Now Enter The Trump "Impoundment Control Act" Criminal Violations

Yep. Trump being mean and doesn’t obey Democrats is a nonstarter. That’s why Pelosi won’t hand it over to impeach Trump.
she is suppose to turn it over to an IMPARTIAL Senate for trial....

well, Leader McConnell was stupefied by the good Lord, and showed his crooked hand for all to see and hear, on a FOX News show,

stating as the senate leader, he would NOT be impartial in the trial, and is working hand in hand with the defendant's lawyers, the president's lawyers, so that the president is guaranteed an acquittal under his leadership, all before the trial takes place....

That kind of stopped her in her constitutional (high heeled) tracks, from turning it over to the crook, leading the Senate....
Damn you just keep repeating the same stupid stuff, I guess hoping everyone is as stupid as you and will believe it. You and I have been over this before. McConnell said he was working with the White House. As is expected to see what they want to do, as in supply a defense, supply witnesses, supply transcripts etc.
he said that in its current form going off what was presented in the house it will be shot down in the senate as second and third hand hearsay, I took the conversation that I overheard amounts to nothing more then a joke. They need real cause to find him guilty.
You and others hopes and wet dreams are not enough.
that's not what McConnell said.... you can pretend all you want....

he said he was working lock step with them, on whatever they wanted him to do..... to get the president exonerated, an acquittal.

and told Schummer he would not work with him or the prosecution on what they need....

THAT is NOT an impartial juror.... no matter what you claim or your try at a rewrite of history....
Read read things again. Or have someone read it to you.
McConnell is in charge of the Senate. No matter what Pelosi, Schiff or anyone in the house wants or says. It won't change the reality.
So, you support those with something to hide. What a coward.
Yes, Ukraine should investigate Biden.
Trump's trampling on our constitution, its the end of our republic as we know it, as Benjamin Franklin.

the founding fathers were concerned about mob behavior. Trump is a mob boss they wrote about in the constitution, my friends

if these nitwit GOP Senators could vote in private, they would all vote for impeachment
Poor Bro is projecting again... Wishing he could get the banana republic he wants...
As a famous community organizer once said - elections have consequences!
What election?
The one Putin controlled.
I can go along with that. The illegal election of 2016. Thanks!
Mueller will get Trump any day.
she is suppose to turn it over to an IMPARTIAL Senate for trial....

well, Leader McConnell was stupefied by the good Lord, and showed his crooked hand for all to see and hear, on a FOX News show,

stating as the senate leader, he would NOT be impartial in the trial, and is working hand in hand with the defendant's lawyers, the president's lawyers, so that the president is guaranteed an acquittal under his leadership, all before the trial takes place....

That kind of stopped her in her constitutional (high heeled) tracks, from turning it over to the crook, leading the Senate....
Damn you just keep repeating the same stupid stuff, I guess hoping everyone is as stupid as you and will believe it. You and I have been over this before. McConnell said he was working with the White House. As is expected to see what they want to do, as in supply a defense, supply witnesses, supply transcripts etc.
he said that in its current form going off what was presented in the house it will be shot down in the senate as second and third hand hearsay, I took the conversation that I overheard amounts to nothing more then a joke. They need real cause to find him guilty.
You and others hopes and wet dreams are not enough.
that's not what McConnell said.... you can pretend all you want....

he said he was working lock step with them, on whatever they wanted him to do..... to get the president exonerated, an acquittal.

and told Schummer he would not work with him or the prosecution on what they need....

THAT is NOT an impartial juror.... no matter what you claim or your try at a rewrite of history....
Read read things again. Or have someone read it to you.
McConnell is in charge of the Senate. No matter what Pelosi, Schiff or anyone in the house wants or says. It won't change the reality.
So, you support those with something to hide. What a coward.
Yes, Ukraine should investigate Biden.
So, the pussy cheater Trump recruits Ukraine to investigate Biden for what should be an FBI thing, even though the Biden thing was never a thing. And you support the attack of our elections by using another country. Interesting! Gotta say, you just admitted to being a traitor. But we already knew that, and thanks for the reminder.
Poor Bro is projecting again... Wishing he could get the banana republic he wants...
As a famous community organizer once said - elections have consequences!
What election?
The one Putin controlled.
I can go along with that. The illegal election of 2016. Thanks!
Mueller will get Trump any day.
He already did.
Damn you just keep repeating the same stupid stuff, I guess hoping everyone is as stupid as you and will believe it. You and I have been over this before. McConnell said he was working with the White House. As is expected to see what they want to do, as in supply a defense, supply witnesses, supply transcripts etc.
he said that in its current form going off what was presented in the house it will be shot down in the senate as second and third hand hearsay, I took the conversation that I overheard amounts to nothing more then a joke. They need real cause to find him guilty.
You and others hopes and wet dreams are not enough.
that's not what McConnell said.... you can pretend all you want....

he said he was working lock step with them, on whatever they wanted him to do..... to get the president exonerated, an acquittal.

and told Schummer he would not work with him or the prosecution on what they need....

THAT is NOT an impartial juror.... no matter what you claim or your try at a rewrite of history....
Read read things again. Or have someone read it to you.
McConnell is in charge of the Senate. No matter what Pelosi, Schiff or anyone in the house wants or says. It won't change the reality.
So, you support those with something to hide. What a coward.
Yes, Ukraine should investigate Biden.
So, the pussy cheater Trump recruits Ukraine to investigate Biden for what should be an FBI thing, even though the Biden thing was never a thing. And you support the attack of our elections by using another country. Interesting! Gotta say, you just admitted to being a traitor. But we already knew that, and thanks for the reminder.
You bet! Just think what the next 5 years will bring.
Congressional Budget and Impoundment Control Act of 1974 - Wikipedia Trump wanted to hide the money from being exposed by using it for a crime he committed. It really doesn't get much easier than that to understand. And the documents were released proving this was in fact a crime; //

There is nothing the Senate can do to justify this treasonous, criminal act by Trump.

Which is why it was in the House's Articles.

Oh..... wait........
It was. It was called an "abuse of power."
The abuse of power had nothing to do with your cut and paste, dude. Show some honesty
The fact is the administration had till Sep 30 to release the aid, it was released on Sep 11, there was no violation. Deal with it commies, you're running out of straws to grasp for. LMAO


The Impoundment Control Act of 1974: What Is It? Why Does It Matter?

Chairs Yarmuth and Lowey Call on White House to Release Documents on the Withholding of Ukraine, Foreign Aid Funds

Requests for the documents regarding the hold Trump put on the military aid to Ukraine are part of the reason he is illegally stonewalling all requests for any documents.

Perhaps you should look up the definitions of "withheld" and delayed. The law required an anti-corruption certification. At the time of the call the new president had been in place less than two months and the new parliament hadn't been seated. Once the new parliament passed new tough anti-corruption laws in August and Zelensky signed them, the aid was released days later. The fact is all you commies have are your wishes and a hand full of cold dog shit.

Negative! They still haven't received $35 million. And the money was released when Trump found out that the scheme had been exposed.

Yeah, that's what you commies keep saying, I'm the one that provided irrefutable facts, you should try it sometime.

that's not what McConnell said.... you can pretend all you want....

he said he was working lock step with them, on whatever they wanted him to do..... to get the president exonerated, an acquittal.

and told Schummer he would not work with him or the prosecution on what they need....

THAT is NOT an impartial juror.... no matter what you claim or your try at a rewrite of history....
Read read things again. Or have someone read it to you.
McConnell is in charge of the Senate. No matter what Pelosi, Schiff or anyone in the house wants or says. It won't change the reality.
So, you support those with something to hide. What a coward.
Yes, Ukraine should investigate Biden.
So, the pussy cheater Trump recruits Ukraine to investigate Biden for what should be an FBI thing, even though the Biden thing was never a thing. And you support the attack of our elections by using another country. Interesting! Gotta say, you just admitted to being a traitor. But we already knew that, and thanks for the reminder.
You bet! Just think what the next 5 years will bring.
You care about who is being elected and to hell with the good of the country. The emails have been exposed and Trump is guilty as a a mf. But you don't give a shit about that do you?
The fact is the administration had till Sep 30 to release the aid, it was released on Sep 11, there was no violation. Deal with it commies, you're running out of straws to grasp for. LMAO


The Impoundment Control Act of 1974: What Is It? Why Does It Matter?

Chairs Yarmuth and Lowey Call on White House to Release Documents on the Withholding of Ukraine, Foreign Aid Funds

Requests for the documents regarding the hold Trump put on the military aid to Ukraine are part of the reason he is illegally stonewalling all requests for any documents.

Perhaps you should look up the definitions of "withheld" and delayed. The law required an anti-corruption certification. At the time of the call the new president had been in place less than two months and the new parliament hadn't been seated. Once the new parliament passed new tough anti-corruption laws in August and Zelensky signed them, the aid was released days later. The fact is all you commies have are your wishes and a hand full of cold dog shit.

Negative! They still haven't received $35 million. And the money was released when Trump found out that the scheme had been exposed.

Yeah, that's what you commies keep saying, I'm the one that provided irrefutable facts, you should try it sometime.

The facts of the emails are out. You know, physical irrefutable evidence. Try again.
Congressional Budget and Impoundment Control Act of 1974 - Wikipedia Trump wanted to hide the money from being exposed by using it for a crime he committed. It really doesn't get much easier than that to understand. And the documents were released proving this was in fact a crime; //

There is nothing the Senate can do to justify this treasonous, criminal act by Trump.

Which is why it was in the House's Articles.

Oh..... wait........
It was. It was called an "abuse of power."
The abuse of power had nothing to do with your cut and paste, dude. Show some honesty
If that were true, you would have explained in legal terms how it doesn't. You didn't, because you can't. An explanation doesn't exist. Lol!
Read read things again. Or have someone read it to you.
McConnell is in charge of the Senate. No matter what Pelosi, Schiff or anyone in the house wants or says. It won't change the reality.
So, you support those with something to hide. What a coward.
Yes, Ukraine should investigate Biden.
So, the pussy cheater Trump recruits Ukraine to investigate Biden for what should be an FBI thing, even though the Biden thing was never a thing. And you support the attack of our elections by using another country. Interesting! Gotta say, you just admitted to being a traitor. But we already knew that, and thanks for the reminder.
You bet! Just think what the next 5 years will bring.
You care about who is being elected and to hell with the good of the country. The emails have been exposed and Trump is guilty as a a mf. But you don't give a shit about that do you?

5 more years and you get the ultra right wing evangelical Mike Pence!

Flee to Venezuela while you still can.
that's not what McConnell said.... you can pretend all you want....

he said he was working lock step with them, on whatever they wanted him to do..... to get the president exonerated, an acquittal.

and told Schummer he would not work with him or the prosecution on what they need....

THAT is NOT an impartial juror.... no matter what you claim or your try at a rewrite of history....
Read read things again. Or have someone read it to you.
McConnell is in charge of the Senate. No matter what Pelosi, Schiff or anyone in the house wants or says. It won't change the reality.
So, you support those with something to hide. What a coward.
Yes, Ukraine should investigate Biden.
So, the pussy cheater Trump recruits Ukraine to investigate Biden for what should be an FBI thing, even though the Biden thing was never a thing. And you support the attack of our elections by using another country. Interesting! Gotta say, you just admitted to being a traitor. But we already knew that, and thanks for the reminder.
You bet! Just think what the next 5 years will bring.
You toads really need to grow up. You act like grade school children. It's so pathetic and embarrassing.
So, you support those with something to hide. What a coward.
Yes, Ukraine should investigate Biden.
So, the pussy cheater Trump recruits Ukraine to investigate Biden for what should be an FBI thing, even though the Biden thing was never a thing. And you support the attack of our elections by using another country. Interesting! Gotta say, you just admitted to being a traitor. But we already knew that, and thanks for the reminder.
You bet! Just think what the next 5 years will bring.
You care about who is being elected and to hell with the good of the country. The emails have been exposed and Trump is guilty as a a mf. But you don't give a shit about that do you?

5 more years and you get the ultra right wing evangelical Mike Pence!

Flee to Venezuela while you still can.

Lol! He's as guilty as the orange criminal.
Read read things again. Or have someone read it to you.
McConnell is in charge of the Senate. No matter what Pelosi, Schiff or anyone in the house wants or says. It won't change the reality.
So, you support those with something to hide. What a coward.
Yes, Ukraine should investigate Biden.
So, the pussy cheater Trump recruits Ukraine to investigate Biden for what should be an FBI thing, even though the Biden thing was never a thing. And you support the attack of our elections by using another country. Interesting! Gotta say, you just admitted to being a traitor. But we already knew that, and thanks for the reminder.
You bet! Just think what the next 5 years will bring.
You toads really need to grow up. You act like grade school children. It's so pathetic and embarrassing.
Post some more MSNBC talking heads to edjewcate is so we are as learned as you!
Read read things again. Or have someone read it to you.
McConnell is in charge of the Senate. No matter what Pelosi, Schiff or anyone in the house wants or says. It won't change the reality.
So, you support those with something to hide. What a coward.
Yes, Ukraine should investigate Biden.
So, the pussy cheater Trump recruits Ukraine to investigate Biden for what should be an FBI thing, even though the Biden thing was never a thing. And you support the attack of our elections by using another country. Interesting! Gotta say, you just admitted to being a traitor. But we already knew that, and thanks for the reminder.
You bet! Just think what the next 5 years will bring.
You care about who is being elected and to hell with the good of the country. The emails have been exposed and Trump is guilty as a a mf. But you don't give a shit about that do you?

Mslsd, really? LMAO

The fact is the administration had till Sep 30 to release the aid, it was released on Sep 11, there was no violation. Deal with it commies, you're running out of straws to grasp for. LMAO


The Impoundment Control Act of 1974: What Is It? Why Does It Matter?

Chairs Yarmuth and Lowey Call on White House to Release Documents on the Withholding of Ukraine, Foreign Aid Funds

Requests for the documents regarding the hold Trump put on the military aid to Ukraine are part of the reason he is illegally stonewalling all requests for any documents.

Perhaps you should look up the definitions of "withheld" and delayed. The law required an anti-corruption certification. At the time of the call the new president had been in place less than two months and the new parliament hadn't been seated. Once the new parliament passed new tough anti-corruption laws in August and Zelensky signed them, the aid was released days later. The fact is all you commies have are your wishes and a hand full of cold dog shit.

Negative! They still haven't received $35 million. And the money was released when Trump found out that the scheme had been exposed.

Yeah, that's what you commies keep saying, I'm the one that provided irrefutable facts, you should try it sometime.

The facts of the emails are out. You know, physical irrefutable evidence. Try again.

Oh right, just ignore the fact that the delay was announced in an inter-agency meeting a week earlier. You commies just crack me up. ROFLMFAO

BTW you might what to find a less biased source. MSLSD has been nothing but an impeachment cheerleader.

They need real cause to find him guilty.
they have a real cause... and witnesses.... but the direct witnesses have been illegally held back by the president in the House, but in the actual trial, the first hand witnesses could be compelled to testify because this is a pretty serious vote for Senators and they should be allowed to be fully informed and get to the truth, before casting their vote.... otherwise their vote would just be a SHAM.

Surely, you can understand this?
I take it you were all atwitter when 44 claimed executive privilege. Don't bother pretending you were.
They have hearsay second hand, third hand. They have people who made assumptions only. That is not hard evedince.

You talk about the senators being serious yet you were not worried about the same seriousness from the house. They did not allow certain questions, they did not allow certain witnesses, they even limited who could ask the questions that they allowed to be asked.

I understand that many of the democrats have been calling for impeachment almost before Trump spent his first day in office. Watters has called for Pences impeachment after Trump in some insane attempt to put Pelosi in the Oval Office. Pelosi says they have been trying to impeach Trump for 21/2 years and you call that impartial?
There were democrats and independents who voted against impeachment. One voted only present. Not one Republican voted to impeach. That sounds impartial and not partisan in what world?
Pelosi did not call for impeachment for 2 1/2 years....

Few, like Maxine Waters called for impeachment EARLY on, Al Green too....
And those 2 are not the whole Democratic party or many dems... when their calls to impeachment were brought up before the House, the Democratic party turned down impeachment, several times...
But dozens of Dems voted to impeach on those earlier efforts so it wasn't just one or 2 as you pretend.

This impeachment has been a hyper-partisan political charade from the start and despite the Dem's claims that Trump is a clear & present danger to our constitution, democracy, and republic and their solemn & prayerful need to urgently remove him, Pelosi inexplicably decided to leave town for Xmas break. Leverage? Pelosi has no right to dictate how the Senate conducts its trial. Her part in this is done.
Yes, Ukraine should investigate Biden.
So, the pussy cheater Trump recruits Ukraine to investigate Biden for what should be an FBI thing, even though the Biden thing was never a thing. And you support the attack of our elections by using another country. Interesting! Gotta say, you just admitted to being a traitor. But we already knew that, and thanks for the reminder.
You bet! Just think what the next 5 years will bring.
You care about who is being elected and to hell with the good of the country. The emails have been exposed and Trump is guilty as a a mf. But you don't give a shit about that do you?

5 more years and you get the ultra right wing evangelical Mike Pence!

Flee to Venezuela while you still can.

Lol! He's as guilty as the orange criminal.


The Impoundment Control Act of 1974: What Is It? Why Does It Matter?

Chairs Yarmuth and Lowey Call on White House to Release Documents on the Withholding of Ukraine, Foreign Aid Funds

Requests for the documents regarding the hold Trump put on the military aid to Ukraine are part of the reason he is illegally stonewalling all requests for any documents.

Perhaps you should look up the definitions of "withheld" and delayed. The law required an anti-corruption certification. At the time of the call the new president had been in place less than two months and the new parliament hadn't been seated. Once the new parliament passed new tough anti-corruption laws in August and Zelensky signed them, the aid was released days later. The fact is all you commies have are your wishes and a hand full of cold dog shit.

Negative! They still haven't received $35 million. And the money was released when Trump found out that the scheme had been exposed.

Yeah, that's what you commies keep saying, I'm the one that provided irrefutable facts, you should try it sometime.

The facts of the emails are out. You know, physical irrefutable evidence. Try again.

Oh right, just ignore the fact that the delay was announced in an inter-agency meeting a week earlier. You commies just crack me up. ROFLMFAO

BTW you might what to find a less biased source. MSLSD has been nothing but an impeachment cheerleader.


Because there was an announcement of delay doesn't mean anything other than obstruction of the process. We have the language of the emails that implicates Trump and his plot. That is the relevance of the emails. A "less biased source?" Lol! You can't even find a source, so you have nothing to defend.
They need real cause to find him guilty.
they have a real cause... and witnesses.... but the direct witnesses have been illegally held back by the president in the House, but in the actual trial, the first hand witnesses could be compelled to testify because this is a pretty serious vote for Senators and they should be allowed to be fully informed and get to the truth, before casting their vote.... otherwise their vote would just be a SHAM.

Surely, you can understand this?
I take it you were all atwitter when 44 claimed executive privilege. Don't bother pretending you were.
They have hearsay second hand, third hand. They have people who made assumptions only. That is not hard evedince.

You talk about the senators being serious yet you were not worried about the same seriousness from the house. They did not allow certain questions, they did not allow certain witnesses, they even limited who could ask the questions that they allowed to be asked.

I understand that many of the democrats have been calling for impeachment almost before Trump spent his first day in office. Watters has called for Pences impeachment after Trump in some insane attempt to put Pelosi in the Oval Office. Pelosi says they have been trying to impeach Trump for 21/2 years and you call that impartial?
There were democrats and independents who voted against impeachment. One voted only present. Not one Republican voted to impeach. That sounds impartial and not partisan in what world?
Pelosi did not call for impeachment for 2 1/2 years....

Few, like Maxine Waters called for impeachment EARLY on, Al Green too....
And those 2 are not the whole Democratic party or many dems... when their calls to impeachment were brought up before the House, the Democratic party turned down impeachment, several times...
But dozens of Dems voted to impeach on those earlier efforts so it wasn't just one or 2 as you pretend.

This impeachment has been a hyper-partisan political charade from the start and despite the Dem's claims that Trump is a clear & present danger to our constitution, democracy, and republic and their solemn & prayerful need to urgently remove him, Pelosi inexplicably decided to leave town for Xmas break. Leverage? Pelosi has no right to dictate how the Senate conducts its trial. Her part in this is done.
This is the 4th time in 3 years House Democrats voted to impeach Trump.

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