Now Missouri

Right, so when Republicans take Biden off ballots for insurrection, you're good with it. The point you keep evading because your standards change with party.
Immigration or even invasion isn't insurrection. Even if they start with the same letter.,

Besides, if anybody isn't doing their job and should be impeached, it's congress

Section 8: Powers of Congress

To provide for calling forth the Militia to execute the Laws of the Union, suppress Insurrections and repel Invasions;
Is anyone supposed to be surprised that our divisions are rapidly increasing? Is this supposed to be a shock?

Those who have vested interest in increasing our divisions are winning, bigly. And they're not difficult to identify -- they're just hammering away, with binary, one-sided, all-or-nothing rhetoric that is meant to inflame, not heal. They must be amazed at how easy it is.
This insistence on compromise, MO matter what, with commies, crooks, perverts and the enemies of our country is why we are watching the fall of civilization.
This insistence on compromise, MO matter what, with commies, crooks, perverts and the enemies of our country is why we are watching the fall of civilization.
Funny thing. Missouri was a compromise. If you read history.
Immigration or even invasion isn't insurrection. Even if they start with the same letter.,

Besides, if anybody isn't doing their job and should be impeached, it's congress

Section 8: Powers of Congress

To provide for calling forth the Militia to execute the Laws of the Union, suppress Insurrections and repel Invasions;
Portland Zone supposedly left America during the summer of love. That is a real Insurrection.

Hell they basically declared a new country.
Immigration or even invasion isn't insurrection. Even if they start with the same letter.,

Besides, if anybody isn't doing their job and should be impeached, it's congress

Section 8: Powers of Congress

To provide for calling forth the Militia to execute the Laws of the Union, suppress Insurrections and repel Invasions;

LOL, you have identified exactly why you're a Nazi piece of shit. THAT is why we require a CONVICTION Adolf, so people aren't deciding that for yourself.

Clearly if Trump is guilty of insurrection, Biden is far more guilty. Biden is allowing Chinese, Russian, North Korean, Cuban, Venezuelan and any other spies and terrorists who want to cross our open border. Grow up, Stalinist prick. Your argument Trump doesn't have Constitutional rights is why you are a piece of crap
Removal from the ballot in retribution is not constitutional.

Democrats will largely abide by the SC decision, as will most of the old school Republicans.

The MAGANUTs will abide by whatever Benedict Donald tells them too.
Removal from the ballot in retribution is not constitutional.

Democrats will largely abide by the SC decision, as will most of the old school Republicans.

The MAGANUTs will abide by whatever Benedict Donald tells them too.
I'm wondering if the supreme court is afraid to rule against Trump, lest he send his armed MAGA's to their homes, or to attack the Supreme Court building like they did the Capitol.

Governance by intimidation.
The Constitution forbids those that have engaged in insurrection from being president.

The essential issue though, is what is the legal standard for that? Is it conviction of a federal crime of Insurrection? What is it? Thats what SCOTUS will decide. I imagine they will determine that there needs to be a conviction of a federal crime for that or citing the 14th Amendment, or Federal legislation setting something up to determine, which has not been done.
This is getting ridiculous.

Let the people decide. SCOTUS needs to address this

Missouri official threatens to remove Biden from 2024 presidential ballot if 'new legal standard' boots Trump

The left never think things through.
You know Biden didn't engage in insurrection, and Trump did. But since you're a screaming toddler, you can't admit it. All the other kewl kidz are lying, and you don't have the guts to refuse to lie along with them.
Biden is on record of saying that he sold state secrets.

You're actually claiming that a minor policy difference on immigration is "insurrection"?

That is, you're going full-Goebbels with the BigLie? You're shamelessly serving the Lord of Lies with that much gusto, just because you're too craven to disagee with the other cultists?

So sad. Another Trump cult soul lost to the clutches of Satan. Trump cultists are the personification of the banality of evil.
Trump has not been found guilty of insurrection. In fact, none of the 91 indictments is for insurrection.

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