Notice liberals will spam this bored flaming Repubs but they won't talk about Obama?

Amazing... We do talk about Obama... you just don't want to hear anything. How many threads entitled "what has Obama Accomplished?" have their been? The issue with you guys is that you don't want to talk about Obama.... unless it's to trash the guy.

Yet you bawl like little schoolgirls any time anyone says anything bad about your beloved Republican Candidates. In short, you can dish it out, but you can't take it.

Get this get this!

He's saying, "We don't want to talk about Obama if there's ANY CRITICISM."

They only want to talk about Obama if it's THEIR WAY and they get to control the conversation.

Can't have a differing opinion on Obama, oh no no no no!

ONLY the "proper" view of Obama is allowed.

Don't you love liberals revealing their true fascist nature?


Get help with your reading comprehension. It stinks!!!
Now, Republicans also talk about him all the time.

They try to take his credit for getting Bin Laden.

They say he's a Muslim and attack his religion and his family.

They call him "boy" king and "man child" which is another name for "boy".

They call him a "Marxist, Fascist, Communist, Socialist, Keynan Mau Mau".

But is that any surprise? They also say, "Let him die", applaud executions and don't need to care about the very poor.
Oh and let's not forget.

Bored in a board.
I wonder how long it will take the spamaroid to show her face around here after Obama gets reelected.

How long will a lot of libs being paid to be here and spam this board with Obama lies will disappear if Obama loses? :eusa_whistle:


I have never seen so many childish, stupid posts in one thread!!! What are you??? An 18 year old 9th grader??? That's sure what you sound like.
That tells you a lot.

Even Obama can't give us reasons to vote for him. He's just doing scorched Earth against Republicans.

Expect more of this and expect it to get more and more hysterically pitched as election day gets closer.

The paid lackies for Obama will just SPAM THIS BOARD with stuff against the GOP candidates.

Next they will tell us Santorum has sex with chickens. :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

Obama doesn't have ANYTHING TO RUN ON. He can't give us reasons to vote for him.

His record is ABYSMAL.

All he can do is try to scare us about voting GOP.

That usually doesn't work.



You need an education.




Jus stop. Anywon cud tipe meat or meat or anythin'.

People only go after someone's spelling when they can't attack the message. It's too easy to drop an "r" or type "a" instead of "e". Now I'm pro Obama, but I get tired of the attacks on spelling. Probably because I make so many mistakes.
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That tells you a lot.

Even Obama can't give us reasons to vote for him. He's just doing scorched Earth against Republicans.

Expect more of this and expect it to get more and more hysterically pitched as election day gets closer.

The paid lackies for Obama will just SPAM THIS BOARD with stuff against the GOP candidates.

Next they will tell us Santorum has sex with chickens. :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

Obama doesn't have ANYTHING TO RUN ON. He can't give us reasons to vote for him.

His record is ABYSMAL.

All he can do is try to scare us about voting GOP.

That usually doesn't work.


Well the playbook at MSNBC anyway the last six months has been


Sarah Palin
Rick Perry
Herman Cain
Newt Gingrich
Mitt Romney
Rick Santorum

Pretty much in that order I believe.
Starting in the 5PM hr and continuing through the night.

Not a whole lot of talk or focus on the President.
I'm pretty sure they get direction from the WH or Obama's
campaign team which has been working on Obama's re election
the day after he was sworn in as President.

So what were the attacks? Can you name a few?
Plenty of Obama bashing and conspiracy theories already. I am perfectly willing to discuss his policies with anyone but I am not going to jump on the sleaze bandwagon every time Coulter or someone else decides to vomit out another overblown smear job.

I hope you display the same level of reservation for the republicans.

Honestly its all gotten so childish lately that coming to the board feels more like a chore than a passion.
It's hard to argue anything or debate anything when
you are being called a racist whenever you criticize
this President.

All I can do is ignore that individual.
Look at Rdeans new avatar.

Think about it for a bit.......

He hammers EVERYONE for dissing Obama because of the way he looks.

While at the same fucking time judging Christey for the way he looks.

being fat can be changed through diet and exercise. one can not change his race or ethnicity. (ok well MJ got whiter over the years, but you know what i mean)
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Look at Rdeans new avatar.

Think about it for a bit.......

He hammers EVERYONE for dissing Obama because of the way he looks.

While at the same fucking time judging Christey for the way he looks.


Christie is fat
Obama has big ears evens out
Look at Rdeans new avatar.

Think about it for a bit.......

He hammers EVERYONE for dissing Obama because of the way he looks.

While at the same fucking time judging Christey for the way he looks.


Christie is fat
Obama has big ears evens out

So you're going to excuse deans hypocrisy?

everyone is judgmental, why do you think people dont get along in the world. if no one was judgmental we would all be friends.
Look at Rdeans new avatar.

Think about it for a bit.......

He hammers EVERYONE for dissing Obama because of the way he looks.

While at the same fucking time judging Christey for the way he looks.


Christie is fat
Obama has big ears evens out

So you're going to excuse deans hypocrisy?


I don't think it is hypocrisy. Rdean won't attack anyone about Obamas looks unless it turns racial

Christie is fucking fat and he should be ashamed of himself. I remember him from 8-10 years ago and he was stocky but not what you would call fat. Since becoming Governor, he looks like he has gained 80 lbs. You don't see it much on TV, but he can hardly walk

If he wants to run for President he needs a gastric bypass. Not just for looks but for health reasons. He has really lost control of his weight
That tells you a lot.

Even Obama can't give us reasons to vote for him. He's just doing scorched Earth against Republicans.

Expect more of this and expect it to get more and more hysterically pitched as election day gets closer.

The paid lackies for Obama will just SPAM THIS BOARD with stuff against the GOP candidates.

Next they will tell us Santorum has sex with chickens. :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

Obama doesn't have ANYTHING TO RUN ON. He can't give us reasons to vote for him.

His record is ABYSMAL.

All he can do is try to scare us about voting GOP.

That usually doesn't work.


Notice most people here who call themselves who call themselves republicans actually do support Obama policy, but supporting the puppets of the elite.
I have a question.

Why does anyone take Rdean seriously? I mean, really. He's a complete partisan douche, possibly the biggest on the board. He has nothing constructive to add to any thread, even his own. So, why does anyone really give a shit?
That tells you a lot.

Even Obama can't give us reasons to vote for him. He's just doing scorched Earth against Republicans.

Expect more of this and expect it to get more and more hysterically pitched as election day gets closer.

The paid lackies for Obama will just SPAM THIS BOARD with stuff against the GOP candidates.

Next they will tell us Santorum has sex with chickens. :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

Obama doesn't have ANYTHING TO RUN ON. He can't give us reasons to vote for him.

His record is ABYSMAL.

All he can do is try to scare us about voting GOP.

That usually doesn't work.



You need an education.




Jus stop. Anywon cud tipe meat or meat or anythin'.

People only go after someone's spelling when they can't attack the message. It's too easy to drop an "r" or type "a" instead of "e". Now I'm pro Obama, but I get tired of the attacks on spelling. Probably because I make so many mistakes.

God damn man. IT'S NOT A SPELLING PROBLEM, it's a WORD problem. And no, people don't "only go after someone's spelling when they can't attack the message". You're ignorant if you think that. Sorry, but I'd do it to you too, even if I agreed with your message. Bored is completely different from board. They sound the same but they're not the same at all. It's generally not a result of an innocent typo with a missing letter or a slight jumble of words. It's a correctly spelled entirely different word.

I see this kind of shit all the time online from liberals and conservatives alike, and it's annoying as fuck. People need to stop and THINK about what they're writing, and review what they've written. Put some effort into what you have to say if you expect people to fully respect what you've said. Too many people are way too god damn dependent on the spell checkers, where they proceed with what they're writing simply because there are no red squiggly lines.

It doesn't take that much more effort to NOT be a lazy writer on the internet.
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