Now that Heroin is hitting the white community hard Parents urge softer approach

I know its not well known because its not cool to keep it in the news but whites have long had a drug problem. They do more drugs than anyone and at a higher rate for you statistics guys. Oh I forgot. Somehow Blacks get arrested for it way more often though.

White America Does The Crime, Black America Gets The Time

Has it really took off or just now counting it? Heroin was plentiful in the 80s when I was growing up in Chicago and it's burbs.
When the nation’s long-running war against drugs was defined by the crack epidemic and based in poor, predominantly black urban areas, the public response was defined by zero tolerance and stiff prison sentences. But today’s heroin crisis is different. While heroin use has climbed among all demographic groups, it has skyrocketed among whites; nearly 90 percent of those who tried heroin for the first time in the last decade were white.


And the growing army of families of those lost to heroin — many of them in the suburbs and small towns — are now using their influence, anger and grief to cushion the country’s approach to drugs, from altering the language around addiction to prodding government to treat it not as a crime, but as a disease.


And in one of the most striking shifts in this new era, some local police departments have stopped punishing many heroin users. In Gloucester, Mass., those who walk into the police station and ask for help, even if they are carrying drugs or needles, are no longer arrested. Instead, they are diverted to treatment, despite questions about the police departments’ unilateral authority to do so. It is an approach being replicated by three dozen other police departments around the country.

So now even the Republicans are telling their stories of how they failed as parents..oops..I mean how they understand the need for treatment now that their kids are effected. Weird huh? Let's take another snip to drive home that point..

Some black scholars said they welcomed the shift, while expressing frustration that earlier calls by African-Americans for a more empathetic approach were largely ignored.

“This new turn to a more compassionate view of those addicted to heroin is welcome,” said Kimberlé Williams Crenshaw, who specializes in racial issues at Columbia and U.C.L.A. law schools. “But,” she added, “one cannot help notice that had this compassion existed for African-Americans caught up in addiction and the behaviors it produces, the devastating impact of mass incarceration upon entire communities would never have happened.”

So here is another situation where when it affects whites all of a sudden locking them all up is harsh. Yanno, because they are good white people. I'll bet money that this new lenient policy will be applied to all.

Just kidding, they'll do the selective enforcement thing all over again.

Well....whites aren't shooting up their neghborhoods...are that might be the biggest difference in how the police handle the drug crime in different areas...when black gang bangers are shooting 3 year olds in their crossfire....they tend to see that differently than those places that aren't shooting at each other....

Why is it you guys have the blind spot to black violence in these democrat controlled with their problems and our gun murder rate will go below Europes....
You make some decent points and I have always agreed with drug reform...especially legalizing weed.

However....there's a bit of a detail you leave out.

The crack epedimic led to mass violence. Murders and gang shootouts. Putting dealers and users behind bars tied directly to fewer shootings and murders.

So far...the heroine epedimic has NOT resulted in gang warfare in white suburbs.

In fairness...I'm NOT saying there isn't a discussion here. Even white rapper Eminem sang about how when Columbine hit whites were shocked....yet....never cared about mass black shootings (lyric "Now it's a tragedy, Now it's so sad to see", song is "I Am" I think)

But....gang warfare and the shocking death toll of it drove the drug crackdown. Not the joy of jailing addicts.

Let's be accurate....democrats who are journalists don't care about blacks shooting each most people don't realize that blacks are committing most of the gun murders in the country...because democrat politicians don't want that brought to public attention.......they need blacks out at the polling places on election day....and if blacks realize the failure of the democrats, their overlords, in actually helping them...then the democrats are in trouble...

Get the democrat journalists to report on the crime...get the democrat politicians to care for black people on all the other days besides election day.....and more people will know the problem...
The black community had been talking about these punishing drug laws for decades now. But just like everything else, people don't have sympathy until it affects THEM personally.

NOW, even the Republicans are getting in on the act. NOW it's not the fault of bad parenting. NOW it's something else...that oh so familiar excuse whites use for only their problems. That excuse being Mental Health!!! Ah yes, the old switcheroo

No...republicans have always talked about the family and how destructive the democrats are when they put government in the place of two parent families...but the democrats need single teenage mothers to raise generations of democrat voters....and then their democrat journalists cover it up for them...
The black community had been talking about these punishing drug laws for decades now. But just like everything else, people don't have sympathy until it affects THEM personally.

NOW, even the Republicans are getting in on the act. NOW it's not the fault of bad parenting. NOW it's something else...that oh so familiar excuse whites use for only their problems. That excuse being Mental Health!!! Ah yes, the old switcheroo

No...republicans have always talked about the family and how destructive the democrats are when they put government in the place of two parent families...but the democrats need single teenage mothers to raise generations of democrat voters....and then their democrat journalists cover it up for them...

Are you a recording? Because this isn't about how many parents are in the home.
I know its not well known because its not cool to keep it in the news but whites have long had a drug problem. They do more drugs than anyone and at a higher rate for you statistics guys. Oh I forgot. Somehow Blacks get arrested for it way more often though.

White America Does The Crime, Black America Gets The Time

Has it really took off or just now counting it? Heroin was plentiful in the 80s when I was growing up in Chicago and it's burbs.

The link in the OP says that the amount has sky rocketed because of the increase in prescription drug usage..and since that's a high priced addiction and harder to find they've been turning to the cheap stuff
I know its not well known because its not cool to keep it in the news but whites have long had a drug problem. They do more drugs than anyone and at a higher rate for you statistics guys. Oh I forgot. Somehow Blacks get arrested for it way more often though.

White America Does The Crime, Black America Gets The Time

Has it really took off or just now counting it? Heroin was plentiful in the 80s when I was growing up in Chicago and it's burbs.

The link in the OP says that the amount has sky rocketed because of the increase in prescription drug usage..and since that's a high priced addiction and harder to find they've been turning to the cheap stuff

Wow, I always thought heroin was the good, strong stuff (only tried it once, made me sick for a few days) and Oxy was the cheap, low high stuff (never tried it)
Here it is, I don't think the link before worked with my phone:

An Epidemic’s New Terrain

Heroin’s spread into the suburbs and small towns grew out of an earlier wave of addiction to prescription painkillers; together the two trends are ravaging the country.

Deaths from heroin rose to 8,260 in 2013, quadrupling since 2000 and aggravating what some were already calling the worst drug overdose epidemic in United States history.

Over all, drug overdoses now cause more deaths than car crashes, with opioids like OxyContin and other pain medications killing 44 people a day.
I know its not well known because its not cool to keep it in the news but whites have long had a drug problem. They do more drugs than anyone and at a higher rate for you statistics guys. Oh I forgot. Somehow Blacks get arrested for it way more often though.

White America Does The Crime, Black America Gets The Time

Has it really took off or just now counting it? Heroin was plentiful in the 80s when I was growing up in Chicago and it's burbs.

The link in the OP says that the amount has sky rocketed because of the increase in prescription drug usage..and since that's a high priced addiction and harder to find they've been turning to the cheap stuff

Wow, I always thought heroin was the good, strong stuff (only tried it once, made me sick for a few days) and Oxy was the cheap, low high stuff (never tried it)

They started with Oxys and then upgraded to smack. So maybe I'm wrong on the pricing but I included some of the reasoning
Now that Heroin is hitting the white community hard Parents urge softer approach

Whitey doesn't like to see their kids go to jail, that's for the darkies...
Nobody likes to see their kids in jail. It's not a racial thing.
Whitey likes to see the darkies in jail. that's why so many of them end up there while the whitey kids walk...
Now that Heroin is hitting the white community hard Parents urge softer approach

Whitey doesn't like to see their kids go to jail, that's for the darkies...
Nobody likes to see their kids in jail. It's not a racial thing.
Whitey likes to see the darkies in jail. that's why so many of them end up there while the whitey kids walk...
You're delusional and lack intelligence.
The math of who ends up in jail, and for much longer, is well known here. In the whitey US the darkies get nailed.
Racial Gap in Men's Sentencing
Now that Heroin is hitting the white community hard Parents urge softer approach

Whitey doesn't like to see their kids go to jail, that's for the darkies...
Nobody likes to see their kids in jail. It's not a racial thing.
Whitey likes to see the darkies in jail. that's why so many of them end up there while the whitey kids walk...
You're delusional and lack intelligence.

Everytime. You guys can't deal with facts so you resort to calling names.
You make some decent points and I have always agreed with drug reform...especially legalizing weed.

However....there's a bit of a detail you leave out.

The crack epedimic led to mass violence. Murders and gang shootouts. Putting dealers and users behind bars tied directly to fewer shootings and murders.

So far...the heroine epedimic has NOT resulted in gang warfare in white suburbs.

In fairness...I'm NOT saying there isn't a discussion here. Even white rapper Eminem sang about how when Columbine hit whites were shocked....yet....never cared about mass black shootings (lyric "Now it's a tragedy, Now it's so sad to see", song is "I Am" I think)

But....gang warfare and the shocking death toll of it drove the drug crackdown. Not the joy of jailing addicts.
Thats what the Iran Contras were all about.
When the nation’s long-running war against drugs was defined by the crack epidemic and based in poor, predominantly black urban areas, the public response was defined by zero tolerance and stiff prison sentences. But today’s heroin crisis is different. While heroin use has climbed among all demographic groups, it has skyrocketed among whites; nearly 90 percent of those who tried heroin for the first time in the last decade were white.


And the growing army of families of those lost to heroin — many of them in the suburbs and small towns — are now using their influence, anger and grief to cushion the country’s approach to drugs, from altering the language around addiction to prodding government to treat it not as a crime, but as a disease.


And in one of the most striking shifts in this new era, some local police departments have stopped punishing many heroin users. In Gloucester, Mass., those who walk into the police station and ask for help, even if they are carrying drugs or needles, are no longer arrested. Instead, they are diverted to treatment, despite questions about the police departments’ unilateral authority to do so. It is an approach being replicated by three dozen other police departments around the country.

So now even the Republicans are telling their stories of how they failed as parents..oops..I mean how they understand the need for treatment now that their kids are effected. Weird huh? Let's take another snip to drive home that point..

Some black scholars said they welcomed the shift, while expressing frustration that earlier calls by African-Americans for a more empathetic approach were largely ignored.

“This new turn to a more compassionate view of those addicted to heroin is welcome,” said Kimberlé Williams Crenshaw, who specializes in racial issues at Columbia and U.C.L.A. law schools. “But,” she added, “one cannot help notice that had this compassion existed for African-Americans caught up in addiction and the behaviors it produces, the devastating impact of mass incarceration upon entire communities would never have happened.”

So here is another situation where when it affects whites all of a sudden locking them all up is harsh. Yanno, because they are good white people. I'll bet money that this new lenient policy will be applied to all.

Just kidding, they'll do the selective enforcement thing all over again.

Well....whites aren't shooting up their neghborhoods...are that might be the biggest difference in how the police handle the drug crime in different areas...when black gang bangers are shooting 3 year olds in their crossfire....they tend to see that differently than those places that aren't shooting at each other....

Why is it you guys have the blind spot to black violence in these democrat controlled with their problems and our gun murder rate will go below Europes....
I guess all that mafia shoot em up bang bang stuff was someones imagination during prohibition then?

Weird how whites like to pretend they dont have issues and show so much concern over Blacks getting arrested. Frankly, I wont believe it until they start putting more white meth dealers in prison.
You make some decent points and I have always agreed with

Before you say anything else...Go correct your lying threads dude.

What lie? Both those hitches planned to cause a scene.

BUT....I note that you are stumped by the distinction I provided on the crack vs heroine epedimics.
Weird how they planned something without knowing which SRO would show up.

“Initially, when they said an SRO was coming, we have two — so I didn’t know which one was coming,” Kenny said. “It could have been the other one. When I saw deputy Fields, that’s when I started . . . that’s when I told them to get the cameras out, because we know his reputation — well, I know his reputation.”

Read more here: Student arrested during Spring Valley incident says she told classmates to video

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