Notice GOP's Silence on Oil lately?

Notice Democrats silence on rail disasters lately? Because they are bought and sold to block a pipeline?
Wow...this article might win the "misinformation of the year" award.
I encourage people to read it for the entertainment value. It's hilarious.
Well go ahead inform us idiots of the truth!
Gasoline prices in CA have increased nearly a $1/gallon over the past few weeks. Cheap gas is a myth that depends upon a moribund economy. When people are out of work and living on part time jobs, they avoid driving as much as possible.

This is, however, consistent with the Socialist Dream: warehouse the peasants in stack and pack living units within walking distance of their minimum wage jobs.
I must have missed all them pay raises the slave laborers were getting when republicans were in power.

Slave Laborers? Do you work at Noodles Restaurant?

That's what I thought. You can't show me where income wages went up under republican rule. income wages only go up under republican rule for the 1%

The Democrat controlled the Senate and the White house for the last six years and the 1% has done extremely well.
Wind and solar are supplemental at best. The article forgot to add that OPEC was producing at full capacity in order to kill the fracking industry which drove the rig count down in the US.
I guess you can't be too surprised by people like the OP falling for this nonsense.
After all, I suppose they have to turn somewhere now that Comedy Central isn't providing their nightly news.

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