‘Nothing Less Than a Civil War’:These White Voters on the Far Right See Doom Without Trump

Leftist mobs?

Are you retarded?

Pretty much all violent mobs are leftist, creep.

But then how else can you silence dissent?
Probably not drugs potent enough to believe that the members of the US military will fire on their countrymen without mass defections,....Like the ones you're on.
I am sure that CONSERVATIVE military personnel would have no problem firing on and killing American citizens if ordered to. Especially if they believed that the citizens they were murdering were liberals. I'd go so far as to say that MANY conservative military personnel would gladly fire on (liberals) even withOUT being ordered to.
Yeah ... you believe that silliness because like most leftards you are stupid ... monumentally STUPID.
Wow! A lot of what we see here everyday....an interesting look into the far right rural voter:

‘Nothing Less Than a Civil War’: These White Voters on the Far Right See Doom Without Trump

Great American Pizza & Subs, on a highway about 100 miles southeast of Las Vegas, was busier and Trumpier than usual. On any given day it serves “M.A.G.A. Subs” and “Liberty Bell Lasagna.” The “Second Amendment” pizza comes “loaded” with pepperoni and sausage. The dining room is covered in regalia praising President Trump.
But this October morning was “Trumpstock,” a small festival celebrating the president. The speakers included the local Republican congressman, Paul Gosar, and lesser-known conservative personalities. There was a fringe 2020 Senate candidate in Arizona who ran a website that published sexually explicit photos of women without their consent; a pro-Trump rapper whose lyrics include a racist slur aimed at Barack Obama; and a North Carolina activist who once said of Muslims, “I will kill every one of them before they get to me.”

if any group remains singularly loyal to Mr. Trump, it is the small but impassioned number of white voters on the far right, often in rural communities like Golden Valley, who extol him as a cultural champion reclaiming the country from undeserving outsiders.
They label us white nationalists, or white supremacists,” volunteered Guy Taiho Decker, who drove from California to attend the event. A right-wing protester, he has previously been arrested on charges of making terrorist threats.

“There’s no such thing as a white supremacist, just like there’s no such thing as a unicorn,” Mr. Decker said. “We’re patriots.”

These voters don’t passively tolerate Mr. Trump’s “build a wall” message or his ban on travel from predominantly Muslim countries — they’re what motivates them. They see themselves in his fear-based identity politics, bolstered by conspiratorial rhetoric about caravans of immigrants and Democratic “coups.”

The president draws support from a broader political and ideological cross-section of Republicans than the Trumpstock crowd reflected, and he attracts some independents and Democrats as well. The festival itself was relatively small, drawing about 100 people, though significant enough to attract the likes of Mr. Gosar.

But events like it, as well as speaking engagements featuring far-right supporters of the president, have become part of the political landscape during the Trump era. Islamophobic taunts can be heard at his rallies. Hate speech and conspiracy theories are staples of some far-right websites. If Trumpstock was modest in size, it stood out as a sign of extremist public support for a sitting president.

Trumpstock attendees say they are used to being denounced, another quality they feel they share with the president. It’s part of why they are protective of him, to the point that they refuse to acknowledge the possibility of a Trump loss in 2020.

Mark Villalta said he had been stockpiling firearms, in case Mr. Trump’s re-election is not successful.

“Nothing less than a civil war would happen,” Mr. Villalta said, his right hand reaching for a holstered handgun. “I don’t believe in violence, but I’ll do what I got to do.”
I hope someone was keeping track of the attendees.

Oh? So that you can figure out where they live to attack them? Just remember, cupcake, that goes both ways.

"Oh? So that you can figure out where they live to attack them? Just remember, cupcake, that goes both ways."


pure fkn nutso!

FIRST you post that you are happy that conservatives with lots of guns are getting ready for a CIVIL WAR (so you can kill me)

then when some RATIONAL person says "I sure hope some government agency is watching them so THOSE RIGHT WING MURDERERS don't end up killing innocent people"

and your response is "how DARE they try to stop us from killing them!"

and then you blame THEM?

typical fkn deranged murderous piece of shit conservative

Oh, because it's the Americans we should fear, not you Stalinists with your violent Brown Shirts....

Didn't answer my question, deflectasaurus rex.

Which "nutters" have caused the open violence in the streets from leftist mobs, and when are asswagons like you going to hold them to account?
Leftist mobs?

Are you retarded?

No, but you clearly are. Jut look up antifart on YouTube .

Knock your retarded self out



noun: Antifa; noun: anti-fa
a political protest movement comprising autonomous groups affiliated by their militant opposition to fascism and other forms of extreme right-wing ideology.

I think ALL Americans should be MILITANTLY opposed to FASCISM and right-wing ideology.

I know I am.
If there was any real fascism in operation, violent little punks like you would have already been rounded up and summarily dispatched.

You and the rest of you antifa creeps are nothing more than hysterical miscreant goons.

But it isn't "leftists" whole the FBI considers the biggest threat to America. There are no "leftist" militias, no "leftists" have blown up any federal buildings or daycare centers, no "leftists" have armed up and tried to commit genocide, or murdered people in church, or........

Reality is that it's the right that are violent.

At least the few of you who can get up the willpower to get out of your mom's basement.
Who rioted in the streets during the inauguration?

Who rioted in the streets of Berkley and heavily damaged a venue at UC?

Who shot up a baseball game practice?

Who attacked Rand Paul in his back yard?

Who was clobbering bystanders on the head with a bicycle lock?

Who has harassed and physically attacked attendees to Trump rallies.

Leftist mobs?

Are you retarded?

Pretty much all violent mobs are leftist, creep.

But then how else can you silence dissent?
Stupid propaganda. As previously mentioned leftists have not blown up any daycare centers, massacred people in places of worship, gone on genocidal rampages, and so on.

It isn't "leftists" who the FBI considers the biggest threat today.
We can thank talk radio and nutter "news" sites for whipping these people into this frenzy.

If there is violence, if people die, they will have enabled it.

But you Communists will have nothing to do with it?

View attachment 297101
Nope..Communists will have nothing to do with it. God..how do you even breath....being so stupid?

You think your party is one of clean hands, eh Feeble?

Damn, you're stupid! I have no party..the very idea is absurd. Just because I despise Trumpkins does not make me a Dem...just as my support of the 2nd does not make me a R. Parties are for those who prefer to have others do their thinking for them
Like...well....like you.

Sure Feeble, you have us all tricked that you're middle of the road. Okay, you attack the right, the Americans 100% of the time and defend the left just as often, but that doesn't expose you..

I will say Feeble, you truly do think everyone else is too stupid to see through your bullshit. Problem is, you're wrong and not NEARLY as smart as you think you are...
Wow! A lot of what we see here everyday....an interesting look into the far right rural voter:

‘Nothing Less Than a Civil War’: These White Voters on the Far Right See Doom Without Trump

Great American Pizza & Subs, on a highway about 100 miles southeast of Las Vegas, was busier and Trumpier than usual. On any given day it serves “M.A.G.A. Subs” and “Liberty Bell Lasagna.” The “Second Amendment” pizza comes “loaded” with pepperoni and sausage. The dining room is covered in regalia praising President Trump.
But this October morning was “Trumpstock,” a small festival celebrating the president. The speakers included the local Republican congressman, Paul Gosar, and lesser-known conservative personalities. There was a fringe 2020 Senate candidate in Arizona who ran a website that published sexually explicit photos of women without their consent; a pro-Trump rapper whose lyrics include a racist slur aimed at Barack Obama; and a North Carolina activist who once said of Muslims, “I will kill every one of them before they get to me.”

if any group remains singularly loyal to Mr. Trump, it is the small but impassioned number of white voters on the far right, often in rural communities like Golden Valley, who extol him as a cultural champion reclaiming the country from undeserving outsiders.
They label us white nationalists, or white supremacists,” volunteered Guy Taiho Decker, who drove from California to attend the event. A right-wing protester, he has previously been arrested on charges of making terrorist threats.

“There’s no such thing as a white supremacist, just like there’s no such thing as a unicorn,” Mr. Decker said. “We’re patriots.”

These voters don’t passively tolerate Mr. Trump’s “build a wall” message or his ban on travel from predominantly Muslim countries — they’re what motivates them. They see themselves in his fear-based identity politics, bolstered by conspiratorial rhetoric about caravans of immigrants and Democratic “coups.”

The president draws support from a broader political and ideological cross-section of Republicans than the Trumpstock crowd reflected, and he attracts some independents and Democrats as well. The festival itself was relatively small, drawing about 100 people, though significant enough to attract the likes of Mr. Gosar.

But events like it, as well as speaking engagements featuring far-right supporters of the president, have become part of the political landscape during the Trump era. Islamophobic taunts can be heard at his rallies. Hate speech and conspiracy theories are staples of some far-right websites. If Trumpstock was modest in size, it stood out as a sign of extremist public support for a sitting president.

Trumpstock attendees say they are used to being denounced, another quality they feel they share with the president. It’s part of why they are protective of him, to the point that they refuse to acknowledge the possibility of a Trump loss in 2020.

Mark Villalta said he had been stockpiling firearms, in case Mr. Trump’s re-election is not successful.

“Nothing less than a civil war would happen,” Mr. Villalta said, his right hand reaching for a holstered handgun. “I don’t believe in violence, but I’ll do what I got to do.”
I hope someone was keeping track of the attendees.

Oh? So that you can figure out where they live to attack them? Just remember, cupcake, that goes both ways.

"Oh? So that you can figure out where they live to attack them? Just remember, cupcake, that goes both ways."


pure fkn nutso!

FIRST you post that you are happy that conservatives with lots of guns are getting ready for a CIVIL WAR (so you can kill me)

then when some RATIONAL person says "I sure hope some government agency is watching them so THOSE RIGHT WING MURDERERS don't end up killing innocent people"

and your response is "how DARE they try to stop us from killing them!"

and then you blame THEM?

typical fkn deranged murderous piece of shit conservative

Oh, because it's the Americans we should fear, not you Stalinists with your violent Brown Shirts....

You have nothing to fear from Americans. It's the nut-jobs on the right and their Russian allies you need to be worried about.
Which talk radio host and/or "nutter news" networks have whipped up the antifa goon squads?

When will intellectual frauds like you hold them to account?
Faux, hannity, Limbaugh, breightbart, too many to list, and all of them should be held accountable.
Didn't answer my question, deflectasaurus rex.

Which "nutters" have caused the open violence in the streets from leftist mobs, and when are asswagons like you going to hold them to account?
Leftist mobs?

Are you retarded?

No, but you clearly are. Jut look up antifart on YouTube .

Knock your retarded self out



noun: Antifa; noun: anti-fa
a political protest movement comprising autonomous groups affiliated by their militant opposition to fascism and other forms of extreme right-wing ideology.

I think ALL Americans should be MILITANTLY opposed to FASCISM and right-wing ideology.

I know I am.

And yet you are one of the most fascist people here.
Stupid propaganda. As previously mentioned leftists have not blown up any daycare centers, massacred people in places of worship, gone on genocidal rampages, and so on.

It isn't "leftists" who the FBI considers the biggest threat today.

The FBI is a corrupt and partisan organization interested in perpetuating their own position in a permanent deep state.

Blown up daycare centers? What in 1971? You vile scum have your Brown Shirts violently attacking people every single day. You roam the streets spreading terror in an attempt to silence dissent against you.

You're no different than the Nazi thugs were in Germany in the 1920's.
Leftist mobs?

Are you retarded?

No, but you clearly are. Jut look up antifart on YouTube .

Knock your retarded self out



noun: Antifa; noun: anti-fa
a political protest movement comprising autonomous groups affiliated by their militant opposition to fascism and other forms of extreme right-wing ideology.

I think ALL Americans should be MILITANTLY opposed to FASCISM and right-wing ideology.

I know I am.
If there was any real fascism in operation, violent little punks like you would have already been rounded up and summarily dispatched.

You and the rest of you antifa creeps are nothing more than hysterical miscreant goons.

But it isn't "leftists" whole the FBI considers the biggest threat to America. There are no "leftist" militias, no "leftists" have blown up any federal buildings or daycare centers, no "leftists" have armed up and tried to commit genocide, or murdered people in church, or........

Reality is that it's the right that are violent.

At least the few of you who can get up the willpower to get out of your mom's basement.
Who rioted in the streets during the inauguration?

Who rioted in the streets of Berkley and heavily damaged a venue at UC?

Who shot up a baseball game practice?

Who attacked Rand Paul in his back yard?

Who was clobbering bystanders on the head with a bicycle lock?

Who has harassed and physically attacked attendees to Trump rallies.

Rioted and protested are two different things.
What, when a conservitard does it it's just a loan nutter, right?
His neighbor.
Never heard about anyone hitting people with a bicycle lock.
Nobody has attacked tRump rally attendees.
One has to be patient with Trump supporters. After all, if Trump is not reelected, who will do the thinking for them?
Probably not drugs potent enough to believe that the members of the US military will fire on their countrymen without mass defections,....Like the ones you're on.
I am sure that CONSERVATIVE military personnel would have no problem firing on and killing American citizens if ordered to. Especially if they believed that the citizens they were murdering were liberals. I'd go so far as to say that MANY conservative military personnel would gladly fire on (liberals) even withOUT being ordered to.
Yeah ... you believe that silliness because like most leftards you are stupid ... monumentally STUPID.
Well, I think we can all agree that Trumpsters are profoundly more intelligent and informed than the rest of us.

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