November, 2010

Palin's fringe? Can you explain, please. I thought she was very popular.

In certain circles, yeah. The Tea Party loves her. The Comedians (Tina Fey, Jon Stewart) love her. The DNC fund raisers love her for the same reason the GOP fund raisers love Pelosi and HRC.

For the moderates she's poison. Take 2008 for example. Indiana has been a solid GOP pick up for a very long time in Presidential elections. Its a state where even the Democrats are Republicans. After 2008 I went home again to Indiana and asked family and friends what the heck happened for McCain to lose that state.

The number one answer: Palin.

Family and friends that never once in their lives voted for a Democrat voted for Obama because Palin scares the crap out of them.

Palin was supposed to be a bid for McCain to energize Conservatives, but even with her he couldn't carry Indiana and North Carolina.

Please, Palin reenergized McCain campaign and had him ahead until the financial meltdown.

Without Palin, McCain looses 54, 55 of our 57 states.
Palin's fringe? Can you explain, please. I thought she was very popular.

In certain circles, yeah. The Tea Party loves her. The Comedians (Tina Fey, Jon Stewart) love her. The DNC fund raisers love her for the same reason the GOP fund raisers love Pelosi and HRC.

For the moderates she's poison. Take 2008 for example. Indiana has been a solid GOP pick up for a very long time in Presidential elections. Its a state where even the Democrats are Republicans. After 2008 I went home again to Indiana and asked family and friends what the heck happened for McCain to lose that state.

The number one answer: Palin.

Family and friends that never once in their lives voted for a Democrat voted for Obama because Palin scares the crap out of them.

Palin was supposed to be a bid for McCain to energize Conservatives, but even with her he couldn't carry Indiana and North Carolina.

I think you underestimate the number of people who identify with the tea party, or maybe I do. November will tell the tale.
Palin's only "fringe" to the loony-left.. that is how they attempt to demonize her. It ain't working.
Please, Palin reenergized McCain campaign and had him ahead until the financial meltdown.

Without Palin, McCain looses 54, 55 of our 57 states.

I'm willing to concede that with Palin McCain probably won a few states he might have lost if he'd gone with Joe like he wanted to. I think that Palin also cost him States too and definitely cost him among the moderates.
I think you underestimate the number of people who identify with the tea party, or maybe I do. November will tell the tale.

The issue isn't how many people identify with the Tea Party, its how they vote. I believe, and I've yet to see much to contradict this, that most of the Tea Party is made up of folks that vote GOP or Libertarian. If that is the case, then the Tea Party doesn't really matter to the DNC.

The only scenario in which the Tea Party matters is if its made up of moderates and independents, as those are the guys who decide elections. So far I haven't seen a lot to support the premise that it represents any large number of moderates and independents. If anything, what I've seen makes me think a moderate wouldn't be very welcome among the Tea Party.
Please, Palin reenergized McCain campaign and had him ahead until the financial meltdown.

Without Palin, McCain looses 54, 55 of our 57 states.

I'm willing to concede that with Palin McCain probably won a few states he might have lost if he'd gone with Joe like he wanted to. I think that Palin also cost him States too and definitely cost him among the moderates.

The "moderates" all voted for Obama, who presented himself as a moderate in the campaign.
Please, Palin reenergized McCain campaign and had him ahead until the financial meltdown.

Without Palin, McCain looses 54, 55 of our 57 states.

I'm willing to concede that with Palin McCain probably won a few states he might have lost if he'd gone with Joe like he wanted to. I think that Palin also cost him States too and definitely cost him among the moderates.

The "moderates" all voted for Obama, who presented himself as a moderate in the campaign.

"moderates"? LOL. A moderate to you Rabbi, is a Goldwater Republican.

November will be interesting. I'm betting that the upper middle class republicans reject the Tea Party types - soccer moms don't really want to take their kids to the mall and see white, late middle age men, with firearms. Or if open carry becomes common, most Americans don't want to see anyone of any race armed in proximity to their kids.
Palin's only "fringe" to the loony-left.. that is how they attempt to demonize her. It ain't working.

Sure it is. You can't give us any numbers that shows she has a chance in 2012 even in the GOP, much less America. She cost us the election, not Obama.
I'm willing to concede that with Palin McCain probably won a few states he might have lost if he'd gone with Joe like he wanted to. I think that Palin also cost him States too and definitely cost him among the moderates.

The "moderates" all voted for Obama, who presented himself as a moderate in the campaign.

"moderates"? LOL. A moderate to you Rabbi, is a Goldwater Republican.

November will be interesting. I'm betting that the upper middle class republicans reject the Tea Party types - soccer moms don't really want to take their kids to the mall and see white, late middle age men, with firearms. Or if open carry becomes common, most Americans don't want to see anyone of any race armed in proximity to their kids.

And I'm betting that the only Republicans to lose are the so-called moderates.
You will lose your bet, Rab. Let's bet: a Patek and Diamond against two Ts.
The "moderates" all voted for Obama, who presented himself as a moderate in the campaign.

"moderates"? LOL. A moderate to you Rabbi, is a Goldwater Republican.

November will be interesting. I'm betting that the upper middle class republicans reject the Tea Party types - soccer moms don't really want to take their kids to the mall and see white, late middle age men, with firearms. Or if open carry becomes common, most Americans don't want to see anyone of any race armed in proximity to their kids.

And I'm betting that the only Republicans to lose are the so-called moderates.

Of course, that's because you're a fringer.
"moderates"? LOL. A moderate to you Rabbi, is a Goldwater Republican.

November will be interesting. I'm betting that the upper middle class republicans reject the Tea Party types - soccer moms don't really want to take their kids to the mall and see white, late middle age men, with firearms. Or if open carry becomes common, most Americans don't want to see anyone of any race armed in proximity to their kids.

And I'm betting that the only Republicans to lose are the so-called moderates.

Of course, that's because you're a fringer.

No it's because I read the papers and see what's going on. You stick your head in the sand and tell yourself that everything's fine and the Dums will win in Nov.
But keep following your marching orders and marginalize the opposition.
And I'm betting that the only Republicans to lose are the so-called moderates.

Of course, that's because you're a fringer.

No it's because I read the papers and see what's going on. You stick your head in the sand and tell yourself that everything's fine and the Dums will win in Nov.
But keep following your marching orders and marginalize the opposition.

I don't predict the future, nor do I receive or follow marching orders. As for reading the papers, it depends on what and who you read as well as who you chose to self-censor. Of course reading comprehension comes into play, a closed mind will not accept ideas which challenge hard set beliefs. Such willful ignorance is rampant among many posters on both sides of the issues, but more pronounced on the fringes.
A fringer accepts as truth axiomatic propositions and builds conclusions not on facts and critical thinking, but on faith. Never do fringers provide proofs of their beliefs because they cannot - the conclusions they draw are based on emotion, not reason.
Take the invasion and occupation of Iraq for example. RW Frigners supported Bush&Co, based not on hard evidence, but on the emotions raised by Bush and Cheney and Rice and Powell and the neoconservatives full court press of hate and fear. What did it accomplish? Are we better off then we were on Sept. 10, 2001? Safer? Is are economy stronger? Are we less dependent on foreign oil? Have we changed our energy policy? Are our borders more secure? Do we have an immigaration policy? Are our chemical plants safe and secure? Our ports? Our subways and bridges and tunnels?
80% of the American people distrust Obama Neo-National Socialism. Dems will have to re-brand themselves after the November Debacle

Frank, in all honesty, it's posts like this which convince me you're ... well you know.

Frank is silly. Obama continually outpolls the GOP on popularity, and the Americans have not shown any remorse for rejecting the GOP in 2008. Of course my party has done nothing to recoup its stupidity from 2001 to 2006.

80% of the people are rejecting your Neo-National Socialists ideas.


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