Now it's the US Embassy in NK

Twin foreign policy crises greet Trump as election year dawns - CNNPolitics

Not entirely unexpected , given NK & Iran are alleged

The big Q is how Commander brain spur will respond


Hey dumbass! We don't have an embassy in North Korea! You didn't know that, did you Commander Brain Dead?

Would help if you read the article. It was talking about 2 different foreign situations that could have an impact on Trump this year. One was N. Korea and their promise of unveiling a new strategic weapon, and the other was the embassy being attacked in Baghdad. And no, we don't have an embassy in N. Korea, but we do have a sticky political situation with Un.

Guess Trump's bromance with Un is over.
doesnt matter ABS,what does the guys headline say....
Twin foreign policy crises greet Trump as election year dawns - CNNPolitics

Not entirely unexpected , given NK & Iran are alleged

The big Q is how Commander brain spur will respond


Hey dumbass! We don't have an embassy in North Korea! You didn't know that, did you Commander Brain Dead?

Would help if you read the article. It was talking about 2 different foreign situations that could have an impact on Trump this year. One was N. Korea and their promise of unveiling a new strategic weapon, and the other was the embassy being attacked in Baghdad. And no, we don't have an embassy in N. Korea, but we do have a sticky political situation with Un.

Guess Trump's bromance with Un is over.

Thank you, Captain Fucking Obvious! I did read the article. You apparently did not read the thread title, dumbass!

I swear, I sometimes wonder why I bother with this website since most of the posters here read on about a third-grade level at best!
this lying sack devil box got me again....:102:~S~
Did your autocorrect ambush you?

I was getting a lot of that trying to type 'Greta Thunberg'; it coming out as Great Thunberg , lol.

BTW, I went to get more Diet Coke tonight with my wife and we saw this girl who looked like Greta's twin, and she said she had never even heard of Greta!
I swear, I sometimes wonder why I bother with this website since most of the posters here read on about a third-grade level at best!
yeah, tell me again what a great job y'all do of that Admiral....~S~

Nah! I don't like to brag! However, I do have more education than about any five posters combined.
I swear, I sometimes wonder why I bother with this website since most of the posters here read on about a third-grade level at best!
yeah, tell me again what a great job y'all do of that Admiral....~S~

Nah! I don't like to brag! However, I do have more education than about any five posters combined.

Would you work per diem for farm boys dumber than a stump Admiral ?

Lord knows someone's gotta bust a move

eah, tell me again what a great job y'all do of that Admiral....~S~
Well his icon is a photo of a guy who never served, wearing a fake uniform as he stayed home making pretend pictures of heroism while the real heroes bled all over the world unsung.
I swear, I sometimes wonder why I bother with this website since most of the posters here read on about a third-grade level at best!
yeah, tell me again what a great job y'all do of that Admiral....~S~

Nah! I don't like to brag! However, I do have more education than about any five posters combined.

Would you work per diem for farm boys dumber than a stump Admiral ?

Lord knows someone's gotta bust a move


Would you care to try that gain in English, please?
Twin foreign policy crises greet Trump as election year dawns - CNNPolitics

Not entirely unexpected , given NK & Iran are alleged

The big Q is how Commander brain spur will respond

A nothing article that adds nothing to our understanding of the situations in Iran or NK and clearly shows why CNN is the lowest rated news service. What the dopes at CNN call problems for Trump are really successes. NK has been a serious regional problem for the US since the end of WWII and for the last 40 + years has been a growing nuclear threat, and President Trump has done a better job of trying to solve that problem than Obama or Bush or certainly Bill Clinton. It is commendable that Trump was willing to put his personal prestige on the line to try to bring Kim to the negotiating table while his predecessors were either too frightened, Obama, or too weak and naive, Clinton. If there is a way to end the nuclear crisis with NK and avoid war it will be through the tough minded negotiations of Trump. If he fails, he fails, but at least he had the balls to try, whereas Obama never had the courage to.

Despite the political demonstration at the US embassy in Iraq, Trump's maximum pressure policy on Iran is a success. The Iranian economy is sos seriously damaged that there are riots and demonstrations across Iran by Shi'ites against the Shi'ite government because of the hardships the Iranian government is forced to impose on them because of the sanctions. While Iran backed militia are demanding the US leave Iraq, other Iraqis are demanding Iran leave Iraq and the same Iran backed militia that are opposed to the US are shooting down hundreds of Iraqis who are demanding Iran leave Iraq. The goal here is to emphatically end Iran's nuclear weapons program and end its imperialist activities across the ME, and Trump's policies are making the best progress possible short of destroying Iran in a military attack.

Contrary to the dopes at CNN, NK and Iran are wins for Trump for anyone is interested in an objective evaluation of these two very difficult issues.
There is nothing wrong with Kim Jung Un. He is just having one of his temper tantrum because he is so anxious to make North Korea great again with the help of Pres.Trump. But Pompeo is playing the naughty mediator, by trying to make Kim Jung Un to pull a cabbage patch doll from out of his anal cavity. Pompeo is apart of the Deep State to make sure that we go into war with N.Korea to make the weapons manufacturing companies lots of cash.
And so everytime Pres.Trump patches things up with KIm. Pompeo comes in behind, disrupting things.

And so everytime Pres.Trump patches things up with KIm. Pompeo comes in behind, disrupting things.

Musta been big fans of>>>



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