Now like I said they would. The right wing is attacking Biden over baby formula shortage. Boy I can see it come a mile away. Woke right wingers at it

Do I blame Biden for this? Not really. Lack of workers these days is really a major problem. My factory is suffering from a lack of a workforce. The pay is amazing, as well as the benefits. So what gives? Maybe it's a combo of the covid scare, a lack of desire to get back to work post lockdowns, etc. This can be blamed on government partly during Trumps era, and all throughout Bidens presidency. Can this all be blamed on Biden? No. Can some of it be? I believe so.
Well this has been coming to a head since at least this past February yet the administration acts like it's something new. Tone deaf does not even start to describe it. Thing is it's going to be at least 8-10 weeks before any real relief is seen.

Notice how this has blew the dem's abortion BS out of the water. The dems fucking with the feeding of babies will absolutely destroy them come the fall.....The swing vote will be something to see.

Oh and mothers are also asking their reps how they found pallets of formula to send to illegals but none to their states.....It's not just rhetorical now.....They want answers.

These cons are predictable. All woke and stuff about something the government doesn't have control of.

Boy, fuck up the supply chain, then take the few supplies there are to give to illegals, and the "cons" start blaming you for your own fuckups..

How unfair....
Do I blame Biden for this? Not really. Lack of workers these days is really a major problem. My factory is suffering from a lack of a workforce. The pay is amazing, as well as the benefits. So what gives? Maybe it's a combo of the covid scare, a lack of desire to get back to work post lockdowns, etc. This can be blamed on government partly during Trumps era, and all throughout Bidens presidency. Can this all be blamed on Biden? No. Can some of it be? I believe so.
Who prohibited the importation of baby formula from Europe? Who shuttered the entire factory of the largest formula maker last February? Who seized available formula for the exclusive use of criminals? NOW you have the nerve to say Biden had nothing to do with this made up crisis?

That's piss not rain.
Who prohibited the importation of baby formula from Europe? Who shuttered the entire factory of the largest formula maker last February? Who seized available formula for the exclusive use of criminals? NOW you have the nerve to say Biden had nothing to do with this made up crisis?

That's piss not rain.

I didn't say he didn't have anything to do with it, I just said he's not 100% the blame. He has his share of the problem. I'm just saying it's a multi faceted issue, that's affecting a LOT of industry. Baby formula is just making the headlines now.

These cons are predictable. All woke and stuff about something the government doesn't have control of.
Awesome! Soon we can be just like China where no one gives a shit about intellectual property. What a brave new world we are moving toward. You know fuck those writers and the people who but the rights. We don't need good movies or music. Screw those writers and those who invest in them they can work at McDonald's.
Do I blame Biden for this? Not really. Lack of workers these days is really a major problem. My factory is suffering from a lack of a workforce. The pay is amazing, as well as the benefits. So what gives? Maybe it's a combo of the covid scare, a lack of desire to get back to work post lockdowns, etc. This can be blamed on government partly during Trumps era, and all throughout Bidens presidency. Can this all be blamed on Biden? No. Can some of it be? I believe so.
That's the most reasonable response I think I've ever seen on a message board. Imagine that-critical thinking and a well thought out reply- all done without name calling.
Do I blame Biden for this? Not really. Lack of workers these days is really a major problem. My factory is suffering from a lack of a workforce. The pay is amazing, as well as the benefits. So what gives? Maybe it's a combo of the covid scare, a lack of desire to get back to work post lockdowns, etc. This can be blamed on government partly during Trumps era, and all throughout Bidens presidency. Can this all be blamed on Biden? No. Can some of it be? I believe so.
Vaccine mandates. Millions fired from their jobs or quit because of them. Yes, you can blame Biden for that.
The democrats blamed everything bad on Trump, even if it wasn't his fault, like Fau-Chi's Covid pandemic.
Now after a year of reversing all of Trump's successful policies the democrats want to blame Trump!
Lying coxuckers will find out in November who the gullible voters are.
We are attacking the sonofabitch because it is a serious problem for our children and he ain't doing jackshit from the Federal level to fix it.

If Trump was President he would have the plant up and running by now with the military or contractors delivering the formula to the stores. like what he did with emergency pandemic supplies..

All this fucking piece of shit Potatohead is doing is sending pallet loads of baby formula to feed the goddamn illegals.

Typical Potatohead incompency. We see it in everything he does. He is a complete failure and anybody that voted for him is an idiot.

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