Now That It Has Been Proven Biden & His Family Took Millions From The CCP & Joe Is Compromised / Criminal...

You've got lots, eh? Red MAGAt hat too?
Go fuck yourself you fat pig. You're a pathetic, fat, retarded, fat, trolling, fat, uneducated, fat asshole who does nothing but troll and pathetically try to deflect to Trump. While running away from Biden being owned by China.
Go fuck yourself you fat pig. You're a pathetic, fat, retarded, fat, trolling, fat, uneducated, fat asshole who does nothing but troll and pathetically try to deflect to Trump. While running away from Biden being owned by China.
Such fragility. Let us know when something comes of your "claims".....I will be glad to keep checking with you on the progress.
Such fragility. Let us know when something comes of your "claims".....I will be glad to keep checking with you on the progress.
Such pathetic deflection attempts. I am not the subject fatso. Biden being owned by the Chinese per bank records is. Continue your tantrum.
Learn to read. Or pull the fat away from your eyes. The committee has their proof. Bank records. Continue flailing. Remain stupid.
Nope, dufus....the committee has bank records of simply h hunter and jim doing business with china. Nothing illegal about it. And the committee has zip, zero, nada on Joe Biden receiving any money from china...for this business venture of his son and brother etc.

Learn how to read silly one.
Nope, dufus....the committee has bank records of simply h hunter and jim doing business with china. Nothing illegal about it. And the committee has zip, zero, nada on Joe Biden receiving any money from china...for this business venture of his son and brother etc.

Learn how to read silly one.
Don't worry, I'll keep checking in with him/her.
Why are Democrats, the MSM, and snowflakes still defending him?

The Department of the Treasury and The CCP Bank both released Biden Family financial records proving the Bidens took millions / were paid millions from the CCP and did so for years.

There is no denying these documents were released and what they show.

The fact that Joe Biden is a COMPROMISED President after having received over $1 million dollars from the CCP is not even questionable any longer.

The fact that Hunter Biden, Joe Biden, and 2 other Bidens received MILLIONS of dollars from the CCP is not even up for debate anymore.

The FACT that Joe Biden and his family engaged in Influence Peddling, potential classified Information peddling, Espionage, Conspiracy, Russian Money Laundering, negotiating and conducting foreign business deals illegally without being registered as a foreign agent, committing Perjury is undeniable without ignoring proven, reported, recorded, documented fact, irrefutable evidence, and reality ... despite the fact that the Democrats, MSM, and the US governmet's own corrupt criminally partisan Federal Bureau of Investigation and Department of (In)Justice has and continues to protect the Bidens from indictment and prosrcution.

At this point everyone on the planet, even the most die-hard Biden defender and apologist, knows the Biden family has been for decades and continues to be corrupt, self-servimg / enriching, criminals and traitors.

So WHY, despite all of the undeniable proof, do snowflakes still so adamantly defend him and lie for him?

To make matters worse, Joe Biden is a dementia-ravaged, pathologically lying, embarrassing disgrace on the world stage. He, like Diane Feinstein, is literally incapable of carryong out his duties as President, even if he weren't the most comproised, criminal Presidrnt in the History of the United States.
Why are they defending him?

Probably has something to do with the choices...

1. put up with the corruption until his term(s) are over [ wouldn't be the first time that a Presdient or Governor or Mayor was a crook ]

2. nail him now and let KamelToe take over

3. create a vacuum into which an ignorant, arrogant, autocrat-wannabe Orange Baboon-God will ooooze into the void

4. wait until somebody better comes along that everybody can live with
Why are they defending him?

Probably has something to do with the choices...


The rest of your post is nothing but 1 huge 'Whatabout'-ism' post.

Your answer, in essence, is 'There's NO Real Reason To Defend Him.'
Not much into history?

Stalinist - you know, arresting your political opponents and throwing them in jail, show trials, accusations of mental illness and cultist behavior, purges of the military, tight control over the media, the whole nine yards.
I know what Stalin did, just your comparison is retarded. Stalin killed millions of his own people. If you had a Stalin style communist regime in the democrats you wouldn’t have the freedom to even post here without being ‘disappeared’ also you wouldn’t own anything, ever be able to make a profit for yourself, keep more than a certain amount of food (never mind eating the delicacies) vacation?? Phhff not a chance. I could go on, but you just keep sucking trump mushroom cap m’k?
Yep. These leftist fucktards are finished.

They've exposed themselves as hypocrites and liars. Everyone knows it.

The business of lying to win is bankrupt. Here's the biggest political party in the country and they're admitting they can't win without lying their asses off.
You’re engulfed in a lie

The rest of your post is nothing but 1 huge 'Whatabout'-ism' post.

Your answer, in essence, is 'There's NO Real Reason To Defend Him.'
Boy... I couldn't care less WHAT happens to him... so long as (a) KamelToe doesn't take the Chair and (b) neither does your Orange Baboon-God.

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