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Notice to Conservatives re: Russia

If only you were worth my time, or could afford me to tutor you.
Oh I'd think a dipshit like yourself would salivate at the opportunity to throw it in my face. If you can't post a simple quote then it's pretty obvious that you are full of shit

I'll just waste my time finding you a link then..../sarcasm. :laugh: Your typical liberal demands a link for anything that conflicts with their liberal world view, then when a link is provided they deflect or jump to some other thread demanding links. Anymore I just pat the libs on the head :itsok:
Just as I thought... You're full of shit. You could have posted a link in the time you wrote that BS reply. Keep talking if you must but you've made it quite clear that you can't back up your garbage claims.
Sorta like The Fake Russian Narrative and The Left's Resist Democracy movement.

Do you know why The Left hates Russia?

Because they abandoned communism and adopted Democracy. They are also opposed to Globalism and reject Global Warming Theory.

The three worst dates on any calendar for a liberal are the day Castro died, they Day The Soviet Union broke up, and Father's Day.
It isn't fake you dumb ass. There is an FBI investigation and 4 congressional investigations. Not one person, besides Trump, denies the threat and validity of the investigation. You sound like an idiot every time you call it fake.
well I bet if you asked 64 million americans who voted for trump about that you'd find out that we know there isn't any russia russia.
You're claiming that anything to do with Russia is fiction?
Good gracious, NO! There are LOTS of things about RUSSIA that are true.

Just nothing so far about the snowflakes' claims about Trump-Russian Collusion have been PROVEN to be true. There is more evidence that Big Foot exists than there is of 'Trump-Russian Collusion'.

Are you still on Putin payroll?

Do you have a job?
Are you a Government Employee?
If you are working is part of your salary derived from taxes?
Are you a Citizen?
Are you an Illegal Alien?
Do you believe in open borders?

Do you believe in Big Government, Abortion on Demand, Evolution, Globalism, & Global Warming?
Oh I'd think a dipshit like yourself would salivate at the opportunity to throw it in my face. If you can't post a simple quote then it's pretty obvious that you are full of shit

I'll just waste my time finding you a link then..../sarcasm. :laugh: Your typical liberal demands a link for anything that conflicts with their liberal world view, then when a link is provided they deflect or jump to some other thread demanding links. Anymore I just pat the libs on the head :itsok:
Just as I thought... You're full of shit. You could have posted a link in the time you wrote that BS reply. Keep talking if you must but you've made it quite clear that you can't back up your garbage claims.
Sorta like The Fake Russian Narrative and The Left's Resist Democracy movement.

Do you know why The Left hates Russia?

Because they abandoned communism and adopted Democracy. They are also opposed to Globalism and reject Global Warming Theory.

The three worst dates on any calendar for a liberal are the day Castro died, they Day The Soviet Union broke up, and Father's Day.
It isn't fake you dumb ass. There is an FBI investigation and 4 congressional investigations. Not one person, besides Trump, denies the threat and validity of the investigation. You sound like an idiot every time you call it fake.
well I bet if you asked 64 million americans who voted for trump about that you'd find out that we know there isn't any russia russia.

Slade Cracks me up.

Bitter Partisan Troll, who just can't let go.

He sees nothing wrong with a witch hunt started 18 months ago when Obama himself tried to put The Brakes on the Trump Train by engaging in illegal Espionage, Illegal Unmasking and Illegal leaking of Classified Information.

Fer Heaven's sake, you had The President of The United States committing Felonies, Loretta Lynch Committing Felonies, Susan Rice Committing Felonies, James Comey Committing Felonies, and you have not 4 Investigations but 7 (counting Mueller)....get the number right people! And all of them have come up with nothing, and all these investigations were forced to admit there was "NO COLLUSION".

Then you have Mueller appointed due to a FELONY committed by Comey to get Mueller appointed....which in reality was a desperate attempt by Comey to save his own skin, and to save his book deal.

Is Mueller investigating any of the actual FELONIES Committed? He won't tell us. The only leaks coming from THE DEEP STATE are about what MUELLER IS LOOKING IN TO with regards to The President and his family, and now his business empire? But worse yet, there are major conflicts of interest with Mueller and his hand picked exclusively Democrat Clinton Donors and people who worked DIRECTLY for Hillary Clinton.

One of her attorneys sitting on Mueller's team did nothing but try to squash legitimate FOIA requests to obstruct We The People's right to know. Exactly what is a guy like that doing on this so called team? And exactly what are they investigating since it was proven over and over again there was No Collusion, and exactly why is Mueller intentionally ignoring what The Obama Administration did during The Election, which is the only HARD EVIDENCE we have of actual crimes committed and actual attempts at interference in The Election?

And all of this is based on a False Accusation by Hillary Clinton when she lost, a FAKE DOSSIER, and unprovable allegations of so called "Russian Interference".


  • Why is Susan Rice allowed to skip out on her testimony regarding espionage and illegal unmasking and leaking of classified information?
  • Why isn't James Comey being called out and forced to testify about his leaking classified memos?
  • Why isn't James Comey being questioned about his paying $30,000 to an Ex British Spy for a Russian Sourced Fake Dossier created by Fusion GPS?
  • Why isn't James Comey being questioned about why he let Hillary Clinton Bleach Bit 30,000 emails, despite two FEDERAL court orders not to do so, and why isn't he being questioned about letting Clinton off the hook for her crimes by creating a new non existent standard of intent + stupidity = Not Gonna Prosecute?
  • Why isn't the DNC server being subpoenaed?
  • Why isn't The DNC who funded Fusion GPS not being questioned about their meetings at The Ukrainian Embassy and Fusion GPS associate Natalia V. sent to Trump Tower under false but legal pretenses, and why was this like every other meeting arranged by THE DNC, or Obama or State Department with Russian Officials all Wire Tapped?
  • Why isn't Loretta Lynch being ordered to testify about her attempts to collude with James Comey and Squash two criminal investigations in to Hillary Clinton and The Clinton Foundation's Money Laundering and Influence Peddling Schemes?
  • Why isn't Loretta Lynch being grilled about her clandestine meeting with Bill Clinton, and why she sealed records associated with The Clinton Foundation immediately after?
  • Why isn't Hillary Clinton being questioned on her meetings with Russian Businessmen, Diplomats, and Ambassadors during her campaign?
  • Why aren't The Podesta Brothers being questioned on their Russian ties?
  • Why isn't Hillary Clinton & Blumenthal being questioned on The Benghazi emails that were sent to Blumenthal and intercepted by Al Queda, which caused them to attack the Benghazi "Weapons Depot"?
  • Why aren't Bill and Hillary Clinton being questioned about $245 Million dollars they received from Saudi Arabia and Russia?
  • Why isn't Hillary Clinton being questioned about The Uranium One Deal?
  • Why isn't James Clapper being questioned about Espionage and a lack of proper FISA orders to do so?
  • Why hasn't Evelyn Farkas been questioned on classified intel she illegally received?
  • Why hasn't Schiff and Warner been questioned on their Russian ties and the millions they have made from those Russian ties?
  • Why hasn't Obama Bin Spying been questioned on his spying and his $64 Million advance he received from a Russian associated publishing company?
  • Why isn't Schultz being questioned on The Pakistani Hackers she had working for THE DNC who we know stole data from The DNC servers, and even after they were banned and booted from THE DNC, she hired them to work with her on Clinton's Campaign?
  • Why isn't Schultz being questioned on her rigging The DNC Primaries against Bernie Sanders?
  • Why isn't Brazile being questioned on her collusion with CNN to steal debate questions?
  • Why isn't the Federal Elections Commission being questioned about their obvious inaction regarding the unethical actions committed by Brazile and Schultz?
  • Why isn't Dr. Jean Camp being questioned about her idea to create The Russian Narrative and her involvement in The Alpha Bank and Trump Tower Hack where they planted FAKE BEACON PINGS to create an Innuendo that there were business dealings flying under the radar between Trump Tower and Russian Alpha Bank?

And why aren't The American People up in arms, locked and loaded ready to take down such a corrupt DEEP STATE?

Or are they....waiting....to see if Mueller is an honest man or just an extension of James Comey and the Corrupt Establishment?
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Spoken like a true loser. Show me one agency or one person who says Russia didn't interfere. Jesus, even Trump said it. What's wrong with you?!
I did you stupid fk. The coast guard. So now you show me their statement
God you are too obnoxious to talk to. Come back once you can have a grown up discussion. You sound like a fucking child scrambling to win an argument by any means neccessary.
Now that is a surrender. Loser fk!
Whatever helps you sleep at night man. You dodge and dodge and dodge till you find an insignificant point to try and trap me with. So what did you "win"? You proved that not every single agency made a public statement confirming Russian interference? Bravo man! I clarified what I meant, you still can't point to one that denies it. You're still pathetic
well for someone so tight on lies from others, you sure didn't mind taking that intelligence agency statement to a lie. the fact is only three agencies have commented. Three, not seventeen. And people have been lying about that since fking day one. So excuse me for sticking to my integrity to keep it accurate. But parroting someone elses lie seems like you don't want to do the work to ensure the accuracy. I at least make that effort.
Trump said Russia interfered. Mattis said Russia interfered. Pompeo said Russia interfered. Kelly, coats, Tillerson said Russia interfered.... are you saying that they are all lying?
I did you stupid fk. The coast guard. So now you show me their statement
God you are too obnoxious to talk to. Come back once you can have a grown up discussion. You sound like a fucking child scrambling to win an argument by any means neccessary.
Now that is a surrender. Loser fk!
Whatever helps you sleep at night man. You dodge and dodge and dodge till you find an insignificant point to try and trap me with. So what did you "win"? You proved that not every single agency made a public statement confirming Russian interference? Bravo man! I clarified what I meant, you still can't point to one that denies it. You're still pathetic
well for someone so tight on lies from others, you sure didn't mind taking that intelligence agency statement to a lie. the fact is only three agencies have commented. Three, not seventeen. And people have been lying about that since fking day one. So excuse me for sticking to my integrity to keep it accurate. But parroting someone elses lie seems like you don't want to do the work to ensure the accuracy. I at least make that effort.
Trump said Russia interfered. Mattis said Russia interfered. Pompeo said Russia interfered. Kelly, coats, Tillerson said Russia interfered.... are you saying that they are all lying?
he said maybe they did, and he also stated maybe other governments as well. There is no evidence. I'm still waiting bubba.
Russian interference has been confirmed by every single intelligence and congressional officer that has seen the classified intel... EVERY SINGLE ONE. Your illegal voting accusation hasn't a shred of evidence behind it nor has it been confirmed by one single person who claims to have seen data. Did I really need to waste the time explaining that to you? Come on man
That my friend is a flat out lie, post where the coast guard made a statement! Queue jeopardy music
If they have seen the intel and made a statement, then it confirms Russian interference. Of course not everybody has made public statements. Stop playing the gotchya games. Youre sounding desperate
No one has seen the DNC server. No one
You tried your best to move this discussion from Yrumps lies to denying Russia interference, but you just don't have enough facts to go off. Who gives a shit about the DNC server.l. Every statement made about Russia interference from our intelligence agencies has confirmed it. Even Trump has admitted it. So believe it or not. I dont give a shit. I'm done talking about it.
Well I give a shit about that server since it is where the supposed emails came from and the entire russia russia anti-trump witch hunt is alleged. you haven't proved he lied yet. We had our discussion and you didn't like the way it ended. You meander off into many other discussions to deflect from speaking about my answers. that's on you bubba. Yee man of no class.
What the fuck are you talking about? I was going down the list of lies and you diverted to talk about the DNC and Russia. I was laughing at his crowd size, false Time mag claim, unsubstantiated 3-5 million illegal votes claim... and I can keep going down the line. You were scrambling to make excuses and took the conversation to the Russia investigation. #pathetic
I did you stupid fk. The coast guard. So now you show me their statement
God you are too obnoxious to talk to. Come back once you can have a grown up discussion. You sound like a fucking child scrambling to win an argument by any means neccessary.
Now that is a surrender. Loser fk!
Whatever helps you sleep at night man. You dodge and dodge and dodge till you find an insignificant point to try and trap me with. So what did you "win"? You proved that not every single agency made a public statement confirming Russian interference? Bravo man! I clarified what I meant, you still can't point to one that denies it. You're still pathetic
well for someone so tight on lies from others, you sure didn't mind taking that intelligence agency statement to a lie. the fact is only three agencies have commented. Three, not seventeen. And people have been lying about that since fking day one. So excuse me for sticking to my integrity to keep it accurate. But parroting someone elses lie seems like you don't want to do the work to ensure the accuracy. I at least make that effort.
Trump said Russia interfered. Mattis said Russia interfered. Pompeo said Russia interfered. Kelly, coats, Tillerson said Russia interfered.... are you saying that they are all lying?

We're saying there is no "collusion", it's a joke and a fishing trip, nothing more.
God you are too obnoxious to talk to. Come back once you can have a grown up discussion. You sound like a fucking child scrambling to win an argument by any means neccessary.
Now that is a surrender. Loser fk!
Whatever helps you sleep at night man. You dodge and dodge and dodge till you find an insignificant point to try and trap me with. So what did you "win"? You proved that not every single agency made a public statement confirming Russian interference? Bravo man! I clarified what I meant, you still can't point to one that denies it. You're still pathetic
well for someone so tight on lies from others, you sure didn't mind taking that intelligence agency statement to a lie. the fact is only three agencies have commented. Three, not seventeen. And people have been lying about that since fking day one. So excuse me for sticking to my integrity to keep it accurate. But parroting someone elses lie seems like you don't want to do the work to ensure the accuracy. I at least make that effort.
Trump said Russia interfered. Mattis said Russia interfered. Pompeo said Russia interfered. Kelly, coats, Tillerson said Russia interfered.... are you saying that they are all lying?
he said maybe they did, and he also stated maybe other governments as well. There is no evidence. I'm still waiting bubba.
Yeah he gave a pretty reluctant admission. Similar to mommy telling her son to apologies to his sister for taking her toy. What about all the other guys who Trump appointed to head our intel and defense agencies. They have all very clearly stated that Russia interfered. Are they lying?
That my friend is a flat out lie, post where the coast guard made a statement! Queue jeopardy music
If they have seen the intel and made a statement, then it confirms Russian interference. Of course not everybody has made public statements. Stop playing the gotchya games. Youre sounding desperate
No one has seen the DNC server. No one
You tried your best to move this discussion from Yrumps lies to denying Russia interference, but you just don't have enough facts to go off. Who gives a shit about the DNC server.l. Every statement made about Russia interference from our intelligence agencies has confirmed it. Even Trump has admitted it. So believe it or not. I dont give a shit. I'm done talking about it.
Well I give a shit about that server since it is where the supposed emails came from and the entire russia russia anti-trump witch hunt is alleged. you haven't proved he lied yet. We had our discussion and you didn't like the way it ended. You meander off into many other discussions to deflect from speaking about my answers. that's on you bubba. Yee man of no class.
What the fuck are you talking about? I was going down the list of lies and you diverted to talk about the DNC and Russia. I was laughing at his crowd size, false Time mag claim, unsubstantiated 3-5 million illegal votes claim... and I can keep going down the line. You were scrambling to make excuses and took the conversation to the Russia investigation. #pathetic
sorry bubba, the crowd size can't be substantiated, and again, it doesn't fking matter if it was or wasn't. prove it wasn't. can you? so you can't prove the crowd size is a lie. I told you on the 3 to 5 million illegal claim, that he may know the number. I'm not privy to information he is. you can't prove that isn't either. So far two lies and you can't prove they are. They are statements with numbers in it you can't prove aren't true. next lie.
God you are too obnoxious to talk to. Come back once you can have a grown up discussion. You sound like a fucking child scrambling to win an argument by any means neccessary.
Now that is a surrender. Loser fk!
Whatever helps you sleep at night man. You dodge and dodge and dodge till you find an insignificant point to try and trap me with. So what did you "win"? You proved that not every single agency made a public statement confirming Russian interference? Bravo man! I clarified what I meant, you still can't point to one that denies it. You're still pathetic
well for someone so tight on lies from others, you sure didn't mind taking that intelligence agency statement to a lie. the fact is only three agencies have commented. Three, not seventeen. And people have been lying about that since fking day one. So excuse me for sticking to my integrity to keep it accurate. But parroting someone elses lie seems like you don't want to do the work to ensure the accuracy. I at least make that effort.
Trump said Russia interfered. Mattis said Russia interfered. Pompeo said Russia interfered. Kelly, coats, Tillerson said Russia interfered.... are you saying that they are all lying?

We're saying there is no "collusion", it's a joke and a fishing trip, nothing more.
You're saying that. JC is saying that there was no Russia interference and the whole investigation is based on nothing
Now that is a surrender. Loser fk!
Whatever helps you sleep at night man. You dodge and dodge and dodge till you find an insignificant point to try and trap me with. So what did you "win"? You proved that not every single agency made a public statement confirming Russian interference? Bravo man! I clarified what I meant, you still can't point to one that denies it. You're still pathetic
well for someone so tight on lies from others, you sure didn't mind taking that intelligence agency statement to a lie. the fact is only three agencies have commented. Three, not seventeen. And people have been lying about that since fking day one. So excuse me for sticking to my integrity to keep it accurate. But parroting someone elses lie seems like you don't want to do the work to ensure the accuracy. I at least make that effort.
Trump said Russia interfered. Mattis said Russia interfered. Pompeo said Russia interfered. Kelly, coats, Tillerson said Russia interfered.... are you saying that they are all lying?
he said maybe they did, and he also stated maybe other governments as well. There is no evidence. I'm still waiting bubba.
Yeah he gave a pretty reluctant admission. Similar to mommy telling her son to apologies to his sister for taking her toy. What about all the other guys who Trump appointed to head our intel and defense agencies. They have all very clearly stated that Russia interfered. Are they lying?
yes they are. there is absolutely no evidence. fk dude, no one has even looked at the DNC server and we have Assange saying it wasn't the russians who gave him the emails. so please, I've been asking since October, post something that is evidence. so far, nothing burger.
Now that is a surrender. Loser fk!
Whatever helps you sleep at night man. You dodge and dodge and dodge till you find an insignificant point to try and trap me with. So what did you "win"? You proved that not every single agency made a public statement confirming Russian interference? Bravo man! I clarified what I meant, you still can't point to one that denies it. You're still pathetic
well for someone so tight on lies from others, you sure didn't mind taking that intelligence agency statement to a lie. the fact is only three agencies have commented. Three, not seventeen. And people have been lying about that since fking day one. So excuse me for sticking to my integrity to keep it accurate. But parroting someone elses lie seems like you don't want to do the work to ensure the accuracy. I at least make that effort.
Trump said Russia interfered. Mattis said Russia interfered. Pompeo said Russia interfered. Kelly, coats, Tillerson said Russia interfered.... are you saying that they are all lying?

We're saying there is no "collusion", it's a joke and a fishing trip, nothing more.
You're saying that. JC is saying that there was no Russia interference and the whole investigation is based on nothing
well there isn't any collusion because there is no russia. derp
If they have seen the intel and made a statement, then it confirms Russian interference. Of course not everybody has made public statements. Stop playing the gotchya games. Youre sounding desperate
No one has seen the DNC server. No one
You tried your best to move this discussion from Yrumps lies to denying Russia interference, but you just don't have enough facts to go off. Who gives a shit about the DNC server.l. Every statement made about Russia interference from our intelligence agencies has confirmed it. Even Trump has admitted it. So believe it or not. I dont give a shit. I'm done talking about it.
Well I give a shit about that server since it is where the supposed emails came from and the entire russia russia anti-trump witch hunt is alleged. you haven't proved he lied yet. We had our discussion and you didn't like the way it ended. You meander off into many other discussions to deflect from speaking about my answers. that's on you bubba. Yee man of no class.
What the fuck are you talking about? I was going down the list of lies and you diverted to talk about the DNC and Russia. I was laughing at his crowd size, false Time mag claim, unsubstantiated 3-5 million illegal votes claim... and I can keep going down the line. You were scrambling to make excuses and took the conversation to the Russia investigation. #pathetic
sorry bubba, the crowd size can't be substantiated, and again, it doesn't fking matter if it was or wasn't. prove it wasn't. can you? so you can't prove the crowd size is a lie. I told you on the 3 to 5 million illegal claim, that he may know the number. I'm not privy to information he is. you can't prove that isn't either. So far two lies and you can't prove they are. They are statements with numbers in it you can't prove aren't true. next lie.
If Trump had info to back up the 3-5 million illegal vote claim then he would have released it when the world called him a liar. Nice try. And there is a fucking photo that shows Obamas crowd as much bigger than Trumps. Game over dude. I know you got an excuse for everything but you just sound like a fool. Don't be a Spicey... sooner or later you end up kicked to the curb
No one has seen the DNC server. No one
You tried your best to move this discussion from Yrumps lies to denying Russia interference, but you just don't have enough facts to go off. Who gives a shit about the DNC server.l. Every statement made about Russia interference from our intelligence agencies has confirmed it. Even Trump has admitted it. So believe it or not. I dont give a shit. I'm done talking about it.
Well I give a shit about that server since it is where the supposed emails came from and the entire russia russia anti-trump witch hunt is alleged. you haven't proved he lied yet. We had our discussion and you didn't like the way it ended. You meander off into many other discussions to deflect from speaking about my answers. that's on you bubba. Yee man of no class.
What the fuck are you talking about? I was going down the list of lies and you diverted to talk about the DNC and Russia. I was laughing at his crowd size, false Time mag claim, unsubstantiated 3-5 million illegal votes claim... and I can keep going down the line. You were scrambling to make excuses and took the conversation to the Russia investigation. #pathetic
sorry bubba, the crowd size can't be substantiated, and again, it doesn't fking matter if it was or wasn't. prove it wasn't. can you? so you can't prove the crowd size is a lie. I told you on the 3 to 5 million illegal claim, that he may know the number. I'm not privy to information he is. you can't prove that isn't either. So far two lies and you can't prove they are. They are statements with numbers in it you can't prove aren't true. next lie.
If Trump had info to back up the 3-5 million illegal vote claim then he would have released it when the world called him a liar. Nice try. And there is a fucking photo that shows Obamas crowd as much bigger than Trumps. Game over dude. I know you got an excuse for everything but you just sound like a fool. Don't be a Spicey... sooner or later you end up kicked to the curb
you have no idea when the number of people he claimed were there. you have two photos and two different times. there is no way for you to prove he lied. sorry, you can't .
Whatever helps you sleep at night man. You dodge and dodge and dodge till you find an insignificant point to try and trap me with. So what did you "win"? You proved that not every single agency made a public statement confirming Russian interference? Bravo man! I clarified what I meant, you still can't point to one that denies it. You're still pathetic
well for someone so tight on lies from others, you sure didn't mind taking that intelligence agency statement to a lie. the fact is only three agencies have commented. Three, not seventeen. And people have been lying about that since fking day one. So excuse me for sticking to my integrity to keep it accurate. But parroting someone elses lie seems like you don't want to do the work to ensure the accuracy. I at least make that effort.
Trump said Russia interfered. Mattis said Russia interfered. Pompeo said Russia interfered. Kelly, coats, Tillerson said Russia interfered.... are you saying that they are all lying?
he said maybe they did, and he also stated maybe other governments as well. There is no evidence. I'm still waiting bubba.
Yeah he gave a pretty reluctant admission. Similar to mommy telling her son to apologies to his sister for taking her toy. What about all the other guys who Trump appointed to head our intel and defense agencies. They have all very clearly stated that Russia interfered. Are they lying?
yes they are. there is absolutely no evidence. fk dude, no one has even looked at the DNC server and we have Assange saying it wasn't the russians who gave him the emails. so please, I've been asking since October, post something that is evidence. so far, nothing burger.
Ok they are all lying. I'll mark your words on that. So if they are all lying and going against the president then why doesn't Trump fire them and replace them with honest patriots?
well for someone so tight on lies from others, you sure didn't mind taking that intelligence agency statement to a lie. the fact is only three agencies have commented. Three, not seventeen. And people have been lying about that since fking day one. So excuse me for sticking to my integrity to keep it accurate. But parroting someone elses lie seems like you don't want to do the work to ensure the accuracy. I at least make that effort.
Trump said Russia interfered. Mattis said Russia interfered. Pompeo said Russia interfered. Kelly, coats, Tillerson said Russia interfered.... are you saying that they are all lying?
he said maybe they did, and he also stated maybe other governments as well. There is no evidence. I'm still waiting bubba.
Yeah he gave a pretty reluctant admission. Similar to mommy telling her son to apologies to his sister for taking her toy. What about all the other guys who Trump appointed to head our intel and defense agencies. They have all very clearly stated that Russia interfered. Are they lying?
yes they are. there is absolutely no evidence. fk dude, no one has even looked at the DNC server and we have Assange saying it wasn't the russians who gave him the emails. so please, I've been asking since October, post something that is evidence. so far, nothing burger.
Ok they are all lying. I'll mark your words on that. So if they are all lying and going against the president then why doesn't Trump fire them and replace them with honest patriots?
he may! you're asking me to predict the future, i don't do that.

So have you seen any proof of russia anything?
You tried your best to move this discussion from Yrumps lies to denying Russia interference, but you just don't have enough facts to go off. Who gives a shit about the DNC server.l. Every statement made about Russia interference from our intelligence agencies has confirmed it. Even Trump has admitted it. So believe it or not. I dont give a shit. I'm done talking about it.
Well I give a shit about that server since it is where the supposed emails came from and the entire russia russia anti-trump witch hunt is alleged. you haven't proved he lied yet. We had our discussion and you didn't like the way it ended. You meander off into many other discussions to deflect from speaking about my answers. that's on you bubba. Yee man of no class.
What the fuck are you talking about? I was going down the list of lies and you diverted to talk about the DNC and Russia. I was laughing at his crowd size, false Time mag claim, unsubstantiated 3-5 million illegal votes claim... and I can keep going down the line. You were scrambling to make excuses and took the conversation to the Russia investigation. #pathetic
sorry bubba, the crowd size can't be substantiated, and again, it doesn't fking matter if it was or wasn't. prove it wasn't. can you? so you can't prove the crowd size is a lie. I told you on the 3 to 5 million illegal claim, that he may know the number. I'm not privy to information he is. you can't prove that isn't either. So far two lies and you can't prove they are. They are statements with numbers in it you can't prove aren't true. next lie.
If Trump had info to back up the 3-5 million illegal vote claim then he would have released it when the world called him a liar. Nice try. And there is a fucking photo that shows Obamas crowd as much bigger than Trumps. Game over dude. I know you got an excuse for everything but you just sound like a fool. Don't be a Spicey... sooner or later you end up kicked to the curb
you have no idea when the number of people he claimed were there. you have two photos and two different times. there is no way for you to prove he lied. sorry, you can't .
Many photos taken at the same time during the inauguration. There is no doubt Obama had massively more people. No doubt. Scroll the page and see for your self. Several examples. You are wrong again
Photos: Compare the crowd at Trump's inauguration with Obama's
Trump said Russia interfered. Mattis said Russia interfered. Pompeo said Russia interfered. Kelly, coats, Tillerson said Russia interfered.... are you saying that they are all lying?
he said maybe they did, and he also stated maybe other governments as well. There is no evidence. I'm still waiting bubba.
Yeah he gave a pretty reluctant admission. Similar to mommy telling her son to apologies to his sister for taking her toy. What about all the other guys who Trump appointed to head our intel and defense agencies. They have all very clearly stated that Russia interfered. Are they lying?
yes they are. there is absolutely no evidence. fk dude, no one has even looked at the DNC server and we have Assange saying it wasn't the russians who gave him the emails. so please, I've been asking since October, post something that is evidence. so far, nothing burger.
Ok they are all lying. I'll mark your words on that. So if they are all lying and going against the president then why doesn't Trump fire them and replace them with honest patriots?
he may! you're asking me to predict the future, i don't do that.

So have you seen any proof of russia anything?
Just listen to yourself. You get dumber with every post. So now Trumps entire security team is lying and he may fire all of them. Ok buddy. I dont know why I waste my time with you.
Oh I'd think a dipshit like yourself would salivate at the opportunity to throw it in my face. If you can't post a simple quote then it's pretty obvious that you are full of shit

I'll just waste my time finding you a link then..../sarcasm. :laugh: Your typical liberal demands a link for anything that conflicts with their liberal world view, then when a link is provided they deflect or jump to some other thread demanding links. Anymore I just pat the libs on the head :itsok:
Just as I thought... You're full of shit. You could have posted a link in the time you wrote that BS reply. Keep talking if you must but you've made it quite clear that you can't back up your garbage claims.
Sorta like The Fake Russian Narrative and The Left's Resist Democracy movement.

Do you know why The Left hates Russia?

Because they abandoned communism and adopted Democracy. They are also opposed to Globalism and reject Global Warming Theory.

The three worst dates on any calendar for a liberal are the day Castro died, they Day The Soviet Union broke up, and Father's Day.
It isn't fake you dumb ass. There is an FBI investigation and 4 congressional investigations. Not one person, besides Trump, denies the threat and validity of the investigation. You sound like an idiot every time you call it fake.
well I bet if you asked 64 million americans who voted for trump about that you'd find out that we know there isn't any russia russia.
Newsflash. You can still support Trump and face the reality that Russia interfered in our election. The crew at fox, the GOP congressmen, trumps team all do
I did you stupid fk. The coast guard. So now you show me their statement
God you are too obnoxious to talk to. Come back once you can have a grown up discussion. You sound like a fucking child scrambling to win an argument by any means neccessary.
Now that is a surrender. Loser fk!
Whatever helps you sleep at night man. You dodge and dodge and dodge till you find an insignificant point to try and trap me with. So what did you "win"? You proved that not every single agency made a public statement confirming Russian interference? Bravo man! I clarified what I meant, you still can't point to one that denies it. You're still pathetic
well for someone so tight on lies from others, you sure didn't mind taking that intelligence agency statement to a lie. the fact is only three agencies have commented. Three, not seventeen. And people have been lying about that since fking day one. So excuse me for sticking to my integrity to keep it accurate. But parroting someone elses lie seems like you don't want to do the work to ensure the accuracy. I at least make that effort.
Trump said Russia interfered. Mattis said Russia interfered. Pompeo said Russia interfered. Kelly, coats, Tillerson said Russia interfered.... are you saying that they are all lying?
No, we are saying you are lying and conveniently twisting things to suit your agenda.
Exactly what did Russia do?
Please provide some evidence,

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