Now more than enough votes to end shutdown


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2007
House Now Has The Votes To End Government Shutdown, But It Won't

WASHINGTON -- Less than two days after the government shut down, there are now more than 17 Republicans who say they're ready to pass a bill to fund the government with no strings attached, giving the House the votes it needs to pass a clean funding bill.

All 200 Democrats would need to stick together and team up with those Republicans to pass the bill, but House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) would have to be willing to put it to a vote, which so far he has given no indication he will do. But if he does, the votes appear to be there. The Senate would pass the bill in no time, sending it to be signed by President Barack Obama and ending the shutdown.

But the Speaker won't allow it. So now it is clear that the GOP leadership is blocking an end to the shurdown

The votes in the House are there to end it, and Boner won't allow a vote....SHAME!
YAY they have RHINO's ready to spread their ass cheeks for the Holy one YAY
Why SHOULD they give them when they don't receive a "string"
I know pussification is the Dem motto but some people still like their BALLS
The Republicans will not walk away from the Shutdown without Concessions.

It's simply not going to happen.

The question will be, what will get cut from the Gov't in the final scenario............
Let's dance.

I have no problem with the moderates in the party starting to sing high notes to Obama's songs and dances.

We need a a cleansing.
The Republicans will not walk away from the Shutdown without Concessions.

It's simply not going to happen.

The question will be, what will get cut from the Gov't in the final scenario............

The only thing I could imagine is cutting welfare back 2009. Anything else would hurt the economy and our edge in science @ tech.

What is it with you and science and tech?
Shutting the government down is the wrong way to go.

Killing science and our economy is just dumb.

Geeze louize who the hell on our side is for killing science and the economy for crying out loud.

Stop with the blanket shit will you?
The Republicans will not walk away from the Shutdown without Concessions.

It's simply not going to happen.

The question will be, what will get cut from the Gov't in the final scenario............

The only thing I could imagine is cutting welfare back 2009. Anything else would hurt the economy and our edge in science @ tech.

I can't figure it.
"But the Speaker won't allow it."

Gosh...maybe Pelosi should just wrestle him to the floor and make him cry 'Uncle'.

They could gang tackle him ... and give him a noogie.

This would all end if everyone was reasonable and adult like.

Nothing but a scripted play.

'According to the Congressional Research Service, Congress voted 53 times from 1978 to 2013 to change the debt ceiling. The debt ceiling has increased to about $16 trillion from $752 billion. Of these 53 votes, 29 occurred in a Congress run by Democrats, 17 in a split Congress, and seven in a Republican-controlled Congress.'
Congressional Republicans who want legislative conditions in exchange for a debt-limit increase are following a strategy that has been pursued by both parties the majority of the time.'

Kevin Hassett and Abby McCloskey: Obama Rewrites Debt-Limit History -
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We get it you don't like the government....Fuck you don't like the fact that America is a first world country and invests in science, etc.

North korea is your model!

That is the way this country is going DUDE
Get the fuck over yourself and look at the BIG picture
The Republicans will not walk away from the Shutdown without Concessions.

It's simply not going to happen.

The question will be, what will get cut from the Gov't in the final scenario............

The only thing I could imagine is cutting welfare back 2009. Anything else would hurt the economy and our edge in science @ tech.

What is it with you and science and tech?

The life blood of high paying American jobs is what I am up too. ;) America has a edge as long as we don't kill them.
House Now Has The Votes To End Government Shutdown, But It Won't

WASHINGTON -- Less than two days after the government shut down, there are now more than 17 Republicans who say they're ready to pass a bill to fund the government with no strings attached, giving the House the votes it needs to pass a clean funding bill.

All 200 Democrats would need to stick together and team up with those Republicans to pass the bill, but House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) would have to be willing to put it to a vote, which so far he has given no indication he will do. But if he does, the votes appear to be there. The Senate would pass the bill in no time, sending it to be signed by President Barack Obama and ending the shutdown.

But the Speaker won't allow it. So now it is clear that the GOP leadership is blocking an end to the shurdown



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