Now that Hunter Biden has confirmed his laptop is real, how do we address the MASSIVE intelligence failure that claimed it was Russian disinformation?

Corrupt politicians are not protected under most all US Administrations DOJ, with one exception between 2017 and 2021, and they all get/got their day in court.
hahah that's comical....but it's the current Admin that has decades of stolen classified material, business ties to Chinese, Ukraine etc, raids political rivals homes, uses the FBI to target American citizens that question local dems, using the DOJ to protect his son from prosecution, allows his masters in the CCP to use spy aircraft to spy on our's sad
hahah that's comical....but it's the current Admin that has decades of stolen classified material, business ties to Chinese, Ukraine etc, raids political rivals homes, uses the FBI to target American citizens that question local dems, using the DOJ to protect his son from prosecution, allows his masters in the CCP to use spy aircraft to spy on our's sad
Are you stumping for another promotion? QAdmiral perhaps?
Hey that Pizza guy is here with the pizza you ordered. Extra Anchovies. Don't forget to tip the driver.
I got it, if your guy has child porn. Your willing to overlook it? That was one of the first things said to be on it. Hunter is an idiot for admitting it was his.
hahaha a promotion to what? from who? I just lay out facts....sorry if they hurt your CCP controlled brain.....
You're an expert at trying to bait people with your gross hyperboles.

Guess. Go ahead. Guess.

how do we address the MASSIVE intelligence failure​

There was no failure. It was another bald-faced cover-up. What needs addressed is not a broken government, but one that is not only no longer working for the country, but routinely deceives it while running off with all our money doing something in secret with it for themselves.
Over FIFTY "senior intelligence officials" put their name on a statement that claimed the laptop was "Russian disinformation". How did so much of our intelligence apparatus, at such high levels, screw this up so badly?

This makes me worry deeply about our national security. What else are these people wrong about?

View attachment 753080
Close our eyes and pretend nothing happened. They didn't mean to, after all. Besides, Jan 6.
They could tell If it was Hunter's in about 5 min. They called it Russian disinformation and influenced the election.
The laptop belonging to Citizen Biden being "Russian disinformation" had been dismissed by the FBI and DOJ before the 2020 election.

The extent to which its content was altered by the various parties that had it in their possession is yet to be determined.
The laptop belonging to Citizen Biden being "Russian disinformation" had been dismissed by the FBI and DOJ before the 2020 election.

The extent to which its content was altered by the various parties that had it in their possession is yet to be determined.

Absolutely false.
Not even a good try
Here we go with the the magic and vile "If" allegation as if they were Mob Stooges. People who pedal in these vugar, false accusations should face civil penalties.
Actually the people trying to cover for him because he has a d beside his name should be held liable. You loons are the biggest hypocrites ever. You say trump was molesting his daughter because there is a picture of her sitting in his lap. But them come to find out, Biden inappropriately showered with his daughter. You loons say nothing wrong with that. Classified documents found locked up at Mar a logo. Trump is reckless as Biden put it. Then Biden has classified documents in an office that he shares with others and Chinese officials have access to it. Also has classified documents in a garage next to his corvette. Won't hand over the visitor log. Nothing to see there either. Lol, a bunch of looney hypocrites.
The laptop belonging to Citizen Biden being "Russian disinformation" had been dismissed by the FBI and DOJ before the 2020 election.

The extent to which its content was altered by the various parties that had it in their possession is yet to be determined.
Then why won't the fbi set the record straight? Because it's all true and they have to protect the pedophile. Just like his dad, inappropriately showering with his daughter, sick.
Actually the people trying to cover for him because he has a d beside his name should be held liable. You loons are the biggest hypocrites ever. You say trump was molesting his daughter because there is a picture of her sitting in his lap. But them come to find out, Biden inappropriately showered with his daughter. You loons say nothing wrong with that. Classified documents found locked up at Mar a logo. Trump is reckless as Biden put it. Then Biden has classified documents in an office that he shares with others and Chinese officials have access to it. Also has classified documents in a garage next to his corvette. Won't hand over the visitor log. Nothing to see there either. Lol, a bunch of looney hypocrites.
Notwithstanding the latest Leftwhiner deflection (and a pathetic effort it was), this thread is actually about the Hunter Biden laptop which the FBI denied but which even fuckin’ Hunter now admits.

CNN couldn’t hurry their version of reporting based on sketchy sources — but hey. What’s journalistic integrity to a lib “news” reporting network?

But even more concerning is the military Intel. Just as the OP mentioned.

Exactly. This is the issue. It appears as of now that crackhead pedo Hunter Biden was able to easily deceive more than 50 of our so-called "senior intelligence officials" into believing that his porn-ridden laptop was a Russian disinformation operation. And he was so good at the deception, these officials signed their names to a statement saying exactly that.

Either Hunter Biden is a supercriminal the likes of which we've never seen, or there is a fundamental incompetency and collusion with nefarious actors in our intelligence services. I fear the latter is the problem, and it's terrifying.
The laptop belonging to Citizen Biden being "Russian disinformation" had been dismissed by the FBI and DOJ before the 2020 election.
Absolutely false.
Your not liking the documented truth has no impact on the documented truth.

The Federalist Society:

FBI, DOJ Debunk Claims The Hunter Biden Laptop Story Is ‘Russian Disinformation’

OCTOBER 21, 2020
The FBI and Department of Justice (DOJ) concurred with the Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe Tuesday that a laptop exposing incriminating information on the Biden family is not a Russian operation to interfere in the November election.
“FBI & DOJ concur w/Ratcliffe that Hunter Biden’s laptop & the emails in question weren’t part of a Russian disinformation campaign,” Fox News producer Sean Langille reported on Twitter.
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Actually the people trying to cover for him because he has a d beside his name should be held liable. You loons are the biggest hypocrites ever. You say trump was molesting his daughter because there is a picture of her sitting in his lap. But them come to find out, Biden inappropriately showered with his daughter. You loons say nothing wrong with that. Classified documents found locked up at Mar a logo. Trump is reckless as Biden put it. Then Biden has classified documents in an office that he shares with others and Chinese officials have access to it. Also has classified documents in a garage next to his corvette. Won't hand over the visitor log. Nothing to see there either. Lol, a bunch of looney hypocrites.
Also when the information came out that there was child porn on the computer. You loons stated no one can prove that it was his. Now Hunter has admitted it was his and you move the goalposts once again. We will never stop pedophilia if you loons keep excusing liberals of it.

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