a liar.

You are probably a teenager with no life still living at parent's home. You pretend to be someone because you aren't.

Now stop.
I'm sorry if my abstractions went too far over your head. Just as with Trump's dog meme that the media took seriously, I must continuously remind myself that I'm talking to tards. The ancient Greeks had estimated that the Earth was round. The real question in the 15th century was what was out there, how far could you go, could you get back, and what would you find? I think they actually believed they would sail into Asia.

THE POINT that escaped you my sizzle-brained friend is that one man (the few) proved the many wrong.
You went and looked it up, didn't you.

Yeah, you really walked into THAT one, didn't you? If you at all followed my posts closely outside of politics, you would have already known I almost became an astronomer and still teach it to this day, being one of the passions of my life. I could write a book about the history of archeoastronomy, the early astronomers from the Greeks, Ionians, the ancient Mexican civilizations. Their measurement of shadows at various places, their estimates of the curvature of the Earth, various other observations and extrapolations. Columbus was probably at least 1000 years past the last point where there were any doubts about the shape of the Earth, what they couldn't be sure of was the size, though one person came amazingly close.

But tell you what, any time you want to discuss astronomy, stellar physics, cosmology, stellar cartography and ancient mythology or evolution of mankind's perceptions and awareness of the Cosmos with me, go for it.
You can be anything you want on the internet.

Only if like you, you are never willing to back up your words with action. To anyone who really knows, there are always ways of telling if someone is conversant or simply googling stuff on their phone! There are many things you just cannot "look up" in 5 seconds. But then, I kinda figured you for nothing more than one more jive shit-talker. You cowards always fold when called out.
You mean like how you didn't know Columbus knew the world was round?

And then you googled it, discovered I was right, and tried to cover for it by claiming to be some kinda expert?

Dude, you're a liar.

You are probably a teenager with no life still living at parent's home. You pretend to be someone because you aren't.

Now stop.

Moron, don't flatter yourself. You know very well Columbus was just a name thrown out there as recognizable as someone famous for sailing to use in reference to the long general, ancient legend of there being dragons and monsters far out to sea where one might sail off the edge of the world. Good God, the Vikings had already sailed to discovering England in the 9th century about 600 years earlier! Weren't the Portuguese already exploring the coasts of Africa and the Congo nations around the time of Columbus? The very fact that you are trying to evade my challenge and change the subject as idiot Tards like you always do to another childish, grade school ad hominem personal attack on me proves you don't really think I'm a teen much less want to get your ass handed to you in a debate on the cosmos.

You gotta be about the 150th leftist moron on this forum who thinks that the answer to every debate you cannot win is to try to claim the other person is:
  • only educated to the 6th grade.
  • some hayseed from Alabama.
  • brainwashed.
  • has the IQ of a goat.
Your faux intellectual superiority only betrays your emotional immaturity not to mention actual education. If you actually want to debate astronomy, history, cosmology or ancient discoveries, let me know, otherwise, I'm not biting, jackass. BYE.
No one with any integrity is saying he's innocent. Thanks for pointing out that I forgot that part. :thup:
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Innocent until proven guilty applies to the judge and jury, not to others. Kind of hypocritical to make that point, considering the way we've been treated to "proof" that the Clintons are corrupt for the last 30 years. What became of all that except that it was proven Bill got a BJ from someone other than his wife? Whitewater, nothing! The Clinton death list, nothing. etc., etc., etc. Y'all got nothing to laugh about, unless you like wasting the taxpayers money. Now abuse of power, that IS something.
:21: :21: :21:
You went and looked it up, didn't you.

Yeah, you really walked into THAT one, didn't you? If you at all followed my posts closely outside of politics, you would have already known I almost became an astronomer and still teach it to this day, being one of the passions of my life. I could write a book about the history of archeoastronomy, the early astronomers from the Greeks, Ionians, the ancient Mexican civilizations. Their measurement of shadows at various places, their estimates of the curvature of the Earth, various other observations and extrapolations. Columbus was probably at least 1000 years past the last point where there were any doubts about the shape of the Earth, what they couldn't be sure of was the size, though one person came amazingly close.

But tell you what, any time you want to discuss astronomy, stellar physics, cosmology, stellar cartography and ancient mythology or evolution of mankind's perceptions and awareness of the Cosmos with me, go for it.
You can be anything you want on the internet.

Only if like you, you are never willing to back up your words with action. To anyone who really knows, there are always ways of telling if someone is conversant or simply googling stuff on their phone! There are many things you just cannot "look up" in 5 seconds. But then, I kinda figured you for nothing more than one more jive shit-talker. You cowards always fold when called out.
You mean like how you didn't know Columbus knew the world was round?

And then you googled it, discovered I was right, and tried to cover for it by claiming to be some kinda expert?

Dude, you're a liar.

You are probably a teenager with no life still living at parent's home. You pretend to be someone because you aren't.

Now stop.

Moron, don't flatter yourself. You know very well Columbus was just a name thrown out there as recognizable as someone famous for sailing to use in reference to the long general, ancient legend of there being dragons and monsters far out to sea where one might sail off the edge of the world. Good God, the Vikings had already sailed to discovering England in the 9th century about 600 years earlier! Weren't the Portuguese already exploring the coasts of Africa and the Congo nations around the time of Columbus? The very fact that you are trying to evade my challenge and change the subject as idiot Tards like you always do to another childish, grade school ad hominem personal attack on me proves you don't really think I'm a teen much less want to get your ass handed to you in a debate on the cosmos.

You gotta be about the 150th leftist moron on this forum who thinks that the answer to every debate you cannot win is to try to claim the other person is:
  • only educated to the 6th grade.
  • some hayseed from Alabama.
  • brainwashed.
  • has the IQ of a goat.
Your faux intellectual superiority only betrays your emotional immaturity not to mention actual education. If you actually want to debate astronomy, history, cosmology or ancient discoveries, let me know, otherwise, I'm not biting, jackass. BYE.
Still trying to cover?

You're blown kid, give it up.

Stop lying, come clean, and maybe someone will take you seriously.
Yeah, you really walked into THAT one, didn't you? If you at all followed my posts closely outside of politics, you would have already known I almost became an astronomer and still teach it to this day, being one of the passions of my life. I could write a book about the history of archeoastronomy, the early astronomers from the Greeks, Ionians, the ancient Mexican civilizations. Their measurement of shadows at various places, their estimates of the curvature of the Earth, various other observations and extrapolations. Columbus was probably at least 1000 years past the last point where there were any doubts about the shape of the Earth, what they couldn't be sure of was the size, though one person came amazingly close.

But tell you what, any time you want to discuss astronomy, stellar physics, cosmology, stellar cartography and ancient mythology or evolution of mankind's perceptions and awareness of the Cosmos with me, go for it.
You can be anything you want on the internet.

Only if like you, you are never willing to back up your words with action. To anyone who really knows, there are always ways of telling if someone is conversant or simply googling stuff on their phone! There are many things you just cannot "look up" in 5 seconds. But then, I kinda figured you for nothing more than one more jive shit-talker. You cowards always fold when called out.
You mean like how you didn't know Columbus knew the world was round?

And then you googled it, discovered I was right, and tried to cover for it by claiming to be some kinda expert?

Dude, you're a liar.

You are probably a teenager with no life still living at parent's home. You pretend to be someone because you aren't.

Now stop.

Moron, don't flatter yourself. You know very well Columbus was just a name thrown out there as recognizable as someone famous for sailing to use in reference to the long general, ancient legend of there being dragons and monsters far out to sea where one might sail off the edge of the world. Good God, the Vikings had already sailed to discovering England in the 9th century about 600 years earlier! Weren't the Portuguese already exploring the coasts of Africa and the Congo nations around the time of Columbus? The very fact that you are trying to evade my challenge and change the subject as idiot Tards like you always do to another childish, grade school ad hominem personal attack on me proves you don't really think I'm a teen much less want to get your ass handed to you in a debate on the cosmos.

You gotta be about the 150th leftist moron on this forum who thinks that the answer to every debate you cannot win is to try to claim the other person is:
  • only educated to the 6th grade.
  • some hayseed from Alabama.
  • brainwashed.
  • has the IQ of a goat.
Your faux intellectual superiority only betrays your emotional immaturity not to mention actual education. If you actually want to debate astronomy, history, cosmology or ancient discoveries, let me know, otherwise, I'm not biting, jackass. BYE.
Still trying to cover?

The only one trying to cover is you, butthole. I've offered to debate you on the listed topics TWICE now and you've done nothing but duck, dodge and hide, just as with all your "business licenses." Either put up or shut up. Start the thread and I'll see you there. You're off topic and trolling now and if you keep it up I'll simply report you and put you on ignore where all puerile adolescent idiots like you end up now. I shall waste no time with you and your moronic games.

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