Now That It Has Been Proven Biden & His Family Took Millions From The CCP & Joe Is Compromised / Criminal...

No one has presented any evidence that Joe Biden took bribes while VP. FACT but hey believe in the laptop
The House has a bank records and whistle-blower, but Merritless Gestapoland is running cover for your Vegetable Messiah.

They have only been in power a few months, Simp. Your Pottted Plant In Chief is corrupt.
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The House has a bank records and whistle-blower, but Merritless Gestapoland is running cover for your Vegetable Messiah.

They have only been in power a few months, Simp. Your Pottted Plant In Chief is corrupt.
Did gym Jordan pay this whistle-blower too?
The House has a bank records and whistle-blower, but Merritless Gestapoland is running cover for your Vegetable Messiah.

They have only been in power a few months, Simp. Your Pottted Plant In Chief is corrupt.
Yeah that why they now refer this as an investigation into the Biden family as they hope to find something on Joe. It is because they have nothing on Joe and hope for political damage. Yet Trump has a lot of political damage and he keeps the dream alive.

Trump and family as president was knee deep with the Russians. He even was leasing property in NY to his Russian friends. He always wanted to meet Putin. Putin was not interested until Trump became president, Trump also has legal issues that defy reason.

Yeah the D men and women in congress went after him instead of including his family. Imagine what they could have uncovered.

Yet you believe in the bank records and a whistle blower. Good luck with that. Oh and don't forget that laptop? Hope it keeps you warm at night.
Yeah that why they now refer this as an investigation into the Biden family as they hope to find something on Joe. It is because they have nothing on Joe and hope for political damage. Yet Trump has a lot of political damage and he keeps the dream alive.

Trump and family as president was knee deep with the Russians. He even was leasing property in NY to his Russian friends. He always wanted to meet Putin. Putin was not interested until Trump became president, Trump also has legal issues that defy reason.

Yeah the D men and women in congress went after him instead of including his family. Imagine what they could have uncovered.

Yet you believe in the bank records and a whistle blower. Good luck with that. Oh and don't forget that laptop? Hope it keeps you warm at night.
Sorry Simp, the whistlelower and bank records both directly implicate Chicom Joe.

Sorry for your ignorance.
Poor MAGAts...and worshipping an orange slug that brags about admiring the Chinese leader....lolol
Xiden and Xi are “old friends” Xiden even begged for Xi’s help to interfere in our elections to help him win. He did, then Xiden let him openly spy on us.

So spare us your propaganda
The rest if us will sit back until you get Garland to do his job, which is NOT to target and brand parents and Catholics as domestic terrorists.

The DOJ / FBI has literaly had Hunter's proven legit laptop now for YEARS and has done nothing but protect the Bidens while going after Conservatives, parents, Christians...

Regarding the Bidens, all Garland and Wray have been doing is sitting on their

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If Catholic parents don’t want to be branded as domestic terrorists, perhaps they shouldn’t act like terrorists and threaten school boards and teachers.

The right wing has lost its mind to become a danger to themselves and others. If you’re gonna act like a crazy deranged loon, you’re gonna be treated like one.
If Catholic parents don’t want to be branded as domestic terrorists, perhaps they shouldn’t act like terrorists and threaten school boards and teachers.

The right wing has lost its mind to become a danger to themselves and others. If you’re gonna act like a crazy deranged loon, you’re gonna be treated like one.
Link to these terroristic threats?
Sorry Simp, the whistlelower and bank records both directly implicate Chicom Joe.

Sorry for your ignorance.
Well the whistleblower is one of the partners of this deal that never materialized concerning Hunter and his partners. He probably lost money on this deal. Produce this bank records with a link that show a link between the deposit directly into Joe's bank account. Produce any signed agreement for this deal. Produce any recording of Joe Biden in a meeting with this guy. This guy only repeating what Hunter tells him. Its called HEARSAY. The guy as a business man fails miserable because he takes the word of Hunter who is using drugs and paying prostitutes. So yeah Hunter is asking for more money from this deal. If the partner believes it for Joe then yeah I got some property that I want to sell him.

I tried to keep it simple for you but it may be too much for you.
Why are Democrats, the MSM, and snowflakes still defending him?

The Department of the Treasury and The CCP Bank both released Biden Family financial records proving the Bidens took millions / were paid millions from the CCP and did so for years.

There is no denying these documents were released and what they show.

The fact that Joe Biden is a COMPROMISED President after having received over $1 million dollars from the CCP is not even questionable any longer.

The fact that Hunter Biden, Joe Biden, and 2 other Bidens received MILLIONS of dollars from the CCP is not even up for debate anymore.

The FACT that Joe Biden and his family engaged in Influence Peddling, potential classified Information peddling, Espionage, Conspiracy, Russian Money Laundering, negotiating and conducting foreign business deals illegally without being registered as a foreign agent, committing Perjury is undeniable without ignoring proven, reported, recorded, documented fact, irrefutable evidence, and reality ... despite the fact that the Democrats, MSM, and the US governmet's own corrupt criminally partisan Federal Bureau of Investigation and Department of (In)Justice has and continues to protect the Bidens from indictment and prosrcution.

At this point everyone on the planet, even the most die-hard Biden defender and apologist, knows the Biden family has been for decades and continues to be corrupt, self-servimg / enriching, criminals and traitors.

So WHY, despite all of the undeniable proof, do snowflakes still so adamantly defend him and lie for him?

To make matters worse, Joe Biden is a dementia-ravaged, pathologically lying, embarrassing disgrace on the world stage. He, like Diane Feinstein, is literally incapable of carryong out his duties as President, even if he weren't the most comproised, criminal Presidrnt in the History of the United States.
You may be dementia ravaged. There's nothing against the law about doing business overseas.
Well the whistleblower is one of the partners of this deal that never materialized concerning Hunter and his partners. He probably lost money on this deal. Produce this bank records with a link that show a link between the deposit directly into Joe's bank account. Produce any signed agreement for this deal. Produce any recording of Joe Biden in a meeting with this guy. This guy only repeating what Hunter tells him. Its called HEARSAY. The guy as a business man fails miserable because he takes the word of Hunter who is using drugs and paying prostitutes. So yeah Hunter is asking for more money from this deal. If the partner believes it for Joe then yeah I got some property that I want to sell him.

I tried to keep it simple for you but it may be too much for you.
...all of the Bidens ought to be fed into a tree shredder feet first?

Just imagine what that would do to straighten out this country's problems to begin holding our lascivious politicians accountable for their actions, greed, and words?

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