Notice how the democrats always compare conservatives to Nazis?

For the tards who need to enroll in the 5th grade again, here's some graphs that show you where the nazis end up on the political spectrum.


The upper right quandrant is the authoritarian right. The further north you are, the more authoritarian you are on the social scale. The further right, the more conservative on the economic scale.


Hitler wasn't even remotely liberal, or "left" by any stretch of the imagination. He was super, ultra authoritarian with slight right of center leanings on the economic scale. Nazi's were about pure authoritarianism. Hitler wasn't an extreme right winger on the economic scale, he was more Keynesian.

Today's left typically land somewhere down where Gandhi is.

You can take the test yourself to see where you end up here: The Political Compass
Yeah I don't put much into it because I'm a conservative religious right and I landed in with Gandhi.

Then you are not a conservative. I've got news for you, you're a liberal. This is a somewhat common occurrence with people who think they're conservative, and I've been tracking these results for almost ten years. Seems to be around 10% or so of conservatives who are actually wrong about their true political beliefs. Willhaftawaite is another one here. Usually it's one or two things that lead people to believe that they're conservative, such as abortion or being Christian, but when you subtract those things they're actually liberals. That's why this test is so great, it shows people stuff that they never knew about themselves.
Yet, ever since this murderous scum democrat tried to kill members of congress yesterday, hardly a post goes by without the democrats here accusing conservatives of wanting the murder politicians, which is the EXACT tactic the Germans used in WW2. democrats playing their little games, trying their very best to start a war and blame the other side, just like the the Nazis did.

View attachment 133284
Fuck off. You asswipes were comparing Obama to Hitler for 8 yars.

Grow the fuck up.
I never once compared obastard to Hilter. Next lie.
For the tards who need to enroll in the 5th grade again, here's some graphs that show you where the nazis end up on the political spectrum.


The upper right quandrant is the authoritarian right. The further north you are, the more authoritarian you are on the social scale. The further right, the more conservative on the economic scale.


Hitler wasn't even remotely liberal, or "left" by any stretch of the imagination. He was super, ultra authoritarian with slight right of center leanings on the economic scale. Nazi's were about pure authoritarianism. Hitler wasn't an extreme right winger on the economic scale, he was more Keynesian.

Today's left typically land somewhere down where Gandhi is.

You can take the test yourself to see where you end up here: The Political Compass
Yeah I don't put much into it because I'm a conservative religious right and I landed in with Gandhi.

Then you are not a conservative. I've got news for you, you're a liberal. This is a somewhat common occurrence with people who think they're conservative, and I've been tracking these results for almost ten years. Seems to be around 10% or so of conservatives who are actually wrong about their true political beliefs. Willhaftawaite is another one here. Usually it's one or two things that lead people to believe that they're conservative, such as abortion or being Christian, but when you subtract those things they're actually liberals. That's why this test is so great, it shows people stuff that they never knew about themselves.
Look, the liberal knows all about someone he never met. Classic.
I see them doing it less often, especially because more people understand that euro weenie socialists, regressives, fascists, or other nanny state pukefest is the same bullshit as our local bed wetters push. They even have cults of personality too boot. People are sick of the feds getting into everything. Clean up the fuckin cities the goddamned democrooks destroyed and leave the rest of us the fuck alone. Shove that UN bullshit up your asses too.


You are a left moderate social authoritarian.
Left: 5.18, Authoritarian: 2.56
For the tards who need to enroll in the 5th grade again, here's some graphs that show you where the nazis end up on the political spectrum.


The upper right quandrant is the authoritarian right. The further north you are, the more authoritarian you are on the social scale. The further right, the more conservative on the economic scale.


Hitler wasn't even remotely liberal, or "left" by any stretch of the imagination. He was super, ultra authoritarian with slight right of center leanings on the economic scale. Nazi's were about pure authoritarianism. Hitler wasn't an extreme right winger on the economic scale, he was more Keynesian.

Today's left typically land somewhere down where Gandhi is.

You can take the test yourself to see where you end up here: The Political Compass
Yeah I don't put much into it because I'm a conservative religious right and I landed in with Gandhi.

Then you are not a conservative. I've got news for you, you're a liberal. This is a somewhat common occurrence with people who think they're conservative, and I've been tracking these results for almost ten years. Seems to be around 10% or so of conservatives who are actually wrong about their true political beliefs. Willhaftawaite is another one here. Usually it's one or two things that lead people to believe that they're conservative, such as abortion or being Christian, but when you subtract those things they're actually liberals. That's why this test is so great, it shows people stuff that they never knew about themselves.
Hmmmm lets see now

Believe in second amendment rights? Yup
Own a gun? Yup
Go to church? Yup
Registered as a Republican? Yup since Reagan
Pro Life/Anti Abortion? Yup
Believe in the homosexual lifestyle? Nope but I believe they have a constitutional right to openly exist,have insurance,have civil union and live as a couple without harassment.
Believe the right should be made to bake cakes for gays? Nope
Believe in modest dress? Yes
Believe there should be prayer in school? I believe there should be a moment of silence in school so you can pray to the deity of you choice Yes.
Believe in separation of Church and state Yes but only because there are too many religions to accommodate them all and I'd be pissed if my child was forced to practice someone else's religion. That said recognizing certain holidays such as Christmas and Hanukkah in the form of parties and decorations are fine as long as it's not rammed down anyones throat. Children who wish not to participate should be allowed to have a day off without being marked absent or perhaps what was done when I was a kid and have a teacher or teachers volunteer to have a neutral class for the kids who don't want to partake of any festivities. I.E. Ultra Christian and Jehovah Witness kids not having to participate in the Halloween parade in grammar school. They can go sit in Ms Jones class and do other things like eat plain cupcakes and play games.
Believe in school uniforms in public school? Yup it's already done in New Haven and it works better than you can imagine.
Believe in the death penalty? Yup
Believe in big government? no
Believe that welfare should be discontinued? No but I believe it needs a major overhaul and should be limited to providing just for Children. Fuck the adults let them go get a job. I also believe it's the job of the church to provide for homeless adults and families as a part of Christian mission.

Lefty's believe in all that?Hell who knew they were so agreeable. I'm going to go read my bible now.
For the tards who need to enroll in the 5th grade again, here's some graphs that show you where the nazis end up on the political spectrum.


The upper right quandrant is the authoritarian right. The further north you are, the more authoritarian you are on the social scale. The further right, the more conservative on the economic scale.


Hitler wasn't even remotely liberal, or "left" by any stretch of the imagination. He was super, ultra authoritarian with slight right of center leanings on the economic scale. Nazi's were about pure authoritarianism. Hitler wasn't an extreme right winger on the economic scale, he was more Keynesian.

Today's left typically land somewhere down where Gandhi is.

You can take the test yourself to see where you end up here: The Political Compass
Yeah I don't put much into it because I'm a conservative religious right and I landed in with Gandhi.

Then you are not a conservative. I've got news for you, you're a liberal. This is a somewhat common occurrence with people who think they're conservative, and I've been tracking these results for almost ten years. Seems to be around 10% or so of conservatives who are actually wrong about their true political beliefs. Willhaftawaite is another one here. Usually it's one or two things that lead people to believe that they're conservative, such as abortion or being Christian, but when you subtract those things they're actually liberals. That's why this test is so great, it shows people stuff that they never knew about themselves.
Hmmmm lets see now

Believe in second amendment rights? Yup
Own a gun? Yup
Go to church? Yup
Registered as a Republican? Yup since Reagan
Pro Life/Anti Abortion? Yup
Believe in the homosexual lifestyle? Nope but I believe they have a constitutional right to openly exist,have insurance,have civil union and live as a couple without harassment.
Believe the right should be made to bake cakes for gays? Nope
Believe in modest dress? Yes
Believe there should be prayer in school? I believe there should be a moment of silence in school so you can pray to the deity of you choice Yes.
Believe in separation of Church and state Yes but only because there are too many religions to accommodate them all and I'd be pissed if my child was forced to practice someone else's religion. That said recognizing certain holidays such as Christmas and Hanukkah in the form of parties and decorations are fine as long as it's not rammed down anyones throat. Children who wish not to participate should be allowed to have a day off without being marked absent or perhaps what was done when I was a kid and have a teacher or teachers volunteer to have a neutral class for the kids who don't want to partake of any festivities. I.E. Ultra Christian and Jehovah Witness kids not having to participate in the Halloween parade in grammar school. They can go sit in Ms Jones class and do other things like eat plain cupcakes and play games.
Believe in school uniforms in public school? Yup it's already done in New Haven and it works better than you can imagine.
Believe in the death penalty? Yup
Believe in big government? no
Believe that welfare should be discontinued? No but I believe it needs a major overhaul and should be limited to providing just for Children. Fuck the adults let them go get a job. I also believe it's the job of the church to provide for homeless adults and families as a part of Christian mission.

Lefty's believe in all that?Hell who knew they were so agreeable. I'm going to go read my bible now.

Post your test results, the graph, por favor.
Liberals HATE trump so much because they are white-hating RACISTS

"Except the difference between now and then is that the people being rounded up will deserve it this time" -- Miketx

Mikey here is calling for liberals to be rounded up and put in camps, yet he can't understand why he's being compared to Nazis.

Mike, we'll make a deal. If you stop acting like a Nazi shitstain, we'll stop pointing it out. You too Statford. Being a Nazi asslicker is just like being a Nazi, except wimpier.

Needless to say, no liberals are calling for conservatives to be exterminated or put in camps. That kind of Nazi ratfukery is exclusive to conservatives. And while not all conservatives endorse it, not a single one will condemn it.

Yet, ever since this murderous scum democrat tried to kill members of congress yesterday, hardly a post goes by without the democrats here accusing conservatives of wanting the murder politicians, which is the EXACT tactic the Germans used in WW2. democrats playing their little games, trying their very best to start a war and blame the other side, just like the the Nazis did.

View attachment 133284
The most ironic part is that the Nazis were leftists. I'm reminded of that every time they refer to the right as Nazis.
You'll probably discount this and that's fine, if you do it shows your ignorance of detailed history. When Hitler joined the party it was espousing national socialist ideology, by the time he came to power he had made alliances with the German industrialists and the military for his own reasons. After Hitler came to power Rohm and the rest of the SA leaders started demanding Hitler start instituting the national socialist changes which included nationalizing all of Germany's industry, in response Hitler ordered Operation Hummingbird better known as the Night of the Long Knives. Hitler's plan was to suppress worker's rights in favor of the industrialists to put the country on a war footing so he eliminated Rohm and hundreds of others that he saw as a threat to his plans and never instituted the national socialist reforms making the name National Socialist German Workers' Party (NAZI) meaningless. Hitler was a nationalist dictator, not a socialist by any stretch of the imagination, all accepted political definitions label Nationalist Dictatorships as far right constructs. As for the name Nazi, I can call myself a tree but it doesn't make me one..........
As for the left calling the right in this country Nazis, they're just as wrong except in a few obvious examples (Skinheads, etc) that even the vast majority of conservatives rightfully reject.
Those are the facts, accept them or not as you chose.
Those skinheads are called 14488ers.

During his reign, the government controlled all industry, all workers were employed by the government, and they had universal healthcare. Sure, people will tell you that the government didn't own industry, but the businesses only owned themselves in name, the government told them what to do and when to do it. Germany was every bit as Socialist as Russia.
They controlled it to a degree and yes they has some socialistic programs but that doesn't change the fact that it was a true nationalist dictatorship but then again we can argue semantics all day long and never get anywhere. Like I said believe whatever floats your boat........ :dunno:
People can believe whatever floats their boats, but beliefs don't dictate facts. The facts being that Germany's government controlled the means of production, which is Social ownership of production, which is Socialism. As a matter of fact, they remained Socialist through the entirety of Hitler's reign, and the only reason their economy 'worked' for the duration is because they imported the parts for a booming industry(Cars) so that they can manufacture and sell them. All of that said, yes, Germany was Socialist under Hitler, that is a fact. They had universal healthcare, the government controlled the means of production, and everyone was employed by the government. The Nazis supported and implemented this system, the Nazis were factually Socialist. Socialism is far left, the Nazis were Socialist, the Nazis were left wing.

All of that said, it makes perfect sense, as far right is total freedom through the shrinking of government, and the far left is total security through the expansion of government. The only people who can mistake the Nazis for right wing are those who never give it any thought themselves.
Yet, ever since this murderous scum democrat tried to kill members of congress yesterday, hardly a post goes by without the democrats here accusing conservatives of wanting the murder politicians, which is the EXACT tactic the Germans used in WW2. democrats playing their little games, trying their very best to start a war and blame the other side, just like the the Nazis did.

View attachment 133284
The most ironic part is that the Nazis were leftists. I'm reminded of that every time they refer to the right as Nazis.
You'll probably discount this and that's fine, if you do it shows your ignorance of detailed history. When Hitler joined the party it was espousing national socialist ideology, by the time he came to power he had made alliances with the German industrialists and the military for his own reasons. After Hitler came to power Rohm and the rest of the SA leaders started demanding Hitler start instituting the national socialist changes which included nationalizing all of Germany's industry, in response Hitler ordered Operation Hummingbird better known as the Night of the Long Knives. Hitler's plan was to suppress worker's rights in favor of the industrialists to put the country on a war footing so he eliminated Rohm and hundreds of others that he saw as a threat to his plans and never instituted the national socialist reforms making the name National Socialist German Workers' Party (NAZI) meaningless. Hitler was a nationalist dictator, not a socialist by any stretch of the imagination, all accepted political definitions label Nationalist Dictatorships as far right constructs. As for the name Nazi, I can call myself a tree but it doesn't make me one..........
As for the left calling the right in this country Nazis, they're just as wrong except in a few obvious examples (Skinheads, etc) that even the vast majority of conservatives rightfully reject.
Those are the facts, accept them or not as you chose.
Those skinheads are called 14488ers.

During his reign, the government controlled all industry, all workers were employed by the government, and they had universal healthcare. Sure, people will tell you that the government didn't own industry, but the businesses only owned themselves in name, the government told them what to do and when to do it. Germany was every bit as Socialist as Russia.
Oh and use rational logic, not rationalized logic. Nazism under Hitler was never pure Nazism, the Soviet Union (especially under Stalin) was never a pure communist state and the US was never a pure democracy. There are no pure forms of sociopolitical constructs anywhere in the world.
Of course the Soviet Union was never Communist, Communism doesn't exist, and nobody has ever practiced it in the history of the world. For Communism to be practiced, there has to be no government, no currency, and no social classes. Calling the Soviet Union Communist was only a tactic by the Socialists to distance themselves from their massive failures, as the Soviet Union is a shining example of the failure of the Socialist ideology. Socialism requires Social control of the means of production whether it's controlled by the people or the government, which the Soviet Union had. It was a centrally planned economy, and everything was controlled by the government. They were PURE Socialism down to every core component required. The great experiment was perfect Socialism.

The US was never a pure Democracy because it was never a Democracy at all, we're a Republic.

Germany WAS pure Nazism as they implemented every policy needed to be Socialist, as described in my other response. Social control of the means of production, everyone was employed by the government, and universal healthcare. Socialist paradise not unlike the Soviet Union.
Liberals HATE trump so much because they are white-hating RACISTS

"Except the difference between now and then is that the people being rounded up will deserve it this time" -- Miketx

Mikey here is calling for liberals to be rounded up and put in camps, yet he can't understand why he's being compared to Nazis.

Mike, we'll make a deal. If you stop acting like a Nazi shitstain, we'll stop pointing it out. You too Statford. Being a Nazi asslicker is just like being a Nazi, except wimpier.

Needless to say, no liberals are calling for conservatives to be exterminated or put in camps. That kind of Nazi ratfukery is exclusive to conservatives. And while not all conservatives endorse it, not a single one will condemn it.

Ouch! Mikey just got pwned :badgrin:
Oh, bullshit, Mike sometimes engages in hyperbole, but no Constitution loving American conservative has ever advocated rounding people up and putting them in camps or moving them by force to distant territories.

That has ALWAYS been a Democrat thing.
Hitler and the Nazis were completely Totalitarian, anti-humanistic and this translated into their economic policies as 'Socialism' by their own assertion.

People in Europe categorized Hitler as a 'conservative' but by the European meaning of that word, not the American. In Europe where absolute monarchies were the norm prior to World war Two just about twenty short years before the Nazis took power, totalitarianism was a conservative approach to government, but it has never been accepted by American conservatism.

It is the Democrats who advocate 'strong authoritarian government', not American conservatives.

It is the Democrats who want the laws to discriminate on the basis of race (against white people), not American conservatives.

It is the Democrats who want abortion on demand like the Nazis did, not American conservatives.

It is the Democrats who want ecological issues to take priority over human interests, again like the Nazis did, not American conservatives.

It is the Democrats who want reduce capitalism to a mere show like the Nazis did, not American conservatives.

It is the Democrats who want to disarm the public like the Nazis, not American conservatives.

It is the Democrats who want control of education by a strong central government like the Nazis, not American conservatives.

It is the Democrats who want to suppress opposition free speech like the Nazis did, not American conservatives.

It is the Democrats who want to trample under religious rights to obey one's conscience like the Nazis again, not American conservatives.

Enough said about who is more Nazi like as it is clearly liberals.
Yet, ever since this murderous scum democrat tried to kill members of congress yesterday, hardly a post goes by without the democrats here accusing conservatives of wanting the murder politicians, which is the EXACT tactic the Germans used in WW2. democrats playing their little games, trying their very best to start a war and blame the other side, just like the the Nazis did.

View attachment 133284

HIllary gave a speech. For ten minutes she leveled one accusation after another against Trump. But she was really describing herself.
Yet, ever since this murderous scum democrat tried to kill members of congress yesterday, hardly a post goes by without the democrats here accusing conservatives of wanting the murder politicians, which is the EXACT tactic the Germans used in WW2. democrats playing their little games, trying their very best to start a war and blame the other side, just like the the Nazis did.

View attachment 133284
Fuck off. You asswipes were comparing Obama to Hitler for 8 yars.

Grow the fuck up.

Obviously, comparing Obama to Idi Amin or Robert Mugabe would have been far more appropriate.
Liberals HATE trump so much because they are white-hating RACISTS

"Except the difference between now and then is that the people being rounded up will deserve it this time" -- Miketx

Mikey here is calling for liberals to be rounded up and put in camps, yet he can't understand why he's being compared to Nazis.

Mike, we'll make a deal. If you stop acting like a Nazi shitstain, we'll stop pointing it out. You too Statford. Being a Nazi asslicker is just like being a Nazi, except wimpier.

Needless to say, no liberals are calling for conservatives to be exterminated or put in camps. That kind of Nazi ratfukery is exclusive to conservatives. And while not all conservatives endorse it, not a single one will condemn it.

Ouch! Mikey just got pwned :badgrin:
Oh, bullshit, Mike sometimes engages in hyperbole, but no Constitution loving American conservative has ever advocated rounding people up and putting them in camps or moving them by force to distant territories.

That has ALWAYS been a Democrat thing.

The only president who rounded up American citizens and locked behind barbed wire was Democrat Franklin Delano Roosevelt.

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