Now It's GUARANTEED: Bush WILL Go Down In History As THEE Worse President In History

It was UNDER Bush's Administration...under HIS policies.


Tell Obama to take some responsibility for this:
That schpiel isn't working with the American People..Obama TROUNCED Mitt Romney and the Republicans last night.



schpiel? Try spiel. And you think the dead ambassador is a spiel? You're an idiot. And the ONLY way that Obama doesn't go down as one of the worst presidents EVER, is if he pulls a Bill Clinton and has the Republican House fix his problems for him.
George Bush will go down in history as the last President America had. He certainly was the last president to try and rescue the nation before it began it's spiral into the sewer.


Bush administration scandals, as of January 18, 2005, according to Salon's Peter Dzikes, came to a grand total of 34 for the "first four years of George Bush's presidency." [1]

On January 13, 2005, Katrina vanden Heuvel posted her list in The Nation of "the Bush Administration's Ten Most Outrageous Scandals thus far uncovered by government investigators." :

  1. Halliburton's Corruption
  2. Iraq's Decline
  3. Abu Ghraib Prison Torture
  4. CIA Pre-9/11 Intelligence Failures
  5. HHS Deceptive Ad Campaign
  6. HHS Scully Scandal
  7. Government-wide Accounting Problems
  8. Sex Education Misinformation
  9. CAPPS II Failures
  10. Real Costs of the Iraq War

Additionally, Asher writes, "Bush faces a wider range of potential scandals, which include: [3]

  • Iraq: the rationale for, cost of, and occupation plans following America's conquest (DOS, DOD, CIA, FBI);
  • Suppressed Medicare costs (HHS) and bioterrorism studies (DOD);
  • Insufficient terrorism preparedness and prevention, domestic and international, before and after 9/11 (CIA, FBI, DOD, etc.);
  • Mounting fiscal deficits and tax relief only for the wealthy (Treasury, OMB); and
  • Skewed or suppressed scientific research and policies (NIH, HHS, FDA, EPA).

At the time of that posting, the daily weblog cited no less than twelve "substantive scandals involving the GOP in the last three years":

  • Dick Cheney's secretive Energy Task Force was investigated by the GAO and the case is currently pending at the Supreme Court.
  • The Homeland and Lilly Protection Act
  • The Plame Game is under investigation by the Justice Department.
  • Bush's Medicare scam and the circumstances that led the administration to lie to Congress about the cost of the legislation is under investigation by the HHS inspector general's office.
  • The massive intelligence failure that led Bush to lie to the world about the Iraqi threat is under investigation by a congressionally-authorized independent commission (which Bush fought the creation of).
  • Bribes offered on the House floor to Rep. Nick Smith (R-Mich.) in exchange for his vote on Bush's Medicare plan are under investigation by the House Ethics Committee and the Justice Department.
  • Attorney General John Ashcroft was under investigation by the Federal Election Commission for violating campaign finance laws in 2000, and the FEC concluded that Ashcroft accepted $110,000 in illegal contributions.
  • An investigation into House Majority Leader Tom DeLay's criminal fundraising schemes in Texas -- which allegedly used corporate funds to help state GOP lawmakers -- is already before a Texas grand jury.
  • Republican staffers on the Senate Judiciary Committee were investigated for stealing thousands of confidential memos from Dem computers, a matter that has now been referred to the Justice Department for a possible criminal probe.
  • Republican Connecticut Gov. John Rowland is under a criminal investigation (and an impeachment investigation) after he lied about prominent state contractors and several government aides paying for refurbishments to his lake-front cottage.
  • Former Rep. Bill Janklow (R-S.D.) was under investigation for vehicular manslaughter, a crime for which he was later convicted.
  • The Pentagon launched a formal investigation into well-armed evangelist and three-star General William G. Boykin, Bush's pick for deputy undersecretary of defense for intelligence, and his record of extreme religious rhetoric.
  • The circumstances that led to the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001 are under investigation by a congressionally-authorized independent commission (which, again, Bush fought the creation of and then later resisted cooperating with); and subsequently the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States
  • And honorable mentions should go, of course, to investigations into Halliburton (Dick Cheney's former company) and Enron (George Bush's biggest corporate supporter).


That bastard was THEE worse!

Source: Bush administration scandals - SourceWatch

No fuckhead. So far, Obama is absolutely the worst most inept POTUS
in history. That may change in the next four years because his legacy is on the line. But I doubt he has the brains to figure out how to do anything good and Presidential. He is a fucking egomaniac. Can't see beyond his own reflection in the mirror. I bet he pinches himself every morning because he can't believe he is the POTUS. How many times has he said "I'm the President of the United States"? Literally thousands of times.
These guys win the WH just a few hours ago and what do they fixate on...

Maybe it's a gay love thing.

You think a Lib would be happy that their guy won...
But no Libs are not happy people by nature.
They seem to live on hate.

They just won't let Bush go...
Pretty sad...
But funny as hell.
Obama is not my 'boy' (interesting term to use). I did not vote for him, nor for Rmoney.

'W' caused more American deaths than Obama has. One is bad enough, but most people would consider thousands more worse.
I was responding to RW, not you.

I have no idea who the fuck you are.

But, I do know that the USA was founded on the principle of three equal branches of government for checks and balances so that no single person can take the life of another American without due process. It's a constitutional thing called the Bill of Rights.

My post was included, so it looked as if it was referring to me.

If you think 'W' was a good president, you obviously don't know what the f one would look like.
Obama is not my 'boy' (interesting term to use). I did not vote for him, nor for Rmoney.

'W' caused more American deaths than Obama has. One is bad enough, but most people would consider thousands more worse.
I was responding to RW, not you.

I have no idea who the fuck you are.

But, I do know that the USA was founded on the principle of three equal branches of government for checks and balances so that no single person can take the life of another American without due process. It's a constitutional thing called the Bill of Rights.

My post was included, so it looked as if it was referring to me.

If you think 'W' was a good president, you obviously don't know what the f one would look like.
:lmao: Let me know when you'd like to discuss something I said.

Otherwise, enjoy arguing with yourself. Sorta like masturbating...not as good as the real thing.
Admittedly, the Democrats were complicit. But, pre-emptive war? That was American? What would Washington say?

The failures of 'W' were astronomical. The total destruction of America's standing in the world after September 2001 must be laid at the feet of that administration. Every Iraqi and US soldier killed in Iraq are its responsibility. All the riches thrown away that could have been used constructively are that group's error.

Americans don't engage in preemptive wars
Americans don't violate human rights
Americans don't engage in Torture

Under Bush they did

Good thing for you too, otherwise you wouldn't get to crow that Obama got Osama.
George Bush will go down in history as the last President America had. He certainly was the last president to try and rescue the nation before it began it's spiral into the sewer.


Bush administration scandals, as of January 18, 2005, according to Salon's Peter Dzikes, came to a grand total of 34 for the "first four years of George Bush's presidency." [1]

On January 13, 2005, Katrina vanden Heuvel posted her list in The Nation of "the Bush Administration's Ten Most Outrageous Scandals thus far uncovered by government investigators." :

  1. Halliburton's Corruption
  2. Iraq's Decline
  3. Abu Ghraib Prison Torture
  4. CIA Pre-9/11 Intelligence Failures
  5. HHS Deceptive Ad Campaign
  6. HHS Scully Scandal
  7. Government-wide Accounting Problems
  8. Sex Education Misinformation
  9. CAPPS II Failures
  10. Real Costs of the Iraq War

Additionally, Asher writes, "Bush faces a wider range of potential scandals, which include: [3]

  • Iraq: the rationale for, cost of, and occupation plans following America's conquest (DOS, DOD, CIA, FBI);
  • Suppressed Medicare costs (HHS) and bioterrorism studies (DOD);
  • Insufficient terrorism preparedness and prevention, domestic and international, before and after 9/11 (CIA, FBI, DOD, etc.);
  • Mounting fiscal deficits and tax relief only for the wealthy (Treasury, OMB); and
  • Skewed or suppressed scientific research and policies (NIH, HHS, FDA, EPA).

At the time of that posting, the daily weblog cited no less than twelve "substantive scandals involving the GOP in the last three years":

  • Dick Cheney's secretive Energy Task Force was investigated by the GAO and the case is currently pending at the Supreme Court.
  • The Homeland and Lilly Protection Act
  • The Plame Game is under investigation by the Justice Department.
  • Bush's Medicare scam and the circumstances that led the administration to lie to Congress about the cost of the legislation is under investigation by the HHS inspector general's office.
  • The massive intelligence failure that led Bush to lie to the world about the Iraqi threat is under investigation by a congressionally-authorized independent commission (which Bush fought the creation of).
  • Bribes offered on the House floor to Rep. Nick Smith (R-Mich.) in exchange for his vote on Bush's Medicare plan are under investigation by the House Ethics Committee and the Justice Department.
  • Attorney General John Ashcroft was under investigation by the Federal Election Commission for violating campaign finance laws in 2000, and the FEC concluded that Ashcroft accepted $110,000 in illegal contributions.
  • An investigation into House Majority Leader Tom DeLay's criminal fundraising schemes in Texas -- which allegedly used corporate funds to help state GOP lawmakers -- is already before a Texas grand jury.
  • Republican staffers on the Senate Judiciary Committee were investigated for stealing thousands of confidential memos from Dem computers, a matter that has now been referred to the Justice Department for a possible criminal probe.
  • Republican Connecticut Gov. John Rowland is under a criminal investigation (and an impeachment investigation) after he lied about prominent state contractors and several government aides paying for refurbishments to his lake-front cottage.
  • Former Rep. Bill Janklow (R-S.D.) was under investigation for vehicular manslaughter, a crime for which he was later convicted.
  • The Pentagon launched a formal investigation into well-armed evangelist and three-star General William G. Boykin, Bush's pick for deputy undersecretary of defense for intelligence, and his record of extreme religious rhetoric.
  • The circumstances that led to the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001 are under investigation by a congressionally-authorized independent commission (which, again, Bush fought the creation of and then later resisted cooperating with); and subsequently the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States
  • And honorable mentions should go, of course, to investigations into Halliburton (Dick Cheney's former company) and Enron (George Bush's biggest corporate supporter).


That bastard was THEE worse!

Source: Bush administration scandals - SourceWatch

No fuckhead. So far, Obama is absolutely the worst most inept POTUS
in history. That may change in the next four years because his legacy is on the line. But I doubt he has the brains to figure out how to do anything good and Presidential. He is a fucking egomaniac. Can't see beyond his own reflection in the mirror. I bet he pinches himself every morning because he can't believe he is the POTUS. How many times has he said "I'm the President of the United States"? Literally thousands of times.
[ame=]George W. Bush (POTUS :: 43) "I'm the decider" - YouTube[/ame]

Shortly thereafter, Rumsfeld was forced to resign in shame.


Bush administration scandals, as of January 18, 2005, according to Salon's Peter Dzikes, came to a grand total of 34 for the "first four years of George Bush's presidency." [1]

On January 13, 2005, Katrina vanden Heuvel posted her list in The Nation of "the Bush Administration's Ten Most Outrageous Scandals thus far uncovered by government investigators." :

  1. Halliburton's Corruption
  2. Iraq's Decline
  3. Abu Ghraib Prison Torture
  4. CIA Pre-9/11 Intelligence Failures
  5. HHS Deceptive Ad Campaign
  6. HHS Scully Scandal
  7. Government-wide Accounting Problems
  8. Sex Education Misinformation
  9. CAPPS II Failures
  10. Real Costs of the Iraq War

Additionally, Asher writes, "Bush faces a wider range of potential scandals, which include: [3]

  • Iraq: the rationale for, cost of, and occupation plans following America's conquest (DOS, DOD, CIA, FBI);
  • Suppressed Medicare costs (HHS) and bioterrorism studies (DOD);
  • Insufficient terrorism preparedness and prevention, domestic and international, before and after 9/11 (CIA, FBI, DOD, etc.);
  • Mounting fiscal deficits and tax relief only for the wealthy (Treasury, OMB); and
  • Skewed or suppressed scientific research and policies (NIH, HHS, FDA, EPA).

At the time of that posting, the daily weblog cited no less than twelve "substantive scandals involving the GOP in the last three years":

  • Dick Cheney's secretive Energy Task Force was investigated by the GAO and the case is currently pending at the Supreme Court.
  • The Homeland and Lilly Protection Act
  • The Plame Game is under investigation by the Justice Department.
  • Bush's Medicare scam and the circumstances that led the administration to lie to Congress about the cost of the legislation is under investigation by the HHS inspector general's office.
  • The massive intelligence failure that led Bush to lie to the world about the Iraqi threat is under investigation by a congressionally-authorized independent commission (which Bush fought the creation of).
  • Bribes offered on the House floor to Rep. Nick Smith (R-Mich.) in exchange for his vote on Bush's Medicare plan are under investigation by the House Ethics Committee and the Justice Department.
  • Attorney General John Ashcroft was under investigation by the Federal Election Commission for violating campaign finance laws in 2000, and the FEC concluded that Ashcroft accepted $110,000 in illegal contributions.
  • An investigation into House Majority Leader Tom DeLay's criminal fundraising schemes in Texas -- which allegedly used corporate funds to help state GOP lawmakers -- is already before a Texas grand jury.
  • Republican staffers on the Senate Judiciary Committee were investigated for stealing thousands of confidential memos from Dem computers, a matter that has now been referred to the Justice Department for a possible criminal probe.
  • Republican Connecticut Gov. John Rowland is under a criminal investigation (and an impeachment investigation) after he lied about prominent state contractors and several government aides paying for refurbishments to his lake-front cottage.
  • Former Rep. Bill Janklow (R-S.D.) was under investigation for vehicular manslaughter, a crime for which he was later convicted.
  • The Pentagon launched a formal investigation into well-armed evangelist and three-star General William G. Boykin, Bush's pick for deputy undersecretary of defense for intelligence, and his record of extreme religious rhetoric.
  • The circumstances that led to the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001 are under investigation by a congressionally-authorized independent commission (which, again, Bush fought the creation of and then later resisted cooperating with); and subsequently the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States
  • And honorable mentions should go, of course, to investigations into Halliburton (Dick Cheney's former company) and Enron (George Bush's biggest corporate supporter).


That bastard was THEE worse!

Source: Bush administration scandals - SourceWatch

No fuckhead. So far, Obama is absolutely the worst most inept POTUS
in history. That may change in the next four years because his legacy is on the line. But I doubt he has the brains to figure out how to do anything good and Presidential. He is a fucking egomaniac. Can't see beyond his own reflection in the mirror. I bet he pinches himself every morning because he can't believe he is the POTUS. How many times has he said "I'm the President of the United States"? Literally thousands of times.
[ame=]George W. Bush (POTUS :: 43) "I'm the decider" - YouTube[/ame]

Shortly thereafter, Rumsfeld was forced to resign in shame.


lol, I see you SKIPPED the videos I want to PRETEND it never happened I suppose...but hey, live in your made up world, no one cares
Wow still carrying that torch for Bush...
Someone is smitten...
I thought at some point they would move on with their lives.

I guess I was wrong.
A president belches and the stock market changes. I predict history (historians) will find Obama an above average president when he finishes his two terms. They found Obama 15th best in 2010 after two years. So if historians find Obama an above average president who else is to judge except the people and they just voted him into office again. But some would protest the people voted for Harding, Bush, and a few other turkeys so that leaves historians as the best judges, correct? Ah, but what about posters, and I would rest my case.
A president belches and the stock market changes. I predict history (historians) will find Obama an above average president when he finishes his two terms. They found Obama 15th best in 2010 after two years. So if historians find Obama an above average president who else is to judge except the people and they just voted him into office again. But some would protest the people voted for Harding, Bush, and a few other turkeys so that leaves historians as the best judges, correct? Ah, but what about posters, and I would rest my case.
Gotta stutter, I see.
Wow Obama wins election and Stock market pukes big time...

this morning we were told it was a signal from heaven he won, the PEOPLE spoke...we can't BLAME anything on him, don't ya know
I suspect you two far RW palookas will be first in line thinking Obama and sucking his toes when the Stock Market booms back up again shortly....yes?
Wow Obama wins election and Stock market pukes big time...

this morning we were told it was a signal from heaven he won, the PEOPLE spoke...we can't BLAME anything on him, don't ya know
I suspect you two far RW palookas will be first in line thinking Obama and sucking his toes when the Stock Market booms back up again shortly....yes?

we couldn't, with you wrapped around his legs..and I don't feel like trying to pry you off..
Carter, like Obama,inherited a totally fucked up economy. RWers can try to rewrite history, but some of us experienced STAGFLATION during our lifetime.


A. Look up President Ford's WIN Program.
Carter, like Obama,inherited a totally fucked up economy. RWers can try to rewrite history, but some of us experienced STAGFLATION during our lifetime.


A. Look up President Ford's WIN Program.
Obama’s response leaves the false impression that President George W. Bush and the 2008 recession are responsible for a whopping 90 percent of the deficits in the last four years.

It’s true that Obama “inherited the biggest deficit in our history,” as he said on CBS. By the time Obama took office in January 2009, the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office had already estimated that increased spending and decreased revenues would result in a $1.2 trillion deficit for fiscal year 2009, which began Oct. 1, 2008. In a detailed analysis of fiscal year 2009, we found that Obama was responsible for adding at most $203 billion to the deficit, which in the end topped $1.4 trillion that year.

But that was just the first of four years of trillion-plus deficits. The last three budgets fall squarely under Obama. And, during that time, the federal government ran up deficits of $1.3 trillion in 2010, $1.3 trillion in 2011, and about $1.2 trillion in the fiscal year that ends Sept. 30 — for a total of nearly $5.2 trillion in deficit spending.​ : Obama’s Deficit Dodge
Period. Full stop.

Like one of my fellow posters said recently, just the money lost in Iraq alone would have averted the near TOTAL financial collapse from least not on his watch.

G.W. Bush makes President Jimmy Carter look like a natural champion.

Thank you America.


good to see ya still here Marc....but hey lets not forget....Obama still has 4 years to go.....anything could happen.....
Obama Scandals List: AN OBAMA SCANDALS LIST 1-100

Here is some obama scandels for you shitass

Nothing trumps 9/11/2001 and Iraq. Seperately they would have destroyed any Presidency...combined it's nothing short of a COLOSSAL FAILURE of historic proportions.

thats kinda tough faulting Bush for 9/11 Marc.....i would bet it would have happened even if Clinton had another year to go......dont forget the Security agencies were not communicating very well to each other.....and the same people on the ground actually trying to prevent such things were the same people under Clinton as sure they did not waver in their jobs just because of the Presidential change.....

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