Now Missouri

Immigration or even invasion isn't insurrection. Even if they start with the same letter.,

Besides, if anybody isn't doing their job and should be impeached, it's congress

Section 8: Powers of Congress

To provide for calling forth the Militia to execute the Laws of the Union, suppress Insurrections and repel Invasions;
Biden admitted to selling state secrets.

The essential issue though, is what is the legal standard for that? Is it conviction of a federal crime of Insurrection? What is it? Thats what SCOTUS will decide. I imagine they will determine that there needs to be a conviction of a federal crime for that or citing the 14th Amendment, or Federal legislation setting something up to determine, which has not been done.
Not only that but so called civil war insurrectionists went on to run, win, and serve in various US political offices.
The essential issue though, is what is the legal standard for that? Is it conviction of a federal crime of Insurrection? What is it?
We know Trump called the mob to the Capitol on January 6th. And when it turned into an insurrection, Trump did nothing for THREE HOURS, to stop it.

Remember: In June 2020, President Trump considered—and was talked out of—invoking the Insurrection Act against protesters who took to the streets
The essential issue though, is what is the legal standard for that? Is it conviction of a federal crime of Insurrection? What is it? Thats what SCOTUS will decide. I imagine they will determine that there needs to be a conviction of a federal crime for that or citing the 14th Amendment, or Federal legislation setting something up to determine, which has not been done.
Trump hasn't been charged with insurrection as far as I know.
If they charge him and it sticks, it will open the gates and we'll be able to purge all the democrats, including the ones that have invaded the repub party.
It's a win/win. Leftists are such stupid cockroaches.

Biden is not guilty of insurrection by any stretch of the imagination.

Biden isn't, because you said so. Trump is, because you said so.

Have you figured out yet why the Founders said innocent until proven guilty is a Constitutional right? What Biden is doing directly leads to giving aid and comfort to the enemy. If there's a traitor here, it's the pedophile murderer living on Pennsylvania Avenue. Go fuck yourself, insurrectionist supporter. No wonder people call you a magot, MAGAt
Then why are Democrats doing it to Trump?
They aren't. Benedict Donald demanded that Pence throwing out the legitimate slates of electors in various States and substituting forged ones in their place, enough to reverse the election and make Benedict Donald the President. That is a rebellion against the Constitution and everything it stands for.

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