‘Nothing Less Than a Civil War’:These White Voters on the Far Right See Doom Without Trump

Don't lie. You and Kathy Griffin BOTH know what you really want.
She wants a laugh, I want tRump out of office.
2025 is almost hereThe economy is in the best shapes it's been in
I don't understand why any working class American would want the president out of office.
Think how good the economy would have been if he hadn't been fucking it up.
for 8 years we had the slowest recovery and hillary was going to continue with obama's policies so if that was your option the economy would not have been any better than the last 8 years of obama
Spewing tRumpian propaganda doesn't make it true.
What part of what I said was propaganda spoken by the president?
Trumps propaganda?
Obama Wins The Gold For Worst Economic Recovery Ever
Yes, this is the slowest U.S. recovery since WWII
Wow! A lot of what we see here everyday....an interesting look into the far right rural voter:

‘Nothing Less Than a Civil War’: These White Voters on the Far Right See Doom Without Trump

Great American Pizza & Subs, on a highway about 100 miles southeast of Las Vegas, was busier and Trumpier than usual. On any given day it serves “M.A.G.A. Subs” and “Liberty Bell Lasagna.” The “Second Amendment” pizza comes “loaded” with pepperoni and sausage. The dining room is covered in regalia praising President Trump.
But this October morning was “Trumpstock,” a small festival celebrating the president. The speakers included the local Republican congressman, Paul Gosar, and lesser-known conservative personalities. There was a fringe 2020 Senate candidate in Arizona who ran a website that published sexually explicit photos of women without their consent; a pro-Trump rapper whose lyrics include a racist slur aimed at Barack Obama; and a North Carolina activist who once said of Muslims, “I will kill every one of them before they get to me.”

if any group remains singularly loyal to Mr. Trump, it is the small but impassioned number of white voters on the far right, often in rural communities like Golden Valley, who extol him as a cultural champion reclaiming the country from undeserving outsiders.
They label us white nationalists, or white supremacists,” volunteered Guy Taiho Decker, who drove from California to attend the event. A right-wing protester, he has previously been arrested on charges of making terrorist threats.

“There’s no such thing as a white supremacist, just like there’s no such thing as a unicorn,” Mr. Decker said. “We’re patriots.”

These voters don’t passively tolerate Mr. Trump’s “build a wall” message or his ban on travel from predominantly Muslim countries — they’re what motivates them. They see themselves in his fear-based identity politics, bolstered by conspiratorial rhetoric about caravans of immigrants and Democratic “coups.”

The president draws support from a broader political and ideological cross-section of Republicans than the Trumpstock crowd reflected, and he attracts some independents and Democrats as well. The festival itself was relatively small, drawing about 100 people, though significant enough to attract the likes of Mr. Gosar.

But events like it, as well as speaking engagements featuring far-right supporters of the president, have become part of the political landscape during the Trump era. Islamophobic taunts can be heard at his rallies. Hate speech and conspiracy theories are staples of some far-right websites. If Trumpstock was modest in size, it stood out as a sign of extremist public support for a sitting president.

Trumpstock attendees say they are used to being denounced, another quality they feel they share with the president. It’s part of why they are protective of him, to the point that they refuse to acknowledge the possibility of a Trump loss in 2020.

Mark Villalta said he had been stockpiling firearms, in case Mr. Trump’s re-election is not successful.

“Nothing less than a civil war would happen,” Mr. Villalta said, his right hand reaching for a holstered handgun. “I don’t believe in violence, but I’ll do what I got to do.”

Right wing radicals


Hero of the stupid

‘Nothing Less Than a Civil War’

Once again we see the right’s propensity for war and violence, and their contempt for our democratic institutions.
Bethany Mollenkof in Arizona? Why is this bigoted op-ed junk taken seriously? It might as well be Russian propaganda.
We can thank talk radio and nutter "news" sites for whipping these people into this frenzy.

If there is violence, if people die, they will have enabled it.
Actually you can thank politicians for allowing the invasion of our country while trying to change the demographics in this country to suit their own needs to gain and retain power. We WILL fight back and we WILL win or we will destroy the whole fucking country. Oh and Trump is a pandering piece of shit zionist puppet who doesn't give a shit about white people. He is an egotistical prick who cares about power and getting rich and making his crony capitalist pals richer. If by some accident he brings about a civil war in America then GOOD! Its well past time.
So that crazy person thinks that trump being democratically voted out of office will result in a civil war? I've known they hate our democratic republic and all we stand for but enough to die?

Any person who thinks that their little pop gun weapon is any match for the greatest military in the world I have some wonderful ocean front property in Oklahoma to sell them at a very reasonable price.

The only result any far right radical extremist will experience if they start a civil war and even try to raise their little weapon to the best military in the world is being killed very quickly.

What drugs are these people on?
Probably not drugs potent enough to believe that the members of the US military will fire on their countrymen without mass defections,....Like the ones you're on.

You never learned about the civil war in the 1860s did you?

Check it out.

Over 600 thousand Americans were killed. All by their fellow Americans. Which is why the American death toll of the civil war was the highest of all wars America has fought.

After you've learned about that civil war then try to repeat your ridiculous post above.

You expect for the far right radical extremists to be able to kill their fellow Americans with their fellow Americans not defending themselves? You actually believe that our military won't do anything while you far right radical extremists try to violently over throw an election? If you attack our nation and declare a civil war you will encounter our military and they won't hesitate to kill you.

As I asked in my post. What drugs are you people on?
This closed circuit, alternate universe echo chamber is the drug, and this country has never seen anything like it.

You're right. The brainwashing of some Americans is at a critical state now.

They are so deep in their fantasy bubble they will never see reality.

The reality is no far right radical extremist is going to do anything if trump loses the election. There will be no civil war. That's just words from a very delusional person.

The far right are mostly old fat white men who couldn't get out of their lounge chairs for anything beyond another beer.

They are so full of garbage it's ridiculous.
Wow! A lot of what we see here everyday....an interesting look into the far right rural voter:

‘Nothing Less Than a Civil War’: These White Voters on the Far Right See Doom Without Trump

Great American Pizza & Subs, on a highway about 100 miles southeast of Las Vegas, was busier and Trumpier than usual. On any given day it serves “M.A.G.A. Subs” and “Liberty Bell Lasagna.” The “Second Amendment” pizza comes “loaded” with pepperoni and sausage. The dining room is covered in regalia praising President Trump.
But this October morning was “Trumpstock,” a small festival celebrating the president. The speakers included the local Republican congressman, Paul Gosar, and lesser-known conservative personalities. There was a fringe 2020 Senate candidate in Arizona who ran a website that published sexually explicit photos of women without their consent; a pro-Trump rapper whose lyrics include a racist slur aimed at Barack Obama; and a North Carolina activist who once said of Muslims, “I will kill every one of them before they get to me.”

if any group remains singularly loyal to Mr. Trump, it is the small but impassioned number of white voters on the far right, often in rural communities like Golden Valley, who extol him as a cultural champion reclaiming the country from undeserving outsiders.
They label us white nationalists, or white supremacists,” volunteered Guy Taiho Decker, who drove from California to attend the event. A right-wing protester, he has previously been arrested on charges of making terrorist threats.

“There’s no such thing as a white supremacist, just like there’s no such thing as a unicorn,” Mr. Decker said. “We’re patriots.”

These voters don’t passively tolerate Mr. Trump’s “build a wall” message or his ban on travel from predominantly Muslim countries — they’re what motivates them. They see themselves in his fear-based identity politics, bolstered by conspiratorial rhetoric about caravans of immigrants and Democratic “coups.”

The president draws support from a broader political and ideological cross-section of Republicans than the Trumpstock crowd reflected, and he attracts some independents and Democrats as well. The festival itself was relatively small, drawing about 100 people, though significant enough to attract the likes of Mr. Gosar.

But events like it, as well as speaking engagements featuring far-right supporters of the president, have become part of the political landscape during the Trump era. Islamophobic taunts can be heard at his rallies. Hate speech and conspiracy theories are staples of some far-right websites. If Trumpstock was modest in size, it stood out as a sign of extremist public support for a sitting president.

Trumpstock attendees say they are used to being denounced, another quality they feel they share with the president. It’s part of why they are protective of him, to the point that they refuse to acknowledge the possibility of a Trump loss in 2020.

Mark Villalta said he had been stockpiling firearms, in case Mr. Trump’s re-election is not successful.

“Nothing less than a civil war would happen,” Mr. Villalta said, his right hand reaching for a holstered handgun. “I don’t believe in violence, but I’ll do what I got to do.”

So that crazy person thinks that trump being democratically voted out of office will result in a civil war? I've known they hate our democratic republic and all we stand for but enough to die?

Any person who thinks that their little pop gun weapon is any match for the greatest military in the world I have some wonderful ocean front property in Oklahoma to sell them at a very reasonable price.

The only result any far right radical extremist will experience if they start a civil war and even try to raise their little weapon to the best military in the world is being killed very quickly.

What drugs are these people on?

Any person who thinks that their little pop gun weapon is any match for the greatest military in the world

Viet Nam,
Etc, etc, etc
All your example have one thing in common..a united people resisting an invading occupier. Only Viet Nam was a civil war...and without the US..the North would have won in 6 months..as indeed,..they did..once we were out of the picture.

the US is not even close to a civil War....times are too good...and most people..regardless of political affiliation, are not going to man the barricades. Only the fringe extremes play with these ideas...and most of them are just doing that..playing.

So the person you're replying to is proudly declaring that they will become a terrorist if trump loses the election.

Attacking our people and our government.

Wining an election isn't invading a nation. It's democracy.

I seriously have to ask, what drugs are they on?
Wow! A lot of what we see here everyday....an interesting look into the far right rural voter:

‘Nothing Less Than a Civil War’: These White Voters on the Far Right See Doom Without Trump

Great American Pizza & Subs, on a highway about 100 miles southeast of Las Vegas, was busier and Trumpier than usual. On any given day it serves “M.A.G.A. Subs” and “Liberty Bell Lasagna.” The “Second Amendment” pizza comes “loaded” with pepperoni and sausage. The dining room is covered in regalia praising President Trump.
But this October morning was “Trumpstock,” a small festival celebrating the president. The speakers included the local Republican congressman, Paul Gosar, and lesser-known conservative personalities. There was a fringe 2020 Senate candidate in Arizona who ran a website that published sexually explicit photos of women without their consent; a pro-Trump rapper whose lyrics include a racist slur aimed at Barack Obama; and a North Carolina activist who once said of Muslims, “I will kill every one of them before they get to me.”

if any group remains singularly loyal to Mr. Trump, it is the small but impassioned number of white voters on the far right, often in rural communities like Golden Valley, who extol him as a cultural champion reclaiming the country from undeserving outsiders.
They label us white nationalists, or white supremacists,” volunteered Guy Taiho Decker, who drove from California to attend the event. A right-wing protester, he has previously been arrested on charges of making terrorist threats.

“There’s no such thing as a white supremacist, just like there’s no such thing as a unicorn,” Mr. Decker said. “We’re patriots.”

These voters don’t passively tolerate Mr. Trump’s “build a wall” message or his ban on travel from predominantly Muslim countries — they’re what motivates them. They see themselves in his fear-based identity politics, bolstered by conspiratorial rhetoric about caravans of immigrants and Democratic “coups.”

The president draws support from a broader political and ideological cross-section of Republicans than the Trumpstock crowd reflected, and he attracts some independents and Democrats as well. The festival itself was relatively small, drawing about 100 people, though significant enough to attract the likes of Mr. Gosar.

But events like it, as well as speaking engagements featuring far-right supporters of the president, have become part of the political landscape during the Trump era. Islamophobic taunts can be heard at his rallies. Hate speech and conspiracy theories are staples of some far-right websites. If Trumpstock was modest in size, it stood out as a sign of extremist public support for a sitting president.

Trumpstock attendees say they are used to being denounced, another quality they feel they share with the president. It’s part of why they are protective of him, to the point that they refuse to acknowledge the possibility of a Trump loss in 2020.

Mark Villalta said he had been stockpiling firearms, in case Mr. Trump’s re-election is not successful.

“Nothing less than a civil war would happen,” Mr. Villalta said, his right hand reaching for a holstered handgun. “I don’t believe in violence, but I’ll do what I got to do.”

So that crazy person thinks that trump being democratically voted out of office will result in a civil war? I've known they hate our democratic republic and all we stand for but enough to die?

Any person who thinks that their little pop gun weapon is any match for the greatest military in the world I have some wonderful ocean front property in Oklahoma to sell them at a very reasonable price.

The only result any far right radical extremist will experience if they start a civil war and even try to raise their little weapon to the best military in the world is being killed very quickly.

What drugs are these people on?

Any person who thinks that their little pop gun weapon is any match for the greatest military in the world

Viet Nam,
Etc, etc, etc
All your example have one thing in common..a united people resisting an invading occupier. Only Viet Nam was a civil war...and without the US..the North would have won in 6 months..as indeed,..they did..once we were out of the picture.

the US is not even close to a civil War....times are too good...and most people..regardless of political affiliation, are not going to man the barricades. Only the fringe extremes play with these ideas...and most of them are just doing that..playing.

So the person you're replying to is proudly declaring that they will become a terrorist if trump loses the election.

Attacking our people and our government.

Wining an election isn't invading a nation. It's democracy.

I seriously have to ask, what drugs are they on?

Becoming terrorist? Is that what you call the Americans upholding their rights in Virginia?

Opposing democrats is the opposite of being terrorist - it is protecting the nation - its values and citizens. Protecting America...
Wow! A lot of what we see here everyday....an interesting look into the far right rural voter:

‘Nothing Less Than a Civil War’: These White Voters on the Far Right See Doom Without Trump

Great American Pizza & Subs, on a highway about 100 miles southeast of Las Vegas, was busier and Trumpier than usual. On any given day it serves “M.A.G.A. Subs” and “Liberty Bell Lasagna.” The “Second Amendment” pizza comes “loaded” with pepperoni and sausage. The dining room is covered in regalia praising President Trump.
But this October morning was “Trumpstock,” a small festival celebrating the president. The speakers included the local Republican congressman, Paul Gosar, and lesser-known conservative personalities. There was a fringe 2020 Senate candidate in Arizona who ran a website that published sexually explicit photos of women without their consent; a pro-Trump rapper whose lyrics include a racist slur aimed at Barack Obama; and a North Carolina activist who once said of Muslims, “I will kill every one of them before they get to me.”

if any group remains singularly loyal to Mr. Trump, it is the small but impassioned number of white voters on the far right, often in rural communities like Golden Valley, who extol him as a cultural champion reclaiming the country from undeserving outsiders.
They label us white nationalists, or white supremacists,” volunteered Guy Taiho Decker, who drove from California to attend the event. A right-wing protester, he has previously been arrested on charges of making terrorist threats.

“There’s no such thing as a white supremacist, just like there’s no such thing as a unicorn,” Mr. Decker said. “We’re patriots.”

These voters don’t passively tolerate Mr. Trump’s “build a wall” message or his ban on travel from predominantly Muslim countries — they’re what motivates them. They see themselves in his fear-based identity politics, bolstered by conspiratorial rhetoric about caravans of immigrants and Democratic “coups.”

The president draws support from a broader political and ideological cross-section of Republicans than the Trumpstock crowd reflected, and he attracts some independents and Democrats as well. The festival itself was relatively small, drawing about 100 people, though significant enough to attract the likes of Mr. Gosar.

But events like it, as well as speaking engagements featuring far-right supporters of the president, have become part of the political landscape during the Trump era. Islamophobic taunts can be heard at his rallies. Hate speech and conspiracy theories are staples of some far-right websites. If Trumpstock was modest in size, it stood out as a sign of extremist public support for a sitting president.

Trumpstock attendees say they are used to being denounced, another quality they feel they share with the president. It’s part of why they are protective of him, to the point that they refuse to acknowledge the possibility of a Trump loss in 2020.

Mark Villalta said he had been stockpiling firearms, in case Mr. Trump’s re-election is not successful.

“Nothing less than a civil war would happen,” Mr. Villalta said, his right hand reaching for a holstered handgun. “I don’t believe in violence, but I’ll do what I got to do.”

So that crazy person thinks that trump being democratically voted out of office will result in a civil war? I've known they hate our democratic republic and all we stand for but enough to die?

Any person who thinks that their little pop gun weapon is any match for the greatest military in the world I have some wonderful ocean front property in Oklahoma to sell them at a very reasonable price.

The only result any far right radical extremist will experience if they start a civil war and even try to raise their little weapon to the best military in the world is being killed very quickly.

What drugs are these people on?

Any person who thinks that their little pop gun weapon is any match for the greatest military in the world

Viet Nam,
Etc, etc, etc
All your example have one thing in common..a united people resisting an invading occupier. Only Viet Nam was a civil war...and without the US..the North would have won in 6 months..as indeed,..they did..once we were out of the picture.

the US is not even close to a civil War....times are too good...and most people..regardless of political affiliation, are not going to man the barricades. Only the fringe extremes play with these ideas...and most of them are just doing that..playing.

So the person you're replying to is proudly declaring that they will become a terrorist if trump loses the election.

Attacking our people and our government.

Wining an election isn't invading a nation. It's democracy.

I seriously have to ask, what drugs are they on?

Becoming terrorist? Is that what you call the Americans upholding their rights in Virginia?

Opposing democrats is the opposite of being terrorist - it is protecting the nation - its values and citizens. Protecting America...
So...what have they done...besides talk?
So that crazy person thinks that trump being democratically voted out of office will result in a civil war? I've known they hate our democratic republic and all we stand for but enough to die?

Any person who thinks that their little pop gun weapon is any match for the greatest military in the world I have some wonderful ocean front property in Oklahoma to sell them at a very reasonable price.

The only result any far right radical extremist will experience if they start a civil war and even try to raise their little weapon to the best military in the world is being killed very quickly.

What drugs are these people on?

Any person who thinks that their little pop gun weapon is any match for the greatest military in the world

Viet Nam,
Etc, etc, etc
All your example have one thing in common..a united people resisting an invading occupier. Only Viet Nam was a civil war...and without the US..the North would have won in 6 months..as indeed,..they did..once we were out of the picture.

the US is not even close to a civil War....times are too good...and most people..regardless of political affiliation, are not going to man the barricades. Only the fringe extremes play with these ideas...and most of them are just doing that..playing.

So the person you're replying to is proudly declaring that they will become a terrorist if trump loses the election.

Attacking our people and our government.

Wining an election isn't invading a nation. It's democracy.

I seriously have to ask, what drugs are they on?

Becoming terrorist? Is that what you call the Americans upholding their rights in Virginia?

Opposing democrats is the opposite of being terrorist - it is protecting the nation - its values and citizens. Protecting America...
So...what have they done...besides talk?

Well try grab their guns... we will see how it goes. My prediction is that your appearance will be quickly transformed to resemble Swiss cheese.

2025 is almost hereThe economy is in the best shapes it's been in
I don't understand why any working class American would want the president out of office.

Real working Americans are doing really well under Trump...they probably want Trump in 2020..

But the Far Left? Their mottos... "If it ain't free...it ain't for me"....or....."Why work...when I can Twerk"?
Maybe because they are "Welfare teet clingers", and the hardest work they are willing to do is walk down to the mailbox to collect their gubbment check?
Democrats are fond of stealing from the working class and handing it to their voters.....REAL Republicans....not so much
Well try grab their guns... we will see how it goes. My prediction is that your appearance will be quickly transformed to resemble Swiss cheese.

They already ARE grabbing guns. 26 states now have Red Flag Laws where they can just take em, pretty much on a whim for all intents and purposes. Many states like NY and NJ and CA make it so damn difficult to have a gun most people give up. You see any resistance? Virginia sheriffs are trying, but they're facing a stiff headwind.

The only people holding onto their guns is the old folks, and they're dying off fast. The young Millenials and GenX are taking over....And they've been WELL BRED to hate guns and love Socialism. Believe me....over the next 10 - 20 years America will go the way of Europe and Australia. You can't stop it.

But if it makes you feel better to play ITG, then we understand.
Last edited:
Well try grab their guns... we will see how it goes. My prediction is that your appearance will be quickly transformed to resemble Swiss cheese.

They already ARE grabbing guns. 26 states now have Red Flag Laws where they can just take em, pretty much on a whim for all intents and purposes. Many states like NY and NJ and CA make it so damn difficult to have a gun most people give up. You see any resistance? Virginia sheriffs are trying, but they're facing a stiff headwind.

The only people holding onto their guns is the old folks, and they're dying off fast. The young Millenials and GenX are taking over....And they've been WELL BRED to hate guns and love Socialism. Believe me....over the next 10 - 20 years America will go the way of Europe and Australia. You can't stop it.

But if it makes you feel better to play ITG, then we understand.

You are delusional if you think that. There is no possibility what so ever that this will go down like in Europe, unless you predict that the Muslims take over and decimate the place. Brazil is the best case.

Plenty of real Americans left, what's your excuse for being sackless?
‘Nothing Less Than a Civil War’

Once again we see the right’s propensity for war and violence, and their contempt for our democratic institutions.

Once again we see the pseudo intellectual ignore the overwhelming number of leftist attacks and whine about Charlottesville...the one right wing attack you dipshits can point to while turning a blind eye to the hundreds of left wing attacks .

I hope to hell that major violence doesn't happen....not because of the hundreds of antifart pricks who will get killed, but because of the pure innocent people who will be harmed by you jackasses.
Probably not drugs potent enough to believe that the members of the US military will fire on their countrymen without mass defections,....Like the ones you're on.
Read much history Oddball? Find me some examples of US military refusing to open fire on US citizens when ordered to do so? I'll match you 5 to one...with the US military opening fire when ordered.

Some interesting responses here fleegle. You should read them.

Yeah...I happened on that earlier...nuanced discussion....not to be found here. There are scenarios where troops might refuse to engage...but they are pretty far-fetched. Truth is...the odds of a civil disturbance being so large that the regular military would be needed are long---a few isolated incidents would be handled the usual way....

Were a State or two secede--history has shown the result..and the states with the industrial capacity to wage war...are almost all Blue. Just as it was in 1860.

Whaaaaa? Moving the goalposts again? Say it isn't so! Most military are not the brain dead retards the leftists claim them to be, and whose compliance with illegal orders they require for their seditious plans to succeed.

If it comforts you to think so. Have you served? We really don't question orders...and what constitutes an illegal order...is probably not at all what you might think. The treason would be whoever took up arms against the US..and a bunch of disaffected loons with MAGA hats...would foot the bill just fine. As would a bunch of Antifa..if they were so stupid as to engage.

Sure you don't. You are sounding more and more like a retard.
Any person who thinks that their little pop gun weapon is any match for the greatest military in the world I have some wonderful ocean front property in Oklahoma to sell them at a very reasonable price.

The only result any far right radical extremist will experience if they start a civil war and even try to raise their little weapon to the best military in the world is being killed very quickly.

What drugs are these people on?

Have you seen any person on this forum or in the news who has claimed his gun is any match to our military? Please quote it so I can see it.

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