NOW Liberals Care About the National Debt!

Its rather stunning how entitled people are... When 50% of America gets tax relief those who have their hand outs cry "where is mine"
Return of offshore funds, big or small business cuts to 21%, cuts for every low bracket, child tax credit $2K.......caps on homes, state tax etc. all great!! IMVHO.

The last minute upper bracket drop gives me extreme pause? Why am I so upset about this? Does Tim Cook or Albert Puljos really need another $500K take home pay? Not to mention the Wall st. Loophole they refused to fix? I don't understand it, but I don't like the sound of it. "Carried interest". Trump wanted it ended or so I heard. Congress said no.
I fully expect many of your concerns will be dealt with over the next 2 or 3 years. However, I am also a realist and understand there must be give and take to get things done.

I'm just happy that the mandate is gone as well as the penalty for this year... That was a 2 grand gift right there..
2 grand gift? Why are you planning on dropping your health insurance?
I am one of those who COULDN'T AFFORD YOUR "affordable care" So i am happy to get MY MONEY and use it to pay my medical bills..
I don't the guy (he does seem odd though), Alalabamans do but crucifying them, then cheering and still not having the actual facts..

I think we had all the facts we needed. A whole history of this sort of behavior,including a shopping mall banning him from the premesis for hitting on teen girls.

Just need to pick up two more for Senate Control...
Looking at straight dollars vice percent added is the incorrect way to look at this. The value of the dollar changes over time plus there is the cumulative effect from the interest on debt added by those that came before you.

  • Obama added 68% to the national debt in 8 years.
  • Bush Jr. added 101% to the national debt in 8 years.
  • Clinton added 32% to the national debt in 8 years.
  • Bush Sr. added 54% to the national debt in 4 years.
  • Reagan added 168% to the national debt in 8 years.
So, in a total of 20 year Conservatives added 323% to the debt. While Liberals added 100% in 16 years.
Or put another way, while a Conservative was in the White House 16.15% was added to the debt per year. While Liberals were in the White House 6.25% was added per year.

The moral of the story, neither of the two major parties nor their followers care about debt or the deficit when they control the White HOuse.
We have had 100+ years of career politicians putting this country deeper in debt... and yet we still put them in office year after year.
The thing is...

Democrats run up debts to keep people from starving during recessions.

Republicans run up debts to fight wars and give tax breaks to billionaires.

Sometimes motives matter a little more than results.
You sound like a bitch in heat...
The thing is...

Democrats run up debts to keep people from starving during recessions.

Republicans run up debts to fight wars and give tax breaks to billionaires.

Sometimes motives matter a little more than results.

Wow! That's one of the dumbest things I've read in a long time.

You are very funny. And your proof or evidence is what?
Its rather stunning how entitled people are... When 50% of America gets tax relief those who have their hand outs cry "where is mine"
Return of offshore funds, big or small business cuts to 21%, cuts for every low bracket, child tax credit $2K.......caps on homes, state tax etc. all great!! IMVHO.

The last minute upper bracket drop gives me extreme pause? Why am I so upset about this? Does Tim Cook or Albert Puljos really need another $500K take home pay? Not to mention the Wall st. Loophole they refused to fix? I don't understand it, but I don't like the sound of it. "Carried interest". Trump wanted it ended or so I heard. Congress said no.
I fully expect many of your concerns will be dealt with over the next 2 or 3 years. However, I am also a realist and understand there must be give and take to get things done.

I'm just happy that the mandate is gone as well as the penalty for this year... That was a 2 grand gift right there..

You and 6.5 million other people that got screwed by the penalty in 2016. I think we can rely on their vote after they learn Trump got rid of that idiotic penalty.
How are your premiums gonna look after 6.5 million drop out of the market? I heard it was estimated close to 13 mill

It will probably look pretty bad, but the way things were going, they were going to be bad anyway.

Those 6.5 million were never in the market, that's why they got fined. If you can't afford insurance, you sure can't afford those penalties either. Did Obama or the Democrats care? Hell no. Either march in lockstep or you are tossed out. Remember one of DumBama's campaign promises, nobody making under 250K will see a tax increase of any kind?
If you can’t afford insurance then Medicaid is available. If you make too much for Medicaid then you can afford insurance. At least that how the theory is supposed to work. Premiums were shooting up long before Obamacare so you can’t exactly say that it’s all the ACAs fault. With that said Insurance and healthcare costs are extremely too high and something needs to be done. What’s haopening right now is only going to increase the uninsured numbers and raise premiums. Simple math
Its rather stunning how entitled people are... When 50% of America gets tax relief those who have their hand outs cry "where is mine"
Return of offshore funds, big or small business cuts to 21%, cuts for every low bracket, child tax credit $2K.......caps on homes, state tax etc. all great!! IMVHO.

The last minute upper bracket drop gives me extreme pause? Why am I so upset about this? Does Tim Cook or Albert Puljos really need another $500K take home pay? Not to mention the Wall st. Loophole they refused to fix? I don't understand it, but I don't like the sound of it. "Carried interest". Trump wanted it ended or so I heard. Congress said no.
I fully expect many of your concerns will be dealt with over the next 2 or 3 years. However, I am also a realist and understand there must be give and take to get things done.

I'm just happy that the mandate is gone as well as the penalty for this year... That was a 2 grand gift right there..
2 grand gift? Why are you planning on dropping your health insurance?
I am one of those who COULDN'T AFFORD YOUR "affordable care" So i am happy to get MY MONEY and use it to pay my medical bills..
If you can’t afford insurance then why aren’t you on Medicaid and if you’re that strapped how in the world do you think you can afford to pay medical bills without insurance?. One stint in the hospital and you are out 100s of thousands.
Its rather stunning how entitled people are... When 50% of America gets tax relief those who have their hand outs cry "where is mine"
Return of offshore funds, big or small business cuts to 21%, cuts for every low bracket, child tax credit $2K.......caps on homes, state tax etc. all great!! IMVHO.

The last minute upper bracket drop gives me extreme pause? Why am I so upset about this? Does Tim Cook or Albert Puljos really need another $500K take home pay? Not to mention the Wall st. Loophole they refused to fix? I don't understand it, but I don't like the sound of it. "Carried interest". Trump wanted it ended or so I heard. Congress said no.
I fully expect many of your concerns will be dealt with over the next 2 or 3 years. However, I am also a realist and understand there must be give and take to get things done.

I'm just happy that the mandate is gone as well as the penalty for this year... That was a 2 grand gift right there..

You and 6.5 million other people that got screwed by the penalty in 2016. I think we can rely on their vote after they learn Trump got rid of that idiotic penalty.
How are your premiums gonna look after 6.5 million drop out of the market? I heard it was estimated close to 13 mill

It will probably look pretty bad, but the way things were going, they were going to be bad anyway.

Those 6.5 million were never in the market, that's why they got fined. If you can't afford insurance, you sure can't afford those penalties either. Did Obama or the Democrats care? Hell no. Either march in lockstep or you are tossed out. Remember one of DumBama's campaign promises, nobody making under 250K will see a tax increase of any kind?
If you can’t afford insurance then Medicaid is available. If you make too much for Medicaid then you can afford insurance. At least that how the theory is supposed to work. Premiums were shooting up long before Obamacare so you can’t exactly say that it’s all the ACAs fault. With that said Insurance and healthcare costs are extremely too high and something needs to be done. What’s haopening right now is only going to increase the uninsured numbers and raise premiums. Simple math

The first part is HTF does government know what anybody can afford, because they say so?

Does government know what I pay for mortgage or rent? Does government know how much I pay in property tax, house insurance or rental insurance? Does the government know how much my car payment, car insurance, or gasoline usage to get to work is? Does government know if I have kids in college or paying child support? Does government know how much I pay for prescriptions every month or past medical bills? Does government know what my credit card balances are, a second mortgage, or what my utility bills are?

If not, HTF can they tell me what I can or can't afford?

You have to remember that Commie Care was not designed for working middle-income people, it was designed for lowlifes because lowlifes usually vote Democrat. So if you sweep floors for a living, make french fries, or stock shelves, you can get a policy for very cheap. Do you know what they wanted from me for a shitty plan? They wanted over 25% of my net pay every month. WTF can afford to do without 25% of their net income?
Its rather stunning how entitled people are... When 50% of America gets tax relief those who have their hand outs cry "where is mine"
Return of offshore funds, big or small business cuts to 21%, cuts for every low bracket, child tax credit $2K.......caps on homes, state tax etc. all great!! IMVHO.

The last minute upper bracket drop gives me extreme pause? Why am I so upset about this? Does Tim Cook or Albert Puljos really need another $500K take home pay? Not to mention the Wall st. Loophole they refused to fix? I don't understand it, but I don't like the sound of it. "Carried interest". Trump wanted it ended or so I heard. Congress said no.
I fully expect many of your concerns will be dealt with over the next 2 or 3 years. However, I am also a realist and understand there must be give and take to get things done.

I'm just happy that the mandate is gone as well as the penalty for this year... That was a 2 grand gift right there..
2 grand gift? Why are you planning on dropping your health insurance?
I am one of those who COULDN'T AFFORD YOUR "affordable care" So i am happy to get MY MONEY and use it to pay my medical bills..
If you can’t afford insurance then why aren’t you on Medicaid and if you’re that strapped how in the world do you think you can afford to pay medical bills without insurance?. One stint in the hospital and you are out 100s of thousands.
Screw you and your almighty government... I do not belong to the government and I pay my own dam bills. Because i am married and my wife has cancer my insurance payment monthly is quoted at 2770.00 a month on the Obamacare exchange. That is over 3/4 of my monthly income and because of my income I get to have a 7,000.00 dollar deductible on top of that... Take your commie care and go fuck yourself! You all want me to pay that and my own dam medical bills.

I was better off placing money into a health savings account over time and taking out a catastrophic policy. ObamaCare deprived me of my catastrophic plan and now I have to sell everything I own just to keep my wife alive and pay for the medications she needs every day.

I'm Tired of the handout mentality you idiots push.
Why didn't liberals voice any concern about the national debt when Barack Obama was piling up more debt than George W. Bush and Ronald Reagan combined? And what did we have to show for all that debt? Answer: the weakest economic growth since the Great Depression, the worst median family income levels in decades, and the worst U6 unemployment rate for an 8-year period in decades. Liberals were okay with that debt because it came from government borrowing and spending. Yet now, suddenly, liberals are screaming about the national debt because they mistakenly believe that tax cuts will cause a decrease in federal revenue and that therefore tax cuts will increase the deficit and the debt, yet history shows that federal revenue has gone up after every major tax cut since the early 1900s.

Anyway, let's just get some facts straight about the debt:
  • Obama added $7.9 trillion to the national debt in 8 years.
  • Bush Jr. added $5.8 trillion to the national debt in 8 years.
  • Clinton added $0 to the national debt in 8 years.
  • Bush Sr. added $1.5 trillion to the national debt in 4 years.
  • Reagan added $1.8 trillion to the national debt in 8 years.
If the Republicans had not forced some modest spending restraint on Obama in his last three years, he likely would have ended up adding more debt than the Bushes and Reagan combined did in 20 years. The Republicans saved Obama from achieving that infamy, but Obama still piled up more debt than both Bushes did in 12 years and more debt than Bush Jr. and Reagan did in 16 years.

More info: Which President Added Most to the U.S. Debt?
It isn't new. The right wing merely complain most, when the poor benefit.
Why didn't liberals voice any concern about the national debt when Barack Obama was piling up more debt than George W. Bush and Ronald Reagan combined? And what did we have to show for all that debt? Answer: the weakest economic growth since the Great Depression, the worst median family income levels in decades, and the worst U6 unemployment rate for an 8-year period in decades. Liberals were okay with that debt because it came from government borrowing and spending. Yet now, suddenly, liberals are screaming about the national debt because they mistakenly believe that tax cuts will cause a decrease in federal revenue and that therefore tax cuts will increase the deficit and the debt, yet history shows that federal revenue has gone up after every major tax cut since the early 1900s.

Anyway, let's just get some facts straight about the debt:
  • Obama added $7.9 trillion to the national debt in 8 years.
  • Bush Jr. added $5.8 trillion to the national debt in 8 years.
  • Clinton added $0 to the national debt in 8 years.
  • Bush Sr. added $1.5 trillion to the national debt in 4 years.
  • Reagan added $1.8 trillion to the national debt in 8 years.
If the Republicans had not forced some modest spending restraint on Obama in his last three years, he likely would have ended up adding more debt than the Bushes and Reagan combined did in 20 years. The Republicans saved Obama from achieving that infamy, but Obama still piled up more debt than both Bushes did in 12 years and more debt than Bush Jr. and Reagan did in 16 years.

More info: Which President Added Most to the U.S. Debt?

Right wing IDIOTS like the above moron....
"FORGET" that Obama was facing 800,000 NEW unemployment claims per month that GWB had left for him......
:FORGET" that the auto industry was on the verge of bankruptcy.
"FORGET" that Bush left him with TWO unpaid raging wars
"FORGET" that Bush left him with an UNPAID for Medicare Advantage., etc.

Either these idiots "forget" or they're too fucking stupid to admit reality.

Which is it moron???
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Its rather stunning how entitled people are... When 50% of America gets tax relief those who have their hand outs cry "where is mine"
Return of offshore funds, big or small business cuts to 21%, cuts for every low bracket, child tax credit $2K.......caps on homes, state tax etc. all great!! IMVHO.

The last minute upper bracket drop gives me extreme pause? Why am I so upset about this? Does Tim Cook or Albert Puljos really need another $500K take home pay? Not to mention the Wall st. Loophole they refused to fix? I don't understand it, but I don't like the sound of it. "Carried interest". Trump wanted it ended or so I heard. Congress said no.
I fully expect many of your concerns will be dealt with over the next 2 or 3 years. However, I am also a realist and understand there must be give and take to get things done.

I'm just happy that the mandate is gone as well as the penalty for this year... That was a 2 grand gift right there..
2 grand gift? Why are you planning on dropping your health insurance?
I am one of those who COULDN'T AFFORD YOUR "affordable care" So i am happy to get MY MONEY and use it to pay my medical bills..
If you can’t afford insurance then why aren’t you on Medicaid and if you’re that strapped how in the world do you think you can afford to pay medical bills without insurance?. One stint in the hospital and you are out 100s of thousands.
Screw you and your almighty government... I do not belong to the government and I pay my own dam bills. Because i am married and my wife has cancer my insurance payment monthly is quoted at 2770.00 a month on the Obamacare exchange. That is over 3/4 of my monthly income and because of my income I get to have a 7,000.00 dollar deductible on top of that... Take your commie care and go fuck yourself! You all want me to pay that and my own dam medical bills.

I was better off placing money into a health savings account over time and taking out a catastrophic policy. ObamaCare deprived me of my catastrophic plan and now I have to sell everything I own just to keep my wife alive and pay for the medications she needs every day.

I'm Tired of the handout mentality you idiots push.
I’m sorry to hear about your wife. Truly. But how do you afford to pay for cancer treatment without insurance?
Yes, Bush left Obama with quite the mess, but you know what, he got us through it.

Actually, Freddie, Fannie, the CRA, and Sarbanes-Oxley's suicidal mark-to-market rules left Obama with quite the mess, not Bush, and the economy would have recovered much more strongly and quickly if Obama had not piled on more taxes, more regulation, and more borrowing.

There's no good reason to cut taxes now. The economy is doing fine, we are making some progress on bringing down the deficit, and wow, let's just run up another 1.4 Trillion in debt we don't need!

I know you guys don't like history, but every major tax cut since the early 1900s has been followed by a substantial increase in federal revenue. The tax cuts will not cost us anything in the long run. If history is any indication, in a few years we will see a net gain from the tax cuts.

The Facts About Tax Cuts, Revenue, and Growth

But, hey, you're of course free to return your tax cut to the Treasury. If liberals really believe their own propaganda that letting people and companies keep more of their money somehow harms the economy, they should all return their tax cuts to the Treasury.
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Why didn't liberals voice any concern about the national debt when Barack Obama was piling up more debt than George W. Bush and Ronald Reagan combined? And what did we have to show for all that debt? Answer: the weakest economic growth since the Great Depression, the worst median family income levels in decades, and the worst U6 unemployment rate for an 8-year period in decades. Liberals were okay with that debt because it came from government borrowing and spending. Yet now, suddenly, liberals are screaming about the national debt because they mistakenly believe that tax cuts will cause a decrease in federal revenue and that therefore tax cuts will increase the deficit and the debt, yet history shows that federal revenue has gone up after every major tax cut since the early 1900s.

Anyway, let's just get some facts straight about the debt:
  • Obama added $7.9 trillion to the national debt in 8 years.
  • Bush Jr. added $5.8 trillion to the national debt in 8 years.
  • Clinton added $0 to the national debt in 8 years.
  • Bush Sr. added $1.5 trillion to the national debt in 4 years.
  • Reagan added $1.8 trillion to the national debt in 8 years.
If the Republicans had not forced some modest spending restraint on Obama in his last three years, he likely would have ended up adding more debt than the Bushes and Reagan combined did in 20 years. The Republicans saved Obama from achieving that infamy, but Obama still piled up more debt than both Bushes did in 12 years and more debt than Bush Jr. and Reagan did in 16 years.

More info: Which President Added Most to the U.S. Debt?

Right wing IDIOTS like the above moron....
"FORGET" that Obama was facing 800,000 NEW unemployment claims per month that GWB had left for him......
:FORGET" that the auto industry was on the verge of bankruptcy.
"FORGET" that Bush left him with TWO unpaid raging wars
"FORGET" that Bush left him with an UNPAID for Medicare Advantage., etc.

Either these idiots "forget" or they're too fucking stupid to admit reality.

Which is it moron???


But Medicare has three other parts: Part B (which covers physician services and medical supplies not paid for by Part A); Part C (Medicare Advantage, which provides benefits through a private insurance company); and Part D (which is the prescription drug benefit). Medicare Parts B and D are financed through the Supplementary Medical Insurance Trust Fund, or SMI, which is supported mostly by general revenues and premiums paid by beneficiaries. Part C includes Part A and Part B, but is coverage offered through private plans rather than traditional Medicare.

Ryan's Muddy Medicare Claims -
Its rather stunning how entitled people are... When 50% of America gets tax relief those who have their hand outs cry "where is mine"
I fully expect many of your concerns will be dealt with over the next 2 or 3 years. However, I am also a realist and understand there must be give and take to get things done.

I'm just happy that the mandate is gone as well as the penalty for this year... That was a 2 grand gift right there..
2 grand gift? Why are you planning on dropping your health insurance?
I am one of those who COULDN'T AFFORD YOUR "affordable care" So i am happy to get MY MONEY and use it to pay my medical bills..
If you can’t afford insurance then why aren’t you on Medicaid and if you’re that strapped how in the world do you think you can afford to pay medical bills without insurance?. One stint in the hospital and you are out 100s of thousands.
Screw you and your almighty government... I do not belong to the government and I pay my own dam bills. Because i am married and my wife has cancer my insurance payment monthly is quoted at 2770.00 a month on the Obamacare exchange. That is over 3/4 of my monthly income and because of my income I get to have a 7,000.00 dollar deductible on top of that... Take your commie care and go fuck yourself! You all want me to pay that and my own dam medical bills.

I was better off placing money into a health savings account over time and taking out a catastrophic policy. ObamaCare deprived me of my catastrophic plan and now I have to sell everything I own just to keep my wife alive and pay for the medications she needs every day.

I'm Tired of the handout mentality you idiots push.
I’m sorry to hear about your wife. Truly. But how do you afford to pay for cancer treatment without insurance?
Because of the lefts ignorance I will be paying for it the rest of my life. Your Ilk deprived me of what worked and dealt with what i needed... Your ilk deprived me of stability and my insurance that suited our needs.. Kindly take your socialist crap and shove it up your ass.
Why didn't liberals voice any concern about the national debt when Barack Obama was piling up more debt than George W. Bush and Ronald Reagan combined? And what did we have to show for all that debt? Answer: the weakest economic growth since the Great Depression, the worst median family income levels in decades, and the worst U6 unemployment rate for an 8-year period in decades. Liberals were okay with that debt because it came from government borrowing and spending. Yet now, suddenly, liberals are screaming about the national debt because they mistakenly believe that tax cuts will cause a decrease in federal revenue and that therefore tax cuts will increase the deficit and the debt, yet history shows that federal revenue has gone up after every major tax cut since the early 1900s.

Anyway, let's just get some facts straight about the debt:
  • Obama added $7.9 trillion to the national debt in 8 years.
  • Bush Jr. added $5.8 trillion to the national debt in 8 years.
  • Clinton added $0 to the national debt in 8 years.
  • Bush Sr. added $1.5 trillion to the national debt in 4 years.
  • Reagan added $1.8 trillion to the national debt in 8 years.
If the Republicans had not forced some modest spending restraint on Obama in his last three years, he likely would have ended up adding more debt than the Bushes and Reagan combined did in 20 years. The Republicans saved Obama from achieving that infamy, but Obama still piled up more debt than both Bushes did in 12 years and more debt than Bush Jr. and Reagan did in 16 years.

More info: Which President Added Most to the U.S. Debt?
That's hilarious.

What did Obama spend the money on? After all, Republicans took away the country's ability to bring in revenue.

They helped millions of jobs move to China.
They did nothing as 87% of lost manufacturing jobs were automated.
Trump said Bush spent 5 trillion on Iraq.
Medicare part D costing at least a trillion
The recession and losing jobs at the rate of 750,000 jobs a month

And what kind of economy did Obama leave Trump.
Compare that to the economy the GOP and Bush left Obama.

It's just so weird the way you fukers try to change history. And recent history at that.

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