November will be about the economy.

Yeah, I believe that Trump will not be saddled with the negative aspect of the economy since it has been the left who are most determined to continue the shutdown. Trump also gets the added benefits of being able to claim to have saved lives by shutting down the economy.

But I think the real wild card is Biden's condition going into the fall. It's my belief that many independents, who don't pay close attention to the news are going to be shocked when Biden emerges from his basement and begins to make public appearances again. His performance in the debates will likely be a critical aspect of the election. Democrats seem to be in complete denial about his mental state, but we'll see if that translates to independents.

Except that right now, Trump and his supporters (even most of his supporters on this board) are saying it was Democrats (governors) that shut the economy down. So you can't say that now and then campaign on the fact that Trump saved lives by shutting the economy down. When any sane person sees he did nothing of the sort. So pick an argument. LOL. People who think for themselves are going to see right through that BS. Sorry, the economy will literally take years to bounce back. I could run a hamster against Trump in November and it would beat a walk.
The narrative that will be presented by Trump, and has validity, will be that he began reacting to the virus in late January, while the Democrats ignored it. The key facts here are the travel ban on January 31, and the lack of any interest of the Democrat presidential candidates during their primary campaigns through February. Then after a shutdown in late March, Trump hoped to see an Easter opening, which was soundly rejected by Democrat governors.

Sure, both sides will create a storyline that impugns their opponent and praises their own candidate. We'll see which one the voters find more believable. And from my view, it looks like the Democrats plan on nominating that hamster you mentioned. We'll see if he'll still be walking in November.
Bloviate all you want. The asswipePINO fucked up, and I have four bipartisan MOC's that prove that.

Thank you for proving my point - faced with a LONG laundry list of Democrat crimes, coup attempts, collusion with Russians, violations of law and US citizen Constitutional Rights, 1% attempts to immediately ignore them and re-focus on attacking the source of their TDS-driven pain and suffering.

If the virus subsides, and I fully expect it to, the election will hinge almost completely on the economy and who is better suited to bring it back.
Why wouldn't it be about Trump's bungled response to the virus and him being responsible for hundreds if not thousands of deaths, and the depth of the economic damage by being late to respond?
Because rational minds do not think the kind of stupid shit you just posted.
The kook vote is already baked into your party anyways so it's a POINTLESS argument
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If the virus subsides, and I fully expect it to, the election will hinge almost completely on the economy and who is better suited to bring it back.
Trump will easily defeat Biden on that issue. Quite handily at that.
The asswipePINO screwed up the economy, like Reagan and baby bush twice. 1987, 2001, 2008, and 2020.....NEVER FORGET!!!
Proving my MEME was correct........and HERE'S THE NARRATIVE SHIFT.

And thus why every Dimocrat is against reopening the economy.
Newsome is opposed to re-opening California because of a 'little' over 1,000 a state of how many people - 40 Million?!
Based on that line of thinking and the population of Chicago it should be locked down EVERY WEEKEND
Yeah, I believe that Trump will not be saddled with the negative aspect of the economy since it has been the left who are most determined to continue the shutdown. Trump also gets the added benefits of being able to claim to have saved lives by shutting down the economy.

But I think the real wild card is Biden's condition going into the fall. It's my belief that many independents, who don't pay close attention to the news are going to be shocked when Biden emerges from his basement and begins to make public appearances again. His performance in the debates will likely be a critical aspect of the election. Democrats seem to be in complete denial about his mental state, but we'll see if that translates to independents.

Except that right now, Trump and his supporters (even most of his supporters on this board) are saying it was Democrats (governors) that shut the economy down. So you can't say that now and then campaign on the fact that Trump saved lives by shutting the economy down. When any sane person sees he did nothing of the sort. So pick an argument. LOL. People who think for themselves are going to see right through that BS. Sorry, the economy will literally take years to bounce back. I could run a hamster against Trump in November and it would beat a walk.
The narrative that will be presented by Trump, and has validity, will be that he began reacting to the virus in late January, while the Democrats ignored it. The key facts here are the travel ban on January 31, and the lack of any interest of the Democrat presidential candidates during their primary campaigns through February. Then after a shutdown in late March, Trump hoped to see an Easter opening, which was soundly rejected by Democrat governors.

Sure, both sides will create a storyline that impugns their opponent and praises their own candidate. We'll see which one the voters find more believable. And from my view, it looks like the Democrats plan on nominating that hamster you mentioned. We'll see if he'll still be walking in November.

Travel ban or restrictions? Many came in from China after the restrictions put in place.
And thus why every Dimocrat is against reopening the economy.


The President opposes the Governor's decision to re-open, but the President and governors / snowflakes have made it clear it is not up to the President. it is all on the governors.
Yeah, I believe that Trump will not be saddled with the negative aspect of the economy since it has been the left who are most determined to continue the shutdown. Trump also gets the added benefits of being able to claim to have saved lives by shutting down the economy.

But I think the real wild card is Biden's condition going into the fall. It's my belief that many independents, who don't pay close attention to the news are going to be shocked when Biden emerges from his basement and begins to make public appearances again. His performance in the debates will likely be a critical aspect of the election. Democrats seem to be in complete denial about his mental state, but we'll see if that translates to independents.

Except that right now, Trump and his supporters (even most of his supporters on this board) are saying it was Democrats (governors) that shut the economy down. So you can't say that now and then campaign on the fact that Trump saved lives by shutting the economy down. When any sane person sees he did nothing of the sort. So pick an argument. LOL. People who think for themselves are going to see right through that BS. Sorry, the economy will literally take years to bounce back. I could run a hamster against Trump in November and it would beat a walk.
The narrative that will be presented by Trump, and has validity, will be that he began reacting to the virus in late January, while the Democrats ignored it. The key facts here are the travel ban on January 31, and the lack of any interest of the Democrat presidential candidates during their primary campaigns through February. Then after a shutdown in late March, Trump hoped to see an Easter opening, which was soundly rejected by Democrat governors.

Sure, both sides will create a storyline that impugns their opponent and praises their own candidate. We'll see which one the voters find more believable. And from my view, it looks like the Democrats plan on nominating that hamster you mentioned. We'll see if he'll still be walking in November.

Yeah. I don't really think you were paying attention. First off, the January 31st "ban" was a restriction. Over 40K people flocked back to the US, a lot of whom were infected only to scatter to the winds. Other than that, he did nothing until the afternoon of March 13th when Pence and the professionals slapped the training wheels back on his bike. However, he did have a very busy end of January to beginning of March, playing a lot of golf and holding a lot of MAGA pep rallies to shadow every single one of the Democratic primaries and caucuses. Oh and by the way, Republican governors also soundly rejected opening at Easter. Except for the 7 states who are now experiencing a surge in their cases.


The President opposes the Governor's decision to re-open, but the President and governors / snowflakes have made it clear it is not up to the President. it is all on the governors.
Trump set the guidelines the governors are using.
Nobody wants to discuss how ineffective trump economic policy has been? Remember when he made fun of that president who didn’t hit 3%? Now that president is him.
If the virus subsides, and I fully expect it to, the election will hinge almost completely on the economy and who is better suited to bring it back.
Trump will easily defeat Biden on that issue. Quite handily at that.

The virus won't subside without strong, competent federal leadership, and we have yet to see either from the federal government.

Joe Biden has experience in bring the economy back. Obama's economic comeback launched the longest lasting boom economy in US history. The American people haven't forgotten that, and as the case numbers are closing in on one million sick, and the death toll surpasses the 60,000 number that Trump assured he had achieved, and closes in on 100,000 dead, while the virus continues to rage unabated, which is the current trajectory, Trumpy Bear can't happy talk his way out of this one.

The virus isn't partisan, and neither is death. Soon, there won't be a home in America that isn't touched by the sickness and the death. Soon all that people will remember that the last time the Republicans crashed the economy, Joe Biden helped save the whole country from the kind of insanity and chaos we're seeing under Donald Trump.

Uncle Joe, may be Crazy Uncle Joe, or Creepy Uncle Joe, but Trump is both crazier and creepier, so clearly that doesn't matter. Looking at the election on the basis of business resumees, I'll take the guy who headed up the technical work to revive the economy the last time the Republicans crashed it,, over Donald Trump, who
has more business bankruptcies than any businessman in American history, and is the guy who just crashed the American economy. As a voter, I'd say to Donald Trump "You're fired!".
Trump set the guidelines the governors are using.
Based off of the worst model available pushed by Liberal academia, and the Democrats are milking it for everything its worth, based on their mantra, 'Never let a crisis go to waste'....and the bottom line is the 10th Amendment makes the decision ultimately up to governors.

...yet this crisis is HARDLY the only issue that should be brought up and Americans should be reminded of this November.

The most criminal scandal in US history

The most criminal administration in US history

The most criminal Party in history...which should officially be designated an official criminal organization after all of this...

Thieves, liars, spies, conspirators, Perjury felons, perpetrators of Perjury, Obstruction, Conspiracy, Sedition, collusion with foreign spies / enemies, FISA Court Abusers, violators of the Rule of Law and of US constitutional Rights, abusers of power, self-confessed Extortionists...

The nation should remember all of the Democrat crimes and threats against National Security, Democracy / Liberty, the Democrat process....all d for selfish, abusive personal/party political power...

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