Now That It Has Been Proven Biden & His Family Took Millions From The CCP & Joe Is Compromised / Criminal...

Hunter's proven legit laptop, flippin comical. But hey, lets run with that. What can you tell me about the chain of custody? Can you even prove that it was Hunter that turned the laptop in? Has anyone, any source, proven beyond a doubt that the computer's contents were not altered? I mean come on, a file titled, "salacious pics"? Seriously?
Even you, by now, must know how goofy that sounds. NO one questions the authenticity of the laptop, not even Hunter himself. The pornographic pictures are but a tiny sliver of what was found.

WHAT REPORTING??????? We have lists of cheques. We don't know what they mean. More information is needed to determine the source of the funds and their purpose.

And who sells out their entire nation to the Chinese for $1 million, or in the case of Hallie Biden $35,000.

Trump Jr. got a half a billion dollars from the Chinese. These Biden kids can't buy a new car with their ciminal proceeds. How far can a widow with two children get on $35,000
Trump Jr. got a half a billion dollars from the Chinese.

Link Dragonlady

This is where this lying sack of KKKanadain shit says "Google it". :laughing0301:
Margaret Trudeau met Fidel Castro when Justin was 5 years old, but thank you for proving what a gullible tool you are promoting right wing slander and provable lies at every turn.

China has bought into every university campus in the United States, donating billions to buy goodwill from post secondary institutions across the country. That’s in addition to real estate and farms in the USA.

Donald Trump lifted tariffs on a Chinese tech company 3 days after the Chinese government gave Don Jr. a half billion loan for his Trump Indonesia project.

We can prove Trump took $11 million out of a secret bank account in China. And the various times Trump praised Xi, told him civil rights don’t matter and go ahead persecute the Muslims.

All you have are the lies Donald Trump and FOX tell you.
We can prove Trump took $11 million out of a secret bank account in China.

Prove it, Dragonlady
Can any of you Veggie Joe nut nuzzlers explain 80 visits to the WH to meet Biden while he was VP by Crackhead's business partners when Veggie Joe claims he never met a single one of them?

Bleating " fake news" won't do it. This has been documented.
Sure. So you claim anyone doing business in China are doing business with the CCP...even Trump, even Ivanka, even Kushner, even Walmart, even Big Pharma etc etc....all in bed with the

by all means, prove it, and prove Joe was involved and gave something to the ccp for know, the quid pro quo...

So far y'all are all talk and no action....
One of the most conspicuous.


Chinese spy balloon gathered intelligence from sensitive U.S. military sites, despite U.S. efforts to block it

The intelligence China collected was mostly from electronic signals, which can be picked up from weapons systems or include communications from base personnel.

Why are Democrats, the MSM, and snowflakes still defending him?

The Department of the Treasury and The CCP Bank both released Biden Family financial records proving the Bidens took millions / were paid millions from the CCP and did so for years.

There is no denying these documents were released and what they show.

The fact that Joe Biden is a COMPROMISED President after having received over $1 million dollars from the CCP is not even questionable any longer.

The fact that Hunter Biden, Joe Biden, and 2 other Bidens received MILLIONS of dollars from the CCP is not even up for debate anymore.

The FACT that Joe Biden and his family engaged in Influence Peddling, potential classified Information peddling, Espionage, Conspiracy, Russian Money Laundering, negotiating and conducting foreign business deals illegally without being registered as a foreign agent, committing Perjury is undeniable without ignoring proven, reported, recorded, documented fact, irrefutable evidence, and reality ... despite the fact that the Democrats, MSM, and the US governmet's own corrupt criminally partisan Federal Bureau of Investigation and Department of (In)Justice has and continues to protect the Bidens from indictment and prosrcution.

At this point everyone on the planet, even the most die-hard Biden defender and apologist, knows the Biden family has been for decades and continues to be corrupt, self-servimg / enriching, criminals and traitors.

So WHY, despite all of the undeniable proof, do snowflakes still so adamantly defend him and lie for him?

To make matters worse, Joe Biden is a dementia-ravaged, pathologically lying, embarrassing disgrace on the world stage. He, like Diane Feinstein, is literally incapable of carryong out his duties as President, even if he weren't the most comproised, criminal Presidrnt in the History of the United States.

Why would would Diane Feinstein by "carryong" (sic) out his duties as President?

What is criminal "Presidrnt"? You also have five other spelling and grammar errors.

You should really go back to school to learn how to write!

That being said, I completely agree with what I think you were failing so miserably at trying to get your point across in English.
You're a special kind of stupid - try reafing entire threads before rushing to show your ignorance / stupidity.

No it doesn't.

According to tbe Democrats tou spend a decade violating the Constitution, breaking laws, trampling rights, manufacturing false scandals / crimes / evidence and throw shit at the wall in hopes it will stock.

If anyone exposes 'YOUR' own crime you order an UnConstitutional raid on your political opponent, have some local DA attempt to prosecute a federal crime whose statute of limitations has expired - one anout which the DOJ has already said, 'There is nothing to prosecute'.

Despite you knowing all this and knowing this little tactic of your is bullshit you still use it because it is all you have to defend your preferred political party / partisan criminals.


I truly wish you would learn to write. Aren't you embarrassed by your inability to express your thoughts clearly? You are consistent about one thing and one thing only and that is your constant disregard for the English language.
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Probably. But, the committees can do the impeaching now.

2/3rds of the elected GOP in Congress loves Joe Biden. McConnell obviously does, and got re-elected Senate leader....

This is the cost of having SUBS parrot Faux News and voting for Zionist Fascist left wing liars pretending to be conservative Christians like

If not now, when? What do you have to see before you are ready?

I have served my country for 35 years. I have seen civil wars, and I know civil wars are not good for either side, for the innocents trapped inthe middle if it.

Marx predicted the US would fall without a shot fired from within.

The real enemy we all face are the socialists within violating our Constitution and Rule of law, creating and enforcing the 2-tiered justice system, who are eroding the pillars of this country,who are sbusing our government's power to target those who are not with them, and turning Americans against Americans, these socialist authoritarians who are being funded and fueled from socialists and communists abroad.

It is not each other we need to be fighting and defeating, it is these socialist, America-hating, divisive, desttructive, self-enriching manipulators.

People - everyone - are going to have to WANT TO UNIFY / UNITE ... TOGETHER ... BEHIND THE COUNTRY, NOT PARTY ... to fight our real enemies who are trying to divide us and rip this nation apart.

If we can not do that or are unwilling to do that this nation is already lost. A civil war would just be the final act in destroying this country.

J6, BTW - IMO, was meant to be a warning to anyone who seeks to oppose the rich, elitist, powerful, power-hungry upper-tiered of the 2 tiered justice system, socialist authoritarians. It was a move to try to prevent a civil war because, deep down, they fear Americans getting the power to rise up against them.

I have seen more than enough war, destruction, death, and blood in my life fighting FOR my country. I love my country, and the last thing I want to see is war, destruction, death, and blood - Americans fighting against Americans for the agendas and desired future of rich, greedy, traitorous socialist assholes.
The rest if us will sit back until you get Garland to do his job, which is NOT to target and brand parents and Catholics as domestic terrorists.

The DOJ / FBI has literaly had Hunter's proven legit laptop now for YEARS and has done nothing but protect the Bidens while going after Conservatives, parents, Christians...

Regarding the Bidens, all Garland and Wray have been doing is sitting on their

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The evidence is starting to pile up to the point that only willfully ignorant people can ignore it.
Hunter's proven legit laptop, flippin comical. But hey, lets run with that. What can you tell me about the chain of custody? Can you even prove that it was Hunter that turned the laptop in? Has anyone, any source, proven beyond a doubt that the computer's contents were not altered? I mean come on, a file titled, "salacious pics"? Seriously?

And do you morons not have any critical thinking skills? I mean when you turn in a computer to a computer repairman, is there some kind of grace period or something? Don't pick it up in a certain amount of time and the shop owner can turn it over to Rudy? And you guys will spit and bitch and moan like stuck pigs about the Mar-a-lago search warrant, scream all about the fourth amendment and shit. Well, where is it here? Did the FBI have a warrant for that laptop? Because the FBI sure bud did when it comes to Trump. I mean how is anything on that laptop admissible in a real court of law, not some kangaroo court in some lame ass House committee.

Going after parents, that has been shown to be sheer nonsense. Going after conservatives, oh, you mean the ones that lobby for a foreign nation without registering? WTF--call yourself a conservative and you get a free get out of jail card or something?

I swear, you guys have brains the size of a pissant. Hell, a mongrel dog has more intelligence than you guys with your Pavlov conditioning. The only good news, as long as idiots like you continue to support Trump the days of the Republican party even existing are extremely limited. Thank you for your service.
What a pile of triggered leftard talking point bullshit. A newborn has more intelligence and integrity than a lying lemming like you. By the way ignorant one, Hunter and his lawyer both ADMITTED the laptop belongs to Hunter. Idiots like you are going to wonder what happened when you get buried in 2024.

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