Now….About That ‘Surprise’ Attack…..


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Pearl Harbor….Did Anyone Know It Was Coming????
December 7th....this date.....1941.... 2,335 military personnel killed, 1,177 were killed on board the U.S.S. Arizona.
Was it worth it to preserve the Soviet Union?????

1.I hate to give away the answer up front…but, yup…..everyone knew. (Psssst….Japanese planes sunk an American warship almost exactly four years before Pearl Harbor. A Clue….ya’ think?)

Well….to be more precise, Franklin Roosevelt didn’t appear to know….and government school grads still don’t know.

2. Japan knew, the Germans knew- Japan’s allies, the British knew- they sent a spy to make sure the White House knew, the Soviets knew- they had planned it, even Korean-American Kilsoo Haan knew-…more about him later.

3. Here’s the context: Japan needed to secure nature resources not found in Japan, so war was on the horizon. For Japan, it was finding resources, or death of the nation. It was the reason they invaded Manchuria in 1931.

“Japan's ongoing industrialization and militarization ensured his growing dependence on oil and metal imports from the US.[3] The American sanctions which prevented trade with the United States (which had occupied the Philippinesaround the same time) resulted in Japan furthering their expansion in the territory of China and Southeast Asia.”
Japanese invasion of Manchuria - Wikipedia

But, really......Soviet Siberia was the obvious choice to target for geographical and historical reasons. Somehow the target was switched....

Stalin knew, and recognized that he’d be hard pressed to win a two front war: Germany to the west, and Japan to the South. So…..he had to make sure that Japan attacked America….and, luckily for him, his boyfriend was President, and his spies populated the Roosevelt administration.

“Even the most inscrutable Japanese businessman becomes more scrutable when he talks about Siberia, which is 35 times as large as Japan's home islands and less than 400 miles away. Mainland Siberia is one of the world's largest reservoirs of undeveloped natural resources (see map), a fact that does not fail to impress the raw material-hungry Japanese.”
Japan: Eyes on Siberia

4. Here’s one of those spies now! Harry Dexter White, Morgenthau’s right-hand man, and the man who controlled the FDR Treasury Department.

“Harry Dexter White, a trusted assistant to Franklin Roosevelt’s close friend and secretary of the Treasury, Henry Morgenthau Jr., had just bought Vitalii Pavlov lunch. White had also accepted a written NKVD order on behalf of Joseph Stalin to protect the Soviet Union’s Pacific flank. He had agreed to provoke a war between the United States and Japan.” John Koster, “Operation Snow: How a Soviet Mole in FDR’s White House Triggered Pearl Harbor,” p.8

"He had agreed to provoke a war between the United States and Japan.”

5. While Japan had plans for the attack on Pearl, negotiations were ongoing, with the hope that they would preclude the war. When, in November, it looked like they might succeed, and peace break out, Harry White panicked!!

Oh, no! Japan might choose Stalin’s Russia as the target!!!!

He authored an ultimatum that he knew would drive Japan to attack.

Either FDR was snoozing….or he was more concerned for Soviets than Americans.

I’ll provide that memorandum, and prove how widespread knowledge of the attack was known.
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I can't say that Roosevelt actually KNEW that the Japanese were going to attack, but to me it just seems too coincidental that the Empire of Job just happened to choose a place called Pearl Harbor to pull their infamous Pearl Harbor Job on America. What are the odds?
FDR knew an attack was imminent
Just not where or when or how

Pearl Harbor was defending against possible sabotage or terror attacks and clustered its battleships in the harbor

A bigger question was Gen MacArthur who was informed of the Pearl Harbor attack 20 hours earlier yet still got caught with his planes on the ground
I can't say that Roosevelt actually KNEW that the Japanese were going to attack, but to me it just seems too coincidental that the Empire of Job just happened to choose a place called Pearl Harbor to pull their infamous Pearl Harbor Job on America. What are the odds?

Well......I'd be happy to read your view when I finish posting the entire thread.
The idiocy of PCs claim is if FDR knew of the Pearl Harbor attack and wanted an excuse to go to war.........why would he leave his Battleships in the Harbor?

An air assault against a vacant Harbor still would have provoked a war.
Why enter a war with all your Battleships on the bottom?

Also, FDR wanted to go to war .......but against Germany
I can't say that Roosevelt actually KNEW that the Japanese were going to attack, but to me it just seems too coincidental that the Empire of Job just happened to choose a place called Pearl Harbor to pull their infamous Pearl Harbor Job on America. What are the odds?
You are astounding.

You have swallowed whole every single conspiracy theory you have ever come across haven't you?
Pearl Harbor….Did Anyone Know It Was Coming????
December 7th....this date.....1941.... 2,335 military personnel killed, 1,177 were killed on board the U.S.S. Arizona.
Was it worth it to preserve the Soviet Union?????

1.I hate to give away the answer up front…but, yup…..everyone knew. (Psssst….Japanese planes sunk an American warship almost exactly four years before Pearl Harbor. A Clue….ya’ think?)

Well….to be more precise, Franklin Roosevelt didn’t appear to know….and government school grads still don’t know.

2. Japan knew, the Germans knew- Japan’s allies, the British knew- they sent a spy to make sure the White House knew, the Soviets knew- they had planned it, even Korean-American Kilsoo Haan knew-…more about him later.

3. Here’s the context: Japan needed to secure nature resources not found in Japan, so war was on the horizon. For Japan, it was finding resources, or death of the nation. It was the reason they invaded Manchuria in 1931.

“Japan's ongoing industrialization and militarization ensured his growing dependence on oil and metal imports from the US.[3] The American sanctions which prevented trade with the United States (which had occupied the Philippinesaround the same time) resulted in Japan furthering their expansion in the territory of China and Southeast Asia.”
Japanese invasion of Manchuria - Wikipedia

But, really......Soviet Siberia was the obvious choice to target for geographical and historical reasons. Somehow the target was switched....

Stalin knew, and recognized that he’d be hard pressed to win a two front war: Germany to the west, and Japan to the South. So…..he had to make sure that Japan attacked America….and, luckily for him, his boyfriend was President, and his spies populated the Roosevelt administration.

“Even the most inscrutable Japanese businessman becomes more scrutable when he talks about Siberia, which is 35 times as large as Japan's home islands and less than 400 miles away. Mainland Siberia is one of the world's largest reservoirs of undeveloped natural resources (see map), a fact that does not fail to impress the raw material-hungry Japanese.”
Japan: Eyes on Siberia

4. Here’s one of those spies now! Harry Dexter White, Morgenthau’s right-hand man, and the man who controlled the FDR Treasury Department.

“Harry Dexter White, a trusted assistant to Franklin Roosevelt’s close friend and secretary of the Treasury, Henry Morgenthau Jr., had just bought Vitalii Pavlov lunch. White had also accepted a written NKVD order on behalf of Joseph Stalin to protect the Soviet Union’s Pacific flank. He had agreed to provoke a war between the United States and Japan.” John Koster, “Operation Snow: How a Soviet Mole in FDR’s White House Triggered Pearl Harbor,” p.8

"He had agreed to provoke a war between the United States and Japan.”

5. While Japan had plans for the attack on Pearl, negotiations were ongoing, with the hope that they would preclude the war. When, in November, it looked like they might succeed, and peace break out, Harry White panicked!!

Oh, no! Japan might choose Stalin’s Russia as the target!!!!

He authored an ultimatum that he knew would drive Japan to attack.

Either FDR was snoozing….or he was more concerned for Soviets than Americans.

I’ll provide that memorandum, and prove how widespread knowledge of the attack was known.
What side were your ancestors on?
The majority of the American public was against getting involved in another European conflict.

Pres. Roosevelt did everything he could to goad Japan into attacking America, which he hoped would eventually lead to our getting involved with the war in Europe.

Japan attacked as FDR hoped.

But to his great surprise, Hitler 3 days later declared war against America.

And the rest is history. .... :cool:
The majority of the American public was against getting involved in another European conflict.

Pres. Roosevelt did everything he could to goad Japan into attacking America, which he hoped would eventually lead to our getting involved with the war in Europe.

Japan attacked as FDR hoped.

But to his great surprise, Hitler 3 days later declared war against America.

And the rest is history. .... :cool:

One might question whether or not FDR knew.....but there is no doubt about his administration knowing.

Of course, the FDR defenders need to posit that he was a fool if he didn't know, and allow it to same his BFF, Stalin.

There are a number of times Americans were Roosevelt, for Stalin's benefit.
I can't say that Roosevelt actually KNEW that the Japanese were going to attack, but to me it just seems too coincidental that the Empire of Job just happened to choose a place called Pearl Harbor to pull their infamous Pearl Harbor Job on America. What are the odds?
You are astounding.

You have swallowed whole every single conspiracy theory you have ever come across haven't you?

I look forward to that date, far in the future, when you are able to find any errors in my theses.

Your usual "is not, isssssssss nooooottttttt!!!!" post is juvenile at best.
If FDR wanted the US to get involved in war, why would he choose to get a poorly prepared US military involved in a war on two fronts?
I can't say that Roosevelt actually KNEW that the Japanese were going to attack, but to me it just seems too coincidental that the Empire of Job just happened to choose a place called Pearl Harbor to pull their infamous Pearl Harbor Job on America. What are the odds?
You are astounding.

You have swallowed whole every single conspiracy theory you have ever come across haven't you?

I look forward to that date, far in the future, when you are able to find any errors in my theses.

Your usual "is not, isssssssss nooooottttttt!!!!" post is juvenile at best.
They lack common sense
5. August 27, 1941
“On this day in 1941, Prince Fumimaro Konoye, prime minister of Japan, announces that he would like to enter into direct negotiations with President Roosevelt in order to prevent the Japanese conflict with China from expanding into world war.”

Certain officials in the Roosevelt spoke against such a meeting.

6. In November of ’41 a tentative agreement was reached, where Japan would pull out of (French) Indochina, and oil would be resorted (no longer embargoed).

Stalin’s agents in the FDR government were in a panic!!!

Harry Dexter White wrote this for Morgenthau to bring to Roosevelt:

“Mr. President, word was brought to me yesterday evening that persons in our country’s government are hoping to betray the cause of the heroic Chinese people and strike a deadly blow at all your plans for a world-wide democratic victory. I was told that the Japanese Embassy staff is openly boasting of a great triumph for the “New Order.” Oil—rivers of oil—will soon be flowing to the Japanese war machines.

On this day, Mr. President, the whole country looks to you to save America’s power as well as her sacred honor. I know—I have the most perfect confidence—that should these stories be true, should there be Americans who seek to destroy your declared policy in world affairs, that you will succeed in circumventing these plotters of a new Munich.”
Soviet Mole Harry White's Efforts to Trigger the Pearl Harbor Attack - History

What’s funny is that FDR gave Chamberlain an ‘atta-boy’ after he sold out Europe to Hitler.

Harry Dexter White, smartest guy in Roosevelt's entire administration......following the orders he was given by the Kremlin's spy system: make certain that the Japanese target America and not Russia.

And, he did.
If FDR wanted the US to get involved in war, why would he choose to get a poorly prepared US military involved in a war on two fronts?

FDR is the reason WHY the American military was so poorly prepared. General MacArthur personally lobbied Roosevelt to properly fund the American military , but FDR insisted on wasting money on his "Raw Deal" initiatives.

The ironic thing is, if America had built up its defensive capabilities between 1933 and 1939, neither Germany nor Japan would have pulled the shit they did by starting WWII- a war that we are STILL paying for at the nation's VA hospitals and pensions being paid for service in the Roosevelt World War.

Had FDR listened to MacArthur and armed this nation, Hitler would have thought twice and would have likely thought that the Holocaust wasn't such a copacetic idea as it would piss off America. And even if he did pull that foolishness, the war would have been over quickly.
If FDR wanted the US to get involved in war, why would he choose to get a poorly prepared US military involved in a war on two fronts?

FDR is the reason WHY the American military was so poorly prepared. General MacArthur personally lobbied Roosevelt to properly fund the American military , but FDR insisted on wasting money on his "Raw Deal" initiatives.

The ironic thing is, if America had built up its defensive capabilities between 1933 and 1939, neither Germany nor Japan would have pulled the shit they did by starting WWII- a war that we are STILL paying for at the nation's VA hospitals and pensions being paid for service in the Roosevelt World War.

Had FDR listened to MacArthur and armed this nation, Hitler would have thought twice and would have likely thought that the Holocaust wasn't such a copacetic idea as it would piss off America. And even if he did pull that foolishness, the war would have been over quickly.

"...a historian’s July 22, 2010, article on President Franklin Roosevelt and Great Britain in WW II. David Woolner wrote that in June 1939, which was three months before England declared war on Germany, "the roughly 180,000-man U.S. Army ranked 19th in the world--smaller than Portugal’s!"
U.S. army was smaller than the army for Portugal before World War II

Because Roosevelt wanted nothing more than to swim with the sharks, the other be one with the other dictators, not fight them.

It was a terrible decision for Roosevlet to have to choose between Stalin and Hitler.

" Fascism did not acquire an evil name in Washington until Hitler became a menace to·the Soviet Union."
Manly, "The Twenty Year Revolution," p. 48
European land warfare was far different than what the Japanese were equipped for . Soviet tanks would have run roughshod over them
If FDR wanted the US to get involved in war, why would he choose to get a poorly prepared US military involved in a war on two fronts?

FDR is the reason WHY the American military was so poorly prepared. General MacArthur personally lobbied Roosevelt to properly fund the American military , but FDR insisted on wasting money on his "Raw Deal" initiatives.

The ironic thing is, if America had built up its defensive capabilities between 1933 and 1939, neither Germany nor Japan would have pulled the shit they did by starting WWII- a war that we are STILL paying for at the nation's VA hospitals and pensions being paid for service in the Roosevelt World War.

Had FDR listened to MacArthur and armed this nation, Hitler would have thought twice and would have likely thought that the Holocaust wasn't such a copacetic idea as it would piss off America. And even if he did pull that foolishness, the war would have been over quickly.
Wrong again

FDR wanted to beef up the US Military But was thwarted by Republicans in Congress. He still found backdoor ways to increase military spending

MacArthur was one of our worst Generals in history. He botched the defense of the Philippines and misdirected the Pacific war effort

He also botched the Korean War
FDR wanted to beef up the US Military But was thwarted by Republicans in Congress. He still found backdoor ways to increase military spending

MacArthur was one of our worst Generals in history. He botched the defense of the Philippines and misdirected the Pacific war effort

He also botched the Korean War

Sorry, you're wrong. The GOP was outnumbered by more than a 3 to 1 margin in the 74th and 75th Congresses when Hitler was starting to stir the pot in Europe- they couldn't have thwarted a dam thing.

BTW, MacArthur's brilliance is well recognized throughout the Far East, the battle of Inchon during the Korean conflict where the Warlike North Korean invaders were repelled out of peaceful South Korea was a high point.

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