Nothing's More Sickening Than a Race Bating Yankee

Come on lefties. Even you have to admit the worst of all was Hillary's speech.


Like nails on a blackboard. Yikes, she shouldn't have tried that in Selma.
Come on lefties. Even you have to admit the worst of all was Hillary's speech.


Like nails on a blackboard. Yikes, she shouldn't have tried that in Selma.

Why Selma? Seems to be an interesting choice of places for you to pick.
Come on lefties. Even you have to admit the worst of all was Hillary's speech.


Like nails on a blackboard. Yikes, she shouldn't have tried that in Selma.

Why Selma? Seems to be an interesting choice of places for you to pick.

Why? That's where she actually delivered this "nails on the blackboard" speech. Here you go.

I think she should have just run with her own voice.

Sen. Hillary Clinton adopts a southern drawl while speaking in Selma, AL

[ame=]Hillary Clinton adopts a southern drawl - YouTube[/ame]

She was reading it exactly as it was written.

You rightwingloons sure are hung up on race, I wonder why that is?
Y'all has a northern equivalent youse.

Both are either singlular or plural depending on context.
Except for maybe a faux-outraging racist :eusa_whistle:

Or a free-loading beaner.

Or an ignorant racist who thinks that the 'f' in my name is just for show. It's 'Josef', not 'Jose', dumb ass. So, I guess you're going to call me a Nazi now? I'd try to explain that one to you, but I'm sure it's over your head.

Someone is getting their panties in a wad, just a wee bit sensitive here.
:rolleyes: Biden has lived in Maryland for years and years....y'all are being extremely partisan.

Biden is from Delaware and used to take the train to Capitol Hill. Nevertheless, have you been to Maryland or Northern Virginia lately, it is not the South.
I was there late last summer. It most certainly is still the South.
Delaware is north of the Mason-Dixon line. :eusa_shhh:

Anyone who thinks the Capital region is South, can't have visited the South.

Have you noticed even Obama speaks with a slight Southern draw, when in front of his peers?? Pretty sickening. Just another mask and so obvious.
Actually, that's his Negro accent. He is a Negro, you know.

Negro's have accents attributed to their race?
I thought accents were attributed to region where the language was mastered.

Wow...coming from you Ravi?
I think the reason the Democrats all use fake accents. They really don't want to but the publicist ask them to and when they complain to their wives, their wives all say, " just fake it i've done it for years."

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