Now Khan says about Trump, "Shame on him, Shame on his family" (his family?)

LMAO As the entire thing is starting to go down in flames....this is another "we told you so" moment

Khizr Khan Attack on Donald Trump Goes Down in Flames
Even if it's true that there was an agenda at play, Trump immediately and foolishly took the bait, because that's who he is.

Khan's speech would have faded away, but Trump's Political Tourette's Syndrome got the better of him, again.

The Leader of the Free World, the Commander in Chief, cannot be so easily baited.

Trump is every bit as hypersensitive as any PC zealot.

Yeah I pretty much already said that....der and your anti Trump stance is duly noted......again and again and again.
What bet? Get over yourself ya daffy dumbass
Translation: No fucking way would I back up the bullshit I post with real money! I'm just talking out of my ass. I don't really believe my own bullshit, ya daffy dumbass.

I never believed you would take the bet. Talk is cheap, but $25 is real money. I'm sure you have to pay the rent or something.

You're now getting annoying, grow up or go to ignore, your choice
The VFW statement was put out by one person, I've looked the FB page of the VFW and he is taking it up the chute over this, members are livid. The VFW should have remained neutral but Duffy chose to go out on a limb and now he looks foolish
There are always those who disagree in a group, especially one as large as the VFW. Truth is revealed by results: If Duffy is fired, then the VFW membership have voiced their disapproval. If he stays on, then the VFW membership have voiced their support.

Same goes on November 8th when the American citizenry speak....or sit at home and watch TV.

Disagree in a group? That's logically impossible. What you mean is that political hacks who were elected to positions in the group take it upon themselves to abuse their authority and claim the speak for every member of the group. The Gold Star families don't even have such "leaders." The 23 who attack Trump speak only for themselves, not any other Gold Star family. The claim that they do is pure political hackery.
LMAO As the entire thing is starting to go down in flames....this is another "we told you so" moment

Khizr Khan Attack on Donald Trump Goes Down in Flames
Even if it's true that there was an agenda at play, Trump immediately and foolishly took the bait, because that's who he is.

Khan's speech would have faded away, but Trump's Political Tourette's Syndrome got the better of him, again.

The Leader of the Free World, the Commander in Chief, cannot be so easily baited.

Trump is every bit as hypersensitive as any PC zealot.

Yeah I pretty much already said that....der and your anti Trump stance is duly noted......again and again and again.
Most of us here have posted more than once for or against him, so that's not exactly unique.
Disagree in a group? That's logically impossible. What you mean is that political hacks who were elected to positions in the group take it upon themselves to abuse their authority and claim the speak for every member of the group. The Gold Star families don't even have such "leaders." The 23 who attack Trump speak only for themselves, not any other Gold Star family. The claim that they do is pure political hackery.
I know you're not eligible to join the VFW, but I suspect you are a member of the NRA like myself. If not, you should join.

That said, if an NRA spokesman said something in which you strongly disagreed, wouldn't you voice your disagreement or threaten resigning from the group? If enough members voiced their disagreement, you don't think the NRA would retract the statement or fire the spokesman?
but Trump per usual is digging himself a deeper hole with smears on the wife and yesterday coming out with that wacky statement: Islamic terrorists. There are thousands of them coming in (to this country). Thousands of them.
No doubt they are all hiding out with the thousands of Muslims in New Jersey who were celebrating the fall of the Twin Towers. That's why we haven't heard from them, yet.
As of a year ago:

Facts about the Syrian Refugees
The vast majority are Sunni Muslims, who make up 2,128, or 93 percent, of the Syrian refugees in the U.S. The Sunnis are about 74 percent of the Syrian population, according to the CIA, but “they tend to support the rebels and oppose the Assad regime, and Syrian Sunnis have been subject to ethnic cleansing at the hands of the Alawite minority in recent months,”as the Washington Post reported on Oct. 18, 2012.
Thanks, Ice. Are you assuming all Sunni's are "Islamic terrorists?" I believe Wahhabi's are a Sunni sect, or subset, not representative of all Sunni's. As I would be described as "Christian," but I am not a snake handling Pentescostal.
but Trump per usual is digging himself a deeper hole with smears on the wife and yesterday coming out with that wacky statement: Islamic terrorists. There are thousands of them coming in (to this country). Thousands of them.
No doubt they are all hiding out with the thousands of Muslims in New Jersey who were celebrating the fall of the Twin Towers. That's why we haven't heard from them, yet.
As of a year ago:

Facts about the Syrian Refugees
The vast majority are Sunni Muslims, who make up 2,128, or 93 percent, of the Syrian refugees in the U.S. The Sunnis are about 74 percent of the Syrian population, according to the CIA, but “they tend to support the rebels and oppose the Assad regime, and Syrian Sunnis have been subject to ethnic cleansing at the hands of the Alawite minority in recent months,”as the Washington Post reported on Oct. 18, 2012.
Thanks, Ice. Are you assuming all Sunni's are "Islamic terrorists?" I believe Wahhabi's are a Sunni sect, or subset, not representative of all Sunni's. As I would be described as "Christian," but I am not a snake handling Pentescostal.
I didn't assume anything. I posted evidence that we do indeed have thousands of Syrian immigrants. Only a fool thinks they are all harmless.
Americans really better wake up. This is how it all started in many Western European nations. The radicalization process began with extremist Muslims and Leftists labeling anyone who disagreed with them as 'Racists', 'Xenophobes', and so on.

This Kahn guy is more dangerous than most Americans think. England, France, Germany, Belgium, and others had too many just like him. They incite radicalization. Americans better pay closer attention. These folks are very dangerous.
You are simply a complete fucking idiot. I personally believe that scum who disparage the patriotism of military families should be shot in the face.

He's dangerous. It's exactly how the radicalization process began in Western Europe. It started with branding anyone who disagreed with extremist Muslims and Leftists, as 'Racists', 'Xenophobes', and so on. I hope Americans are paying close attention. This is how it begins.
Radicalization in Western Europe began for the same reasons as the current racial crisis in the US. Muslims youth have a harder time to completely particiate in society. They are concentrated in substandard housing in big cities, they have a harder time finding jobs, they are faced by real racism and maybe most importanty they are teenagers and as such searching for an identity. Much like inner city blacks who turn to gangs. These Muslims are recruited by people who give them a purpose and an identity. This is a economical and intergration issue not a political correctness issue as you portray.
Trump is a very, very bad man

Has anyone asked the Kahn family about the religion of peace and Iranian supplied bomb used to kill their son?
Americans really better wake up. This is how it all started in many Western European nations. The radicalization process began with extremist Muslims and Leftists labeling anyone who disagreed with them as 'Racists', 'Xenophobes', and so on.

This Kahn guy is more dangerous than most Americans think. England, France, Germany, Belgium, and others had too many just like him. They incite radicalization. Americans better pay closer attention. These folks are very dangerous.
You are simply a complete fucking idiot. I personally believe that scum who disparage the patriotism of military families should be shot in the face.

He's dangerous. It's exactly how the radicalization process began in Western Europe. It started with branding anyone who disagreed with extremist Muslims and Leftists, as 'Racists', 'Xenophobes', and so on. I hope Americans are paying close attention. This is how it begins.
Radicalization in Western Europe began for the same reasons as the current racial crisis in the US. Muslims youth have a harder time to completely particiate in society. They are concentrated in substandard housing in big cities, they have a harder time finding jobs, they are faced by real racism and maybe most importanty they are teenagers and as such searching for an identity. Much like inner city blacks who turn to gangs. These Muslims are recruited by people who give them a purpose and an identity. This is a economical and intergration issue not a political correctness issue as you portray.

Radical Leftists are responsible for the massive influx of Muslims, and their radicalization. They were warned about it years ago, yet they opened the immigration flood gates anyway. And once they realized their blunder, they began to beat that 'You're a Racist, Xenophobe, Islamophobe' drum.

They shouted those down who were merely attempting to save their countries. I just hope Americans wake up and realize that it's beginning to happen here as well. Extremist Leftists and Muslims will incite a radicalization process. The process could be underway in the U.S. already.
Americans really better wake up. This is how it all started in many Western European nations. The radicalization process began with extremist Muslims and Leftists labeling anyone who disagreed with them as 'Racists', 'Xenophobes', and so on.

This Kahn guy is more dangerous than most Americans think. England, France, Germany, Belgium, and others had too many just like him. They incite radicalization. Americans better pay closer attention. These folks are very dangerous.
You are simply a complete fucking idiot. I personally believe that scum who disparage the patriotism of military families should be shot in the face.

He's dangerous. It's exactly how the radicalization process began in Western Europe. It started with branding anyone who disagreed with extremist Muslims and Leftists, as 'Racists', 'Xenophobes', and so on. I hope Americans are paying close attention. This is how it begins.
Radicalization in Western Europe began for the same reasons as the current racial crisis in the US. Muslims youth have a harder time to completely particiate in society. They are concentrated in substandard housing in big cities, they have a harder time finding jobs, they are faced by real racism and maybe most importanty they are teenagers and as such searching for an identity. Much like inner city blacks who turn to gangs. These Muslims are recruited by people who give them a purpose and an identity. This is a economical and intergration issue not a political correctness issue as you portray.

Radical Leftists are responsible for the massive influx of Muslims, and their radicalization. They were warned about it years ago, yet they opened the immigration flood gates anyway. And once they realized their blunder, they began to beat that 'You're a Racist, Xenophobe, Islamophobe' drum.

They shouted those down who were merely attempting to save their countries. I just hope Americans wake up and realize that it's beginning to happen here as well. Extremist Leftists and Muslims will incite a radicalization process. The process could be underway in the U.S. already.
Well it's obvious that you prefer rethoric over actual trying to come up with well thought out points, so I'll speak in language you can understand :funnyface:. Hope I didn't over complicate it.
Americans really better wake up. This is how it all started in many Western European nations. The radicalization process began with extremist Muslims and Leftists labeling anyone who disagreed with them as 'Racists', 'Xenophobes', and so on.

This Kahn guy is more dangerous than most Americans think. England, France, Germany, Belgium, and others had too many just like him. They incite radicalization. Americans better pay closer attention. These folks are very dangerous.
You are simply a complete fucking idiot. I personally believe that scum who disparage the patriotism of military families should be shot in the face.

He's dangerous. It's exactly how the radicalization process began in Western Europe. It started with branding anyone who disagreed with extremist Muslims and Leftists, as 'Racists', 'Xenophobes', and so on. I hope Americans are paying close attention. This is how it begins.
Radicalization in Western Europe began for the same reasons as the current racial crisis in the US. Muslims youth have a harder time to completely particiate in society. They are concentrated in substandard housing in big cities, they have a harder time finding jobs, they are faced by real racism and maybe most importanty they are teenagers and as such searching for an identity. Much like inner city blacks who turn to gangs. These Muslims are recruited by people who give them a purpose and an identity. This is a economical and intergration issue not a political correctness issue as you portray.

Radical Leftists are responsible for the massive influx of Muslims, and their radicalization. They were warned about it years ago, yet they opened the immigration flood gates anyway. And once they realized their blunder, they began to beat that 'You're a Racist, Xenophobe, Islamophobe' drum.

They shouted those down who were merely attempting to save their countries. I just hope Americans wake up and realize that it's beginning to happen here as well. Extremist Leftists and Muslims will incite a radicalization process. The process could be underway in the U.S. already.
Well it's obvious that you prefer rethoric over actual trying to come up with well taught out points, so I'll speak in language you can understand :funnyface:. Hope I didn't over complicate it.

Let's not repeat the extremist Leftist blunder in Western Europe. Let's not go down that dark bloody path.
Has anyone asked the Kahn family about the religion of peace and Iranian supplied bomb used to kill their son?

Their son was fighting on OUR side

It is Trump who is trying to dny them their constitutional religious freedoms
Has anyone asked the Kahn family about the religion of peace and Iranian supplied bomb used to kill their son?

Their son was fighting on OUR side

It is Trump who is trying to dny them their constitutional religious freedoms
My question stands. What is the statement from the family of the religion and Iranian supplied weapon used to kill their son.
Has anyone asked the Kahn family about the religion of peace and Iranian supplied bomb used to kill their son?

Their son was fighting on OUR side

It is Trump who is trying to dny them their constitutional religious freedoms
My question stands. What is the statement from the family of the religion and Iranian supplied weapon used to kill their son.

They have already made their statement

Their son fought for his country and not against Islam
Has anyone asked the Kahn family about the religion of peace and Iranian supplied bomb used to kill their son?

Their son was fighting on OUR side

It is Trump who is trying to dny them their constitutional religious freedoms
My question stands. What is the statement from the family of the religion and Iranian supplied weapon used to kill their son.

They have already made their statement

Their son fought for his country and not against Islam
Ignoring the role of Islam and Iran in their sons death.
Americans really better wake up. This is how it all started in many Western European nations. The radicalization process began with extremist Muslims and Leftists labeling anyone who disagreed with them as 'Racists', 'Xenophobes', and so on.

This Kahn guy is more dangerous than most Americans think. England, France, Germany, Belgium, and others had too many just like him. They incite radicalization. Americans better pay closer attention. These folks are very dangerous.
You are simply a complete fucking idiot. I personally believe that scum who disparage the patriotism of military families should be shot in the face.

He's dangerous. It's exactly how the radicalization process began in Western Europe. It started with branding anyone who disagreed with extremist Muslims and Leftists, as 'Racists', 'Xenophobes', and so on. I hope Americans are paying close attention. This is how it begins.
You Trump followers are too stupid to continue living. Draw the appropriate conclusions and act accordingly.

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