Notice how the democrats always compare conservatives to Nazis?

For the tards who need to enroll in the 5th grade again, here's some graphs that show you where the nazis end up on the political spectrum.


The upper right quandrant is the authoritarian right. The further north you are, the more authoritarian you are on the social scale. The further right, the more conservative on the economic scale.


Hitler wasn't even remotely liberal, or "left" by any stretch of the imagination. He was super, ultra authoritarian with slight right of center leanings on the economic scale. Nazi's were about pure authoritarianism. Hitler wasn't an extreme right winger on the economic scale, he was more Keynesian.

Today's left typically land somewhere down where Gandhi is.

You can take the test yourself to see where you end up here: The Political Compass
LOL! I've really triggered you butchers, haven't I? I've never seen so many nazi dims trying so hard to blame it all on conservatives when it is YOU who are doing the shooting. Now, you go ahead and lie all you want and present pretty little fake pictures. The FACT of the dim shooter yesterday cannot be projected. You are all guilty.

Herr Goebbels would be proud how well you have learned!
Yet, ever since this murderous scum democrat tried to kill members of congress yesterday, hardly a post goes by without the democrats here accusing conservatives of wanting the murder politicians, which is the EXACT tactic the Germans used in WW2. democrats playing their little games, trying their very best to start a war and blame the other side, just like the the Nazis did.

View attachment 133284
The most ironic part is that the Nazis were leftists. I'm reminded of that every time they refer to the right as Nazis.
You'll probably discount this and that's fine, if you do it shows your ignorance of detailed history. When Hitler joined the party it was espousing national socialist ideology, by the time he came to power he had made alliances with the German industrialists and the military for his own reasons. After Hitler came to power Rohm and the rest of the SA leaders started demanding Hitler start instituting the national socialist changes which included nationalizing all of Germany's industry, in response Hitler ordered Operation Hummingbird better known as the Night of the Long Knives. Hitler's plan was to suppress worker's rights in favor of the industrialists to put the country on a war footing so he eliminated Rohm and hundreds of others that he saw as a threat to his plans and never instituted the national socialist reforms making the name National Socialist German Workers' Party (NAZI) meaningless. Hitler was a nationalist dictator, not a socialist by any stretch of the imagination, all accepted political definitions label Nationalist Dictatorships as far right constructs. As for the name Nazi, I can call myself a tree but it doesn't make me one..........
As for the left calling the right in this country Nazis, they're just as wrong except in a few obvious examples (Skinheads, etc) that even the vast majority of conservatives rightfully reject.
Those are the facts, accept them or not as you chose.
No, you trying to direct attention elsewhere like all libs do when they fuck up. This topic is about how democrats always call conservatives nazis and try to project that on us when it is YOU who are behaving like nazis. Nice try. Fail. Trying to make people think you aren't guilty of those shooting yesterday has failed miserably. Shame on all of you.
Yet, ever since this murderous scum democrat tried to kill members of congress yesterday, hardly a post goes by without the democrats here accusing conservatives of wanting the murder politicians, which is the EXACT tactic the Germans used in WW2. democrats playing their little games, trying their very best to start a war and blame the other side, just like the the Nazis did.

View attachment 133284

I don't think either party is like those nazis of hitler's time. At least not yet. But things seem to be getting out of hand, and most of the violence to date is coming from the left. They would rather destroy a university than allow someone with opinions different than their own from speaking. I'm talking about Berkeley last month. Such intolerance and violence towards fellow American right wingers from the lefties, who are so tolerant and welcoming and protective towards muslims, who have caused death and destruction and extreme intolerance in any country they have been allowed into.
If you authoritarian, nationalistic, jingoistic, misogynistic and bigoted fools stopped looking like fascist ducks, talking like fascist ducks and acting like fascists ducks

There you have it. Point, set, match.
Yet, ever since this murderous scum democrat tried to kill members of congress yesterday, hardly a post goes by without the democrats here accusing conservatives of wanting the murder politicians, which is the EXACT tactic the Germans used in WW2. democrats playing their little games, trying their very best to start a war and blame the other side, just like the the Nazis did.

View attachment 133284
The most ironic part is that the Nazis were leftists. I'm reminded of that every time they refer to the right as Nazis.
You'll probably discount this and that's fine, if you do it shows your ignorance of detailed history. When Hitler joined the party it was espousing national socialist ideology, by the time he came to power he had made alliances with the German industrialists and the military for his own reasons. After Hitler came to power Rohm and the rest of the SA leaders started demanding Hitler start instituting the national socialist changes which included nationalizing all of Germany's industry, in response Hitler ordered Operation Hummingbird better known as the Night of the Long Knives. Hitler's plan was to suppress worker's rights in favor of the industrialists to put the country on a war footing so he eliminated Rohm and hundreds of others that he saw as a threat to his plans and never instituted the national socialist reforms making the name National Socialist German Workers' Party (NAZI) meaningless. Hitler was a nationalist dictator, not a socialist by any stretch of the imagination, all accepted political definitions label Nationalist Dictatorships as far right constructs. As for the name Nazi, I can call myself a tree but it doesn't make me one..........
As for the left calling the right in this country Nazis, they're just as wrong except in a few obvious examples (Skinheads, etc) that even the vast majority of conservatives rightfully reject.
Those are the facts, accept them or not as you chose.
No, you trying to direct attention elsewhere like all libs do when they fuck up. This topic is about how democrats always call conservatives nazis and try to project that on us when it is YOU who are behaving like nazis. Nice try. Fail. Trying to make people think you aren't guilty of those shooting yesterday has failed miserably. Shame on all of you.
Like I said you can believe what you want no matter how wrong you are. All I'm doing is interjecting historical fact proving both sides are full of shit (which we already knew) and now you're having a hissy fit over it....... Now that's funny!!!!!!! :lmao:
For the tards who need to enroll in the 5th grade again, here's some graphs that show you where the nazis end up on the political spectrum.


The upper right quandrant is the authoritarian right. The further north you are, the more authoritarian you are on the social scale. The further right, the more conservative on the economic scale.


Hitler wasn't even remotely liberal, or "left" by any stretch of the imagination. He was super, ultra authoritarian with slight right of center leanings on the economic scale. Nazi's were about pure authoritarianism. Hitler wasn't an extreme right winger on the economic scale, he was more Keynesian.

Today's left typically land somewhere down where Gandhi is.

You can take the test yourself to see where you end up here: The Political Compass
LOL! I've really triggered you butchers, haven't I? I've never seen so many nazi dims trying so hard to blame it all on conservatives when it is YOU who are doing the shooting. Now, you go ahead and lie all you want and present pretty little fake pictures. The FACT of the dim shooter yesterday cannot be projected. You are all guilty.

Herr Goebbels would be proud how well you have learned!

What in God's name are you babbling about? I only posted that because a couple of trolls were drooling all over their keyboards about nazis being "left."

Are you off your meds today?
Notice how the democrats always compare conservatives to Nazis?

A far more accurate statement is that individuals will, at their discretion, posit verisimilitude between whomever they dislike and Nazis.
That said, there are conservatives who substantively or circumstantially merit being compared to Nazis, regardless of whether the person making the comparison is a Democrat or not.
Yet, ever since this murderous scum democrat tried to kill members of congress yesterday, hardly a post goes by without the democrats here accusing conservatives of wanting the murder politicians, which is the EXACT tactic the Germans used in WW2. democrats playing their little games, trying their very best to start a war and blame the other side, just like the the Nazis did.

View attachment 133284

I don't think either party is like those nazis of hitler's time. At least not yet. But things seem to be getting out of hand, and most of the violence to date is coming from the left. They would rather destroy a university than allow someone with opinions different than their own from speaking. I'm talking about Berkeley last month. Such intolerance towards fellow American right wingers from the lefties, who are so tolerant and welcoming and protective towards muslims, who have caused death and destruction and extreme intolerance in any country they have been allowed into.
Thanks but my topic point is how libs aways try to deflect by calling conservatives nazis for the things they (libs) are doing.
For the tards who need to enroll in the 5th grade again, here's some graphs that show you where the nazis end up on the political spectrum.


The upper right quandrant is the authoritarian right. The further north you are, the more authoritarian you are on the social scale. The further right, the more conservative on the economic scale.


Hitler wasn't even remotely liberal, or "left" by any stretch of the imagination. He was super, ultra authoritarian with slight right of center leanings on the economic scale. Nazi's were about pure authoritarianism. Hitler wasn't an extreme right winger on the economic scale, he was more Keynesian.

Today's left typically land somewhere down where Gandhi is.

You can take the test yourself to see where you end up here: The Political Compass
LOL! I've really triggered you butchers, haven't I? I've never seen so many nazi dims trying so hard to blame it all on conservatives when it is YOU who are doing the shooting. Now, you go ahead and lie all you want and present pretty little fake pictures. The FACT of the dim shooter yesterday cannot be projected. You are all guilty.

Herr Goebbels would be proud how well you have learned!

What in God's name are you babbling about? I only posted that because a couple of trolls were drooling all over their keyboards about nazis being "left."

Are you off your meds today?
Yes yes, the character assassination. Well timed Josef.
Yet, ever since this murderous scum democrat tried to kill members of congress yesterday, hardly a post goes by without the democrats here accusing conservatives of wanting the murder politicians, which is the EXACT tactic the Germans used in WW2. democrats playing their little games, trying their very best to start a war and blame the other side, just like the the Nazis did.

View attachment 133284
The most ironic part is that the Nazis were leftists. I'm reminded of that every time they refer to the right as Nazis.
You'll probably discount this and that's fine, if you do it shows your ignorance of detailed history. When Hitler joined the party it was espousing national socialist ideology, by the time he came to power he had made alliances with the German industrialists and the military for his own reasons. After Hitler came to power Rohm and the rest of the SA leaders started demanding Hitler start instituting the national socialist changes which included nationalizing all of Germany's industry, in response Hitler ordered Operation Hummingbird better known as the Night of the Long Knives. Hitler's plan was to suppress worker's rights in favor of the industrialists to put the country on a war footing so he eliminated Rohm and hundreds of others that he saw as a threat to his plans and never instituted the national socialist reforms making the name National Socialist German Workers' Party (NAZI) meaningless. Hitler was a nationalist dictator, not a socialist by any stretch of the imagination, all accepted political definitions label Nationalist Dictatorships as far right constructs. As for the name Nazi, I can call myself a tree but it doesn't make me one..........
As for the left calling the right in this country Nazis, they're just as wrong except in a few obvious examples (Skinheads, etc) that even the vast majority of conservatives rightfully reject.
Those are the facts, accept them or not as you chose.
Those skinheads are called 14488ers.

During his reign, the government controlled all industry, all workers were employed by the government, and they had universal healthcare. Sure, people will tell you that the government didn't own industry, but the businesses only owned themselves in name, the government told them what to do and when to do it. Germany was every bit as Socialist as Russia.
For the tards who need to enroll in the 5th grade again, here's some graphs that show you where the nazis end up on the political spectrum.


The upper right quandrant is the authoritarian right. The further north you are, the more authoritarian you are on the social scale. The further right, the more conservative on the economic scale.


Hitler wasn't even remotely liberal, or "left" by any stretch of the imagination. He was super, ultra authoritarian with slight right of center leanings on the economic scale. Nazi's were about pure authoritarianism. Hitler wasn't an extreme right winger on the economic scale, he was more Keynesian.

Today's left typically land somewhere down where Gandhi is.

You can take the test yourself to see where you end up here: The Political Compass
LOL! I've really triggered you butchers, haven't I? I've never seen so many nazi dims trying so hard to blame it all on conservatives when it is YOU who are doing the shooting. Now, you go ahead and lie all you want and present pretty little fake pictures. The FACT of the dim shooter yesterday cannot be projected. You are all guilty.

Herr Goebbels would be proud how well you have learned!

What in God's name are you babbling about? I only posted that because a couple of trolls were drooling all over their keyboards about nazis being "left."

Are you off your meds today?
Yes yes, the character assassination. Well timed Josef.

This thread isn't going the way you hoped, is it? :laugh:

Poor Mikey...:itsok:
Yet, ever since this murderous scum democrat tried to kill members of congress yesterday, hardly a post goes by without the democrats here accusing conservatives of wanting the murder politicians, which is the EXACT tactic the Germans used in WW2. democrats playing their little games, trying their very best to start a war and blame the other side, just like the the Nazis did.

View attachment 133284
The most ironic part is that the Nazis were leftists. I'm reminded of that every time they refer to the right as Nazis.
You'll probably discount this and that's fine, if you do it shows your ignorance of detailed history. When Hitler joined the party it was espousing national socialist ideology, by the time he came to power he had made alliances with the German industrialists and the military for his own reasons. After Hitler came to power Rohm and the rest of the SA leaders started demanding Hitler start instituting the national socialist changes which included nationalizing all of Germany's industry, in response Hitler ordered Operation Hummingbird better known as the Night of the Long Knives. Hitler's plan was to suppress worker's rights in favor of the industrialists to put the country on a war footing so he eliminated Rohm and hundreds of others that he saw as a threat to his plans and never instituted the national socialist reforms making the name National Socialist German Workers' Party (NAZI) meaningless. Hitler was a nationalist dictator, not a socialist by any stretch of the imagination, all accepted political definitions label Nationalist Dictatorships as far right constructs. As for the name Nazi, I can call myself a tree but it doesn't make me one..........
As for the left calling the right in this country Nazis, they're just as wrong except in a few obvious examples (Skinheads, etc) that even the vast majority of conservatives rightfully reject.
Those are the facts, accept them or not as you chose.
Those skinheads are called 14488ers.

During his reign, the government controlled all industry, all workers were employed by the government, and they had universal healthcare. Sure, people will tell you that the government didn't own industry, but the businesses only owned themselves in name, the government told them what to do and when to do it. Germany was every bit as Socialist as Russia.
They controlled it to a degree and yes they has some socialistic programs but that doesn't change the fact that it was a true nationalist dictatorship but then again we can argue semantics all day long and never get anywhere. Like I said believe whatever floats your boat........ :dunno:
Yet, ever since this murderous scum democrat tried to kill members of congress yesterday, hardly a post goes by without the democrats here accusing conservatives of wanting the murder politicians, which is the EXACT tactic the Germans used in WW2. democrats playing their little games, trying their very best to start a war and blame the other side, just like the the Nazis did.

View attachment 133284
No murderous scum conservatives? Wow.nothing like an open mind

Don't examine goebels too closely. He also said "if you tell a lie often enough the sheep will believe it.who was it who said I could shoot someone on 5 th ace and my uneducated sheep wouldn't mind!?
For the tards who need to enroll in the 5th grade again, here's some graphs that show you where the nazis end up on the political spectrum.


The upper right quandrant is the authoritarian right. The further north you are, the more authoritarian you are on the social scale. The further right, the more conservative on the economic scale.


Hitler wasn't even remotely liberal, or "left" by any stretch of the imagination. He was super, ultra authoritarian with slight right of center leanings on the economic scale. Nazi's were about pure authoritarianism. Hitler wasn't an extreme right winger on the economic scale, he was more Keynesian.

Today's left typically land somewhere down where Gandhi is.

You can take the test yourself to see where you end up here: The Political Compass
LOL! I've really triggered you butchers, haven't I? I've never seen so many nazi dims trying so hard to blame it all on conservatives when it is YOU who are doing the shooting. Now, you go ahead and lie all you want and present pretty little fake pictures. The FACT of the dim shooter yesterday cannot be projected. You are all guilty.

Herr Goebbels would be proud how well you have learned!

What in God's name are you babbling about? I only posted that because a couple of trolls were drooling all over their keyboards about nazis being "left."

Are you off your meds today?
Extreme trumpist trolls will compare anyone who doesn't agree with them to both Nazis and communists. It's a rule rather than an exception. They do not require reasons for the comparisons.
For the tards who need to enroll in the 5th grade again, here's some graphs that show you where the nazis end up on the political spectrum.


The upper right quandrant is the authoritarian right. The further north you are, the more authoritarian you are on the social scale. The further right, the more conservative on the economic scale.


Hitler wasn't even remotely liberal, or "left" by any stretch of the imagination. He was super, ultra authoritarian with slight right of center leanings on the economic scale. Nazi's were about pure authoritarianism. Hitler wasn't an extreme right winger on the economic scale, he was more Keynesian.

Today's left typically land somewhere down where Gandhi is.

You can take the test yourself to see where you end up here: The Political Compass
LOL! I've really triggered you butchers, haven't I? I've never seen so many nazi dims trying so hard to blame it all on conservatives when it is YOU who are doing the shooting. Now, you go ahead and lie all you want and present pretty little fake pictures. The FACT of the dim shooter yesterday cannot be projected. You are all guilty.

Herr Goebbels would be proud how well you have learned!

What in God's name are you babbling about? I only posted that because a couple of trolls were drooling all over their keyboards about nazis being "left."

Are you off your meds today?
Yes yes, the character assassination. Well timed Josef.

This thread isn't going the way you hoped, is it? :laugh:

Poor Mikey...:itsok:
The uneducated love saying hitler was a socialist. He changed the party name to National Socialist. Couldn't be further from a socialist
Yet, ever since this murderous scum democrat tried to kill members of congress yesterday, hardly a post goes by without the democrats here accusing conservatives of wanting the murder politicians, which is the EXACT tactic the Germans used in WW2. democrats playing their little games, trying their very best to start a war and blame the other side, just like the the Nazis did.

View attachment 133284
The most ironic part is that the Nazis were leftists. I'm reminded of that every time they refer to the right as Nazis.
You'll probably discount this and that's fine, if you do it shows your ignorance of detailed history. When Hitler joined the party it was espousing national socialist ideology, by the time he came to power he had made alliances with the German industrialists and the military for his own reasons. After Hitler came to power Rohm and the rest of the SA leaders started demanding Hitler start instituting the national socialist changes which included nationalizing all of Germany's industry, in response Hitler ordered Operation Hummingbird better known as the Night of the Long Knives. Hitler's plan was to suppress worker's rights in favor of the industrialists to put the country on a war footing so he eliminated Rohm and hundreds of others that he saw as a threat to his plans and never instituted the national socialist reforms making the name National Socialist German Workers' Party (NAZI) meaningless. Hitler was a nationalist dictator, not a socialist by any stretch of the imagination, all accepted political definitions label Nationalist Dictatorships as far right constructs. As for the name Nazi, I can call myself a tree but it doesn't make me one..........
As for the left calling the right in this country Nazis, they're just as wrong except in a few obvious examples (Skinheads, etc) that even the vast majority of conservatives rightfully reject.
Those are the facts, accept them or not as you chose.
Those skinheads are called 14488ers.

During his reign, the government controlled all industry, all workers were employed by the government, and they had universal healthcare. Sure, people will tell you that the government didn't own industry, but the businesses only owned themselves in name, the government told them what to do and when to do it. Germany was every bit as Socialist as Russia.
Oh and use rational logic, not rationalized logic. Nazism under Hitler was never pure Nazism, the Soviet Union (especially under Stalin) was never a pure communist state and the US was never a pure democracy. There are no pure forms of sociopolitical constructs anywhere in the world.
For the tards who need to enroll in the 5th grade again, here's some graphs that show you where the nazis end up on the political spectrum.


The upper right quandrant is the authoritarian right. The further north you are, the more authoritarian you are on the social scale. The further right, the more conservative on the economic scale.


Hitler wasn't even remotely liberal, or "left" by any stretch of the imagination. He was super, ultra authoritarian with slight right of center leanings on the economic scale. Nazi's were about pure authoritarianism. Hitler wasn't an extreme right winger on the economic scale, he was more Keynesian.

Today's left typically land somewhere down where Gandhi is.

You can take the test yourself to see where you end up here: The Political Compass
LOL! I've really triggered you butchers, haven't I? I've never seen so many nazi dims trying so hard to blame it all on conservatives when it is YOU who are doing the shooting. Now, you go ahead and lie all you want and present pretty little fake pictures. The FACT of the dim shooter yesterday cannot be projected. You are all guilty.

Herr Goebbels would be proud how well you have learned!

What in God's name are you babbling about? I only posted that because a couple of trolls were drooling all over their keyboards about nazis being "left."

Are you off your meds today?
Extreme trumpist trolls will compare anyone who doesn't agree with them to both Nazis and communists. It's a rule rather than an exception. They do not require reasons for the comparisons.
You seem to have conservatives confused with democrats. You trash do it everyday, then when cornered about, you go Goebbels. Accuse the other side of doing what you are doing. You have failed. It's all here in black and white.

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