Notice liberals will spam this bored flaming Repubs but they won't talk about Obama?

He's the food stamp president too.

finally someone who dares discussing this valid points with me and even adds more information.

he is also the most divisive because he called real americans the enemy, just like hitler.

then he apologized to towelheads instead of pissing on their dead bodies.

gawd, i hate this man for his policies.
food stamp dependency always increases during a recession. so lets examine that. what caused the recession? the housing bubble bursting and systemic failure of the banking system. now what ever the causes of such failures. the housing bubble burst because the banks gave out loans to american who couldnt afford it. the banking system failed because a lack oversight and regulation led to unnecessary risk taking. ok now, how did these policies come about? they were part of the Bush administrations policies.

if you want to call Obama a food stamp president because dependency on food stamps increased while he was in office. then that statement is factual. but you can not claim that it was his policies that directly led to an increase in the number of people on food stamps. there is a difference.

Really shall we compare?

Food stamp use rises to record 45.8 million - Aug. 4, 2011
food stamp dependency always increases during a recession. so lets examine that. what caused the recession? the housing bubble bursting and systemic failure of the banking system. now what ever the causes of such failures. the housing bubble burst because the banks gave out loans to american who couldnt afford it. the banking system failed because a lack oversight and regulation led to unnecessary risk taking. ok now, how did these policies come about? they were part of the Bush administrations policies.

if you want to call Obama a food stamp president because dependency on food stamps increased while he was in office. then that statement is factual. but you can not claim that it was his policies that directly led to an increase in the number of people on food stamps. there is a difference.

the housing bubble is to blame on the dem congress and on barney frank, who is gay.

yeah. It had nothing whatever to do w/ Gramm (R)- Leach (R)- Bliley (R). :eusa_whistle: :D


thanks, teabagsamurai, for starting this real discussion about the kenyan usurper.

This is what liberals do when they are losing. They make it out you have said something about Obama NOT IN EVIDENCE.

They are still desperately trying to derail the thread, because they now see they made a mistake trying to defend Obama.

It was a losing prospect from the beginning.

finally someone who dares discussing this valid points with me and even adds more information.

he is also the most divisive because he called real americans the enemy, just like hitler.

then he apologized to towelheads instead of pissing on their dead bodies.

gawd, i hate this man for his policies.
food stamp dependency always increases during a recession. so lets examine that. what caused the recession? the housing bubble bursting and systemic failure of the banking system. now what ever the causes of such failures. the housing bubble burst because the banks gave out loans to american who couldnt afford it. the banking system failed because a lack oversight and regulation led to unnecessary risk taking. ok now, how did these policies come about? they were part of the Bush administrations policies.

if you want to call Obama a food stamp president because dependency on food stamps increased while he was in office. then that statement is factual. but you can not claim that it was his policies that directly led to an increase in the number of people on food stamps. there is a difference.

Really shall we compare?

Food stamp use rises to record 45.8 million - Aug. 4, 2011

The majority of those getting food stamps are white Americans. Probably mostly Republican.

Because of Republican economic policies, should we "let them starve"? From the Party of "Let them die"?
mccain is a rino who was installed by the liberal main stream media as a candidate to ensure that the mulatto could slip through.
be sure to adjust your foil hat before you next post. wow......

And here's something that's really going to fuck with you. When you dream..are you dreaming..or are you a part of someone else's dream?

Think about THAT.

They can't even seriously defend Obama. They are descending into self parody because of it. Hilarious!


You need an education.




Jus stop. Anywon cud tipe meat or meat or anythin'.

People only go after someone's spelling when they can't attack the message. It's too easy to drop an "r" or type "a" instead of "e". Now I'm pro Obama, but I get tired of the attacks on spelling. Probably because I make so many mistakes.

God damn man. IT'S NOT A SPELLING PROBLEM, it's a WORD problem. And no, people don't "only go after someone's spelling when they can't attack the message". You're ignorant if you think that. Sorry, but I'd do it to you too, even if I agreed with your message. Bored is completely different from board. They sound the same but they're not the same at all. It's generally not a result of an innocent typo with a missing letter or a slight jumble of words. It's a correctly spelled entirely different word.

I see this kind of shit all the time online from liberals and conservatives alike, and it's annoying as fuck. People need to stop and THINK about what they're writing, and review what they've written. Put some effort into what you have to say if you expect people to fully respect what you've said. Too many people are way too god damn dependent on the spell checkers, where they proceed with what they're writing simply because there are no red squiggly lines.

It doesn't take that much more effort to NOT be a lazy writer on the internet.

Well, we will have to agree to disagree. The message they wrote that you were responding to was anti "reason" but the "spelling" issues distracted from pointing that out. But to each his own.
Look at Rdeans new avatar.

Think about it for a bit.......

He hammers EVERYONE for dissing Obama because of the way he looks.

While at the same fucking time judging Christey for the way he looks.


I hammer everyone for the way Obama "looks"? Really? How does Obama look?
Christie is fat
Obama has big ears evens out

So you're going to excuse deans hypocrisy?


I don't think it is hypocrisy. Rdean won't attack anyone about Obamas looks unless it turns racial

Christie is fucking fat and he should be ashamed of himself. I remember him from 8-10 years ago and he was stocky but not what you would call fat. Since becoming Governor, he looks like he has gained 80 lbs. You don't see it much on TV, but he can hardly walk

If he wants to run for President he needs a gastric bypass. Not just for looks but for health reasons. He has really lost control of his weight

It probably doesn't help when he does things like take a helicopter to his son's baseball game and then rides in a waiting limo the last 100 yards and then tries to pass the cost on to the taxpayer. 100 yards. The length of a football field. He couldn't even walk that.
i use to be a democrat, but last year I changed it and registered as an independent. The Democrats way of thinking was not the same as mine, and I certainly am fed up with Obama and how he and the democrats are leading this country. I am very unhappy with all the politicians, who don't care about any of us. This is not the country I once knew. I am not the only one that feels like this either.
How long will a lot of libs being paid to be here and spam this board with Obama lies will disappear if Obama loses? :eusa_whistle:


I have never seen so many childish, stupid posts in one thread!!! What are you??? An 18 year old 9th grader??? That's sure what you sound like.

you're giving her too much credit, both age-wise and in educational level.

She's going to be one very sad nutter the day after the election.

I wonder if she will disappear for a long time or be here screaming ACORN.

It's a coinflip.
That tells you a lot.

Even Obama can't give us reasons to vote for him. He's just doing scorched Earth against Republicans.

Expect more of this and expect it to get more and more hysterically pitched as election day gets closer.

The paid lackies for Obama will just SPAM THIS BOARD with stuff against the GOP candidates.

Which liberals here are you referring to specifically?
That tells you a lot.

Even Obama can't give us reasons to vote for him. He's just doing scorched Earth against Republicans.

Expect more of this and expect it to get more and more hysterically pitched as election day gets closer.

The paid lackies for Obama will just SPAM THIS BOARD with stuff against the GOP candidates.

Next they will tell us Santorum has sex with chickens. :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

Obama doesn't have ANYTHING TO RUN ON. He can't give us reasons to vote for him.

His record is ABYSMAL.

All he can do is try to scare us about voting GOP.

That usually doesn't work.


I'm delighted that this Administration killed OBL.

I'm delighted that this Administration dumped DADT.

Let's talk about that for a while.....ok?

A), I've already posted several links proving it was Bush's policy of waterboarding that gave up the intel on where Bin Laden was located. If Obama and the Democrats had their way, that intel would have NEVER been acquired.

B) It was a DEMOCRAT, not Bush, that put in "don't ask don't tell."
finally someone who dares discussing this valid points with me and even adds more information.

he is also the most divisive because he called real americans the enemy, just like hitler.

then he apologized to towelheads instead of pissing on their dead bodies.

gawd, i hate this man for his policies.
food stamp dependency always increases during a recession. so lets examine that. what caused the recession? the housing bubble bursting and systemic failure of the banking system. now what ever the causes of such failures. the housing bubble burst because the banks gave out loans to american who couldnt afford it. the banking system failed because a lack oversight and regulation led to unnecessary risk taking. ok now, how did these policies come about? they were part of the Bush administrations policies.

if you want to call Obama a food stamp president because dependency on food stamps increased while he was in office. then that statement is factual. but you can not claim that it was his policies that directly led to an increase in the number of people on food stamps. there is a difference.

Really shall we compare?

Food stamp use rises to record 45.8 million - Aug. 4, 2011

The rise in people needing foodstamps is an embarrassment to this country. We need to raise the minimum wage so that working Americans do not have to rely on foodstamps to survive.

Wouldn't you agree?
food stamp dependency always increases during a recession. so lets examine that. what caused the recession? the housing bubble bursting and systemic failure of the banking system. now what ever the causes of such failures. the housing bubble burst because the banks gave out loans to american who couldnt afford it. the banking system failed because a lack oversight and regulation led to unnecessary risk taking. ok now, how did these policies come about? they were part of the Bush administrations policies.

if you want to call Obama a food stamp president because dependency on food stamps increased while he was in office. then that statement is factual. but you can not claim that it was his policies that directly led to an increase in the number of people on food stamps. there is a difference.

Really shall we compare?

Food stamp use rises to record 45.8 million - Aug. 4, 2011

The rise in people needing foodstamps is an embarrassment to this country. We need to raise the minimum wage so that working Americans do not have to rely on foodstamps to survive.

Wouldn't you agree?

Naw..she wouldn't.

She's part of the "Let em eat cake" crowd. She's a little like Ayn Rand..who blathered on about Social programs constantly..until she needed one.

The rise in people needing foodstamps is an embarrassment to this country. We need to raise the minimum wage so that working Americans do not have to rely on foodstamps to survive.

Wouldn't you agree?

Naw..she wouldn't.

She's part of the "Let em eat cake" crowd. She's a little like Ayn Rand..who blathered on about Social programs constantly..until she needed one.

Wouldn't a conservative believe that employers should be paying their employees enough so that they can feed their families so that taxpayers don't have to step in and make up the difference?
food stamp dependency always increases during a recession. so lets examine that. what caused the recession? the housing bubble bursting and systemic failure of the banking system. now what ever the causes of such failures. the housing bubble burst because the banks gave out loans to american who couldnt afford it. the banking system failed because a lack oversight and regulation led to unnecessary risk taking. ok now, how did these policies come about? they were part of the Bush administrations policies.

if you want to call Obama a food stamp president because dependency on food stamps increased while he was in office. then that statement is factual. but you can not claim that it was his policies that directly led to an increase in the number of people on food stamps. there is a difference.

Really shall we compare?

Food stamp use rises to record 45.8 million - Aug. 4, 2011

The rise in people needing foodstamps is an embarrassment to this country. We need to raise the minimum wage so that working Americans do not have to rely on foodstamps to survive.

Wouldn't you agree?

A never ending circle. prices rise as a result.

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