NOW Liberals Care About the National Debt!

It's only a debt when the Dems are in charge.

When the repubs are running things it's just a number out there in the ether that will have to be dealt with at some point in time.

Yeah, kind of like when Republicans subsidize something, it's pandering to their friends. When Democrats subsidize something, they call it an "Investment In America."
It's only a debt when the Dems are in charge.

When the repubs are running things it's just a number out there in the ether that will have to be dealt with at some point in time.

Yeah, kind of like when Republicans subsidize something, it's pandering to their friends. When Democrats subsidize something, they call it an "Investment In America."

Yes, just like that. Amazing how alike partisan hacks are irregardless of which way they lean.
Okay, it's kinda rare to find a liberal interested in an honest conversation nowadays, so many full time Hate Trumpers on the left wishing for his destruction and failure along with the deplorables that support him.

Again, the people said "No".

But even if Trump manages to get through four years without fucking it all up, the fact he got there playing on racism and misogyny is a sad commentary on us as a nation.

Democrats.. always pushing their race baiting racist tactics and always epically hypocritical on misogyny.
Wow! That's one of the dumbest things I've read in a long time.

Yes, helping people is dumb. Giving the rich huge giveaways is totally what Jesus would do.
Jesus taught to give unto Ceaser that which is Ceaser's and unto God that which is God's. I am glad that you no longer get to determine what Ceaser is entitled to. In the Bible the CHURCH is responsible for the poor and down trodden not the government.

Twisting Gods word for your agenda is pure evil.. But then God warned us that evil would present itself as an angle of light..
Liberals like instant gratification, they should move their like they promised to do if Trump Won... now that he's constantly winning and they keep losing they showed be inspired to do so, and soon....

Actually, he's not constantly winning. He's accomplished very little and is one of the most unpopular presidents in history.

Jesus fucking Christ, he lost a senate seat in Alabama!

Yup, Dems are great at character assassinations and gutter politics in collusion with their fake news anti-American propagandists..:wink_2:..
Yup, Dems are great at character assassinations and gutter politics in collusion with their fake news anti-American propagandists..

Did it ever occur to you that Roy Moore really is kind of a creep. This is a guy who got removed from the bench TWICE for misconduct. (Once for illegally displaying the 10 Commandments, once for refusing to recognize gay marriage after SCOTUS had ruled.)

The Kiddy Diddling was just icing on the cake.
An interesting look at the deficit since the 60s.


I didn't quite understand the chart and wanted to avoid assumption. Found that this helped me with some explanation of the figures:


Looking towards the future the question becomes whether tax reform puts the pedal to the metal as far as economic growth goes? By the chart's past history of Reagan and GW Bush's numbers it doesn't look promising.
Neither the GOP or DFL care about the debt. Two peas in the same pod.
Until this country has a serious discussion on the scope of a bloated Federal government and the waste associated due to spending above revenues nothing will change.
The GOP failed on this promise to deal with spending hence the rise in debt.
I will gladly take more back of my confiscated pay...but I would rather see the Federal government stick to its enumerated powers as defined in the Constitution.
Return of offshore funds, big or small business cuts to 21%, cuts for every low bracket, child tax credit $2K.......caps on homes, state tax etc. all great!! IMVHO.

The last minute upper bracket drop gives me extreme pause? Why am I so upset about this? Does Tim Cook or Albert Puljos really need another $500K take home pay? Not to mention the Wall st. Loophole they refused to fix? I don't understand it, but I don't like the sound of it. "Carried interest". Trump wanted it ended or so I heard. Congress said no.
Its rather stunning how entitled people are... When 50% of America gets tax relief those who have their hand outs cry "where is mine"
Return of offshore funds, big or small business cuts to 21%, cuts for every low bracket, child tax credit $2K.......caps on homes, state tax etc. all great!! IMVHO.

The last minute upper bracket drop gives me extreme pause? Why am I so upset about this? Does Tim Cook or Albert Puljos really need another $500K take home pay? Not to mention the Wall st. Loophole they refused to fix? I don't understand it, but I don't like the sound of it. "Carried interest". Trump wanted it ended or so I heard. Congress said no.
I fully expect many of your concerns will be dealt with over the next 2 or 3 years. However, I am also a realist and understand there must be give and take to get things done.

I'm just happy that the mandate is gone as well as the penalty for this year... That was a 2 grand gift right there..
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I'm not going to pretend to understand how all the economic levers work, or who best controls them. I know that for the last 8 years a sense of malaise was evident, few people were doing much better than getting by.

Most people I know are optimistic now more than ever.

I oppose nearly everything the democrook party endorses because I believe the party agenda has more inspiration from Karl Marx than Thomas Jefferson. First and foremost is the gun policy. Only a tyrant wants a state more powerful than it's people.

Secondly, the democrook party keeps generations of people in what was sold as a "safety net" in hammocks. They're confined to inner city slums and trailer parks when not in prison. Keeping people dependent is still slavery.

It's pretty clear to me that libertarian politics is superior as a governing philosophy but the most powerful "opposition" to the nanny state sociopaths is the republicrat party.

Anyway, we need to stop automatically increasing spending. Do that for a few years alone and it would reduce debt.

Its rather stunning how entitled people are... When 50% of America gets tax relief those who have their hand outs cry "where is mine"
Return of offshore funds, big or small business cuts to 21%, cuts for every low bracket, child tax credit $2K.......caps on homes, state tax etc. all great!! IMVHO.

The last minute upper bracket drop gives me extreme pause? Why am I so upset about this? Does Tim Cook or Albert Puljos really need another $500K take home pay? Not to mention the Wall st. Loophole they refused to fix? I don't understand it, but I don't like the sound of it. "Carried interest". Trump wanted it ended or so I heard. Congress said no.
I fully expect many of your concerns will be dealt with over the next 2 or 3 years. However, I am also a realist and understand there must be give and take to get things done.

I'm just happy that the mandate is gone as well as the penalty for this year... That was a 2 grand gift right there..

You and 6.5 million other people that got screwed by the penalty in 2016. I think we can rely on their vote after they learn Trump got rid of that idiotic penalty.
Let's try, free college education, free medical insurance, free food, free housing, free drugs, open borders, closed prisons, no military, no religion, baby death at will for free, taxes at 80% .. etc. etc. etc.

... the liberal Democratic Party plan.. it sounds brilliant and so economically sound... :lol:
You got a link to that plan? Say it accurately or don’t say it at all

What, I kept my embellishments to a minimum.. where do you disagree.?
i just said to send a link showing who supports the agenda you laid out. I know you’re fucking around and all but at some point there’s gotta be some honest conversation

Okay, it's kinda rare to find a liberal interested in an honest conversation nowadays, so many full time Hate Trumpers on the left wishing for his destruction and failure along with the deplorables that support him.
Well you are the one who decides what kind of conversations you engage in. You can go to the gutter or you can get real
Its rather stunning how entitled people are... When 50% of America gets tax relief those who have their hand outs cry "where is mine"
Return of offshore funds, big or small business cuts to 21%, cuts for every low bracket, child tax credit $2K.......caps on homes, state tax etc. all great!! IMVHO.

The last minute upper bracket drop gives me extreme pause? Why am I so upset about this? Does Tim Cook or Albert Puljos really need another $500K take home pay? Not to mention the Wall st. Loophole they refused to fix? I don't understand it, but I don't like the sound of it. "Carried interest". Trump wanted it ended or so I heard. Congress said no.
I fully expect many of your concerns will be dealt with over the next 2 or 3 years. However, I am also a realist and understand there must be give and take to get things done.

I'm just happy that the mandate is gone as well as the penalty for this year... That was a 2 grand gift right there..
2 grand gift? Why are you planning on dropping your health insurance?
Its rather stunning how entitled people are... When 50% of America gets tax relief those who have their hand outs cry "where is mine"
Return of offshore funds, big or small business cuts to 21%, cuts for every low bracket, child tax credit $2K.......caps on homes, state tax etc. all great!! IMVHO.

The last minute upper bracket drop gives me extreme pause? Why am I so upset about this? Does Tim Cook or Albert Puljos really need another $500K take home pay? Not to mention the Wall st. Loophole they refused to fix? I don't understand it, but I don't like the sound of it. "Carried interest". Trump wanted it ended or so I heard. Congress said no.
I fully expect many of your concerns will be dealt with over the next 2 or 3 years. However, I am also a realist and understand there must be give and take to get things done.

I'm just happy that the mandate is gone as well as the penalty for this year... That was a 2 grand gift right there..

You and 6.5 million other people that got screwed by the penalty in 2016. I think we can rely on their vote after they learn Trump got rid of that idiotic penalty.
How are your premiums gonna look after 6.5 million drop out of the market? I heard it was estimated close to 13 mill
Yup, Dems are great at character assassinations and gutter politics in collusion with their fake news anti-American propagandists..

Did it ever occur to you that Roy Moore really is kind of a creep. This is a guy who got removed from the bench TWICE for misconduct. (Once for illegally displaying the 10 Commandments, once for refusing to recognize gay marriage after SCOTUS had ruled.)

The Kiddy Diddling was just icing on the cake.

I don't the guy (he does seem odd though), Alalabamans do but crucifying them, then cheering and still not having the actual facts..

...maniacal much.. :coffee:
Let's try, free college education, free medical insurance, free food, free housing, free drugs, open borders, closed prisons, no military, no religion, baby death at will for free, taxes at 80% .. etc. etc. etc.

... the liberal Democratic Party plan.. it sounds brilliant and so economically sound... :lol:
You got a link to that plan? Say it accurately or don’t say it at all

What, I kept my embellishments to a minimum.. where do you disagree.?
i just said to send a link showing who supports the agenda you laid out. I know you’re fucking around and all but at some point there’s gotta be some honest conversation

Okay, it's kinda rare to find a liberal interested in an honest conversation nowadays, so many full time Hate Trumpers on the left wishing for his destruction and failure along with the deplorables that support him.
Well you are the one who decides what kind of conversations you engage in. You can go to the gutter or you can get real

Yup, pretty well..

mmm.. maybe you had a political epiphany and now it's all my fault... :poke:
Its rather stunning how entitled people are... When 50% of America gets tax relief those who have their hand outs cry "where is mine"
Return of offshore funds, big or small business cuts to 21%, cuts for every low bracket, child tax credit $2K.......caps on homes, state tax etc. all great!! IMVHO.

The last minute upper bracket drop gives me extreme pause? Why am I so upset about this? Does Tim Cook or Albert Puljos really need another $500K take home pay? Not to mention the Wall st. Loophole they refused to fix? I don't understand it, but I don't like the sound of it. "Carried interest". Trump wanted it ended or so I heard. Congress said no.
I fully expect many of your concerns will be dealt with over the next 2 or 3 years. However, I am also a realist and understand there must be give and take to get things done.

I'm just happy that the mandate is gone as well as the penalty for this year... That was a 2 grand gift right there..

You and 6.5 million other people that got screwed by the penalty in 2016. I think we can rely on their vote after they learn Trump got rid of that idiotic penalty.
How are your premiums gonna look after 6.5 million drop out of the market? I heard it was estimated close to 13 mill

It will probably look pretty bad, but the way things were going, they were going to be bad anyway.

Those 6.5 million were never in the market, that's why they got fined. If you can't afford insurance, you sure can't afford those penalties either. Did Obama or the Democrats care? Hell no. Either march in lockstep or you are tossed out. Remember one of DumBama's campaign promises, nobody making under 250K will see a tax increase of any kind?

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