Now That It Has Been Proven Biden & His Family Took Millions From The CCP & Joe Is Compromised / Criminal...

You have been presented with links multiple times from multiple MSM SOURCES - frome the pulitzer-prize winning NY Times to the WSJ to the National Review to ABC to CBS to CNN - reporting all these facts.

The release of the Biden's financial records by the Treasury Department and the CCP Bank have been all over the news recently, even by the usually quiet fake news MSM.

Evidence and facts about the Bidens have been leaking recently like a screen door on a submarine.

Even CNN recently reported the former Obama administration staff member is telling how he witnessed and has evidence then VP Biden was engaging in Influence peddling with Burisa.

And of course the news recently broke that Burisma reps have visited Joe in the WH some 80 times ... you know, the Burisma reps Joe said he never met in his life...

Then there is you, in light of all of this evidence and reporting, ridiculously posting 'fake news' every time confirmed facts ae reported.

You do it so often no one takes you seriously anymore.

And to prove the point and to take the cake / prove no one should take you seriously you post this immature 3rd grade chant, 'Liar, liar, pants on fire'.

What are you, 6 years old?

Can you even read / understand the articles that have been provided to you?

Why don't you go back to the kids' table, at least to you grow up / mature, until you can discuss issues rationally and can come up with better responses than 'Liar, Liar....'?!
Fake News kiddo!

Sure Hunter, jim, and Haley got $95,000 in total, combined out of the plus million written checks from his business partner for this business venture in China, while the rest went to joint Hunter businesses, over a three month period.

But no where do any of your faux links show Joe Biden receiving any of this money.....that's where your LIE begins.
J6, BTW - IMO, was meant to be a warning to anyone who seeks to oppose the rich, elitist, powerful, power-hungry upper-tiered of the 2 tiered justice system, socialist authoritarians. It was a move to try to prevent a civil war because, deep down, they fear Americans getting the power to rise up against them.
You stupid idiot.

January 6th was against us....and the Constitution. It was against your fe!low citizens, 81 million of us, citizens who exercised their constitutional right to vote, and voted to kick that sorry ass criminal out of office, and voted for Joe Biden.

It is YOU who are the thieves and traitors and criminals who think it all was just perfectly fine to spit on the Constitution, just because you were so weak and could not accept a loss, like your crooked ex president, who made up all this bull shit to steal the election FROM US.
What a pile of triggered leftard talking point bullshit. A newborn has more intelligence and integrity than a lying lemming like you. By the way ignorant one, Hunter and his lawyer both ADMITTED the laptop belongs to Hunter. Idiots like you are going to wonder what happened when you get buried in 2024.
Yep. These leftist fucktards are finished.

They've exposed themselves as hypocrites and liars. Everyone knows it.

The business of lying to win is bankrupt. Here's the biggest political party in the country and they're admitting they can't win without lying their asses off.
You stupid idiot.

January 6th was against us....and the Constitution. It was against your fe!low citizens, 81 million of us, citizens who exercised their constitutional right to vote, and voted to kick that sorry ass criminal out of office, and voted for Joe Biden.

It is YOU who are the thieves and traitors and criminals who think it all was just perfectly fine to spit on the Constitution, just because you were so weak and could not accept a loss, like your crooked ex president, who made up all this bull shit to steal the election FROM US.
You are an ass. And an uneducated one to boot you lying hack. STFU and learn something based in reality. You voted for a proven criminal with valid accusations of incest and pedophilia. So you have ZERO to say on anybody’s morals.
Fake News kiddo!

Sure Hunter, jim, and Haley got $95,000 in total, combined out of the plus million written checks from his business partner for this business venture in China, while the rest went to joint Hunter businesses, over a three month period.

But no where do any of your faux links show Joe Biden receiving any of this money.....that's where your LIE begins.
You are so stupid it defies belief. Only a true cult member denies that Joe and his family are bought and owned by the Chinese.
Have you proven it yet? Turned your "proof" into the Authorities yet?
Hey fatso, I am not on the committee. They have the proof and it’s been shown. You’re just a fat ignorant troll who refuses to see it. No surprise.
Poor MAGAts...and worshipping an orange slug that brags about admiring the Chinese leader....lolol
Poor illiterate fat trolling asshole. Where did I mention Trump you lover of pedophile Joe Biden? Continue making a fool of yourself fatso.
Hey fatso, I am not on the committee. They have the proof and it’s been shown. You’re just a fat ignorant troll who refuses to see it. No surprise.
You should provide your proof to the committee...we have modern methods of communication you can use, or if you are struggling, get someone to help you.
You should provide your proof to the committee...we have modern methods of communication you can use, or if you are struggling, get someone to help you.
Learn to read. Or pull the fat away from your eyes. The committee has their proof. Bank records. Continue flailing. Remain stupid.
Still worshipping the orange slug in Xi's pocket, I see.
No asshole, YOU are pathetically trying to deflect to Trump because you worship a proven criminal with accusations from his own daughter of pedophilia in Joe Biden. Remain fat and ignorant.
No asshole, YOU are pathetically trying to deflect to Trump because you worship a proven criminal with accusations from his own daughter of pedophilia in Joe Biden. Remain fat and ignorant.
Still bowing to the orange slug, I many china made MAGAt promotional products have you bought so far?

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