Now If We Can Replace Ginsberg


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
A year in, Trump’s pick makes waves at high court.

“Nearly one year into his tenure, Neil Gorsuch seems to be having the time of his life. The Supreme Court’s newest justice is reveling in his role, diving into arguments with gusto and so far fulfilling the expectation that he would be a rock-ribbed conservative in the mold of his predecessor, the late Antonin Scalia. In doing so, he’s shaken up the dynamics of the highest court in the land.”

We need the Donald for the next 7 years.

4 judges will have to be replaced in that time.

Ginsberg...Breyers...Thomas and Kennedy.

If Trump can make those changes the court will be 7-2 conservative
for 30 years and 6-3 Conservative (at the minimum) for 40 years.

That would protect the country
We need the Donald for the next 7 years.

4 judges will have to be replaced in that time.

Ginsberg...Breyers...Thomas and Kennedy.

If Trump can make those changes the court will be 7-2 conservative
for 30 years and 6-3 Conservative (at the minimum) for 40 years.

That would protect the country
That's the reason the LIBs are desperate to get rid of President Trump.
The LIBs are so fucking dumb they don't understand what a President Pence would do.
Either way the LIBs are screwed. Ruth and/or Kennedy will be gone within a year.
The Supreme Court is the last line of defense to maintain the great Republic knows as the United States of America. Turn it deeply Constitutional Conservative and you will have the vital check and balance needed to protect the country.

The system still requires strong, patriotic American politicians in order to make the tough decisions to keep America sovereign.
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You can't depend on USSC judges to die or retire. They have the best medical care that money can buy, and small armies of clerks to do the difficult work for them. Speculation that The Donald will be appointing "several" USSC Justices are just a hope, nothing more.

The one thing that Leftists cannot accept is that THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS A RADICAL CONSERVATIVE JUSTICE. To them, these are Justices who diligently follow the rational meaning of the laws and Constitution. What they refuse to accept is that if you disagree with the rulings of a "Conservative" court, ALL YOU HAVE TO DO IS CHANGE THE LAW!

Not so with a Liberal/Progressive Court. For example, when the Court invented "Affirmative Action," the Congress passed the Civil Rights Act of 1968 to try to kill it; but the court twisted the words to mean that the new law was an endorsement of Affirmative Action. Where the law said you may not discriminate on the basis of race, the Court interpreted it to mean, you MUST discriminate on the basis of race. So with a Progressive majority, even passing a new law may not work to overturn what the Court wants to do.

What I REALLY want to see is a case challenging the bizarre and incorrect interpretation of the 14th Amendment that prevails now regarding persons, " the United States and subject to the jurisdiction thereof..." Roberts won't have the balls to do what's right, but with a few more like Gorsuch...who knows?
A year in, Trump’s pick makes waves at high court.

“Nearly one year into his tenure, Neil Gorsuch seems to be having the time of his life. The Supreme Court’s newest justice is reveling in his role, diving into arguments with gusto and so far fulfilling the expectation that he would be a rock-ribbed conservative in the mold of his predecessor, the late Antonin Scalia. In doing so, he’s shaken up the dynamics of the highest court in the land.”

At least Scalia’s pushing up daisies
A year in, Trump’s pick makes waves at high court.

“Nearly one year into his tenure, Neil Gorsuch seems to be having the time of his life. The Supreme Court’s newest justice is reveling in his role, diving into arguments with gusto and so far fulfilling the expectation that he would be a rock-ribbed conservative in the mold of his predecessor, the late Antonin Scalia. In doing so, he’s shaken up the dynamics of the highest court in the land.”


He's "shaken up the dynamics" by being just like Scalia? That's a contradiction.

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