Now That It Has Been Proven Biden & His Family Took Millions From The CCP & Joe Is Compromised / Criminal...

Still under investigation you fat retard. Eat another dozen donuts you fat pig. Credit to Jim Schoenfeld...

I know it's not been long....but just letting you know I'm keeping an eye on this investigation for you. Will check back on its progress in a few days. TTFN.
I have served my country for 35 years. I have seen civil wars, and I know civil wars are not good for either side, for the innocents trapped inthe middle if it.

Marx predicted the US would fall without a shot fired from within.

The real enemy we all face are the socialists within violating our Constitution and Rule of law, creating and enforcing the 2-tiered justice system, who are eroding the pillars of this country,who are sbusing our government's power to target those who are not with them, and turning Americans against Americans, these socialist authoritarians who are being funded and fueled from socialists and communists abroad.

It is not each other we need to be fighting and defeating, it is these socialist, America-hating, divisive, desttructive, self-enriching manipulators.

People - everyone - are going to have to WANT TO UNIFY / UNITE ... TOGETHER ... BEHIND THE COUNTRY, NOT PARTY ... to fight our real enemies who are trying to divide us and rip this nation apart.

If we can not do that or are unwilling to do that this nation is already lost. A civil war would just be the final act in destroying this country.

J6, BTW - IMO, was meant to be a warning to anyone who seeks to oppose the rich, elitist, powerful, power-hungry upper-tiered of the 2 tiered justice system, socialist authoritarians. It was a move to try to prevent a civil war because, deep down, they fear Americans getting the power to rise up against them.

I have seen more than enough war, destruction, death, and blood in my life fighting FOR my country. I love my country, and the last thing I want to see is war, destruction, death, and blood - Americans fighting against Americans for the agendas and desired future of rich, greedy, traitorous socialist assholes.
The Prophet Joseph Smith prophesied that we would be fighting each other down to brother against brother, father against son...The conservatives continually give in to the leftists and their agendas until they become more like them. I understand attempting to get along and not cause contentions. But, what we are up against today is like a street thug in New York and we think he/her can be talked down and reasoned with to come up with a peaceful compromise. The left does want to compromise at all. The leaders on the right that we have, that's all they do, compromise giving more and more to the left. I'm glad to see Jim Jordan taking on AD Bragg. But, will they do the damage that is necessary.

Unfortunately, on the right, we have the "silent" majority. They are silent and don't want to contend with the communists. At least, not to this point. It's a big country with 340 million people. We can already see the troubles with elections. When the Democrats contend an election, they are hailed for their attempts to preserve democracy. When Republicans do the same thing, they are arrested, FBI raided, arrested, and the media trashes them. It's sad that the liberals in this country think that their woke and liberal ideas will bring about a utopia for the nation and world when it is doing just the opposite. Socialism requires top down control of tyranny. Why would anyone want to even dance with the devil?
The Prophet Joseph Smith prophesied that we would be fighting each other down to brother against brother, father against son...The conservatives continually give in to the leftists and their agendas until they become more like them. I understand attempting to get along and not cause contentions. But, what we are up against today is like a street thug in New York and we think he/her can be talked down and reasoned with to come up with a peaceful compromise. The left does want to compromise at all. The leaders on the right that we have, that's all they do, compromise giving more and more to the left. I'm glad to see Jim Jordan taking on AD Bragg. But, will they do the damage that is necessary.

Unfortunately, on the right, we have the "silent" majority. They are silent and don't want to contend with the communists. At least, not to this point. It's a big country with 340 million people. We can already see the troubles with elections. When the Democrats contend an election, they are hailed for their attempts to preserve democracy. When Republicans do the same thing, they are arrested, FBI raided, arrested, and the media trashes them. It's sad that the liberals in this country think that their woke and liberal ideas will bring about a utopia for the nation and world when it is doing just the opposite. Socialism requires top down control of tyranny. Why would anyone want to even dance with the devil?
"the prophet Joseph Smith"..............:heehee:
"the prophet Joseph Smith"..............:heehee:
He's accurate so far. prophecied that the end would start with a war beginning in South Carolina, where the Civil War began. And, we see families driven apart by politics of liberalism versus conservatism. The left refuse to talk to the right. Not the other way around. Top down tyranny.
Why are Democrats, the MSM, and snowflakes still defending him?

The Department of the Treasury and The CCP Bank both released Biden Family financial records proving the Bidens took millions / were paid millions from the CCP and did so for years.

There is no denying these documents were released and what they show.

The fact that Joe Biden is a COMPROMISED President after having received over $1 million dollars from the CCP is not even questionable any longer.

The fact that Hunter Biden, Joe Biden, and 2 other Bidens received MILLIONS of dollars from the CCP is not even up for debate anymore.

The FACT that Joe Biden and his family engaged in Influence Peddling, potential classified Information peddling, Espionage, Conspiracy, Russian Money Laundering, negotiating and conducting foreign business deals illegally without being registered as a foreign agent, committing Perjury is undeniable without ignoring proven, reported, recorded, documented fact, irrefutable evidence, and reality ... despite the fact that the Democrats, MSM, and the US governmet's own corrupt criminally partisan Federal Bureau of Investigation and Department of (In)Justice has and continues to protect the Bidens from indictment and prosrcution.

At this point everyone on the planet, even the most die-hard Biden defender and apologist, knows the Biden family has been for decades and continues to be corrupt, self-servimg / enriching, criminals and traitors.

So WHY, despite all of the undeniable proof, do snowflakes still so adamantly defend him and lie for him?

To make matters worse, Joe Biden is a dementia-ravaged, pathologically lying, embarrassing disgrace on the world stage. He, like Diane Feinstein, is literally incapable of carryong out his duties as President, even if he weren't the most comproised, criminal Presidrnt in the History of the United States.
and to think that joyce blowfardwinkle got her panties all wrinkled when she assumed that Trump borrowed a few thousand dollars from Putin around 2016/2017
So, when is the Republican controlled House of Representatives going to initiate impeachment proceedings?

So the democrat held senate can exonerate him?

When the DOJ is as crooked as the president, you don't expect much in the way of indictments.

But fuck, Trump legally pays off a hooker 8 years ago and has to fly in from Florida to New York to answer to the charges which are not only bogus, but long over the statute of limitations. It it would be funny if it weren't so serious.
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So the democrat held senate can exonerate him?

When the DOJ is as crooked as the president, you don't expect much in the way of indictments.

But fuck, Trump legally pays off a hooker 8 years ago and has to fly in from Florida to New York to answer to the charges which are not only bogus, but long over the statute of limitations. It it would be funny if it weren't so serious.
Yes, let the Senate do that and go on record.
"The Oversight Committee is concerned about the national security implications resulting from President Biden’s family receiving millions of dollars from foreign nationals,"

Oh, now they are concerned. Trump got millions from foreign nationals, and his son-in-law, he actually got BILLIONS. The difference here, well Biden's family members were not operating under the Emoluments clause, Trump was. Have you heard of it? It is in this document called The Constitution, you ever hear of that?
yeah I wonder how many relatives of presidents or congressmen have tried to cash in on the name. The only issue is whether Joe Biden personally profited from this or whether he was in office or running for office at this time.

Since 1987 Trump and his children have traveled to Russia and made deals. Russians have significantly invested in Trump businesses. How bold was this well he tried to push Trump vodka on Russians. Still he has cultivated connections with Russian Politian's and military. MONEY to be made here.

trump denied any current Russian business as early as 2016 when he says that he ceased trying to build a Trump Tower in Russia after become a the republican candidate.

2020 Trump children accompany Sater (trump Russian connection to making deals in Russia) to Russia. Maybe still trying to push that vodka.

2019, it acknowledged before the House Intelligence Committee that one real estate project between Russia and Trump was falsely presented as a joint defense agreement, but withheld documents concerning direct details and phone records. Following testimony, Committee chair Patrick Boland announced "Our investigation thus far has revealed that Sater was not a part of any joint defense agreement, and has no basis to assert this privilege over these documents."[15]

In November 2015, Sater emailed Cohen suggesting that the Moscow project could be used to increase Trump’s chances of getting elected, according to the Mueller report.

“Buddy our boy can become President of the USA and we can engineer it. I will get all of Putins team to buy in on this, I will manage this process,” said the email quoted in the report.

“Michael, Putin gets on stage with Donald for a ribbon cutting for Trump Moscow, and Donald owns the republican nomination. And possibly beats Hillary and our boy is in .. . . We will manage this process better than anyone. You and I will get Donald and Vladimir on a stage together very shortly. That the game changer,” the email said.

Bipartisan senate committee investigation concluded that "The Russian government disrupted an American election to help Mr. Trump become president"

Trump used businessmen who joined his campaign and whom had no experience in government affairs. Other associates were in contact with Russians.


The graph show more than 140 contacts with Russian during his 2016 campaign.

I guess republicans hope to get something similar on Biden. Yet they are looking at the Biden Family and throwing that fish net out there in hopes of getting the Big Guy.
Why are Democrats, the MSM, and snowflakes still defending him?

The Department of the Treasury and The CCP Bank both released Biden Family financial records proving the Bidens took millions / were paid millions from the CCP and did so for years.

There is no denying these documents were released and what they show.

The fact that Joe Biden is a COMPROMISED President after having received over $1 million dollars from the CCP is not even questionable any longer.

The fact that Hunter Biden, Joe Biden, and 2 other Bidens received MILLIONS of dollars from the CCP is not even up for debate anymore.

The FACT that Joe Biden and his family engaged in Influence Peddling, potential classified Information peddling, Espionage, Conspiracy, Russian Money Laundering, negotiating and conducting foreign business deals illegally without being registered as a foreign agent, committing Perjury is undeniable without ignoring proven, reported, recorded, documented fact, irrefutable evidence, and reality ... despite the fact that the Democrats, MSM, and the US governmet's own corrupt criminally partisan Federal Bureau of Investigation and Department of (In)Justice has and continues to protect the Bidens from indictment and prosrcution.

At this point everyone on the planet, even the most die-hard Biden defender and apologist, knows the Biden family has been for decades and continues to be corrupt, self-servimg / enriching, criminals and traitors.

So WHY, despite all of the undeniable proof, do snowflakes still so adamantly defend him and lie for him?

To make matters worse, Joe Biden is a dementia-ravaged, pathologically lying, embarrassing disgrace on the world stage. He, like Diane Feinstein, is literally incapable of carryong out his duties as President, even if he weren't the most comproised, criminal Presidrnt in the History of the United States.

yeah I wonder how many relatives of presidents or congressmen have tried to cash in on the name. The only issue is whether Joe Biden personally profited from this or whether he was in office or running for office at this time.

Since 1987 Trump and his children have traveled to Russia and made deals. Russians have significantly invested in Trump businesses. How bold was this well he tried to push Trump vodka on Russians. Still he has cultivated connections with Russian Politian's and military. MONEY to be made here.

trump denied any current Russian business as early as 2016 when he says that he ceased trying to build a Trump Tower in Russia after become a the republican candidate.

2020 Trump children accompany Sater (trump Russian connection to making deals in Russia) to Russia. Maybe still trying to push that vodka.

2019, it acknowledged before the House Intelligence Committee that one real estate project between Russia and Trump was falsely presented as a joint defense agreement, but withheld documents concerning direct details and phone records. Following testimony, Committee chair Patrick Boland announced "Our investigation thus far has revealed that Sater was not a part of any joint defense agreement, and has no basis to assert this privilege over these documents."[15]

In November 2015, Sater emailed Cohen suggesting that the Moscow project could be used to increase Trump’s chances of getting elected, according to the Mueller report.

“Buddy our boy can become President of the USA and we can engineer it. I will get all of Putins team to buy in on this, I will manage this process,” said the email quoted in the report.

“Michael, Putin gets on stage with Donald for a ribbon cutting for Trump Moscow, and Donald owns the republican nomination. And possibly beats Hillary and our boy is in .. . . We will manage this process better than anyone. You and I will get Donald and Vladimir on a stage together very shortly. That the game changer,” the email said.

Bipartisan senate committee investigation concluded that "The Russian government disrupted an American election to help Mr. Trump become president"

Trump used businessmen who joined his campaign and whom had no experience in government affairs. Other associates were in contact with Russians.


The graph show more than 140 contacts with Russian during his 2016 campaign.

I guess republicans hope to get something similar on Biden. Yet they are looking at the Biden Family and throwing that fish net out there in hopes of getting the Big Guy.

The dream is that Biden and Trump both be taken down definitively at the same time.
Biden bad man because son has some serious problems with drugs and woman. How dare he try and make money because of his name. Trump was impeached and republicans are trying to be copy cats. Looking for that smoking gun or maybe that laptop.
“The Oversight Committee is concerned about the national security implications resulting from President Biden’s family receiving millions of dollars from foreign nationals. We will continue to follow the money trail and facts to determine if President Biden is compromised by his family’s business schemes and if there is a national security threat.”
So the committee still has to determine if Biden is compromised. yet they already state that this involved family members. There is nothing illegal about family members who make money while daddy is president.
Yet the Bank of China leases space in Trump Tower (1.9 million in rent) that Trump while president did not divest his interest from the rental proceeds of Trump Tower. ( he still had ownership of rental units in Trump Tower). So the Chinese government were paying President Trump. Eric Trump was running the business at the time.
When this was discovered, they held a press conference to say that the money will be donated. Yet all of it was not.
His daughter, Ivanka Trump, received 41 Chinese trademarks from the time she was appointed a White House adviser in March 2017 to April 2019,
So where was the investigation of a clear indication of family business s that might compromise Trump. My guess they were probably swamp with other investigations with Trump.
Forbes Estimates China Paid Trump At Least $5.4 Million Since He Took Office, Via Mysterious Trump Tower Lease
“The Oversight Committee is concerned about the national security implications resulting from President Biden’s family receiving millions of dollars from foreign nationals. We will continue to follow the money trail and facts to determine if President Biden is compromised by his family’s business schemes and if there is a national security threat.”
So the committee still has to determine if Biden is compromised. yet they already state that this involved family members. There is nothing illegal about family members who make money while daddy is president.
Yet the Bank of China leases space in Trump Tower (1.9 million in rent) that Trump while president did not divest his interest from the rental proceeds of Trump Tower. ( he still had ownership of rental units in Trump Tower). So the Chinese government were paying President Trump. Eric Trump was running the business at the time.
When this was discovered, they held a press conference to say that the money will be donated. Yet all of it was not.
His daughter, Ivanka Trump, received 41 Chinese trademarks from the time she was appointed a White House adviser in March 2017 to April 2019,
So where was the investigation of a clear indication of family business s that might compromise Trump. My guess they were probably swamp with other investigations with Trump.

Forbes Estimates China Paid Trump At Least $5.4 Million Since He Took Office, Via Mysterious Trump Tower Lease
Bleating ORANGE MAN BAD doesn't change the fact Buden took bribes while VP, Simp.

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