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Notice to Conservatives re: Russia

Yes it is... can you back it up or not? Easy opportunity for you to put me in my place

If only you were worth my time, or could afford me to tutor you.
Oh I'd think a dipshit like yourself would salivate at the opportunity to throw it in my face. If you can't post a simple quote then it's pretty obvious that you are full of shit

I'll just waste my time finding you a link then..../sarcasm. :laugh: Your typical liberal demands a link for anything that conflicts with their liberal world view, then when a link is provided they deflect or jump to some other thread demanding links. Anymore I just pat the libs on the head :itsok:
Just as I thought... You're full of shit. You could have posted a link in the time you wrote that BS reply. Keep talking if you must but you've made it quite clear that you can't back up your garbage claims.
Sorta like The Fake Russian Narrative and The Left's Resist Democracy movement.

Do you know why The Left hates Russia?


Wrong again. As always you don't know shit.

Are you saying the right wing are all traitors?
Both Republicans and Democrats dont like Putin that's a fact.
Russia is the real enemy of America. They are up to no good.

Only TRAITORS support Russia.
Everyone knows Obama was Putin's Puppet.

In fact while Obama made wimpy protestations about some things Putin did, he was always bending over for him with his ass lines up ready for some Putin Love.

And goody goody for you, that you voted not just for one agent of The Kremlin but two.

There are no two bigger pussies and traitors than Hillary Rotten Clinton and Obama Bin Lying.

Oh I'd think a dipshit like yourself would salivate at the opportunity to throw it in my face. If you can't post a simple quote then it's pretty obvious that you are full of shit

I'll just waste my time finding you a link then..../sarcasm. :laugh: Your typical liberal demands a link for anything that conflicts with their liberal world view, then when a link is provided they deflect or jump to some other thread demanding links. Anymore I just pat the libs on the head :itsok:
Just as I thought... You're full of shit. You could have posted a link in the time you wrote that BS reply. Keep talking if you must but you've made it quite clear that you can't back up your garbage claims.

How many times do I have to post a link to the same thing 1,000? Here's a thought, why don't you libwits become informed. :itsok:
You haven't posted anything but bullshit in this thread. You keep trying to worm your way out of it complaining about wasting your time as you waste all of our time.

Why do you always post these kind of nonsense?

The whole world and US knows that Trump is real puppet of Putin. That's a fact.
Post a link where and why do you think Obama is Putin's puppet? Asshole.

If only you were worth my time, or could afford me to tutor you.
Oh I'd think a dipshit like yourself would salivate at the opportunity to throw it in my face. If you can't post a simple quote then it's pretty obvious that you are full of shit

I'll just waste my time finding you a link then..../sarcasm. :laugh: Your typical liberal demands a link for anything that conflicts with their liberal world view, then when a link is provided they deflect or jump to some other thread demanding links. Anymore I just pat the libs on the head :itsok:
Just as I thought... You're full of shit. You could have posted a link in the time you wrote that BS reply. Keep talking if you must but you've made it quite clear that you can't back up your garbage claims.
Sorta like The Fake Russian Narrative and The Left's Resist Democracy movement.

Do you know why The Left hates Russia?

Because they abandoned communism and adopted Democracy. They are also opposed to Globalism and reject Global Warming Theory.

The three worst dates on any calendar for a liberal are the day Castro died, they Day The Soviet Union broke up, and Father's Day.
It isn't fake you dumb ass. There is an FBI investigation and 4 congressional investigations. Not one person, besides Trump, denies the threat and validity of the investigation. You sound like an idiot every time you call it fake.

He is a traitor who don't know shit what he is talking about.
Oh I'd think a dipshit like yourself would salivate at the opportunity to throw it in my face. If you can't post a simple quote then it's pretty obvious that you are full of shit

I'll just waste my time finding you a link then..../sarcasm. :laugh: Your typical liberal demands a link for anything that conflicts with their liberal world view, then when a link is provided they deflect or jump to some other thread demanding links. Anymore I just pat the libs on the head :itsok:
Just as I thought... You're full of shit. You could have posted a link in the time you wrote that BS reply. Keep talking if you must but you've made it quite clear that you can't back up your garbage claims.
Sorta like The Fake Russian Narrative and The Left's Resist Democracy movement.

Do you know why The Left hates Russia?

Because they abandoned communism and adopted Democracy. They are also opposed to Globalism and reject Global Warming Theory.

The three worst dates on any calendar for a liberal are the day Castro died, they Day The Soviet Union broke up, and Father's Day.
It isn't fake you dumb ass. There is an FBI investigation and 4 congressional investigations. Not one person, besides Trump, denies the threat and validity of the investigation. You sound like an idiot every time you call it fake.

The cries of a whimpering liberal metrosexual snowflake puts a smile on my face.
Every "so called" Investigation which really is nothing but an extension of a campaign for re-election for these fools and a distraction for the public so they won't notice Congress is not doing their jobs......every 'sham' has declared there is NO COLLUSION.

So what are they investigating? Not The Trump Campaign, are they?
Oh the powers that be might ask a question or two of The Trump Team, and puff their chests up and pontificate, but the real investigation is in to actual Criminal Acts by The Obama Administration.

The pontificating and posturing is just a distraction....and an attempt to put political pressure on the actual investigators to ignore The Crimes Committed by The Obama Regime and Clinton Campaign during the election "for the good of the country."

The Clinton-Obama camp is where there is meat on the bone to chew on. It's not some flimsy allegations based on mean tweets, and tabloid journalism and a Convenient Lie created by a failing campaign.

And haven't you noticed how Rice ran and hid again when she was called to testify?
And Comey is in hot water too for running a sham Criminal Investigation and being a participant in Lynch's Obstruction of Justice. She's under investigation too as is Powers.

Here is a word of advice for The Democrat Party. America isn't dumb or stupid as you like to claim we are. We aren't a bunch of ignorant slaves on a Dem plantation, like The Democrat Party believes. My advice to The Democrat Party is to quit rigging elections. Quit cheating. We know what you did, and that was to systematically go after every member of The Trump Transition Team you could. It is a pattern.....Arranged Meetings, Espionage....Leaks. Wash, Lather, Rinse, Repeat!

Quit abusing the power of the US Government to Spy on people, release their tax returns, and leak classified information. When you have a corrupt FBI (Comey-McCabe), Corrupt DOJ (Lynch-Holder) , and Corrupt National Intelligence Chief (Rice) THAT IS THE SWAMP.

And to tie it up all in a nice neat little bow, you had a CORRUPT President (Obama Bin Spying) conducting espionage on a political opponent and his staff in an unprecedented fashion, and feeding his Intel to Corrupt Subversive hand picked plants in The Intelligence and Law Enforcement..and then leaking it....and...making sure his corrupt successor, Clinton....was kept in the loop with all the Illegally Shared Intel.

Why else do you think Comey Knowingly Let Clinton delete 30,000 emails many of them from President Obama, himself, as we know HE LIED about knowing about the SERVER....because we KNOW he used an ALIAS to email CLINTON...on that server.....and even with BLEACH BIT....The FBI Forensics Team still found classified information shared with unauthorized people....which forced Comey to come up with a creative way to DISMISS the whole damn thing....as he WAS INSTRUCTED TO DO BY LYNCH.

You see, Mr. Genius..... You actually see nothing. You are completely unaware of the situation.

There is nothing there to investigate, unless you want to investigate The DNC, The Democrat Party and The Obama Regime. And because the only collusion that can be proven is Collusion between The Obama Regime, DNC, Clinton and The Democrat Party to use the United States Government as a weapon against a political opponent in an election....

Not only is there Nothing to Investigate.....but Nothing will be done about the actual crimes that were committed.

Your side has unsupported accusations based on a convenient political lie told to The American Public to prop up a failing campaign of a terrible, tired, corrupt old hag.

The right has actual EVIDENCE of misconduct, criminal and unethical acts.

If you want to know why Mueller stacked the Deck with Clinton donors, and sycophants on his "Investigative Team" I'll tell you... It's not to "GET TRUMP" it's to continue Comey's work of burying the crimes of The Obama Regime and Hillary Clinton.

What you have then is a political stalemate.

You understand what that is, right GENIUS?




Nonsense. The bottom line you don't know shit.

You forgetting a little tiny detail. It's the Republicans investigating Trump not the liberals. Keep that in your thick racist skull. It's the Trump and his group that had all these secret meetings with the Russians then lied.
Maybe you need to explain that to republican senators that are after Trump.
Oh I'd think a dipshit like yourself would salivate at the opportunity to throw it in my face. If you can't post a simple quote then it's pretty obvious that you are full of shit

I'll just waste my time finding you a link then..../sarcasm. :laugh: Your typical liberal demands a link for anything that conflicts with their liberal world view, then when a link is provided they deflect or jump to some other thread demanding links. Anymore I just pat the libs on the head :itsok:
Just as I thought... You're full of shit. You could have posted a link in the time you wrote that BS reply. Keep talking if you must but you've made it quite clear that you can't back up your garbage claims.
Sorta like The Fake Russian Narrative and The Left's Resist Democracy movement.

Do you know why The Left hates Russia?

Because they abandoned communism and adopted Democracy. They are also opposed to Globalism and reject Global Warming Theory.

The three worst dates on any calendar for a liberal are the day Castro died, they Day The Soviet Union broke up, and Father's Day.
It isn't fake you dumb ass. There is an FBI investigation and 4 congressional investigations. Not one person, besides Trump, denies the threat and validity of the investigation. You sound like an idiot every time you call it fake.
dude, i'm going to tell you for the umpteenth time, you have no idea about anything being investigated.

Maybe you can tell us what is being investigated.
So he was a Sanders Voter?

What is worse?

Supporting someone who is a career political criminal and Morally Corrupt?

Or supporting someone who is a career political leach and is Ideologically Corrupt?

I voted for Hillary. Trump is FAR more crooked and corrupt than Hillary that's a fact.

We are not going the right direction. You can see the chaos and disarray of this administration.
The way Trump behaving like little kid always saying something dumb.
We are the laughing stock of the whole world and low popularity here and overseas. This is not making America great.
Because Trump is obligated to kiss Putin's ass you must follow.

I actually have no problem with Democrats talking unsubstantiated shit about the GOP. I just wish they had the intellectual integrity and b@lls enough to admit their own politicians' / party's record / history.

Instead we all have to continuously endure reminders like this that snowflakes have no intellectual integrity or b@lls.

Another traitor just woke up. Fuck Putin.
I don't bash people for being Trump supporters. If people act respectful then I treat them with respect. But I don't have patience for people who make excuses for lies and dishonesty. I'm gonna called that out when it happens on either side of the aisle.
so you want to force your morality on them right? you just can't let people be who they are? you sure act like a libturd. dude, I very happy with my president and the direction we're in. sorry if you can't accept that. but that's merely your issue. grow the fk up and respect others vote.
Has nothing to do with morality it has to do with truth and reality.
that's your thing, not mine. yet you are in here pushing your view. just let others have their vote. again!!!!
You can have your vote. Talk about some of the moves Trump has made for our Vets, i'll give a thumbs up... Talk about his policy of eliminating two regulations for every new one added, i'll give a thumbs up. We aren't talking about those right now. Start a thread and i'll be happy to compliment the moves that I think are good. This thread is about Russia. You all call it a fake news witch hunt and that is simply not factually true. I'm not pushing any kind of "view" as you say, i'm just pointing out the truth and calling out the liars.
All threads when you speak to a Liberal are about Russia, because they can't actually discuss facts, and the Trump Bump the economy and our standing in the world is getting.
Doesn't fit with The FAKE NARRATIVE.

I've been blasting you with FACTS but you keep posting FUCKED up lies.
You can have your vote. Talk about some of the moves Trump has made for our Vets, i'll give a thumbs up... Talk about his policy of eliminating two regulations for every new one added, i'll give a thumbs up. We aren't talking about those right now. Start a thread and i'll be happy to compliment the moves that I think are good. This thread is about Russia.
So 'FICTION' discussed in here, and if you want 'Non-Fiction' start a new thread... got it. :p
No i don't... what are you talking about?
You said we are talking about Russia in this forum, and, I suppose, the un-substantiated Russian Collusion? Did I not read that correctly? If I did not then I apologize.

Un substantiated claims are only coming from Putin, Trump and the traitors------ What a team. Very cute.

You have to wait till Mueller is done digging Trump garbage that he is hiding.
You're claiming that anything to do with Russia is fiction?
Good gracious, NO! There are LOTS of things about RUSSIA that are true.

Just nothing so far about the snowflakes' claims about Trump-Russian Collusion have been PROVEN to be true. There is more evidence that Big Foot exists than there is of 'Trump-Russian Collusion'.

Are you still on Putin payroll?
I think it's important that whenever we mention Russia, we say Post Communism Russia.

Progressives used to view Russia as their Motherland. Then, after Reagan collapsed the USSR, the Russians started to embrace free market capitalism. Russians then took to calling Communism a failure and saying that people, like American Progressives, who openly embrace Communism, Socialism, government control were "morons". That's what driving Progressive to distraction with hatred of their former ideological homeland

It's not FDR's Russia anymore.

I have tried to educated people on this over, and over and over again.
Russia is a Democratic Nation now. Not exactly like the US, but it's their version of Democracy.
Leftards won't listen unless it is Obama in office and Hillary Clinton selling our Uranium to them and taking $145 Million from Russia for The Clinton Foundation.


In Fact, Hillary Clinton would blow Putin on Public Television if she would have won, and she hates COCK!

Russia has voter ID and a verification system which means their elections are more secure than ours.

You can't scam a Russian Election by flooding your country with illegals and registering them to vote with motor voter registration.

You right now, have THE LEFT vilifying Russia, simply because they lost an election.
Had they won, RUSSIA BFF!

The problem with ALL your post are either lie or dishonest. Just like what you just posted above $145 millions. That has been debunked many times and yet you keep posting the same bull crap.

When are you going to learn?

are you saying that Hillary didn't receive $145MM from Russia?
Whoooooo, you claimed every agency stupid fk. Your debating skills suck. You know what, you just tarnished by claiming I cheated the subject. Now you've shown to just be a fk!
Spoken like a true loser. Show me one agency or one person who says Russia didn't interfere. Jesus, even Trump said it. What's wrong with you?!
I did you stupid fk. The coast guard. So now you show me their statement
God you are too obnoxious to talk to. Come back once you can have a grown up discussion. You sound like a fucking child scrambling to win an argument by any means neccessary.
Now that is a surrender. Loser fk!
Whatever helps you sleep at night man. You dodge and dodge and dodge till you find an insignificant point to try and trap me with. So what did you "win"? You proved that not every single agency made a public statement confirming Russian interference? Bravo man! I clarified what I meant, you still can't point to one that denies it. You're still pathetic
well for someone so tight on lies from others, you sure didn't mind taking that intelligence agency statement to a lie. the fact is only three agencies have commented. Three, not seventeen. And people have been lying about that since fking day one. So excuse me for sticking to my integrity to keep it accurate. But parroting someone elses lie seems like you don't want to do the work to ensure the accuracy. I at least make that effort.
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Lib please is your memory that bad?
Yes it is... can you back it up or not? Easy opportunity for you to put me in my place

If only you were worth my time, or could afford me to tutor you.
Oh I'd think a dipshit like yourself would salivate at the opportunity to throw it in my face. If you can't post a simple quote then it's pretty obvious that you are full of shit

I'll just waste my time finding you a link then..../sarcasm. :laugh: Your typical liberal demands a link for anything that conflicts with their liberal world view, then when a link is provided they deflect or jump to some other thread demanding links. Anymore I just pat the libs on the head :itsok:

We demand link because you guys plugged in a lot of lies.
Then when you attached a link---- Its normally come from Infowars, Brietbart, National Enquirer or hate alt right media group.
do you expect it to come from NBC or MSNBC or ABC? do you really? anti trump hysteria networks? hahahahahahahahaha, the actual news is in more places and you should get your head out of the asses of the MSM networks. you don't wear it well.
The two accusations.
Russian interference has been confirmed by every single intelligence and congressional officer that has seen the classified intel... EVERY SINGLE ONE. Your illegal voting accusation hasn't a shred of evidence behind it nor has it been confirmed by one single person who claims to have seen data. Did I really need to waste the time explaining that to you? Come on man
That my friend is a flat out lie, post where the coast guard made a statement! Queue jeopardy music
If they have seen the intel and made a statement, then it confirms Russian interference. Of course not everybody has made public statements. Stop playing the gotchya games. Youre sounding desperate
No one has seen the DNC server. No one
You tried your best to move this discussion from Yrumps lies to denying Russia interference, but you just don't have enough facts to go off. Who gives a shit about the DNC server.l. Every statement made about Russia interference from our intelligence agencies has confirmed it. Even Trump has admitted it. So believe it or not. I dont give a shit. I'm done talking about it.
Well I give a shit about that server since it is where the supposed emails came from and the entire russia russia anti-trump witch hunt is alleged. you haven't proved he lied yet. We had our discussion and you didn't like the way it ended. You meander off into many other discussions to deflect from speaking about my answers. that's on you bubba. Yee man of no class.
The left are completely unhinged. Their internal corruption revealed for all the world to see. Their candidate destroyed in a blow out loss. Trump openly mocks them daily. They lost the House, then the Senate, then the White House and SCOTUS naturally they are freaking out its wonderful :eusa_clap:

True but what have they accomplished in last 6 months? Zero legislation.
that isn't so, but you don't know because MSM isn't talking about it. russia russia you know. LOL
Lib please is your memory that bad?
Yes it is... can you back it up or not? Easy opportunity for you to put me in my place

If only you were worth my time, or could afford me to tutor you.
Oh I'd think a dipshit like yourself would salivate at the opportunity to throw it in my face. If you can't post a simple quote then it's pretty obvious that you are full of shit

I'll just waste my time finding you a link then..../sarcasm. :laugh: Your typical liberal demands a link for anything that conflicts with their liberal world view, then when a link is provided they deflect or jump to some other thread demanding links. Anymore I just pat the libs on the head :itsok:

We demand link because you guys plugged in a lot of lies.
Then when you attached a link---- Its normally come from Infowars, Brietbart, National Enquirer or hate alt right media group.

I'll give you a link to Hillary and Obama's lies, should we discuss Hillary's lie about landing in a war zone under sniper fire and having to run for her life or Obama's likes about keeping your healthcare plan, doctor, and saving $2,500 a year on your health insurance? Pick a lie we'll discuss.
I'll just waste my time finding you a link then..../sarcasm. :laugh: Your typical liberal demands a link for anything that conflicts with their liberal world view, then when a link is provided they deflect or jump to some other thread demanding links. Anymore I just pat the libs on the head :itsok:
Just as I thought... You're full of shit. You could have posted a link in the time you wrote that BS reply. Keep talking if you must but you've made it quite clear that you can't back up your garbage claims.
Sorta like The Fake Russian Narrative and The Left's Resist Democracy movement.

Do you know why The Left hates Russia?

Because they abandoned communism and adopted Democracy. They are also opposed to Globalism and reject Global Warming Theory.

The three worst dates on any calendar for a liberal are the day Castro died, they Day The Soviet Union broke up, and Father's Day.
It isn't fake you dumb ass. There is an FBI investigation and 4 congressional investigations. Not one person, besides Trump, denies the threat and validity of the investigation. You sound like an idiot every time you call it fake.
dude, i'm going to tell you for the umpteenth time, you have no idea about anything being investigated.

Maybe you can tell us what is being investigated.
which beach to go to? how to spend the tax payers money they're all milking? I know one thing, it isn't russia russia no matter what the anti trump stations tell you. If it were, there would be updates on progress of the it.
You can have your vote. Talk about some of the moves Trump has made for our Vets, i'll give a thumbs up... Talk about his policy of eliminating two regulations for every new one added, i'll give a thumbs up. We aren't talking about those right now. Start a thread and i'll be happy to compliment the moves that I think are good. This thread is about Russia.
So 'FICTION' discussed in here, and if you want 'Non-Fiction' start a new thread... got it. :p
No i don't... what are you talking about?
You said we are talking about Russia in this forum, and, I suppose, the un-substantiated Russian Collusion? Did I not read that correctly? If I did not then I apologize.

Un substantiated claims are only coming from Putin, Trump and the traitors------ What a team. Very cute.

You have to wait till Mueller is done digging Trump garbage that he is hiding.
old anti trump sludge, you need something new comrade.

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