Now that Kasich wins Ohio his mission is to catch Cruz

I'm arguing it doesn't matter. If you run Trump, you lose.
I put as much stock in that as 'If you like your plan you can keep your plan'.

61% unfavorability ratings don't bode well for your candidate. They are the highest in polling history. With more than a majority indicating they would *never* vote for Trump.

If you run Trump, you lose.

If you don't run Trump, you lose.
If Kasich has enough support to win over hillary, where are they?

Exactly. Kasich couldn't even convince a significant number of GOP voters that he should be president. And that's his most favorable audience.

You think its going to be better among independents and Democrats?

Its like a denial convention in this thread. For fuck's sake, Kasich couldn't even get 50% in his OWN state.
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Stop. You are speaking nothing but bullshit. You are advocating for the GOP to nominate Trump, precisely because you know that Clinton will defeat Trump overwhelmingly. You are no clever, either.

I'm speaking a truth that you don't want to believe. And so you're going to pretend doesn't exist. You're going to pretend that you can lose 13,000,000 votes....and still win the general election. Despite history just slapping you around, you're going to lie to yourself.

Math isn't your friend.

And it doesn't matter if you nominate Trump or if you don't. If you nominate Trump, Hillary kicks the shit out of him. As Trump has the highest unfavorability rating of *any* major candidate in polling history. The GOP candidate loses.

If you don't nominate Trump after he wins the most delegates and gets the most votes, you lose 13,000,000 Trump voters at best. And split your party at worst. Either of which cost you the general election. The GOP candidate loses.

The GOP is simply fucked.

Your argument presupposes the math stays the same.

It won't.
He is pro illegals and pro unfair trade. THAT is what the people are going against. Its too late for corporatists like Kasich in the republican party. At least this election.

If 10% of Republicans stayed home because Trump wasn't the nominee its a Democratic landslide.


Link for what? Look at the election results for any presidential election and remove 10% of the vote from the GOP across all states.

So, you have nothing to support your claims.

1. The only thing Kasich is going to catch is a cold!

2. Cruz is the only candidate that can catch Trump, and that is even a stretch.

3. Why have primaries to ask what the will of the people is, if this whole idea is to bypass number 1 and 2 on the list, and go to number 3? I know, lets morph into Democrats and give out super delegates. Yay team!

4. How many candidates have the republicans lost in the race? When are all of their supporters going to get together and stop Trump? If they don't, why blame Trump? Sounds to me like the establishment voters are just sitting around, picking their noses if you ask me; so much so, now the establishment who CAN'T get their voters out to stop Trump and Cruz, now need to devise another way to do it, then come here-there-and everywhere and try to make it sound palatable.

5. This race is NOT about Trump and Hillary, it is about the voters. Who doesn't get that? I know, I know........if it is Trump V Hillary in the general, once one is elected, lets just pull some hocus-pocus and deny them the Presidency, and name whomever Washington DC wants as President! Better yet, lets just SHARE the Presidency between Bernie and little Marco, then everyone is happy.

6. Why are we dealing in hypotheticals? Wouldn't it be better for SOME people who want a certain outcome, instead of coming here and spinning faster than a "Beanie and Cecil copter hat," go get of their derriers, and call people to stop Trump if that is what they want, to help the party? I know it is much harder work than sitting behind a keyboard, but what the is funny that all these so called people are being outworked by a Trump candidacy. If I was the Democrats, I would be laughing the obvious flaccid nature of the GOP to get ANYONE behind a candidate they want, and push them in.

7. I have been a conservative, independent for over 30 years. I will vote for whomever the GOP nominee is, just as I did for Mr Establishment, Mitt Romney. But, if they bypass the top 2 vote getters to install number 3 in a contested convention; or even bypass all of them and install someone who did not even run, then for the 1st time in over 35 years I will not vote for any ESTABLISHMENT REPUBLICAN, including those on the down ballot.

We have enough problems with the Democrats in Washington telling us all what to do, and when to do it. I won't be a part of electing someone from a political party who does the exact, same, thing......because I like their choices a little better.
Laughing.....that's not a plausible explanation of how I'm wrong or how the GOP candidate can win the election without Trump's supporters.

Oh, but you yourself have provided the data of how it is plausible. Don't you remember this post:

The math doesn't lie. You're fucked.

Oh, but if you really believed that, then why are you so actively hoping for Trump to win the nomination?

Methinks Trump will have a very good day tomorrow. Four out of five states go trump, maybe 6.

Lets hope all of them.

Now sit your ass down and stop your dishonesty.

Stop. You are speaking nothing but bullshit. You are advocating for the GOP to nominate Trump, precisely because you know that Clinton will defeat Trump overwhelmingly. You are no clever, either.

I'm speaking a truth that you don't want to believe. And so you're going to pretend doesn't exist. You're going to pretend that you can lose 13,000,000 votes....and still win the general election. Despite history just slapping you around, you're going to lie to yourself.

Math isn't your friend.

And it doesn't matter if you nominate Trump or if you don't. If you nominate Trump, Hillary kicks the shit out of him. As Trump has the highest unfavorability rating of *any* major candidate in polling history. The GOP candidate loses.

If you don't nominate Trump after he wins the most delegates and gets the most votes, you lose 13,000,000 Trump voters at best. And split your party at worst. Either of which cost you the general election. The GOP candidate loses.

The GOP is simply fucked.

Your argument presupposes the math stays the same.

It won't.

Then provide a plausible scenario in which the GOP wins with Trump. Or without. Remembering of course that Trump doesn't poll well outside his supporters. And that the GOP can't win without Trump supporters.

The GOP had only one path: beat Trump at the GOP primaries. If Trump had been defeated then his supporters would have probably, if grudgingly, gotten behind the winning candidate. But Trump has kicked GOP establishment ass. He's clearly the front runner. No one else is even close.

If the GOP establishment gives the nomination to a candidate *other* than Trump when Trump has the most votes and the most delegates coming into the convention, his supporters will tell the GOP to go fuck itself.

Its Trump...or your fucked. Or its Trump....AND you're fucked. There is no plausible path to a win in the general election for the GOP.
Laughing.....that's not a plausible explanation of how I'm wrong or how the GOP candidate can win the election without Trump's supporters.

Oh, but you yourself have provided the data of how it is plausible. Don't you remember this post:

The math doesn't lie. You're fucked.

Oh, but if you really believed that, then why are you so actively hoping for Trump to win the nomination?

Even WITH independents, the Republicans managed no more than 60 million votes in the last two elections. And you're gonna tell me that dropping that total to less than 47 million is going to be 'irrelevant' to the outcome?

C'mon, man. That's ridiculous.

You have no plausible path to victory losing 13 million votes. You're literally lying to yourself.
If Kasich has enough support to win over hillary, where are they?
A fly trapped in a toilet bowl should have enough support to win over hitlery. Should.

And your ilk said the same thing about Obama in 2012.

How'd that work out again?
Your messiah has ruined this country and made it the laughing stock of the globe. That's how it worked out.

Says you. Obama's enjoying Reagan level approval ratings and has never lost an election. While your party is devouring itself, with your leading candidate being a reality TV star.

Good luck with that.
If Kasich has enough support to win over hillary, where are they?
A fly trapped in a toilet bowl should have enough support to win over hitlery. Should.

And your ilk said the same thing about Obama in 2012.

How'd that work out again?
Your messiah has ruined this country and made it the laughing stock of the globe. That's how it worked out.

Says you. Obama's enjoying Reagan level approval ratings and has never lost an election. While your party is devouring itself, with your leading candidate being a reality TV star.

Good luck with that.
You marxist government leeches are funny. And stupid. And lazy. And ignorant. And finished.
If Kasich has enough support to win over hillary, where are they?
A fly trapped in a toilet bowl should have enough support to win over hitlery. Should.

And your ilk said the same thing about Obama in 2012.

How'd that work out again?
Your messiah has ruined this country and made it the laughing stock of the globe. That's how it worked out.

Says you. Obama's enjoying Reagan level approval ratings and has never lost an election. While your party is devouring itself, with your leading candidate being a reality TV star.

Good luck with that.
You marxist government leeches are funny. And stupid. And lazy. And ignorant. And finished.

Sticks and Stones, my friend.

Meanwhile.......your leading candidate has a 61% disapproval rating, the highest average in polling history. And without him, you lose 13,000,000 votes.

Math. Ain't it a bitch. Now repeat after me.....'Madam President'.

Stop. You are speaking nothing but bullshit. You are advocating for the GOP to nominate Trump, precisely because you know that Clinton will defeat Trump overwhelmingly. You are no clever, either.

I'm speaking a truth that you don't want to believe. And so you're going to pretend doesn't exist. You're going to pretend that you can lose 13,000,000 votes....and still win the general election. Despite history just slapping you around, you're going to lie to yourself.

Math isn't your friend.

And it doesn't matter if you nominate Trump or if you don't. If you nominate Trump, Hillary kicks the shit out of him. As Trump has the highest unfavorability rating of *any* major candidate in polling history. The GOP candidate loses.

If you don't nominate Trump after he wins the most delegates and gets the most votes, you lose 13,000,000 Trump voters at best. And split your party at worst. Either of which cost you the general election. The GOP candidate loses.

The GOP is simply fucked.

Your argument presupposes the math stays the same.

It won't.

Then provide a plausible scenario in which the GOP wins with Trump. Or without. Remembering of course that Trump doesn't poll well outside his supporters. And that the GOP can't win without Trump supporters.

The GOP had only one path: beat Trump at the GOP primaries. If Trump had been defeated then his supporters would have probably, if grudgingly, gotten behind the winning candidate. But Trump has kicked GOP establishment ass. He's clearly the front runner. No one else is even close.

If the GOP establishment gives the nomination to a candidate *other* than Trump when Trump has the most votes and the most delegates coming into the convention, his supporters will tell the GOP to go fuck itself.

Its Trump...or your fucked. Or its Trump....AND you're fucked. There is no plausible path to a win in the general election for the GOP.


Let's dig through more of your own posts. Here, you admit that Trump is the worst possible candidate the GOP can muster.

If Trump wins the nomination, the outcome is pretty much the same. Trump has the highest unfavorability rating of any candidate. Ever. He's about as poorly positioned for the general election as its possible to be.

Look kid, you're not fooling anyone. You're right, Trump would be a horrible choice for a nominee. He'll never win in November. But for you to sit here and insist that the GOP has to nominate him in order to have a chance to win is just plain low down trashy. You're a Democrat version of Ted Cruz.

It will still be a challenge for Kasich to come away with the nomination, but if he does, Clinton will likely lose in November. You know that. It scares the shit out of you and you've run out of diapers. That is why you are sounding Trump's trumpet.

But hey, don't take my word for it. Take your own words as evidence.

Kasich is as well positioned as any. He's personable, not an ideologue, and has some pretty relevant experience. A Kasich/Rubio ticket might lock up both Ohio and Florida.

Yeah, a governor with a history of experience and reasonably good outcomes.

What the fuck would the GOP need with that? They have reality stars!

Which remaining Republican do you most want to run against and why?


Trump. Because he's the easiest to beat.

He's unquestioningly the most qualified candidate the republicans have left on the field. And I've shared my thoughts on his qualifications and record, citing Kasich as the most rational candidate the republicans have.

Yeah but which of the other candidates could possibly win?

Kasich. Ohio with all it's electoral votes, Kasich is a pragmatic politician, Ohio has recovered pretty well and Kasich has both state and national experience. He is worth a closer look. Better than Hillary.

An excellent description. Kasich isn't so much moderate....he's pragmatic. Plus, he's got huge experience with Congress, having served in the House for 18 years and as governor for 4.

The guy is about as well prepared to be president as its possible to be outside of the oval office itself.
A fly trapped in a toilet bowl should have enough support to win over hitlery. Should.

And your ilk said the same thing about Obama in 2012.

How'd that work out again?
Your messiah has ruined this country and made it the laughing stock of the globe. That's how it worked out.

Says you. Obama's enjoying Reagan level approval ratings and has never lost an election. While your party is devouring itself, with your leading candidate being a reality TV star.

Good luck with that.
You marxist government leeches are funny. And stupid. And lazy. And ignorant. And finished.

Sticks and Stones, my friend.

Meanwhile.......your leading candidate has a 61% disapproval rating, the highest average in polling history. And without him, you lose 13,000,000 votes.

Math. Ain't it a bitch. Now repeat after me.....'Madam President'.
Your math is irrelevant. The only math that matters occurs this November. You will require boxes of tissues and a work ethic when all said and done. Hillary - now that's just stupid.

Stop. You are speaking nothing but bullshit. You are advocating for the GOP to nominate Trump, precisely because you know that Clinton will defeat Trump overwhelmingly. You are no clever, either.

I'm speaking a truth that you don't want to believe. And so you're going to pretend doesn't exist. You're going to pretend that you can lose 13,000,000 votes....and still win the general election. Despite history just slapping you around, you're going to lie to yourself.

Math isn't your friend.

And it doesn't matter if you nominate Trump or if you don't. If you nominate Trump, Hillary kicks the shit out of him. As Trump has the highest unfavorability rating of *any* major candidate in polling history. The GOP candidate loses.

If you don't nominate Trump after he wins the most delegates and gets the most votes, you lose 13,000,000 Trump voters at best. And split your party at worst. Either of which cost you the general election. The GOP candidate loses.

The GOP is simply fucked.

Your argument presupposes the math stays the same.

It won't.

Then provide a plausible scenario in which the GOP wins with Trump. Or without. Remembering of course that Trump doesn't poll well outside his supporters. And that the GOP can't win without Trump supporters.

The GOP had only one path: beat Trump at the GOP primaries. If Trump had been defeated then his supporters would have probably, if grudgingly, gotten behind the winning candidate. But Trump has kicked GOP establishment ass. He's clearly the front runner. No one else is even close.

If the GOP establishment gives the nomination to a candidate *other* than Trump when Trump has the most votes and the most delegates coming into the convention, his supporters will tell the GOP to go fuck itself.

Its Trump...or your fucked. Or its Trump....AND you're fucked. There is no plausible path to a win in the general election for the GOP.


Let's dig through more of your own posts. Here, you admit that Trump is the worst possible candidate the GOP can muster.

If Trump wins the nomination, the outcome is pretty much the same. Trump has the highest unfavorability rating of any candidate. Ever. He's about as poorly positioned for the general election as its possible to be.

Look kid, you're not fooling anyone. You're right, Trump would be a horrible choice for a nominee. He'll never win in November. But for you to sit here and insist that the GOP has to nominate him in order to have a chance to win is just plain low down trashy. You're a Democrat version of Ted Cruz.

It will still be a challenge for Kasich to come away with the nomination, but if he does, Clinton will likely lose in November. You know that. It scares the shit out of you and you've run out of diapers. That is why you are sounding Trump's trumpet.

But hey, don't take my word for it. Take your own words as evidence.

Kasich is as well positioned as any. He's personable, not an ideologue, and has some pretty relevant experience. A Kasich/Rubio ticket might lock up both Ohio and Florida.

Yeah, a governor with a history of experience and reasonably good outcomes.

What the fuck would the GOP need with that? They have reality stars!

Which remaining Republican do you most want to run against and why?


Trump. Because he's the easiest to beat.

He's unquestioningly the most qualified candidate the republicans have left on the field. And I've shared my thoughts on his qualifications and record, citing Kasich as the most rational candidate the republicans have.

Yeah but which of the other candidates could possibly win?

Kasich. Ohio with all it's electoral votes, Kasich is a pragmatic politician, Ohio has recovered pretty well and Kasich has both state and national experience. He is worth a closer look. Better than Hillary.

An excellent description. Kasich isn't so much moderate....he's pragmatic. Plus, he's got huge experience with Congress, having served in the House for 18 years and as governor for 4.

The guy is about as well prepared to be president as its possible to be outside of the oval office itself.

Uh-huh. Then explain how the GOP wins without 13,000,000 of 60,000,000 votes?

Remember, even WITH independents the GOP hasn't managed more than 60 million votes in the last 2 elections. They've never managed more than 62 million and that was for an incumbant. How do they overcome the 13,000,000 vote deficit when Trump supporters tell them to go fuck themselves?

There is no plausible answer. Which is why you always run from the question.

You're fucked. You know it. I know it.
And your ilk said the same thing about Obama in 2012.

How'd that work out again?
Your messiah has ruined this country and made it the laughing stock of the globe. That's how it worked out.

Says you. Obama's enjoying Reagan level approval ratings and has never lost an election. While your party is devouring itself, with your leading candidate being a reality TV star.

Good luck with that.
You marxist government leeches are funny. And stupid. And lazy. And ignorant. And finished.

Sticks and Stones, my friend.

Meanwhile.......your leading candidate has a 61% disapproval rating, the highest average in polling history. And without him, you lose 13,000,000 votes.

Math. Ain't it a bitch. Now repeat after me.....'Madam President'.
Your math is irrelevant. The only math that matters occurs this November. You will require boxes of tissues and a work ethic when all said and done. Hillary - now that's just stupid.

Oddly enough, math isn't irrelevant in elections. Its how they're decided.

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