Now Khan says about Trump, "Shame on him, Shame on his family" (his family?)

Sorry, but he chose to enter the political arena. He chose to go the partisan political attack route. He is fair game now.
True, but sometimes it's not wise to piss up a rope.

Secondly, why attack the mother of an American hero? She didn't say a fucking thing? Why did Trump attack Heidi Cruz? Why did Trump attack all POWs? Why did Trump compare his "sacrifices" to Gold Star families?

As Paul Rieckoff, CEO of Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America, stated:

"For anyone to compare their 'sacrifice' to a Gold Star family member is insulting, foolish and ignorant. Especially someone who has never served himself and has no children serving. Our country has been at war for a decade and a half, and the truth is most Americans have sacrificed nothing. Most of them are smart and grounded enough to admit it."

I's hilarious how all the sudden the left is all behind the military LOL

The left are being played like a fiddle

'Convenient Patriotism.' That'll fade quickly after the Election. Bet on it.
Americans really better wake up. This is how it all started in many Western European nations. The radicalization process began with extremist Muslims and Leftists labeling anyone who disagreed with them as 'Racists', 'Xenophobes', and so on.

This Kahn guy is more dangerous than most Americans think. England, France, Germany, Belgium, and others had too many just like him. They incite radicalization. Americans better pay closer attention. These folks are very dangerous.
Read his whole speech from DNC night. Khan is a PATRIOTIC American. There is absolutely no question of that in my mind. That is why his son felt it "right" to join the Army and fight to protect us. I think Khan's slam on Trump was over the line, but remember that Trump is the one who really started it, saying to Muslims "We don't want anymore of your kind here." That is what got Khan so heated.

If the Trump campaign knew the kind of slander and obscene lies you were spreading about Khan, even they would tell you to simmer down.

Sorry, but he chose to enter the political arena. He chose to go the partisan political attack route. He is fair game now.
I never said he shouldn't have expected a slam back, but Trump per usual is digging himself a deeper hole with smears on the wife and yesterday coming out with that wacky statement: Islamic terrorists. There are thousands of them coming in (to this country). Thousands of them.
No doubt they are all hiding out with the thousands of Muslims in New Jersey who were celebrating the fall of the Twin Towers. That's why we haven't heard from them, yet.
Sorry, but he chose to enter the political arena. He chose to go the partisan political attack route. He is fair game now.
True, but sometimes it's not wise to piss up a rope.

Secondly, why attack the mother of an American hero? She didn't say a fucking thing? Why did Trump attack Heidi Cruz? Why did Trump attack all POWs? Why did Trump compare his "sacrifices" to Gold Star families?

As Paul Rieckoff, CEO of Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America, stated:

"For anyone to compare their 'sacrifice' to a Gold Star family member is insulting, foolish and ignorant. Especially someone who has never served himself and has no children serving. Our country has been at war for a decade and a half, and the truth is most Americans have sacrificed nothing. Most of them are smart and grounded enough to admit it."

He talked of a 'Moral Compass.' Yet he's supporting a Candidate who sent his child off to die in a monumental bloody blunder. And the most corrupt Presidential Candidate in history. I think his attacks were coaxed and misguided. He should actually sit down with Trump, and then reconsider supporting Hillary Clinton.

The entire thing was orchestrated...anyone thinking sees that. Trump should have shrugged and not played into it

Yeah, as if Communist/Progressive Globalists care about our military and America. Just more staged 'Convenient Patriotism.' It'll fade quickly after the Election.
Americans really better wake up. This is how it all started in many Western European nations. The radicalization process began with extremist Muslims and Leftists labeling anyone who disagreed with them as 'Racists', 'Xenophobes', and so on.

This Kahn guy is more dangerous than most Americans think. England, France, Germany, Belgium, and others had too many just like him. They incite radicalization. Americans better pay closer attention. These folks are very dangerous.
Read his whole speech from DNC night. Khan is a PATRIOTIC American. There is absolutely no question of that in my mind. That is why his son felt it "right" to join the Army and fight to protect us. I think Khan's slam on Trump was over the line, but remember that Trump is the one who really started it, saying to Muslims "We don't want anymore of your kind here." That is what got Khan so heated.

If the Trump campaign knew the kind of slander and obscene lies you were spreading about Khan, even they would tell you to simmer down.

Sorry, but he chose to enter the political arena. He chose to go the partisan political attack route. He is fair game now.
I never said he shouldn't have expected a slam back, but Trump per usual is digging himself a deeper hole with smears on the wife and yesterday coming out with that wacky statement: Islamic terrorists. There are thousands of them coming in (to this country). Thousands of them.
No doubt they are all hiding out with the thousands of Muslims in New Jersey who were celebrating the fall of the Twin Towers. That's why we haven't heard from them, yet.

Are you sure he's so wrong? Our Government is currently allowing thousands in from known Terrorist-Haven nations like Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, and so on. I think it's appallingly dangerous. I would support suspending all Immigration from some Muslim nations.
You are simply a complete fucking idiot. I personally believe that scum who disparage the patriotism of military families should be shot in the face.
I'm guessing you'd pee your britches before firing a gun at someone.
I's hilarious how all the sudden the left is all behind the military LOL

The left are being played like a fiddle
First, the Left isn't behind the military.

Second, the VFW, the Gold Star Families and Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America are not LW organizations.
but Trump per usual is digging himself a deeper hole with smears on the wife and yesterday coming out with that wacky statement: Islamic terrorists. There are thousands of them coming in (to this country). Thousands of them.
No doubt they are all hiding out with the thousands of Muslims in New Jersey who were celebrating the fall of the Twin Towers. That's why we haven't heard from them, yet.
As of a year ago:

Facts about the Syrian Refugees
The vast majority are Sunni Muslims, who make up 2,128, or 93 percent, of the Syrian refugees in the U.S. The Sunnis are about 74 percent of the Syrian population, according to the CIA, but “they tend to support the rebels and oppose the Assad regime, and Syrian Sunnis have been subject to ethnic cleansing at the hands of the Alawite minority in recent months,”as the Washington Post reported on Oct. 18, 2012.
I's hilarious how all the sudden the left is all behind the military LOL

The left are being played like a fiddle
First, the Left isn't behind the military.

Second, the VFW, the Gold Star Families and Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America are not LW organizations.

The VFW statement was put out by one person, I've looked the FB page of the VFW and he is taking it up the chute over this, members are livid. The VFW should have remained neutral but Duffy chose to go out on a limb and now he looks foolish
The VFW statement was put out by one person, I've looked the FB page of the VFW and he is taking it up the chute over this, members are livid. The VFW should have remained neutral but Duffy chose to go out on a limb and now he looks foolish
There are always those who disagree in a group, especially one as large as the VFW. Truth is revealed by results: If Duffy is fired, then the VFW membership have voiced their disapproval. If he stays on, then the VFW membership have voiced their support.

Same goes on November 8th when the American citizenry speak....or sit at home and watch TV.
Sorry, but he chose to enter the political arena. He chose to go the partisan political attack route. He is fair game now.
True, but sometimes it's not wise to piss up a rope.

Secondly, why attack the mother of an American hero? She didn't say a fucking thing? Why did Trump attack Heidi Cruz? Why did Trump attack all POWs? Why did Trump compare his "sacrifices" to Gold Star families?

As Paul Rieckoff, CEO of Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America, stated:

"For anyone to compare their 'sacrifice' to a Gold Star family member is insulting, foolish and ignorant. Especially someone who has never served himself and has no children serving. Our country has been at war for a decade and a half, and the truth is most Americans have sacrificed nothing. Most of them are smart and grounded enough to admit it."

I's hilarious how all the sudden the left is all behind the military LOL

The left are being played like a fiddle
I agree there. One of the things I heard on Fox or CNN this a.m. was that the major news networks have given 50+ minutes of coverage to the Khan story and 70 seconds to Patricia Smith. However, Hillary is being fairly gifted with 4 pinocchios for her continued bullshit about her e-mail server, and that is from WaPo, who Trump has banned from his do's.
Americans really better wake up. This is how it all started in many Western European nations. The radicalization process began with extremist Muslims and Leftists labeling anyone who disagreed with them as 'Racists', 'Xenophobes', and so on.

This Kahn guy is more dangerous than most Americans think. England, France, Germany, Belgium, and others had too many just like him. They incite radicalization. Americans better pay closer attention. These folks are very dangerous.
Read his whole speech from DNC night. Khan is a PATRIOTIC American. There is absolutely no question of that in my mind. That is why his son felt it "right" to join the Army and fight to protect us. I think Khan's slam on Trump was over the line, but remember that Trump is the one who really started it, saying to Muslims "We don't want anymore of your kind here." That is what got Khan so heated.

If the Trump campaign knew the kind of slander and obscene lies you were spreading about Khan, even they would tell you to simmer down.

Sorry, but he chose to enter the political arena. He chose to go the partisan political attack route. He is fair game now.
I never said he shouldn't have expected a slam back, but Trump per usual is digging himself a deeper hole with smears on the wife and yesterday coming out with that wacky statement: Islamic terrorists. There are thousands of them coming in (to this country). Thousands of them.
No doubt they are all hiding out with the thousands of Muslims in New Jersey who were celebrating the fall of the Twin Towers. That's why we haven't heard from them, yet.

Are you sure he's so wrong? Our Government is currently allowing thousands in from known Terrorist-Haven nations like Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, and so on. I think it's appallingly dangerous. I would support suspending all Immigration from some Muslim nations.
That's entirely your prerogative. Am I sure he's so wrong? Yes, pretty sure, about the numbers, anyway. But no one can prove a negative, except to say where are all the mall bombings and hits on Time Square?
The VFW statement was put out by one person, I've looked the FB page of the VFW and he is taking it up the chute over this, members are livid. The VFW should have remained neutral but Duffy chose to go out on a limb and now he looks foolish
There are always those who disagree in a group, especially one as large as the VFW. Truth is revealed by results: If Duffy is fired, then the VFW membership have voiced their disapproval. If he stays on, then the VFW membership have voiced their support.

Same goes on November 8th when the American citizenry speak....or sit at home and watch TV.

Meh....this time next week this won't be an issue. It's already going south
The left isn't behind the military? According to whom?
Their lack of support and willingness to serve. Are you denying the vast majority of military personnel, especially careerists, lean right? Are you denying it's the Left Wing that regularly attacks the military, cuts their budget and demeans those who serve as "war mongers", "too stupid to get a real job", etc?

Feel free to poll the veterans here. While some lean Left, most lean Right. The Left Wing knows this and it's one of the reasons it dislikes the military.
Meh....this time next week this won't be an issue. It's already going south
$25 says you're wrong. You ran from my last bet, will you do the same for this one?

BTW, $25 because that's what a Gold Membership costs. An easy way to verify payment of a bet without either party having to knock on the other person's house....or in some cases, door to room in mental health care facility.
"Shame on his family?" For what? This guy is obviously a whackadoodle. Who else would use his son's death to promote a presidential candidate? He should be ashamed. He's definitely got that Sharia attitude.

Khan's latest attack on Trump:

"Running for president is not an entitlement to disrespect Gold Star families and [a] Gold Star mother not realizing her pain. Shame on him! Shame on his family!" Khizr Khan said, struggling to hold back his anger. "He is not worthy of our comments. He has no decency. He is void of decency, he has a dark heart."
Sure, why not? Trump says as president, he would hold the families of terrorists responsible; so why shouldn't his family be held responsible for his actions?

Trump hasn't murdered anyone, has he? The wives of terrorists are helping them to murder people. Do you think they bear no responsibility?
Americans really better wake up. This is how it all started in many Western European nations. The radicalization process began with extremist Muslims and Leftists labeling anyone who disagreed with them as 'Racists', 'Xenophobes', and so on.

This Kahn guy is more dangerous than most Americans think. England, France, Germany, Belgium, and others had too many just like him. They incite radicalization. Americans better pay closer attention. These folks are very dangerous.
You are simply a complete fucking idiot. I personally believe that scum who disparage the patriotism of military families should be shot in the face.

You mean Hillary should be shot in the face?
LMAO As the entire thing is starting to go down in flames....this is another "we told you so" moment

Khizr Khan Attack on Donald Trump Goes Down in Flames
Even if it's true that there was an agenda at play, Trump immediately and foolishly took the bait, because that's who he is.

Khan's speech would have faded away, but Trump's Political Tourette's Syndrome got the better of him, again.

The Leader of the Free World, the Commander in Chief, cannot be so easily baited.

Trump is every bit as hypersensitive as any PC zealot.
What bet? Get over yourself ya daffy dumbass
Translation: No fucking way would I back up the bullshit I post with real money! I'm just talking out of my ass. I don't really believe my own bullshit, ya daffy dumbass.

I never believed you would take the bet. Talk is cheap, but $25 is real money. I'm sure you have to pay the rent or something.

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