Now like I said they would. The right wing is attacking Biden over baby formula shortage. Boy I can see it come a mile away. Woke right wingers at it

And if this was happening under Trump or any Republican President the left would be doing the exact same thing. This SOP for both parties you must be new to the planet to not know this or at least be pretending you don’t.
We are attacking the sonofabitch because it is a serious problem for our children and he ain't doing jackshit from the Federal level to fix it.

If Trump was President he would have the plant up and running by now with the military or contractors delivering the formula to the stores. like what he did with emergency pandemic supplies..

All this fucking piece of shit Potatohead is doing is sending pallet loads of baby formula to feed the goddamn illegals.

Typical Potatohead incompency. We see it in everything he does. He is a complete failure and anybody that voted for him is an idiot.
If Trump was president we wouldn't be delivering pallet loads of formula to the border because the number of illegal immigrants exploded by a factor 0f 20.

These cons are predictable. All woke and stuff about something the government doesn't have control of.

Apparently the Right wants baby formula sold EVEN IF it's con-taminated. Go figure.
Yes, you can easily predict that conservatives will point it out whenever Biden fucks up.
Experts say this is the worst formula shortage in decades. It’s also the latest example of how the US health system’s failures consistently fall hardest on people with complex medical conditions and people who are socioeconomically disadvantaged.

The shortage can be traced back to a contamination problem at an Abbott factory that produces much of the Similac formula, as well as several other brands, for the US market, Abbott voluntarily shut down the factory in February, amid consumer complaints about contaminated formula that was linked to two infant deaths

So much for you being pro-life, eh?

These cons are predictable. All woke and stuff about something the government doesn't have control of.
This is just like when Trump, Obama, Bush, Clinton, Bush, Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon and LBJ were in office, the President gets blamed by the other party. lol!!!
Experts say this is the worst formula shortage in decades. It’s also the latest example of how the US health system’s failures consistently fall hardest on people with complex medical conditions and people who are socioeconomically disadvantaged.

The shortage can be traced back to a contamination problem at an Abbott factory that produces much of the Similac formula, as well as several other brands, for the US market, Abbott voluntarily shut down the factory in February, amid consumer complaints about contaminated formula that was linked to two infant deaths

So much for you being pro-life, eh?
First off: Ive never said one way or the other whether I'm "pro-life."

Second: How does this have anything to with abortion?

You're the queen of non sequiturs.
Yes and no. Some states were more tolerant than others. That's the beauty of what Trump did, he left it up to the states to decide on their own response.
Were you on a different planet for the last year? The vaccine mandates were not state-specific. It was a federal regulation instituted by OSHA. All companies that fit the profile of 100+ employees were required to abide by it. You're spinning garbage here in this thread.
Woke is your terminology created by you. Being that you are incapable of original thought you now want to apply Woke to conservative.
We have been awake for decades, it is you that is coming out of some odd, comical slumber.
Experts say this is the worst formula shortage in decades. It’s also the latest example of how the US health system’s failures consistently fall hardest on people with complex medical conditions and people who are socioeconomically disadvantaged.

The shortage can be traced back to a contamination problem at an Abbott factory that produces much of the Similac formula, as well as several other brands, for the US market, Abbott voluntarily shut down the factory in February, amid consumer complaints about contaminated formula that was linked to two infant deaths

So much for you being pro-life, eh?
Funny that Abbot factory was not gone over with a fine tooth comb until right now. Created cris time Again
Were you on a different planet for the last year? The vaccine mandates were not state-specific. It was a federal regulation instituted by OSHA. All companies that fit the profile of 100+ employees were required to abide by it. You're spinning garbage here in this thread.

Did you not notice the enormous pushback that stopped it before it even took off? In November 2021, the mandate was decided, but before it could even go into effect, OSHA pushed it back, and by January 2022, they called the whole thing off. They tried, but it didn't work. Nobody took it seriously. Some tee-totaler companies did it themselves, and that's their own fucking fault. You make it seem as if Biden succeeded at something.

News flash, yet again, he didn't.

Apparently the Right wants baby formula sold EVEN IF it's con-taminated. Go figure.
No Moon Bat you are confused. It is all that hate that is making you confused.

What Americans want is for the supply to return to normal and this incompetent asshole President you Moon Bats allowed to steal an election isn't doing jackshit to make that happen.

Of course the asshole is sending pallets of available stock to the goddamn Illegals and that it is despicable when American babies are doing without.
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These cons are predictable. All woke and stuff about something the government doesn't have control of.

When President Trump was faced with a shortage of ventilators and other medical equipment, he went out and took care of business.

What's stopping Brandon?

Instead of an "Operation Warp Speed" to deal with it, he has launched "Operation Snail's Pace".
When President Trump was faced with a shortage of ventilators and other medical equipment, he went out and took care of business.

What's stopping Brandon?

Instead of an "Operation Warp Speed" to deal with it, he has launched "Operation Snail's Pace".

No one has bribed Quid Pro. He ain't doing nuthin until someone slips him some cash....

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