Now, it is time to slam republicans for upholding immigration laws. Round and round we go.


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013

Stupid ass lying, double talking, criminal kuuuunt.

In few days, it will be about republicans attacking poor helpless women. A few days after that, it will be about the rich not paying their "fair share." A few after that, it will be about the race card again. A few after that, it will be about something that props up democrats as robin hood and the republican as rich evil earth polluting Christians.

Round and round we go.

Stupid ass lying, double talking, criminal kuuuunt.

In few days, it will be about republicans attacking poor helpless women. A few days after that, it will be about the rich not paying their "fair share." A few after that, it will be about the race card again. A few after that, it will be about something that props up democrats as robin hood and the republican as rich evil earth polluting Christians.

Round and round we go.

What really amazes me is the fact that people ( voters ) listen to all this political BS, blaming, slinging mud, lies, exaggerations, half-truths, rhetoric, and one-upmanship from all of these "vote beggars". Its' a game folks, nothing but a game. It's a con, a scam, an orchestrated high-dollar charade attempting to show "I'm better than they are". After decades of listening to candidates, it seems that voters would finally wake up and smell the coffee. It's also hard to believe that voters actually think that any of these candidates, if elected, will actually represent their best interests. To professional politicians, in their eyes and minds, citizens are nothing more than votes and revenue, period. Once they are elected, their attention automatically turns to the wealthy, corporate America, Wall Street and the financials, the powerful and influential, and to hell with the general public.

All of these people running for office are not doing it because of their love for America, their deep patriotic desire to serve this nation and her citizens, nor to lay a solid foundation for future generations. They're running for office, hoping to get elected, because of egos, the thirst and hunger for power, self-service, fame, and confirmation of their self-induced and self-proclaimed superiority. If the above were not true, do any of you honestly believe that we, as a nation and as a people, would be in the sad shameful state that we're presently in?

Listen folks, please try hard to understand this, there is no difference between Republicans and Democrats, none. Regardless of political party label, ALL professional politicians are as I described above. If that were not true, we would have already seen tremendous positive and beneficial changes take place over the past 50 plus years. Remember, during that time, we've had both Republican and Democrat administrations and presidents running the show. And, through each administration, we've gotten worse on many fronts. What has happened to this once great nation didn't happen overnight, nor in just a few years, but over many decades now. We've declined economically, socially, lost our independence, lost rights, made a mockery out of "the land of opportunity and freedom", engaged in senseless deadly costly wars, made enemies of foreign friends and allies, created a poor and dependent citizenry, sent our industries and jobs to cheap foreign labor markets, allowed our infrastructure to deteriorate, created a growing gap between the rich and poor, forced into a lower standard of living, amassed astronomical national debt, stood by and watched as "The Washington Brotherhood" became an entity unto itself, answerable to no one except itself, and have watched this nation become divided to the point of near social destruction.

So, regardless of whether it's Clinton, Bush, or any of the other candidates running, they're not your friend, your pal, your buddy, and they couldn't care less whether your life is an eternal struggle or not, they just don't care. Don't listen to these fools for the next 18 months, then run to the polls and elect one of them. Care more about yourself, your family, your friends, your neighbors, your community, and your country, than to do a stupid thing like allowing one of them a seat in government. Do not have a hand in the further destruction of this already troubled nation. Do not aid and abet the crooks that are hell-bent on the further "Selling of America".

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