Now 44 Times More TV Coverage of Christie Scandal Than in Last Six Months on IRS


Diamond Member
Apr 1, 2011
Now we know how you tell a real scandal from a fake one: The major media outlets ignore the real scandal and go into overdrive covering the fake scandal.

In less than 48 hours, ABC, CBS and NBC deluged viewers with coverage of Chris Christie's traffic jam scandal, devoting a staggering 88 minutes to the story. In comparison, these same news outlets over the last six months have allowed a scant two minutes for the latest on Barack Obama's Internal Revenue Service scandal. The disparity in less than two days is 44-to-one. [See a chart below.]

From Wednesday through Friday morning, the latest on Christie's Traffic-Gate led 11 out of 13 news programs. NBC produced the heaviest coverage, over 34 minutes. CBS followed close behind with more than 30 minutes. ABC came in third with just under 23 minutes.

Now we know how you tell a real scandal from a fake one: The major media outlets ignore the real scandal and go into overdrive covering the fake scandal.

In less than 48 hours, ABC, CBS and NBC deluged viewers with coverage of Chris Christie's traffic jam scandal, devoting a staggering 88 minutes to the story. In comparison, these same news outlets over the last six months have allowed a scant two minutes for the latest on Barack Obama's Internal Revenue Service scandal. The disparity in less than two days is 44-to-one. [See a chart below.]

From Wednesday through Friday morning, the latest on Christie's Traffic-Gate led 11 out of 13 news programs. NBC produced the heaviest coverage, over 34 minutes. CBS followed close behind with more than 30 minutes. ABC came in third with just under 23 minutes.

and that's what is wrong with our country today Media driven scandals rather than what actually is a scandal. Almost always they are Republican scandals, never democratic scandals.
Well, one is actually true and based on hard evidence, while the others were all crazy conspiracy fabrications from the right.

Me, think it's a ploy by the right to deflect from the surging popularity of Obamacare. That has them panicked to the point of shitting themselves.
Now we know how you tell a real scandal from a fake one: The major media outlets ignore the real scandal and go into overdrive covering the fake scandal.

In less than 48 hours, ABC, CBS and NBC deluged viewers with coverage of Chris Christie's traffic jam scandal, devoting a staggering 88 minutes to the story. In comparison, these same news outlets over the last six months have allowed a scant two minutes for the latest on Barack Obama's Internal Revenue Service scandal. The disparity in less than two days is 44-to-one. [See a chart below.]

From Wednesday through Friday morning, the latest on Christie's Traffic-Gate led 11 out of 13 news programs. NBC produced the heaviest coverage, over 34 minutes. CBS followed close behind with more than 30 minutes. ABC came in third with just under 23 minutes.


Get this through your incredibly thick skull: There's a smoking gun. It's called two idiots who actually used Gmail to correspond and put their dirty deeds in writing. When you send out an email through Google, Google owns it. Read the fine print.

The IRS "scandal" has no such thing. And to add to the lackluster, none of the 501c requests were denied. They all got their wish to spew radical right wing bullshit under the guise of "social services". It's just that the little piggies put a rush of apps into the IRS at an astounding rate in 2010 that it commanded the attention of the the gatekeepers.

Got it now, Cletus?

Over 4 days there were at least 1,000,000 people affected by the petulance of Christie. The IRS scandal inconvenienced a covey of self-righteous Tea Baggers. BFD.
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Just a million libs had to sit in their limos wasting gas?

Shucks, he didn't accomplish much in the way of punishment. I'm sure you think Your New Messiah could have been more effective but we'll never know 'cause he was still on the golf course at our expense.

Now maybe on that particular day the golf course wasn't in Hawaii....but you can bet your cracked ass that He was on a golf course somewhere expensive.
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Maybe that's because the IRS story never was a scandal.


No "maybe" about it. The IRS "scandal" was a scandal only in the fevered imaginations of conservatives. The rest of the country wondered why we should be upset by the IRS doing its job.
Remember the NYT Headline the day the IRS unpleasantness came to light?

If type of a size not used since the declaration of World War II it proclaimed:

because the IRS isnt a scandal.

Liberal Dictionary:
Bogus Scandal - Democrat scandal
Real Scandal - Republican scandal

All you and your Komrades have proved is that there is no lie so appalling that you won't hesitate to repeat it if it helps your messiah. There so no bar so low that you won't hesitate to slither under it if it hurts a Republican.

Your lips are sown permanently to Obama's dick.
One turned out to be a big story.....the other didn't

Funny how these things work out

We all know why one "turned out" to be a big story, and the other didn't.

It had nothing to do with their relative importance.
because the IRS isnt a scandal.

Liberal Dictionary:
Bogus Scandal - Democrat scandal
Real Scandal - Republican scandal

All you and your Komrades have proved is that there is no lie so appalling that you won't hesitate to repeat it if it helps your messiah. There so no bar so low that you won't hesitate to slither under it if it hurts a Republican.

Your lips are sown permanently to Obama's dick.

Bridgegate isnt a scandal either retard
It will be very fun to see a Republican administration use the I.R.S. to target liberal groups and hear the left explain why that is a scandal but why it wasn't during Obama's administration.
Maybe that's because the IRS story never was a scandal.


No "maybe" about it. The IRS "scandal" was a scandal only in the fevered imaginations of conservatives. The rest of the country wondered why we should be upset by the IRS doing its job.

I love it when Obama dick suckers self identify.

Since this statement is not only incoherent but also desperate, I hereby proclaim you in official meltdown. Sorry, but your premise is what really sucks here.

The media is all over this because they sit on much of what they know and cannot reveal it because they have to wait for corroboration and verification of sources.

The media really isn't right or left, they are ratings seekers.

High ratings convert to big revenue. Remember what "Deep Throat" told Woodard and Bernstein (Watergate break in and Nixon): "Follow the money". Or, what Roger Ailes said when he saw Sarah Palin in that tight t-shirt: "Book her."
It will be very fun to see a Republican administration use the I.R.S. to target liberal groups and hear the left explain why that is a scandal but why it wasn't during Obama's administration.

Much will depend upon the outcome of the 2014 impeachment proceedings should things turn out as it seems probable.

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