Nothing is off the table: Trump prepares an extensive opposition file on DeSantis, Ron told by Trump PAC To resign if he wants to run for president

That's because Ron hasn't officially thrown his hat into the ring yet. When and if he does, they are going to dig through his life and time as governor with a fine tooth comb.
I think he has a lot to hide about the actual effect that COVID had in his state....but it will come out eventually.

Like they haven't been doing that already.
All Desantis has to do is say that Trump thinks that anyone who wears or wore the uniform is a "sucker".

That gets Trump out of the race.
If DeSantis does run, he would be wise not to play Trump's game of name calling.. etc. He will not be able to out Trump Trump. On the other hand, he may be able to show himself as the "presidential" alternative to Trump.
In presidential politics, it seems like a person has to jump when they're hot, and that's probably what De Santis is now. So just being the adult in the room gives him a decent chance, especially if Trump ends up in legal entanglements.
Ron shouldn’t be flying around the country on FL taxpayer dollars under the guise of a “book tour” He’s actively campaigning for President. He needs to man up & step into the ring or stay in his state, where the people just elected him to serve
They will do to Ron what they did to Trump.

Even worse I think this time.

That is a given.
Trump has already played the groomer card.

Now that DeSantis has been outed; do you think Republicans will still choose him even if, for some reason, Trump drops out?
Must be said: The pushback from certain corners of the GOP against DeSantis’s weak Ukraine position has been swift, severe, and widespread. Senators, members of Congress, even Fox News hosts have quickly come out and hammered him for it. Good.
I tried to warn Team DeSantis that Ron was breaking Florida Law by campaigning for President without resigning as Governor. The punishment for breaking this law is a small fine, as well as being INELIGIBLE to run for President this time around. Good luck in 2028!


Ron DeSantis is in likely violation of both federal and state election law by running a full-fledged shadow presidential campaign, signaling a “substantial certainty” under well-established FEC rules, that he’s running for president. DeSantis has a legal obligation to RESIGN.

Hate to tell you, but FL lawmakers are actually looking into changing the law so that Desantis can run.

Is Ron DeSantis evil for wanting the United States to abandon Ukraine or is he just a tremendous asshole?
Is Ron DeSantis evil for wanting the United States to abandon Ukraine or is he just a tremendous asshole?
Ukraine will have little to nothing to do with whether I vote for DeSantis or not...assuming DeSantis runs.
It's "politically motivated" to use Florida taxpayer dollars to fund an illegal undeclared presidential campaign. If he wants to run for President, he should follow the law and resign. Floridians deserve a full time Governor.
DeSantis, who entered office with modest wealth has used office to get rich, he has a massive book advance (funded by the Swamp) —the actual number is unconfirmed because RDS has been unwilling to make it public. I am sick of career politicians using office to enrich themselves!
it’s sickening the lengths Meatball Ron will go to undermine our savior Donald J. Trump! not only did He sacrifice His life for us, but Trump will rise again!

like Jesus, but better

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