November, 2010

So, what will the Republican Party propose in their effort to gain a majority in the Congress come November?
Of course they will oppose gays, gun control, abortion and taxes, but, what else?

Republicans don't need to do anything---your party of liberal big spending democrats have already dug their own graves--and have both feet in it---:lol::lol:

I predict a 300' Tsunami to hit the house of representatives in Nov. 2010, not leaving a liberal democrat standing.

They have PISSED off America.
The Republicans will do what they normally do, campaign on some vague, platitudinous mush that they'll dress up with a bunch of meaningless references to Ronald Reagan,

and then,

even if they win, they'll pretty much follow through on none of it, except perhaps, if they can, they'll cut taxes some more, with no attendant reduction in government spending, and drive us even deeper in debt.

Both sides will run the same kind of campaigns they always run. Make promises they never plan to keep and demonize the other side even if it is on something they once did. Both sides will lie "ad nauesm" and we will roll the dice again.
IMO we need balance because both sides are on interested in power. We need to be able to temper Obama's megalomaniacal personality and only govt is good and can save us with the other side's megalomaniacal personalities. Use the system they passed to pay for new legislation and if the money is not there, no passage. Actually cut the bloated size of govt and make deep cuts to other govt programs and agencies.
That probably won't happen but at least with balance, nothing else will get rammed down the people's throats like this HC bill.
That point is now irrelevant....the Democrats screwed themselves over the last 3 years....all you have to do is look at Congressional approval ratings. Americans wanted change and all they got was the shaft from a politician who is a smooth talker and just like Bush....the Congress was destroyed by Pelosi and Reid's partisan politics...America is tired of the bullshit.

Think. Try it, sometimes it's not so hard, almost, almost anyone can do it.

The approval ratings are for Congress. CONGRESS, not the D's in Congress, not the R's in Congress but CONGRESS. That's a hint. Now think about what that means.
That point is now irrelevant....the Democrats screwed themselves over the last 3 years....all you have to do is look at Congressional approval ratings. Americans wanted change and all they got was the shaft from a politician who is a smooth talker and just like Bush....the Congress was destroyed by Pelosi and Reid's partisan politics...America is tired of the bullshit.

Think. Try it, sometimes it's not so hard, almost, almost anyone can do it.

The approval ratings are for Congress. CONGRESS, not the D's in Congress, not the R's in Congress but CONGRESS. That's a hint. Now think about what that means.

Leadership & majority control, think leadership and who sets the's not too hard to figure out who's leading the Congress.
Now think about what leadership entails and what the current crop of leaders in Congress have done that affect their approval ratings.
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That point is now irrelevant....the Democrats screwed themselves over the last 3 years....all you have to do is look at Congressional approval ratings. Americans wanted change and all they got was the shaft from a politician who is a smooth talker and just like Bush....the Congress was destroyed by Pelosi and Reid's partisan politics...America is tired of the bullshit.

Think. Try it, sometimes it's not so hard, almost, almost anyone can do it.

The approval ratings are for Congress. CONGRESS, not the D's in Congress, not the R's in Congress but CONGRESS. That's a hint. Now think about what that means.

Leadership & majority control, think leadership and who sets the's not too hard to figure out who's leading the Congress.
Now think about what leadership entails and what the current crop of leaders in Congress have done that affect their approval ratings.

I think you're blinded by your partisanship. I suspect most Americans understand the growing cost of healthcare and associated costs and realize reform is necessary. IMO the R leadership - Boehner, McConnell - represent the industry and not the people. They and the RW media have hammered every effort by the D's to bring prices and preditory practices under control but have been attacked with lies (death panels, "socialism!" and assorted other red herrings) from day one.
If the R's really cared about reform, it would have been done when they controlled both houses of Congress and the White House a few short years ago.
Think. Try it, sometimes it's not so hard, almost, almost anyone can do it.

The approval ratings are for Congress. CONGRESS, not the D's in Congress, not the R's in Congress but CONGRESS. That's a hint. Now think about what that means.

Leadership & majority control, think leadership and who sets the's not too hard to figure out who's leading the Congress.
Now think about what leadership entails and what the current crop of leaders in Congress have done that affect their approval ratings.

I think you're blinded by your partisanship. I suspect most Americans understand the growing cost of healthcare and associated costs and realize reform is necessary. IMO the R leadership - Boehner, McConnell - represent the industry and not the people. They and the RW media have hammered every effort by the D's to bring prices and preditory practices under control but have been attacked with lies (death panels, "socialism!" and assorted other red herrings) from day one.
If the R's really cared about reform, it would have been done when they controlled both houses of Congress and the White House a few short years ago.

and the D's...who made all those special union deals, deals with big pharma and are going to give the insurance company hundreds of billions of dollars of tax payers money is OK right? Something to just gloss over in favor of claiming I'm a it...thanks for playing.
Think. Try it, sometimes it's not so hard, almost, almost anyone can do it.

The approval ratings are for Congress. CONGRESS, not the D's in Congress, not the R's in Congress but CONGRESS. That's a hint. Now think about what that means.

Leadership & majority control, think leadership and who sets the's not too hard to figure out who's leading the Congress.
Now think about what leadership entails and what the current crop of leaders in Congress have done that affect their approval ratings.

I think you're blinded by your partisanship. I suspect most Americans understand the growing cost of healthcare and associated costs and realize reform is necessary. IMO the R leadership - Boehner, McConnell - represent the industry and not the people. They and the RW media have hammered every effort by the D's to bring prices and preditory practices under control but have been attacked with lies (death panels, "socialism!" and assorted other red herrings) from day one.
If the R's really cared about reform, it would have been done when they controlled both houses of Congress and the White House a few short years ago.

I think you're a freakin' idiot. What the people have been watching in "congress" that they are objecting to is NOT what the conservatives have been doing. It's the the fucking LIBERALS that have PISSED OFF America, and if you can't see that, then you're just about the dumbest cock sucker on the board.

Get a fucking clue moron.
Just another San Francisco wuss. Shithole of a city if there ever was one.

It takes a very ignorant person to be so judgmental. San Francisco is a beautiful city and there is something extra special about it. People like you don't live there.
Just another San Francisco wuss. Shithole of a city if there ever was one.

It takes a very ignorant person to be so judgmental. San Francisco is a beautiful city and there is something extra special about it. People like you don't live there.

On that we agree. San Francisco is a beautiful city. There may be other cities that are moreso, but SF is a lovely city.

Just another San Francisco wuss. Shithole of a city if there ever was one.

It takes a very ignorant person to be so judgmental. San Francisco is a beautiful city and there is something extra special about it. People like you don't live there.

Bull shit. Sanfranqueerco is a shit hole full of faggots, liberals and immoral, godless, drug addled old hippies like that SKANK pelosi. And yes, I've been there, many times, and couldn't wait to get the fuck otta there.

Not to worry though... mother nature is going to level the filthy liberal cess pool just like it did Saddam and Gomorrah.
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Leadership & majority control, think leadership and who sets the's not too hard to figure out who's leading the Congress.
Now think about what leadership entails and what the current crop of leaders in Congress have done that affect their approval ratings.

I think you're blinded by your partisanship. I suspect most Americans understand the growing cost of healthcare and associated costs and realize reform is necessary. IMO the R leadership - Boehner, McConnell - represent the industry and not the people. They and the RW media have hammered every effort by the D's to bring prices and preditory practices under control but have been attacked with lies (death panels, "socialism!" and assorted other red herrings) from day one.
If the R's really cared about reform, it would have been done when they controlled both houses of Congress and the White House a few short years ago.

and the D's...who made all those special union deals, deals with big pharma and are going to give the insurance company hundreds of billions of dollars of tax payers money is OK right? Something to just gloss over in favor of claiming I'm a it...thanks for playing.

Wrong, I'm less partisan than pragmatic. I don't like what the D's did for I support single payer universal healthcare. Deals have and will always be made until it becomes a felony with serious consequences for any elected official or appointed federal office holder from accepting so much as a cup of coffee from anyone associatged with legislation.
But as noted by your pals on the right, money is equal to free speech and we must never, ever, limit the amount of free speech of the Abramoffs of the world.
Just another San Francisco wuss. Shithole of a city if there ever was one.

It takes a very ignorant person to be so judgmental. San Francisco is a beautiful city and there is something extra special about it. People like you don't live there.

Bull shit. Sanfranqueerco is a shit hole full of faggots, liberals and immoral, godless, drug addled old hippies like that SKANK pelosi. And yes, I've been there, many times, and couldn't wait to get the fuck otta there.

Not to worry though... mother nature is going to level the filthy liberal cess pool just like it did Saddam and Gomorrah.

FOR the record, those who so vehemently condemn others as does Pale Rider do so out of ignorance and fear. Most homophobic individuals hold secret curiosities and desires which scare them. Pale Rider no doubt is one of those referred to in the literature as gay curious, he so wants to engage in sexual play with other males, yet, he is repelled by his desires, leading to serious emotional conflict. Too bad he's so ignorant and cowardly, if only he would seek counseling or act out on his desires, I'm sure he would find peace if only he could man up and seek help.
It takes a very ignorant person to be so judgmental. San Francisco is a beautiful city and there is something extra special about it. People like you don't live there.

Bull shit. Sanfranqueerco is a shit hole full of faggots, liberals and immoral, godless, drug addled old hippies like that SKANK pelosi. And yes, I've been there, many times, and couldn't wait to get the fuck otta there.

Not to worry though... mother nature is going to level the filthy liberal cess pool just like it did Saddam and Gomorrah.

FOR the record, those who so vehemently condemn others as does Pale Rider do so out of ignorance and fear. Most homophobic individuals hold secret curiosities and desires which scare them. Pale Rider no doubt is one of those referred to in the literature as gay curious, he so wants to engage in sexual play with other males, yet, he is repelled by his desires, leading to serious emotional conflict. Too bad he's so ignorant and cowardly, if only he would seek counseling or act out on his desires, I'm sure he would find peace if only he could man up and seek help.

Oh my God ....
... Pale Rider is against homosexuality, SO HE MUST BE ONE ...

Are you fucking homo supporters completely unable to think up some NEW line of BULL SHIT? Holy fuck... what an absolute moron.
FOR the record, those who so vehemently condemn others as does Pale Rider do so out of ignorance and fear. Most homophobic individuals hold secret curiosities and desires which scare them. Pale Rider no doubt is one of those referred to in the literature as gay curious, he so wants to engage in sexual play with other males, yet, he is repelled by his desires, leading to serious emotional conflict. Too bad he's so ignorant and cowardly, if only he would seek counseling or act out on his desires, I'm sure he would find peace if only he could man up and seek help.

Sounds more like a dreams or fansties of a homo. They really are saying they WANT me.:cuckoo:
Bull shit. Sanfranqueerco is a shit hole full of faggots, liberals and immoral, godless, drug addled old hippies like that SKANK pelosi. And yes, I've been there, many times, and couldn't wait to get the fuck otta there.

Not to worry though... mother nature is going to level the filthy liberal cess pool just like it did Saddam and Gomorrah.

FOR the record, those who so vehemently condemn others as does Pale Rider do so out of ignorance and fear. Most homophobic individuals hold secret curiosities and desires which scare them. Pale Rider no doubt is one of those referred to in the literature as gay curious, he so wants to engage in sexual play with other males, yet, he is repelled by his desires, leading to serious emotional conflict. Too bad he's so ignorant and cowardly, if only he would seek counseling or act out on his desires, I'm sure he would find peace if only he could man up and seek help.

Oh my God ....
... Pale Rider is against homosexuality, SO HE MUST BE ONE ...

Are you fucking homo supporters completely unable to think up some NEW line of BULL SHIT? Holy fuck... what an absolute moron.

As expected, denial. Poor guy doesn't understand why and where his anger comes from.
The Republicans have a real opportunity here. Lets see if they do the right thing and run candidates who are true Conservatives and not the same ole Neocon/Progressive frauds they've run in so many recent elections. That other party has enough Socialists/Progressives. It's time for the Republican Party to finally offer an alternative. I guess we'll see though. Get out and vote in 2010.
FOR the record, those who so vehemently condemn others as does Pale Rider do so out of ignorance and fear. Most homophobic individuals hold secret curiosities and desires which scare them. Pale Rider no doubt is one of those referred to in the literature as gay curious, he so wants to engage in sexual play with other males, yet, he is repelled by his desires, leading to serious emotional conflict. Too bad he's so ignorant and cowardly, if only he would seek counseling or act out on his desires, I'm sure he would find peace if only he could man up and seek help.

Oh my God ....
... Pale Rider is against homosexuality, SO HE MUST BE ONE ...

Are you fucking homo supporters completely unable to think up some NEW line of BULL SHIT? Holy fuck... what an absolute moron.

As expected, denial. Poor guy doesn't understand why and where his anger comes from.

And you continue your twisted old lame assed bull shit.

"You're against homos so you must be one."

OK... so you SUPPORT homos, but you're trying to bull shit a story that since I'm against homsexuality, that makes me a homo? Well, since you SUPPORT homos, why on earth would be trying to make me out as one? Wouldn't that be SUPPORTING ME?

You're full of shit dumb ass. STFU. Your old liberal, reverse psychology, line of CRAP has been used to the point of absurdity. Get a new act. You'd at least get points for originality, fucking moron.
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Oh my God ....
... Pale Rider is against homosexuality, SO HE MUST BE ONE ...

Are you fucking homo supporters completely unable to think up some NEW line of BULL SHIT? Holy fuck... what an absolute moron.

As expected, denial. Poor guy doesn't understand why and where his anger comes from.

And you continue your twisted old lame assed bull shit.

"You're against homos so you must be one."

OK... so you SUPPORT homos, but you're trying to bull shit a story that since I'm against homsexuality, that makes me a homo? Well, since you SUPPORT homos, why on earth would be trying to make me out as one? Wouldn't that be SUPPORTING ME?

You're full of shit dumb ass. STFU. Your old liberal, reverse psychology, line of CRAP has been used to the point of absurdity. Get a new act. You'd at least get points for originality, fucking moron.

Reverse psychology? Read slowly and try very hard to understand. Hate and Love are two extreme emotions, which explains why the proximate motive of many crimes of violence are hate or love (along with fear).
Your written words are full of hate directed at those who engage in homosexual activity, and your choice of words tells us something about the depth of your emotions. Why you hate people you have never met, don't know and likely never will is pathological (i.e. normal people don't act in such a manner). I speculate that you are a closeted homosexual because of your intense hate. Of course you seem to hate liberals, progressives, Democrats, and I suppose government in general and anyone who doesn't let you get your way too, but possibly not with the same vehemence. I could speculate more, but why. It's very obvious you are one sick person and I pity those who work and live around you.
As expected, denial. Poor guy doesn't understand why and where his anger comes from.

And you continue your twisted old lame assed bull shit.

"You're against homos so you must be one."

OK... so you SUPPORT homos, but you're trying to bull shit a story that since I'm against homsexuality, that makes me a homo? Well, since you SUPPORT homos, why on earth would be trying to make me out as one? Wouldn't that be SUPPORTING ME?

You're full of shit dumb ass. STFU. Your old liberal, reverse psychology, line of CRAP has been used to the point of absurdity. Get a new act. You'd at least get points for originality, fucking moron.

Reverse psychology? Read slowly and try very hard to understand. Hate and Love are two extreme emotions, which explains why the proximate motive of many crimes of violence are hate or love (along with fear).
Your written words are full of hate directed at those who engage in homosexual activity, and your choice of words tells us something about the depth of your emotions. Why you hate people you have never met, don't know and likely never will is pathological (i.e. normal people don't act in such a manner). I speculate that you are a closeted homosexual because of your intense hate. Of course you seem to hate liberals, progressives, Democrats, and I suppose government in general and anyone who doesn't let you get your way too, but possibly not with the same vehemence. I could speculate more, but why. It's very obvious you are one sick person and I pity those who work and live around you.

So you go from bargain basement psychology to regurgitated liberal psychobabble.

You don't have enough sense to know when to quit do you? You just continue on ahead even though your game is up. What a fucking nipple faced pimple head.

Slither your ass back on up sloppy sack mountain and butt fuck one of your homo sack sucking pals, you ignorant little jerked off, mutha fuckin', troll ass bitch.
And you continue your twisted old lame assed bull shit.

"You're against homos so you must be one."

OK... so you SUPPORT homos, but you're trying to bull shit a story that since I'm against homsexuality, that makes me a homo? Well, since you SUPPORT homos, why on earth would be trying to make me out as one? Wouldn't that be SUPPORTING ME?

You're full of shit dumb ass. STFU. Your old liberal, reverse psychology, line of CRAP has been used to the point of absurdity. Get a new act. You'd at least get points for originality, fucking moron.

Reverse psychology? Read slowly and try very hard to understand. Hate and Love are two extreme emotions, which explains why the proximate motive of many crimes of violence are hate or love (along with fear).
Your written words are full of hate directed at those who engage in homosexual activity, and your choice of words tells us something about the depth of your emotions. Why you hate people you have never met, don't know and likely never will is pathological (i.e. normal people don't act in such a manner). I speculate that you are a closeted homosexual because of your intense hate. Of course you seem to hate liberals, progressives, Democrats, and I suppose government in general and anyone who doesn't let you get your way too, but possibly not with the same vehemence. I could speculate more, but why. It's very obvious you are one sick person and I pity those who work and live around you.

So you go from bargain basement psychology to regurgitated liberal psychobabble.

You don't have enough sense to know when to quit do you? You just continue on ahead even though your game is up. What a fucking nipple faced pimple head.

Slither your ass back on up sloppy sack mountain and butt fuck one of your homo sack sucking pals, you ignorant little jerked off, mutha fuckin', troll ass bitch.

Thanks for sharing, oh, and thanks for providing additional evidence of the correctness of my insight. You're last sentence is proof you are one sick puppy.

PS "mutha fuckin, troll ass bitch" is so trailer trash, don't you agree?
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