Now Khan says about Trump, "Shame on him, Shame on his family" (his family?)

Incorrect and I've posted on this topic several times, so we're still left with the question to you: Are you a liar or a dumb ass?
It doesn't matter what you have to say about it now, if you're a Republican or right leaning independent you will vote for Trump. When the time comes they will all come together to defeat Hilary Clinton. Hatred of Hilary Clinton will win out over fear of Donald Trump's stupidity.
Ahhh, you're a dumbass. Got it.
You'll vote for Trump and pretend you didn't, like all embarrassed Republicans. Unless you expect me to believe you're voting for Hilary.
Has anyone asked the Kahn family about the religion of peace and Iranian supplied bomb used to kill their son?

Their son was fighting on OUR side

It is Trump who is trying to dny them their constitutional religious freedoms
My question stands. What is the statement from the family of the religion and Iranian supplied weapon used to kill their son.

They have already made their statement

Their son fought for his country and not against Islam
Ignoring the role of Islam and Iran in their sons death.
Why are all Trump followers so consistently stupid?
Has anyone asked the Kahn family about the religion of peace and Iranian supplied bomb used to kill their son?

Their son was fighting on OUR side

It is Trump who is trying to dny them their constitutional religious freedoms
My question stands. What is the statement from the family of the religion and Iranian supplied weapon used to kill their son.

They have already made their statement

Their son fought for his country and not against Islam
Ignoring the role of Islam and Iran in their sons death.
Why are all Trump followers so consistently stupid?
Why are all Hillary supporters so consistently evil?
The level the left will stoop. Shame on this father for using his son as a political pawn. Yeah, I would call him an asshole to his face. I see through everything they are doing and he is not going to use the jedi mind trick on me.

I see exactly what he along with the democrats are doing. They are pigs. All of them. Especially the father. That is right. Especially the father.

You think for one second these pieces of left wing shit will be able to manipulate me with their tactics? Not for one half of one second.
You wouldn't say shit to anyone outside your fucking keyboard.....because like all Trump followers, you're a craven little coward.
Their son was fighting on OUR side

It is Trump who is trying to dny them their constitutional religious freedoms
My question stands. What is the statement from the family of the religion and Iranian supplied weapon used to kill their son.

They have already made their statement

Their son fought for his country and not against Islam
Ignoring the role of Islam and Iran in their sons death.
Why are all Trump followers so consistently stupid?
Why are all Hillary supporters so consistently evil?
I wouldn't know, I'm not one of her followers.
Begs the question: Why are all Trump followers so incredibly stupid and dishonest in nearly equal proportions? Is it even humanly possible for people to be this dim witted?
Has anyone asked the Kahn family about the religion of peace and Iranian supplied bomb used to kill their son?

Their son was fighting on OUR side

It is Trump who is trying to dny them their constitutional religious freedoms
My question stands. What is the statement from the family of the religion and Iranian supplied weapon used to kill their son.
Who gives a shit dummy?
Onto the personal attacks!
You lost your spinning lies a long time ago.
Has anyone asked the Kahn family about the religion of peace and Iranian supplied bomb used to kill their son?

Their son was fighting on OUR side

It is Trump who is trying to dny them their constitutional religious freedoms
My question stands. What is the statement from the family of the religion and Iranian supplied weapon used to kill their son.
Who gives a shit dummy?
Onto the personal attacks!
You lost your spinning lies a long time ago.
What lies? You are obvious just as obtuse, dishonest, and dull witted as you can possibly be. Where is the discrepancy there?
Has anyone asked the Kahn family about the religion of peace and Iranian supplied bomb used to kill their son?

Their son was fighting on OUR side

It is Trump who is trying to dny them their constitutional religious freedoms
My question stands. What is the statement from the family of the religion and Iranian supplied weapon used to kill their son.

They have already made their statement

Their son fought for his country and not against Islam
Ignoring the role of Islam and Iran in their sons death.
Why are all Trump followers so consistently stupid?
Why do libtards so consistently speak as if they had any credibility?
Their son was fighting on OUR side

It is Trump who is trying to dny them their constitutional religious freedoms
My question stands. What is the statement from the family of the religion and Iranian supplied weapon used to kill their son.

They have already made their statement

Their son fought for his country and not against Islam
Ignoring the role of Islam and Iran in their sons death.
Why are all Trump followers so consistently stupid?
Why do libtards so consistently speak as if they had any credibility?
The left create their own bubble worlds where socialism works and their agenda reaps huge rewards upon the little people.
The left isn't behind the military? According to whom?
Their lack of support and willingness to serve. Are you denying the vast majority of military personnel, especially careerists, lean right? Are you denying it's the Left Wing that regularly attacks the military, cuts their budget and demeans those who serve as "war mongers", "too stupid to get a real job", etc?

Feel free to poll the veterans here. While some lean Left, most lean Right. The Left Wing knows this and it's one of the reasons it dislikes the military.

Your entire premise is flawed. "The left" doesn't dislike the military.

I am a veteran here.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
You'll vote for Trump and pretend you didn't, like all embarrassed Republicans. Unless you expect me to believe you're voting for Hilary.
Obviously a self-righteous, hard core partisan such as yourself won't believe anything except what their inner voices tell them. Fine.

Nonetheless, you are wrong. Furthermore, you've proven yourself to be so far left, you are irrational and cannot have a discussion. Again, fine. Your choice. Have a nice day, sir.
Your entire premise is flawed. "The left" doesn't dislike the military.

I am a veteran here.
Great. Thanks for serving a hitch. Still, the Democrats are much less supportive of the military than the Republicans. Sure, they'll give lip-service to "support the troops" and "tie yellow ribbons", but in the end, they'll steer their kids away from serving in the military because they dislike it, don't respect it and don't support it.

Does the Military Vote Really Lean Republican? |
the U.S. military plainly tilts toward the GOP. That’s largely because today’s military is an all-volunteer force increasingly drawn from the Sunbelt, where the Pentagon has focused its recruiting efforts since the draft ended 40 years ago. And traits the military prizes — like aggressiveness and respect for authority — tend to be more pronounced in conservatives.
Why are all Trump followers so consistently stupid?
Why do libtards so consistently speak as if they had any credibility?
Because highly partisan people on either side are dimwitted psychos who lend evidence to having IQ tests done in the womb before allowing birth.

An alternative solution is "Partisan World"; an island where the most partisan assholes on the planet are given swords and loincloths to fight each other on a reality TV channel. I'm sure it'd be a big hit.
Why are all Trump followers so consistently stupid?
Why do libtards so consistently speak as if they had any credibility?
Because highly partisan people on either side are dimwitted psychos who lend evidence to having IQ tests done in the womb before allowing birth.

An alternative solution is "Partisan World"; an island where the most partisan assholes on the planet are given swords and loincloths to fight each other on a reality TV channel. I'm sure it'd be a big hit.
...said the biggest gas bag on the forum. LOL
The left isn't behind the military? According to whom?
Their lack of support and willingness to serve. Are you denying the vast majority of military personnel, especially careerists, lean right? Are you denying it's the Left Wing that regularly attacks the military, cuts their budget and demeans those who serve as "war mongers", "too stupid to get a real job", etc?

Feel free to poll the veterans here. While some lean Left, most lean Right. The Left Wing knows this and it's one of the reasons it dislikes the military.

Your entire premise is flawed. "The left" doesn't dislike the military.

I am a veteran here.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
It most certain does. They displayed their hatred all through both Gulf Wars. They pretended to change their attitude when Obama was elected because otherwise they would have had an organized revolt on their hands.
..said the biggest gas bag on the forum. LOL
Said the forum's biggest weasel.
How old are you?
Irrelevant. Certainly smarter and wiser than an abusive mess like you.

Your hatred and anger at others is typical of internet forums. It allows the lowly educated, underperforming failures of our nation an avenue to vent their frustrations at others. Race and political party are obviously irrelevant since the angst is evident from both sides. While you are typical here, Weasel, you are certainly not a typical American. Most are happier and/or more successful than you.

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